AN angel sent to Zacharias. The birth of John. The angel Gabriel's salutation to the Virgin Mary. The birth of Christ at Bethlehem, Angels sent to proclaim the birth of the Messiah to some shepherds who were watching over their flocks in the field. Simeon and Anna, coming into THE offering of the wise men from the East. The slaugh- ter of the children at Bethlehem, by order of king Herod. Joseph and Mary are warned of God to flee into Egypt. Joseph is informed by an angel, in a dream, of the death of Herod, and commanded to return with the young child into Judea. Jesus, at twelve years of age, is found with JOHN begins his public ministry, being about thirty years Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil. The call of Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathaniel, to be disciples of Christ. The first miracle wrought by our Lord at a marriage in Cana of Galilee, where he turns water into wine. He drives the buyers and sellers out of the temple. Nicodemus comes to Jesus by night. John's imprisonment 17 DIALOGUE IV. OUR Lord's conversation with the woman of Samaria. The cure of the nobleman's son. The treatment our Lord meets with at his own city Nazareth; after which he goes to Capernaum. The miraculous draught of fishes. Our Lord calls four of his disciples to be his stated attendants; casts out a devil in the synagogue; and heals Peter's mother-in-law. He makes a progress through the province of Galilee, where he performs many cures; particularly that of healing a leper, by which his fame is spread throughout all the country 23 DIALOGUE V. THE cure of the man afflicted with the palsy, who was let down from the top of the house. The call of Matthew. The cure of the infirm man at the pool of Bethesda. Our Lord teaches the people by the sea-side, and heals their diseases; then retires to a mountain, and continues a whole night in prayer. The twelve apostles chosen out of the disciples. The sermon on the mount delivered. The cure of the centurion's servant. The widow's son restored to life 31 DIALOGUE VI. JOHN sends two of his disciples to our Lord, to inquire if he were the promised Messiah. A storm stilled by the word of Jesus. A legion of devils cast out of two men in the country of the Gadarenes. The daughter of Jairus restored to life. Two blind men receive their sight. The twelve apostles sent forth to preach the gospel and work miracles. John Baptist beheaded by order of Herod 39 DIALOGUE VII. FIVE thousand persons fed with five loaves and two fishes. Christ walks upon the water; applauds the faith of the Syrophoenician woman, whose daughter he heals; cures a man that was deaf and dumb; and feeds four thousand with seven loaves and a few fishes. His rebuke to Peter 48 DIALOGUE VIII. THE transfiguration of Christ on the mount. His rebuke to James and John for their intemperate zeal against the Samaritans. Ten lepers healed. The seventy disciples chosen. Our Lord's visit to Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. A blind man restored to sight 55 DIALOGUE IX. THE Jews attempt to stone Christ. brought to him. The death of Lazarus. to life by Jesus Little children His restoration 64 DIALOGUE X. OUR Lord's visit to Bethany. Mary anoints his feet with ointment. His public entry into Jerusalem. He receives the praises of children; drives the buyers and sellers out of the temple, and teaches the people. At night he returns to Bethany. On the next day, and the day following, he goes up to Jerusalem. The widow's mite applauded. Jesus returns to Bethany. Judas sells his master for thirty pieces of silver 69 |