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Gospel, have been studiously regarded, so the circumstances recorded by St. Luke as to render it evident, that whatever va- in his book of the Acts. Prophecies are riations may have been made in the form connected with their accomplishments, as and administration of external worship, far as those accomplishırents are included true religion, under the former dispensa- in the Scripture History. Promises and tions, was always essentially the same as threatenings are connected with their retrue religion under the present; that "he spective fulfilment; precept with examis not a Jew which is one outwardly; nei-ple, and with supplication; and the prayers ther is that circumcision which is out-of believers with the answers they have ward in the flesh: but he is a Jew which received. All these relations have beer is one inwardly; and circumcision is that carefully regarded in this compilation. of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the VIII. Further, the Scriptures are ne letter; whose praise is not of men, but merely intended to lead men to godliness: of God. For in every nation, he that they are intended also to exemplify it. feareth God, and worketh righteousness, Repentance, Faith, Hope, Charity, and De is accepted of him." Rom. ii. 28, 29. Acts votion, are here exhibited in the most perx. 35. In this, the revelation made before fect models; and it has therefore entered the institution of the Levitical priesthood, into the design of this Work to show the that made during its continuance, and that corresponding emotions and conduct of the which has been made since its termina- Saints, both of the Old Testament and the tion, all agree. The Mosaic ritual was New, when under the influence of those the shadow of good things to come; so dispositions, contemplations, and emowere the priesthood and kingdom of Mel- tions, which are most peculiarly characchisedec and the body is Christ, who is teristic of true piety; and also to connect essentially the same, both in his person the devotional parts of Scripture with and in his government, yesterday, to-day, the occurrences which gave rise to them, ana for ever. Heb. xiii. 8. as far as they can be ascertained. Thus

thing merely of times and circumstances: but a living principle in the mind, which times and circumstances call into action, and contribute to display.

VI. But the instruction diffused through is Religion known by its fruits: not as a the Scriptures, respecting the gracious and indispensable operations of the Holy Ghost the Sanctifier, has not been forgotten: and the references on this article will show, that, as to his sacred influence on the minds of the Inspired Penmen, we are indebted for all the truths they have taught us; so to his influence on the minds of those who receive and regard them, must such persons be indebted for all they have learned, or can learn, of them. His work completes the great design of the whole; and his assistance and blessing are distinctly promised to all who sincerely ask them.

IX. The aphoristic and poetical parts of the Sacred Writings are also connected, so as to illustrate and enforce each other; that the Reader may be constantly impressed with those momentous truths, and that sublime language with which they abound, and which afford perpetual food for the best exercises of the understanding, and the finest emotions of the heart; at once furnishing materials for the most rational entertainment, and the most solid instruction. In this respect, the Scriptures will be found to resemble the garden of Eden, in which the Lord GOD has made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for spiritual food. But no Cherubim or flaming sword are here to prohibit access to the Tree of Life. The children of the second Adam may freely, and without fear or interruption, now put forth their hands to its soul-reviving fruit, and take, and eat, and live for ever.

VII. As the Scriptures harmonize in their primary and general objects, so do they with regard to the particular subjects comprehended in their plan. Historical accounts are verified by other coincident ones, or by accounts of the persons or places to which they refer. The prophecies of one Prophet, concerning events which were to take place, relating either to kingdoms, families, individuals, or the world at large, are consistent with those pronounced by other Prophets. The accounts of the Jewish polity under its vari- X. The agreement of the Sacred Writers ous vicissitudes, are confirmed by the writ- with each other will be found not only to ings of the Prophets who lived during or exist in the subjects on which they treat, after those vicissitudes; while the former but to extend to their own individual chatend reciprocally to establish the authen-racters. It will appear that they were all ticity of the latter. The histories of the animated by the same Spirit; that they Four Evangelists have a regular connec- were all holy men, speaking as they were tion and parallelism, especially those of moved by the Holy Ghost, calling men Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The recital of to holiness, as the indispensable requisite the transactions of the Apostles, after the to the enjoyment of everlasting happiness, ascension of our Lord, strongly authenti----men, nevertheless, of like passions with cates the Apostolic Epistles; and Archdea- ourselves, conscious of their own natural con Paley has well shown the confirmation infirmity and sinfulness, and of the mercy which the Epistles of St. Paul derive from of God through Christ Jesus, as their only


refuge from his just displeasure. In short, rusals, like gathered flowers, wither in our they were men fearing God; loving God; hands, and lose their fragrancy; but these loving his character, his laws, his will; ad- unfading plants of Paradise become, as we miring his great and wonderful purposes, are accustomed to them, still more and and voluntarily, deliberately, and determi- more beautiful; their bloom appears to be nately devoting themselves to his service, daily heightened, fresh odours are emitted, whatever it might cost them, and to what- and new sweets extracted from them. He ever it might expose them. On all these who hath once tasted their excellencies, accounts, they are held forth as examples, will desire to taste them yet again; and whose faith, patience, and practice, Chris- he who tastes them oftenest will relish trans are to follow. 1 Cor. xi. 1. Heb. xiii. them best." 7. Ja. v. 10.

Happy in having laboured to facilitate It is thus that the Scriptures are PROFIT- the acquaintance of the Christian with ABLE to all the purposes for which they are this invaluable treasure, the Editor has destined, and are calculated to make the now only to implore the blessing of Him man of God PERFECT, and thoroughly fur-by whom its exhaustless stores have been nished unto all good works. To the In-bestowed on sinful man; and to hope that spired Pages at large may be applied the his teeble endeavours may be instrumental remarks of the excellent Bishop Horne (on in advancing the Reader's edification, and, the Psalms.)" Indited under the influence in their humble measure, tend to promote of Him, to whom all hearts are known, and that happy state of things, so long foretold all events foreknown, they suit mankind and so ardently to be desired, in which in all situations, grateful as the manna THE EARTH SHALL BE FILLED WITH THE which descended from above, and con- KNOWLEDGE OF THE GLORY OF JEHOVAH formed itself to every palate. The fairest AS THE WATERS COVER THE SEA. Heb. ii productions of human wit, after a few pe- 14. Is. xi. 9.


a. C.

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