Imágenes de páginas

ing and incidental expenses while traveling or actually on duty in field, exclusive of cost of transportation and sleeping-car fare.

For the expenses of the commission of citizens, serving without c pensation, appointed by the President under the provision of the fou section of the act of April tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, th thousand dollars.



For seventeenth of thirty installments, as provided to be expen under the tenth article of treaty of October twenty-first, eighteen h dred and sixty-seven, concluded at Medicine Lodge Creek, in Kans with the Kiowas and Comanches, and under the third article of tre of the same date with the Apaches, thirty thousand dollars;

For purchase of clothing, as provided in the same treaty, twe thousand dollars.

For pay of carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, miller, and engineer, thousand two hundred dollars;

For pay of physician and two teachers, two thousand five hund dollars; in all, forty-nine thousand seven hundred dollars.


For seventeenth of thirty instalments, as provided to be expen under the tenth article of treaty of October twenty-eighth, eight hundred and sixty-seven, twenty thousand thousand dollars;

For purchase of clothing, as per same article, ten thousand dolla For pay of physician and teacher, as per thirteenth article of sa treaty, two thousand one hundred dollars;

For pay of carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, miller, and engineer, as same article, four thousand five hundred dollars; in all, thirty-six th sand six hundred dollars.


For permanent annuity, in goods, three thousand dollars.


For nineteenth of twenty installments, for the support of one bla smith and assistant, and for tools, iron and steel, and other arti necessary for the blacksmith shop, as per third article of treaty April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, one thousand five h dred dollars;

For nineteenth of twenty installments, for the support of one sch teacher, and for the necessary books and stationery, as per same art of same treaty, eight hundred dollars;

For nineteenth of twenty installments, for the instruction of Indi in farming, and purchase of seeds, tools, and similar necessaries, as same article of same treaty, eight hundred dollars;

For nineteenth of twenty installments of annuity, in money, to paid per capita, as per same article of same treaty, three thousand hundred dollars;

For nineteenth of twenty installments of annuity, in provisions,

munition, and tobacco, as per same article of same treaty, one thousand dollars;

For nineteenth of twenty instalments of annuity, in goods and other articles, as per same article of same treaty, six thousand five hundred dollars; in all, fourteen thousand one hundred dollars.


For thirty-eighth of forty-six instalments to be paid to the Chippewas of the Mississippi, per third article of treaty of August second, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, and fifth article of treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, one thousand dollars;

For last of ten instalments of annuity, in money, last series, per third article of treaty of February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, and third article of treaty of eighteen hundred and sixtyfour, twenty thousand dollars;

For the support of a school or schools upon said reservation, during the pleasure of the President, in accordance with third article of treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, four thousand dollars; in all, twenty-five thousand dollars.


For thirtieth of forty instalments of annuity, in money, per third article of treaty of February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fiftyfive, and third article of treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, ten thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents;

For thirtieth of forty instalments of annuity, in goods, per same articles of same treaties, eight thousand dollars;

For thirtieth of forty instalments, for purposes of utility, per same articles of same treaties, four thousand dollars;

For last of ten instalments, last series, for purposes of education, per same articles of same treaties two thousand five hundred dollars; in all, twenty-five thousand one hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixtysix cents.


For permanent annuity, per second article of treaty of November sixteenth, eighteen hundred and five, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand dollars;

For permanent annuity, for support of light horsemen, per thirteenth article of treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six hundred dollars.

For permanent annuity, for support of blacksmith, per sixth article of treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, ninth article of treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twentyfive, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six hundred dollars;

For permanent annuity, for education, per second and thirteenth articles of last two treaties named above, six thousand dollars;

For permanent annuity, for iron and steel, per ninth article of treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth

article of treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred and twenty dollars;

For interest on three hundred and ninety thousand two hundred and fifty-seven dollars and ninety-two cents, at five per centum per annum, for education, support of the government, and other beneficial purposes, under the direction of the general council of the Choctaws, in conformity with the provisions contained in the ninth and thirteenth articles of treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twentyfive, and treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, nineteen thousand five hundred and twelve dollars and eighty-nine cents; in all, thirty thousand and thirty-two dollars and eighty-nine



For the purpose of carrying into effect the agreement entered into at the city of Washington on the seventh day of July, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, between the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and Chief Moses and other Indians of the Columbia and Colville reservations, in Washington Territory, which agreement is hereby accepted, ratified, and confirmed, including all expenses incident thereto, eighty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be required therefor, to be immediately available: Provided, That Sarsopkin and the Indians now residing on said Columbia reservation shall elect within one year from the passage of this act whether they will remain upon said reservation on the terms therein stipulated or remove to the Colville reservation: And provided further, That in case said Indians so elect to remain on said Columbia reservation the Secretary of the Interior shall cause the quantity of land therein stipu. lated to be allowed them to be selected in as compact form as possible, the same when so selected to be held for the exclusive use and occupation of said Indians, and the remainder of said reservation to be thereupon restored to the public domain, and shall be disposed of to actual settlers under the homestead laws only, except such portion thereof as may properly be subject to sale under the laws relating to the entry of timber lands and of mineral lands, the entry of which shall be governed by the laws now in force concerning the entry of such lands.


