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ANT. Prince Pericles, touch not, upon thy life,5 For that's an article within our law,

As dangerous as the reft. Your time's expir'd;
Either expound now, or receive your fentence.
PER. Great king,

Few love to hear the fins they love to act;
'Twould 'braid yourself too near for me to tell it.
Who has a book of all that monarchs do,
He's more fecure to keep it fhut, than fhown;
For vice repeated, is like the wand'ring wind,
Blows duft in others' eyes, to spread itfelf;"
And yet the end of all is bought thus dear,

5 Prince Pericles, touch not, upon thy life,] This is a stroke of nature. The incestuous king cannot bear to fee a rival touch the hand of the woman he loves. His jealoufy resembles that of Antony :

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to let him be familiar with

"My play-fellow, your hand; this kingly feal,

"And plighter of high hearts." STEEVENS.

Malefort, in Maffinger's Unnatural Combat, expreffes the like impatient jealoufy, when Beaufort touches his daughter Theocrine, to whom he was betrothed. M. MASON.

For vice repeated, is like the wand'ring wind,

Blows duft in others' eyes, to spread itself;] That is, which blows duft, &c.

The man who knows of the ill practices of princes, is unwife if he reveals what he knows; for the publisher of vicious actions resembles the wind, which, while it paffes along, blows duft into men's eyes. When the blaft is over, the eye that has been af fected by the duft, fuffers no farther pain, but can fee as clearly as before; fo by the relation of criminal acts, the eyes of mankind (though they are affected, and turn away with horror,) are opened, and fee clearly what before was not even fufpected: but by expofing the crimes of others, the relater fuffers himself; as the breeze paffes away, fo the breath of the informer is gone; he dies for his temerity. Yet, to ftop the course or ventilation of the air, would hurt the eyes; and to prevent informers from divulging the crimes of men would be prejudicial to mankind. Such, I think, is the meaning of this obfcure passage.


The breath is gone, and the fore eyes fee clear:
To stop the air would hurt them." The blind mole


Copp'd hills towards heaven, to tell, the earth is


By man's oppreffion;9 and the poor worm doth die for't.'

The breath is gone, and the fore eyes fee clear:

To Stop the air would hurt them.] Malone has mistaken the meaning of this part of the fpeech of Pericles :-There should be no ftop after the word clear, that line being neceffarily connected with the following words; and the meaning is this: "The breath is gone, and the eyes, though fore, fee clear enough to ftop for the future the air that would annoy them."

Malone fuppofes the fentence to end with the first of these lines, and makes the other a general political aphorifm, not perceiving that, "to ftop the air would hurt them;" means only to ftop the air that would hurt them;" the pronoun being omitted; an ellipfis frequent not only in poetry, but in profe.

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Pericles means only, by this fimilitude, to fhow the danger of revealing the crimes of princes; for as they feel themselves hurt by the publication of their fhame, they will, of course, prevent a repetition of it, by deftroying the perfon who divulged it: He pursues the fame idea in the inftance of the mole, and concludes with requefting that the king would

"Give his tongue like leave to love his head."

That is, that he would not force his tongue to speak what, if fpoken, would prove his destruction.

In the second scene Pericles fays, fpeaking of the King:

"And what may make him blush in being known, "He'll flop the course by which it might be known." Which confirms my explanation. M. MASON.

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8 Copp'd hills i. e. rifing to a top or head. So, in P. Holland's tranflation of the eleventh Book of Pliny's Nat. Hift. And few of them have cops or crested tufts upon their heads." Copped Hall, in Effex, was fo named from the lofty pavilion on the roof of the old house, which has been fince pulled down. The upper tire of masonry that covers a wall is ftill called the copping or coping. High-crowned hats were anciently called copatain hats. STEEVENS.

9 the earth is wrong'd

By man's oppreffion;] Old copies-throng'd. change I am anfwerable. STEEVENS.

For this

Kings are earth's gods: in vice their law's their


And if Jove ftray, who dares fay, Jove doth ill?
It is enough you know; and it is fit,

What being more known grows worse, to fmother


All love the womb that their first beings bred,
Then give my tongue like leave to love my head.
ANT. Heaven, that I had thy head!2 he has
found the meaning;-

But I will gloze with him.3 [Afide.] Young prince of Tyre,

Though by the tenour of our strict edíct,4
Your expofition misinterpreting,5


and the poor worm doth die for't.] I fuppofe he means to call the mole, (which fuffers in its attempts to complain of 'man's injuftice) a poor worm, as a term of commiferation. Thus, in The Tempest, Profpero speaking to Miranda, fays:

"Poor worm thou art infected."

