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called himself a door, it was necessary to represent the connex between himself and the faith and saivation of believers, by the ter entering in by the door. This act is rendered necessary to salvati They only who shall come in by the door, who shall make Christ medium of their entrance, can hope to reap the benefit of the promis All who attempt to climb into the enclosures of his empire, in a other way, are proved, by that attempt, to be thieves and robbers, a of course, to have no title to its blessings. The same sentiment inculcated by Christ when he declares himself to be the way, and serts that no man cometh to the Father but by him. Christ is inde the only way of approach to the Father. Through him alone can si mers find access, either to his throne of grace, or to his love. T whole world lieth in wickedness; all have sinned and come short of th glory of God. Hence it is impossible for a holy sovereign to rega them in any other light, than as rebels and enemies. They have vi lated his law. His righteous authority has been contemned; and th whole human race have become guilty before God. Now Christ the appointed door of entrance to a reconciliation. In him, God reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing unto them their tre passes. He was wounded for their transgressions, he was bruised f their iniquities, the chastisement of their peace was upon him, and his stripes they may be healed. All these representations receive an ple support from the lively oracles, by which we are also taught, ho important a part is taken by Christ in the salvation of his people, a on what terms they are to derive advantage from his mediation. Fro the Scriptures it is manifest, that to all who are saved by him, he wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. He is indee the only foundation. For, says the apostle, other foundation can man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. He begins, carri on, and perfects the work of grace in the heart. The believer live because Christ lives in him. He is a branch of the living vine, member of the glorious head. Severed from him he is withered a lifeless. But how, it may be proper to inquire, is that connexion wi Christ, from which proceeds all this benefit, produced? This is t principal point to be illustrated under this head of discourse. answer, that this connexion is produced by faith. In this consists t entrance into the door. The nature of this connecting principle which believers become entitled to the inheritance of Christ's peop may be ascertained from the various forms under which it is rep sented by the inspired writers. Coming to Christ, receiving hi building on him, and several others, are terms indiscriminately us on this subject, by the great Teacher himself, and his disciples. they are all involved in the act of believing. This is the term ther fore, most frequently used by all the writers of the sacred volum The language of Christ is full and explicit. "For God so loved th world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth him should not perish, but have everlasting life." And again, that believeth on him is not condemned-He that believeth on the S hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not s life, but the wrath of God abideth on him." This was also the sen ment of the apostles. In this way were the Phillippian jailer and othe


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