Imágenes de páginas


BRAY (Thomas), Life and Labours of, i, 762;

benefaction to Maidstone, 766; his As-
sociates, 767.

Brera Library at Milan, ii, 364.


Monasteries, 494; other important ac-
cessions of MSS., 507; Table illustrating
the growth of the Printed Books de-
partment, 509; Improvements in the Read-
ing-Rooms, 511; Tabular view of the
Number of Readers, 512; Notices of the
Cottonian MSS., 513; of the Old Royal
MSS., 514; of the Harleian MSS., 515;
Statistics of Reading at the British Mu-
seum, ii, 636; Account of the Buildings,
693; the Controversy as to the origin
of the New Reading-Room, 695; Ac-
count of its Plan, Arrangement, and
Appliances, 696; Fittings of the New
Reading-Room, 740; the Controversy as
to the Plan and Printing of the Cata-
logues, 852; Reorganization of the Stand-
ing Committee, ii, 941; its Reading-
Room Service recommended as a model,
955; Staff and Salaries, 1042.
British Patent Office, Account of the Public-

[ocr errors]

ations of the, ii, 617; Plan for their
Classification, 911.

British Town Libraries, History of Ewart's

Breslau, Library of the University of, ii, 490.
BRIDGES (John), Sale of his Library, ii, 122.
Bridgewater Library, ii, 139.
Bristol, Town Library of, ii, 740.
British Museum, its foundation Collections,
i, 415; Will of Sir Hans Sloane, 441;
the Establishment Act, 442; Constitution
of the Trust, 446; ii, 940; Recommen-
dations on that point of the Commis-
sion of 1849, i, 448; Resolutions of
the Trustees thereon, ii, 941; List of
the Present Trustees, i, 449; Benefac-
tions of Hollis, 451; of Solomon Da
Costa, 452; and his Letter to the Trust-
ees, 453; Acquisition of the Thomason
Collection, 455; Nature and extent of
that Collection, 456; early Librarians,
461; Birch's bequest, 462; Sir W. Mus-
grave's Gifts, 463; the Cracherode Li-
brary, 464; the Italian Topographical
Collections of Sir R. C. Hoare, 467;
Exiguity of the early Parliamentary
Grants, 468; Purchase of the Lans-
downe MSS., Ib.; and of the Hargrave
and Burney Collections, 469; Library of
King George III., 471; Motives of the
Gift by his Successor, 473; the Arun-
delian MSS., 476; the French Revolu- Island, ii, 178.
tionary Tracts, 478; the House of Com-BROWN (William), Liberality of, to the Free
mons Inquiry of 1835-36, 479; Report Town Library of Liverpool, ii, 816.
and Recommendations of the Commit- Brown University in Rhode Island, Library
tee, 481; increase of the Parliamentary
Grants, and its results, 482; the Chi-
nese Collections, 484; Mr. Panizzi's Sys-
tematic Survey of the Library in 1845,
485; its consequences in the increased
liberality of Parliament, 487; Purchase
of the Printed portion of the Michael
Hebrew Library, 488; Accessions to the
Department of MSS., 489; the Grenville
Library, 491; the MSS. from the Nitrian

Acts for enabling Town Councils to
maintain, i, 777; Working of the Acts,
793; Text of the Acts, 821; Should aim at
collecting all the characteristic editions
of Standard British Authors, ii, 631.
BROWN (John Carter), Liberality of, to the
Library of Brown University in Rhode

of the, ii, 176.
BROWNE (Sir Thomas), his opinion that there
are too many Libraries in the World,
ii, 61.

BRÜHL (Count), Library of, ii, 411.
BRUNET (J. C.), impeaches the originality of

Bacon's Classification of Human Know-
ledge, ii, 762; his Modifications of the
Paris Scheme, 794.