The mole remains fecure till he has thrown up those hillocks, which, by pointing out the course he is pursuing, enable the vermin-hunter to catch him. STEEVENS.

2 Heaven, that I had thy head !] The speaker may either mean to fay, 0, that I had thy ingenuity! or, O, that 1 had thy head, fever'd from thy body! The latter, I believe, is the meaning. MALONE.


But I will gloze with him.] So, Gower:
"The kinge was wondre forie tho,
"And thought, if that he said it oute,
"Then were he fhamed all aboute:

"With flie wordes and with felle

"He fayth: My fonne I fhall thee telle,

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Though that thou be of littel witte," &c. MALONE,

4- our strict edict,] The old copy has-your strict edict. Corrected in the folio.


s Your expofition misinterpreting,] Your expofition of the riddle being a mistaken one; not interpreting it rightly.


We might proceed to cancel of your days ;6
Yet hope, fucceeding from fo fair a tree
As your fair felf, doth tune us otherwise :
Forty days longer we do refpite you ;7
If by which time our fecret be undone,
This mercy fhows, we'll joy in such a son :
And until then, your entertain shall be,
As doth befit our honour, and your worth.

[Exeunt ANTIOCHUS, his Daughter, and


to cancel of your days;] The quarto, 1609, readsto counfel of your days; which may mean, to deliberate how long you shall be permitted to live. But I believe that counsel was merely an error of the prefs, which the editor of the folio, 1664, corrected by reading to cancel off your days. The fubftitution of off for of is unneceffary; for cancel may have been used as a fubftantive. We might proceed to the cancellation or destruction of your life. Shakspeare uses the participle cancell'd in the fenfe required here, in his Rape of Lucrece, 1594:

"An expir'd date, cancell'd ere well begun."

The following lines in King Richard III. likewife confirm the reading that has been chofen :

"Cancel his bond of life, dear God, I pray,

"That I may live to say, the dog is dead." MALONE.

To omit the article was formerly a practice not uncommon. So, in Titus Andronicus: " Afcend, fair queen, Pantheon," i. e. the Pantheon. STEEVENS.

Again, in King Lear:

"Hot queftrifts after him, met him at gate."


7 Forty days longer we do refpite you ;] In The Gefta Romanorum, Confeffio Amantis, and The Hiftory of King Appolyn, thirty days only are allowed for the folution of this question. It is difficult to account for this minute variation, but by fuppofing that our author copied fome tranflation of the Gefta Romanorum hitherto undiscovered. MALONE.

It is thirty days in Twine's tranflation. Forty, as I have obferved in a note on fome other play (I forget which) was the familiar term when the number to be mentioned was not of arithmetical importance. STEEVENS.

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As doth befit our honour, and your worth.] I have no doubt

PER. How courtefy would feem to cover fin!
When what is done is like an hypocrite,
The which is good in nothing but in fight.
If it be true that I interpret falfe,

Then were it certain, you were not fo bad,
As with foul inceft to abufe your foul;
Where now you're both a father and a fon,9
By your untimely clafpings with

your child,
(Which pleasure fits an hufband, not a father;)
And the an eater of her mother's flesh,

By the defiling of her parent's bed;

And both like ferpents are, who though they feed
On sweetest flowers, yet they poifon breed.
Antioch, farewell! for wifdom fees, those men
Blush not in actions blacker than the night,
Will fhun no courfe to keep them from the light.*

but that these two lines were intended to rhyme together in our author's copy, where originally they might have ftood thus: your entertain fhall be,


As doth befit our honour, your degree.

As doth our honour fit and your degree. So, in King Richard III. A& III. fe. vii:

"Beft fitteth my degree, and your condition."


9 Where now you're both a father and a fon.] Where, in this place, has the power of whereas. So, in The Two Gentle men of Verona :

"And where I thought the remnant of mine age
"Should have been cherish'd by her childlike duty,
"I am now full refolv'd to take a wife."

Where (and with the fame meaning) occurs again in A& ÍÏ. fc. iii. of this play:


"Where now his fon's a glow-worm" &c. STEEVENS.

-for wisdom fees, thofe men

Blush not in actions blacker than the night,

Will fhun no courfe to keep them from the light.] All the old copies read-will shew-, but fhew is evidently a corruption. The word that I have ventured to infert in the text, in its place,

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