For permanent annuity, in money, per fourth article of treaty of August seventh, seventeen hundred and ninety, and fifth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For permanent annuity, in money, per second article of treaty of June sixteenth, eighteen hundred and two, and fifth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, three thousand dollars;

For permanent annuity, in money, per fourth article of treaty of January twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twenty thousand dollars;

For permanent annuity, for blacksmith and assistant, and for shop and tools, per eighth article of treaty of January twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and and twenty-six, and fifth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, eight hundred and forty dollars;

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For permanent annuity, for iron and steel for shop, per same articles and treaties, two hundred and seventy dollars;

For permanent annuity, for the pay of a wheelwright, per same articles of same treaties, six hundred dollars;

For five per centum interest on two hundred thousand dollars, for purposes of education, per sixth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, ten thousand dollars;

For interest on six hundred and seventy-five thousand one hundred and sixty-eight dollars, at the rate of five per centum per aunum, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, under provisious of third article of treaty of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, thirty-three thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight dollars and forty cents; in all, sixty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixtyeight dollars and forty cents.


For third of twenty-five instalments, as provided in agreement with the Crows dated June twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty, to be used by the Secretary of the Interior in such manner as the President may direct, thirty thousand dollars.

For sixteenth of thirty instalments, to supply male persons, six hundred in number, over fourteen years of age, with a suit of good substantial woolen clothing, consisting of a coat, hat, pantaloons, flannel shirt, and woolen socks, as per ninth article of treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, six thousand dollars;

For sixteenth of thirty instalments, to supply each female, seven hundred in number, over twelve years of age, with a flannel skirt, or the goods necessary to make the same, a pair of woolen hose, twelve yards of calico, and twelve yards of cotton domestic, as per same article, four thousand dollars;

For sixteenth of thirty instalments, to supply three hundred and fifty boys and three hundred and fifty girls, under the ages named, such flannel and cotton goods as may be needed to make each a suit as aforesaid, together with a pair of woolen hose for each, per same article, five thousand dollars;

For pay of a physician, per tenth article of same treaty, one thousand two hundred dollars;

For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for pay of teacher and furnishing necessary books and stationery, under seventh article of same treaty, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For pay of carpenter, miller, engineer, farmer, and blacksmith, under tenth article of same treaty, three thousand three hundred dollars;

For pay of second blacksmith, and iron and steel, as per eighth article of same treaty, two thousand dollars;

For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to furnish such articles of food as from time to time the condition and necessities of the Indians may require, sixty-five thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and eighteen thousand dollars.


For interest, in lieu of investment, on fifty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, balance of one hundred and fifty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, to July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, at five per centum per annum, for education or other beneficial purposes, under

the direction of the President, per ninth article of treaty of May seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars.


For interest, in lieu of investment, on two hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum per annum, per second article of treaty of January four:eenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, ten thousand dollars.


For interest on eighty-nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-four dollars and eighty-eight cents, at five per centum per annum, for educational and other beneficial purposes, per treaty of May eighteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, four thousand four hundred and ninetythree dollars and twenty-four cents.

For support and civilization of Kickapoo Indians in the Indian Territory, lately removed from Mexico, including the purchase of stock, five thousand dollars; in all, nine thousand four hundred and ninetythree dollars and twenty-four cents.

This amount, to enable the President of the United States to carry out the provisions of the third article of the treaty made with the Kickapoo Indians dated June twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to be paid as provided in said treaty, and under such rules as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, to eleven Kickapoo Indians who have become citizens of the United States, such sum as may be their proportion of the one hundred thousand dollars provided for said tribe for education and other beneficial purposes per treaty of May eighteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, not exceeding three thousand seven hundred and sixteen dollars and twenty-one cents; and the Secretary of the Interior is directed to pay also to the said eleven Kickapoos their proportion of the tribal funds held in trust by the United States, and on deposit in the United States Treasury.


For eighteenth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair one sawmill, one flouring-mill, buildings for the blacksmith, carpenter, wagon and plow maker, the manual-labor school, and hospital, as per fourth article of treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixtyfour, one thousand dollars;

For nineteenth of twenty instalments, for the purchase of tools and material for saw and flour mills, carpenter, blacksmith, wagon and plow maker shops, and books and stationery for the manual labor school, per same article of same treaty, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For nineteenth of twenty instalments, to pay salary and subsistence of one physician, one miller, and two school-teachers, as per fifth article of same treaty, three thousand six hundred dollars; in all, six thousand one hundred dollars.


For permanent provision for blacksmith and assistant, and iron and steel for shop, per fifth article of treaty of October sixth, eighteen hundred and eighteen, and fourth article of treaty of June fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, four hundred and eleven dollars and forty-three cents;

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