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Sect. 1 3.


Party may convert the Unbelieving.
lawful, as if they were both of the fame Faith
Otherwife your Children in thefe mixed Cafes
were unclean, and must be looked upon, as un- 1 Cor. VII.
fit, to be admitted to those peculiar Ordinances,
by which the Seed of God's People are diftin-
guished, but now they are confeffedly koly (c), and
are as readily admitted to Baptifm in all our
Churches, as if both the Parents were Chrif
tians So that the Cafe you fee is in Effect de-
cided by this prevailing Practice.
However if 15
the unbelieving Party in fuch Circumstances as
thefe, be abfolutely determined, and will depart,
let him, or her depart, and take the Course they
think beft; and the Confequence is, that a Bro-
ther, or a Sifter, who hath been united to fuch a
Wife, or Husband, in matrimonial Bonds, is by
fuch a Conduct of a former Partner, difcharged
from future Obligation, and is not in Bondage
in fuch [Cafes.] But let it be always remembered,
that GOD bath by his Gospel called us to Peace;
and therefore it ought to be our Care, to behave
in as inoffensive a Manner as poffible, in all the
Relations of Life; that fo, if there must be a
Breach, the Blame may not be chargeable upon
the Chriftian.

And it is worth your while, to be very care- 16
ful in your Behaviour to thofe, who thus make, as
it were, a Part of yourselves, that
you may adorn
the Gospel you profefs, by the most amiable and
engaging Conduct: For it is poffible, the Unbe-
liever may be thereby gained to Chriftianity. Let

(c) Now are they holy.] On the maturest and most impartial Confideration of this Text, I muft judge it to refer to Infant Baptifm. Nothing can be more apparent, than that the Word holy, fignifies Perfons, who might be admitted to partake of the distinguishing Rites of GOD's People. Compare Exod. xix. 6. Deut. vii. 6. Chap. xiv. 2. Chap. xxvi. 19. Chap. xxxiii. 3. Ezra ix. 2. with Ifai. xxxv. 8. Chap. lii. 1. Acts x. 28, &c. And as for the Interprétation, which fo many of our Brethren, the Baptifts, have contended for, that holy fignifies legitimate, and unclean, illegitimate; (not to urge that this feems an unfcriptural Senfe of the Word,) nothing can be more evident, than that the Argument will by no Means bear it; for it would be proving a Thing by itself, idem per idem, to argue, that' the Converse of the Parents was lawful, because the Children were not Baftards, whereas all who thought the Converse of the Parents unlawful, muft of Course think, that the Children were illegitimate. ava 114

• VOL. IV.

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(d) As





In general, as GOD bath called every Man, fo let him walk;

each therefore reflect on his own Concern in this thou, O Wife, whether
Obfervation. For, How knowest thou, Ob Wife, thou shalt fave thy Husband!
Or how knowest thou,
Man, whether thou shalt
fave thy Wife?

1 Cor. VII. but thou mayeft fave [thine] Husband? Or how
knowest thou, Oh Husband, but thou mayeft fave
[thy] Wife? And furely the everlasting Happi-
nefs of the Perfon, now the Companion of your
Life, will be more than an Equivalent for all the
Self-denial, to which you may be required at
But if this fhould not be
17 prefent, to submit..
the Effect, it ftill becomes you to do your Duty;
and therefore fince the Providence of GoD is
concerned in all these Relations, and in the Steps
by which they were contracted, as GOD hath
diftributed to every one, and as it were, caft the
Parts of Life, let every one fo walk even as the
Lord bath called him (d). This is the Leffon, I
would inculcate on you Corinthians, and thus I
Command in all the Churches, and charge it upon
the Confciences of Men, as a Leffon of the highest


Is any one, for Inftance, called, being circumcifed, let him not become, fo far as in him lies, uncircumcifed (e), nor act, as if he were defirous, as far as poffible, to undo what was done by his Jewish Parents, or Mafters, in his Infancy. Is any one called to the Fellowship of Gofpel-blefTings in Uncircumcifion, let him not be folicitous to be circumcifed, as if that Rite were neceflary to his Salvation, as the Jews, and fome Zealots 19 amongst ourselves, have taught. For to speak the important Truth in a few plain Words, Circumcifion is nothing, and Uncircumcifion is nothing; the Obfervation, or Non-obfervation, of the Mofaick Law will neither fecure, nor obftruct our Salvation; but all depends upon keeping the

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17 But as God hath dif tributed to every Man, as the Lord hath called every one, fo let him walk: And fo ordain I in all Churches.

