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That if the Gospel be bid, it is to them who are loft :

3 But if our Gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are loft:

4 In whom the Gop of Minds of them which be lieve not, left the Light of the glorious Gospel of Chrift, who is the Image of GOD,

this World hath blinded the

fhould fhine unto them.

5 For we preach not ourfelves,

451 ftantly act, as in the all-penetrating Sight of GOD; Sect. 6. and therefore are willing, that all the World should know, what the Arts and Mysteries of our Ministry are.


2 Cor. IV. 2.


But if our Gofpel, after fuch open and gene- 3
rous Conduct on our Side, be still under a Vail
too (c), as the Law is with Refpect to fo many;
it is vailed to thofe that are perishing; they must
very bad Men, and in a very dangerous State,
who hearing it preached as it is by us, cannot
enter into the main Design and Spirit of it, and
are not inwardly engaged to reverence it.
mong whom undoubtedly, that is, in the Number
of fuch unhappy Wretches, [are] all [they,] whofe
unbelieving Minds Satan, who herein acts as the
God of this World (d), whofe Subjects the Chil-
dren of this World are, bath blinded by its daz-
zling Vanities and Allurements, left the Luftre of
the glorious Gospel of Chrift, who is the Image of
the invifible GOD in all his Perfections and Glo-
ries, should beam forth upon them, and should pain,
or rather awaken, thofe weak Minds, darkened
by fo many grofs and unhappy Prejudices, and
flumbering to their everlasting Destruction.
But fuch, as I have before defcribed, is our Con-
duct; however perverfely it may be mistaken, or
mifrepresented. For we preach not ourselves.(e);
we aim not at exalting our own Authority, at

(c) If our Gospel be under a Vail 100.] Es de xal 851 nezadoμperer lo svayyedovnur, is most literally rendered thus; it has fo evident a Reference to what was faid above, of the Vail on the Faces of the fews, that it feems by all Means expedient to tranflate it thus, rather than bid.This Text is juftly urged by Dr. Scott, (Chriftian Life, Vol. v. pag. 320.) as a Proof of the Perfpicuity of the Apostle's Writings in all Matters of Importance to our Salvation.

(d) The God of this World.] That feveral, ancient Chriftian Writers should interpret this of GOD the Father, is one of the most amazing Things I have met with. See Dr. Whitby in Loc. and Dr. Edwards Exercit. pag. 291. I doubt not but Satan is intended, and could it be proved, as has been intimated, that this malignant Spirit was fo early called by the Jews co, the God who blinds, I fhould think it a beautiful Illustration.

(e) Preach not ourselves.] Grotius explains it thus, "we do not preach that we are Lords, but that Chrift is fo; and this is certainly comprehended. But I think the Phrafe may well be taken in the larger Extent, expreffed in the Paraphrafe. To preach themselves may fignify their making themfelves, in any View, the End of their Preaching; as preaching Jefus, a Phrase often used, may fignify Preaching, fo as to direct Mens Eyes to him.

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452 Sect. 6.

And that he preached not himself, but Chrift Jefus the Lord.


out of Darkness, hath fhined

extending our Reputation, or fecuring to ourselves felves, but Chrift Jefus the fecular Advantage; but, renouncing all fuch Servants for Jefus Sake. Lord; and ourselves your any 2 Cor. IV. 5. Views and Claims and Defires, we preach Chrift Jefus, as the fupream Lord of his Church; and instead of setting ourfelves up for your Masters, we declare ourselves to be your Servants for the Sake of fefus; and are willing, out of Regard to you, and above all out of Duty to him, to ftoop to the humbleft Offices of Love, by which we may be ferviceable to you in your moft im6 portant Interefts. And it is no Wonder, that we are thus difpofed, confidering the View of Things which God hath given us by his Grace; for GOD, who by his powerful Word, in the first Creation of this World, commanded the Light inftantaneously to shine out of that Darkness, which covered the whole Face of the Deep, (Gen. 1. 5.) bath alfo fhined into our once prejudiced and benighted Hearts, and particularly into mine, by the internal Operation of his bleffed Spirit, [to impart] the Luftre of the Knowledge of GOD's Glory (f), difcovered, as we before obferved, in the Face of our Lord Jefus Chrift (g), from thence reflected upon us, and from us to you, for the important Purposes of your Sanctification and Salvation.

manded the Light to fhine in our Hearts, to give the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of GOD, in the Face of Jefus Chrift.


