T A Street in PADUA. Flourish. Enter Lucentio and Tranio. LUCENTIO. RANIO, fince for the great defire I had I am arriv'd from fruitful Lombardy, And, by my father's love and leave, am arm'd Gave me my Being; and my father first, A merchant of great traffick through the world: 1-from fruitful Lombardy.] So Mr. Theobald. The former editions, inftead of from, had for. ingenious] I rather think it was written ingenuous ftudies, but of this and a thoufand fuch obfervations there is little certainty. 2 Vincentio his fon, brought up in Florence, Glad, that you thus continue your refolve, Luc. Gramercies, Tranio, well dost thou advise; We could at once put us in readiness; And take a lodging fit to entertain Such friends, as time in Padua fhall beget. Tra. Mafter, fome fhew to welcome us to town. 2 Sir Thomas Hanmer, and after him Dr. Warburton, read to virtue; but formerly ply and ap ply were indifferently used, as to ply or apply his ftudies. SCENE Enter Baptifta with Catharina and Bianca, Gremio and Hortenfio. Lucentio and Tranio ftand by. Bap. Gentlemen both, importune me no farther, If either of you both love Catharina, To make a Stale of me amongft these mates? Hor. Mates, maid, how mean you that? no mates for you; Unless you were of gentler, milder, mould. Cath. I'faith, Sir, you fhall never need to fear, But if it were, doubt not, her care shall be Hor. From all fuch devils, good Lord, deliver us. Tra. Hush, master, here's fome good pastime toward; That wench is ftark mad, or wonderful fro ward. Luc. But in the other's filence I do fee Maid's mild behaviour and fobriety. Peace, Tranio. Tra. Well faid, mafter; mum! and gaze your fill. Bap. Gentlemen, that I may foon make good What I have faid, Bianca, get you in; afide. And And let it not displease thee, good Bianca; Cath. A pretty Peat! it is beft put finger in the eye, an fhe knew why. Bian. Sifter, content you in my discontent. Luc. Hark, Tranio, thou may't hear Minerva speak. [afide. Hor. Signior Baptifta, will you be fo* strange? Sorry am I, that our good will effects Bianca's grief. Gre. Why will you mew her up, Signior Baptifta, for this fiend of hell, And make her bear the penance of her tongue? [Exit Bianca. To mine own children, in good bringing up; [Exit. Cath. Why, and, I truft, I may go too, may I not? what, fhall I be appointed hours, as tho', be-· like, I knew not what to take, and what to leave? ba! [Exit. 3 A pretty Peat.] Peat or Pet is a word of endearment from petit, little, as if it meant pretty little thing. *So ftrange.] That is, fo odd, fo different from others in your conduct. + Cunning men.] Cunning had not yet loft its original fignification of knowing, learned, as may be observed in the tranflation of the Bible. SCENE not fo Gre. You may go to the devil's dam. Your gifts are fo good, here is none will hold you. Our love is great, Hortenfio, but we may blow our nails together, and faft it fairly out. Our cake's dough on both fides. Farewel; yet for the love I bear my sweet Bianca, if I can by any means light on a fit man to teach her That wherein the delights, I will wish him to her Father. Hor. So will I, Signior Gremio; but a word, I pray; tho' the nature of our quarrel never yet brook'd Parle, know now, upon advice, it toucheth us both, that we may yet again have accefs to our fair Miftrefs, and be happy rivals in Bianca's love, to labour and effect one thing 'specially. Gre. What's that, I pray ? Hor. Marry, Sir, to get a husband for her fifter. Hor. I fay, a husband. Gre. I fay, a devil. Think'ft thou, Hortenfio, tho' her father be very rich, any man is so very a fool to be married to hell? Hor. Tufh, Gremio; tho' it pafs your patience and mine to endure her loud alarms, why, man, there be good fellows in the world, an' a man could light on them, would take her with all her faults, and mony enough. Gre. I cannot tell; but I had as lief take her dowry with this condition, to be whip'd at the high cross every morning. Hor. 'Faith, as you fay, there's a small choice in rotten apples. But, come, fince this bar in law makes us friends, it fhall be fo far forth friendly maintain'd, 'till by helping Baptifta's eldest daughter to a husband, we fet his youngest free for a husband, and then have |