18 Is any Man called being circumcifed? Let him

not become uncircumcifed:

Is any called in Uncircumcifion? Let him not become circumcifed.

19 Circumcifion is no

thing, and Uncircumcifion is nothing, but the keeping of the Commandments of: GOD.

(d) As the Lord hath called him.] This is a very pertinent Digreffion, as it fo directly con tradicts the Notion which prevailed among the Jews, that embracing the true Religion dif folved all the Relations, which had before been contracted. Whereas the Apostle here declares, that the Gospel left them in this Refpect, just as it found them; increafing, inftead of leffening, the Obligations they were under to a faithful and affectionate Difcharge of their correfpondent Duties.

(e) Become uncircumcifed.] The Word war, has an evident Ralation to Attempts, bike thofe, referred to i Mac, i. 15. which is not neceflary more particularly to illuftrate.


not affecting to change his former Station.

20 Let every Man abide in the fame Calling wherein

he was called.

21 Art thou called being a Servant? Care not for it;

but if thou mayeft be made free; use it rather.




mandments of GOD. An obediential Faith in the Sect. 13. Lord Jefus Chrift, produced by the fanctifying Influences of his Spirit on the Heart, and bring-Cor. VII. ing forth the genuine Fruits of Holiness in our Temper and Life, is the great Concern: And whether we be Jews, or Gentiles, circumcised, or uncircumcifed, we fhall be happy, or miferable for ever, as we are careful, or negligent, with Regard to this. As for other Matters, be not 20 exceffively concerned about them; but in whatever Calling, that is, Profeffion and Circumftance any one of you was called, in that let him continue: Affect not to change without the clear and evident Leadings of Providence, as there is generally greater Reafon to expect Comfort and Usefulness, in fuch a Calling, than another. And I may apply this, not only to the different Employments, but Relations in Life, as well as Diversity in religious Profeffions. Art thou, for Inftance, called into the Church of Christ, [being] in the low Rank, not only of an hired Servant, but a Slave? Do not fo much regard it, as, upon that Account, to make thy Life uneafy: But if thou canft, without any finful Method of obtaining it, be made free, choose it rather; as what is no Doubt in itself eligible, yet not abfolutely neceffary to the Happinefs of a good Man. For he that is called by the Lord to the Chriftian 22 Faith, [being] a Servant, or Slave, is the Lord's Freeman. Chrift has made him free indeed, in making him Partaker of the glorious Liberties of the Children of GOD (John viii. 36.): And on the other Hand, be aljo that is called, [being] free from the Authority of any human Mafter, is ftill the Servant, the Property of Christ, and owes him a most implicite and univerfal Obe23 Ye are bought with dience. But upon this Head, remember, that, 23 as Chriftians, you were all bought with a moft invaluable Price (f): Chrift hath redeemed

22 For he that is called in the Lord, being a Ser man: Likewise alfo he that is called, being free, is

Chrift's Servant.




(f) Ye were bought with a Price, &c.] Dr. Whitby would render it," Are ye bought "with a Price, that is, redeemed from Servitude? Become not Servant's of Men; don't fell


yourselves for Slaves again." It is indeed probable, that the Apostle does counsel Chrif

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But abide with GOD in the State, in which the Gospelfound him. Sect. 13. you at the Expence of his own Blood; and there- a Price, be not ye the Ser fore, let me caution you out of Regard to him, vants of Men.

1 Cor. VII. and from, a Defire to be capable of ferving him,


Ver. 14.


as much as poffible, that ye do not, where it may
by any lawful Means be avoided, became the Slaves
of Men; fince fo many Evils and Dangers and
Snares are infeparable from fuch a Situation.o
This, Brethren, is the particular Advice, which
I thought proper to give upon this Head; and the
general Rule I laid down above, is of fuch great
Importance, that I must repeat it;. In whatever
[Condition] a Man was called at firft, by the Gofr
pel and Grace of Chrift, in that let him abide with
GOD (g), taking Care to behave in a prudent
and religious Manner, as under the Divine In
fpection; and not changing his Bufinefs in Life,

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24 Brethren, let every Man wherein he is called,

therein abide with GOD. Jolles Bow od

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if it be in the general lawful, because he is fast Lefto not pA 10
Chriftian; but endeavouring to purfue it with
fuch Integrity, Diligence, and Prudence, as that
his great Mafter and Saviour may be most effec-
tually glorified,ns to plno son dus wel od ni