Ver. 1.




ET all who are honoured with the Ministry of the Gospel, learn from the Apostle, Courage and Fidelity; remembering they are continually in the Sight and Prefence of GOD. Let them therefore renounce with Abhorrence, that Craft, which fo many who have called

(f) To impart the Luftre of the Knowledge of GOD's Glory.] Trwoews Ins doens lu ere may very well fignify the glorious Knowledge of GOD; but the following Words determined me to the more literal Tranflation, as it is more proper to fpeak of the Glory, than of the Knowledge of GOD, as in, or upon the Face of Christ. Some would render par Qalor according, or in Proportion to, that Luftre.

(g) In the Face of Jefus Chrift.] Some would render poow Perfon; but it fo evidently fignifies Face in the Context, (Chap. iii. 13, 18.) that it feemed much better to render it Face; tho' the Glory, here faid to be reflected from his Face, is undoubtedly that which is manifefted in his Perfon, in the Union of Deity with Humanity, and all the wonderful Things he has done and fuffered in Confequence of it.

Reflections on the Apoftle's Difinterestedness and Courage.

453 themselves Chriftian Priefts, have ftudied; and labour to govern their Sect. 6. whole Conduct by fuch apparent Principles of Integrity and Honour, that they may commend themselves to every Man's Confcience in the Sight of Ver. 1, 2. GOD.

This End will be much promoted, if they learn to lay afide all fini- Ver. 5. fter Views of Intereft and Ambition, of human Applaufe, or a Dominion over Men's Confciences; and putting on that humble Character, fo amiably illuftrated in the Apoftle Paul's Writings, every where, with all loyal Affection preach Chrift, as the great Lord and Head of the Church; and declare, and approve themselves, the willing Servants of Souls for bis Sake. So humbling themselves, they will be exalted in the Eyes of GOD and Man; and will reap thofe Heart-felt Pleasures now, and those Honours, Emoluments, and Delights hereafter, which will infinitely more than indemnify them for all they may refign; and exceed, not only the low Apprehenfions of the Servants of Mammon, in Chrift's Livery, but their own moft elevated Conceptions.

Let every Reader seriously examine himself, as to the Knowledge he has of this Gospel, and the Degree in which he has felt a Senfe of its Glory and Excellence upon his Heart; folemnly confidering, that if the Luftre and Efficacy of the Gospel be hidden from him, it is a fad Sign, Ver. 3. that he is himself a loft Creature, and is like to be loft to GoD and Happinefs for ever; he is the Captive of Satan, blinded by him as the God of Ver. 4this World, and in the probable Way to be led on to unfeen, but irretrievable, Destruction. Dreadful Situation! which might indeed occafion abfolute Despair, were it not for the Views, which the Gospel gives us, of that God, who in the Beginning of the Creation commanded the Light Ver. 6. to fhine out of Darkness: Who can yet fay, let there be Light, and there fhall be Light in the moft benighted Soul, and the Luftre of the glorious Knowledge of GOD in the Perfon of Chrift fhall beam forth. Let this Divine Interpofition be earnestly implored; and Oh, that it may be imparted, before the blinded Captives be configned to eternal Ruin, to Blacknefs of Darkness for ever!



He acknowledges, that we have the Treafure in earthen Weffels;

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The Apoftle freely acknowledges his own Infirmities; but glo-
ries in the Strength communicated to him from GOD, as
an effectual Support under the extreameft Trials;
which he triumphs in the Language of the frongest Faith.
2 Cor. IV. 7,---15.





have this

BUT we
Treasure in earthen

Veffels, that the Excellency
of the Power may be of
GOD, and not of us.

Sect. 7. HAVE fpoken to you of the Excellence of the Gofpel, representing it as a moft invaluable 2 Cor. IV. 7. Treasure; and indeed it is fo rich a Bleffing, that the highest Angel in Heaven might think it an Honour to be employed in difpenfing it. But fuch is the Conduct of Providence in this Refpect, that we have this invaluable Treafure in earthen Veffels: Feeble Creatures, who dwell in mortal Bodies, and are furrounded with numberlefs Infirmities, are employed in difpenfing it to us; that fo the Excellence of the Power, by which its great and important Ends are answered, may appear to be of GOD, and not of us; who are fo.. far from being able to add Efficacy to our own. Labours, that it is wonderful how we are ena8 bled even to fuftain them (a). [We are] indeed in every Respect greatly afflicted (b); but thro' the every Side, yet not diftreffed; Divine Care over us, we are not utterly overprefed (c) with the Weight and Variety of our Trials;

8 We are troubled on


(a) We are afflicted, &c.] This Section may feem a Digreffion; but nothing could be more pertinent to the Apoftle's grand Purpofe. He aimed at recovering the Affections of thefe Corinthians, which were much alienated from him; for this Purpofe he freely opens his Heart towards them, and tenderly reprefents the many and grievous Preffures and Hardfhips, to which Love to Souls, and to theirs among the reft, expofed him. This I take to be the true Key to this beautiful and pathetick Paffage.

(b) We are afflicted.] I apprehend the Apostle here to fpeak with fome peculiar Regard to his own Cafe; yet not fo, as to exclude that of his Brethren, which undoubtedly did very much resemble it. Compare 1 Cor. iv. 9.

(c) Not utterly overpreffed.] The Word roxo, properly fignifies, crushed in a firait Paffage.

(d) I have

That the Power might appear to be of GOD:

we are perplexed, but not in Defpair;

9 Perfecuted, but not forfaken; caft down, but not deftroyed;

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Trials; we are often brought into dubious Cir-
cumftances, but, bleffed be GoD, we are not in

455 Sect. 7.

[We are] continually perfecuted by 2 Cor. IV. 9.

[ocr errors]

Men, but we are not forfaken of GOD; we are
thrown down by our Enemies, yet we are not in-.
tirely destroyed by them; but animated from on
high, we fpring up again, and renew the Com-
bat with increafing Vigor. We are always bear- 10
ing about with us in the Body of the Dying of the
Lord Jefus Chrift; fo that the Cruelties, which
were exercised in putting him to Death, feem to
be acted over again upon us, by the Rage of the
Enemy; yet all this is in Effect, not that an imme-
diate Period should be put to ourLife and Miniftry,
as they defire, but that the Life alfo of Jefus,
now triumphant above all hoftile Power, may be
more evidently manifefted in the Prefervation of
this our feeble Body, which Enemies, fo many
and mighty are continually endeavouring to de-
ftroy. For we who live, thofe of us, the A- 11
poftles and Ministers of Chrift, who still survive,
are continually delivered over to Death for the Sake
of the Lord Jefus, and as it were every Day led
out to a new Martyrdom in his Caufe; but fo
many new and unexpected Deliverances arife,
that it seems as if thefe Dangers were permitted
on Purpose, that, as I faid before, the Life alfo
and Power of the bleffed Jefus, our Divine Savi-
our, may be manifefted and demonftrated, in fup-
porting our mortal and feeble Flesh in the Midft
of all thefe Affaults, and perpetuating our Lives
from Year to Year thro', fo many fucceffive Dan-
which await us wherever we come.
So 12
that on the whole, I may fay, that Death work-
eth continually to glorify his Name in us, but
Life in you; while you are called to live for his
Honour, we may be faid to ferve our Redeemer
by bearing for his Sake repeated Deaths.

But we endure it all with Refolution and Chear- 13
fulness, having the fame Spirit of Faith, by
which good Men of Old were animated, in their
most active Labours, and most painful Sufferings;


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