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LET us learn, from the Exhortations, and, Reafonings of the Apostle,

a becoming Solicitude, to contribute as much as we poffibly can, to the Chriftian Edification of each other; and efpecially let this be


tians against becoming Slaves, if it could be prevented; and with great Reafon, as it was a Circumftance, which feemed lefs fuitable to the Dignity of the Chriftian Profeffion, and muft expofe them to many Incumbrances and Interruptions in Duty; especially on the Lord's Day, and other Seafons of religious Affemblies; befides the Danger of being prefent at domestick idolatrous Sacrifices, or being ill-ufed, if they refufed their Compliance. But I cannot thoroughly approve of the Doctor's Verfion, because the Advice is unneceffarily restrained thereby, to thofe Slaves who had been redeemed; which plainly, as well fuited those, who had their Freedom given them, and indeed fuited all Chriftians, who never had been at all Slaves, and who might more eafily have been prevailed upon, by their Poverty, to bring themselves into a Condition, the Evils and Inconveniencies of which they did not thoroughly know.

(g) Abide with GOD.] L' Enfant explains rapa la Oew, in the Sight of GOD, (Compare 2 Cor. xi. 11. Eph. v. 21.) and thinks, there had been fome Disorders at Corinth, proceeding from fome irregular Claim, which Chriftian Slaves made to Liberty, under Pretence, that, as Chriftian Brethren, they were equal with their Mafters.

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Reflections on the Improvement of our Relations and Callings.


the Care of the nearest Relatives in Life. What can be more defirable, Sect. 13. than that the Husband may be fanctified by the Wife, and the Wife by the Hufband! May all prudent Care be taken, in contracting Marriages, as to the religious Character of the intended Partner of Life; and in those already contracted, where this Precaution has been neglected, or where the Judgment formed feems to have been mistaken, let all Confiderations of Prudence, of Religion, of Affection, concur to animate to a mutual Care of each other's Soul, that most important Effort of Love, that moft folid Expreffion and Demonftration of Friendship. Nor let the Improbability of Succefs be pleaded in Excufe for Neglect, even where the Attempt must be made by the fubordinate Sex. A Poffibility fhould be fufficient Encouragement; and furely there is Room to fay, How Ver. 16. knowest thou, Ob Wife, but thou mayeft fave him, whose Salvation, next to thine own, must be moft defirable to thee?

Let us all study the Duties of the Relations, in which God hath fixed us; and walk with him in our proper Callings, not defiring fo much to Ver. 24. exchange, as to improve them. His wife Providence hath diftributed the Part; it is our Wisdom, and will be our Happiness, to act in humbfe Congruity to that Diftribution. Surely the Apostle could not have expreffed in ftronger Terms, his deep Conviction of the fmall Importance of human Distinctions, than he here does; when speaking of what seems to great and generous Minds, the most miferable Lot, even that of a Slave, Ver. 21. he fays, Care not for it (b). If Liberty itself, the first of all temporal Bleffings, be not of fo great Importance, as that a Man, bleffed with the high Hopes and glorious Confolations of Chriftianity, fhould make himself very folicitous about it, how much lefs is there in thofe comparatively trifling Distinctions, on which many lay fo difproportionate, fo extravaganta Strefs!


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Let Chriftian Servants, (for bleffed be God, amongst us we have no Slaves,) remember their high Priviledges, as the Lord's Freemen. Let Ver. 22. Christian Mafters remember their Reftraint, as the Lord's Servants. And let the Benefits of Liberty, especially, when confidered in its Afpect upon Religion, be fo far valued, as not to be bartered away for any Price, which the Enemies of Mankind may offer in Exchange.

But above all, let us remember the infinite Importance of maintaining the Freedom of the Mind from the Bondage of Corruption; and of keeping, with all humble and chearful Obfervance, the Commandments of Ver 19, GOD. While many exprefs the warmest Zeal for Circumcifion or Uncircumcifion, in Defence of, or in Oppofition to, this, or that Mode or Form of external Worship, let our Hearts be fet on what is moft vital and effential in Religion; and we shall find the happiest Equivalent, in the Com

(b) Care not for it] This fine Remark, (for fuch indeed it is,) occurs in Dr. Gadwin's Works, Vol. i. pag. 50.


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