BRYANT (Jacob), bequeaths part of his Li-

valuable Papers from the Cheesemonger,
i, 469.

brary to Kings College, Cambridge, i,]
621; and part to Blenheim, ii, 146.
BUCER (Martin) leaves a Library which is CALVIN (John), the books of, ii, 499.
purchased by a joint-stock, i, 417.
BUETTNER Library acquired for the Univer-
sity of Jena, ii, 470; Goethe's expedient
for its accommodation, 471.
Buildings for Libraries, Notices of, ii, '667;
Projects and designs for, 707; Practical
Hints and Suggestions on the require-
ments of, 726; especially, as to site and
form, 727; as to Galleries, 728; as to
Reading-Rooms, 729; as to Working
Rooms, Ib.; as to Officers' Apartments,
730; and as to Lighting and Warming,

Cambray, Town Library of, ii, 342.
Cambridge, Collegiate Libraries at, i, 606.
Fitzwilliam Library at, i, 604.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Public Library of the University of
its foundation and early benefactions,
593; temporary acquisition of the Lam-
beth Library, 594; Rustat's Gift, 595:
the Moore Library, 596; its character
and principal contents, 597; Epigrams
on the Gift, 598; subsequent acquisitions,
599; Increase by Copy-Tax, 600; ii, 594;
Sir Samuel Morland's Gift, i, 601: pre-
sent extent, 602; choice books, 603; List
of the principal Librarians, I.; Regula-
tions of the Reading Room, ii, 1046; Re-
gulations of the Loan of Books, 1060.

Canterbury, Cathedral Library, of, i, 682.

BURGH (Elizabeth de), Lady of Clare, be- CAMUS' System of Classification, ii, 784.
queaths books in 1355, i, 374.
Burgundian Library at Brussels; its for-
tunes during the French Revolution,
ii, 507.

Burgundy, Libraries of the Dukes of, i, 409;
ii, 506.

BURNET (Gilbert), Bishop of Salisbury, com-
plains of the difficulty of access to the
Cotton Library, i, 428; his benefaction
to Saltoun, ii, 42.

Library of Christ Church Monastery
at, i, 101; its Catalogue (printed from
MS. Cott. Gal. E. ie), 122-235.

Library of St. Augustine's Monastery
at, i, 103.

CAPELL (Edward), Life and Pursuits of, i,
606; his bequest to Trinity College Cam-
bridge, 607.

Carlsruhe, Ducal Library at, ii, 682.

BURNEY (Charles), Purchase of his Library | Carlisle, Cathedral Library of, i, 710.

[blocks in formation]

Carlyle (J. D.), Mission of, to Turkey in
search of ancient MSS., i, 75.

CARLYLE (Thomas), on printed Catalogues
of Publie Libraries, ii, 858.
Carmelites, Origin of the order of, i, 98.
Carpentras, Town Library of, ii, 323.
CARRA, Librarianship of, at the Royal Li-
brary of Paris, ii, 271.

CASANATA Library at Rome, ii, 358; its Ca-
talogue by Audiffredi, 870.
Catalogue of the Library of the Monastery
of Christ Church, Canterbury, i, 122-235.

of the Library of the Monastery of
Correy, written in the 12th Century, i, 239.


Catalogue of the remains of the Corvey Li-
brary,written in the 19th Century, i, 250.

of the Library of the Monastery of St.
Riquier, written in the 9th Century, i, 297.
Notices of other Monastic Catalogues:
Weihenstephan, i, 328; St. Emmeram,
329; Tegernsee, 330; Rievaux, 333; Whit-
by, or Streoneshalh, 109.
Catalogues, Preparation of.

Preliminaries, ii, 748; various kinds enu-
merated, 749; Alphabetical Catalogues,
according to the subjects, 750; Alpha-
betical Catalogues, according to auth-
ors, 751; Classed catalogues, 756; Dif-
ficulties of Classification, Ib.; Johannes
von Müller on that head, 757; Historical
view of the various Classificatory Schemes
that have been proposed, 761; Suggestions
for the simplification of Classificatory
Schemes, 808; Tabular view of the prin-
cipal Schemes, in groups, 811; Outlines
of a Scheme suitable for Town Libra-
ries, 813; Details of Cataloguing:-Iden-
tification of authorship, 833; Rules for
the entry of anonymous books, 834; and
of apocryphal books, 835, 840; com-
parative merits of full titles and of short
titles, 843; the cataloguing of early
printed books, 846; Sizes of books, 848;
printed forms or title-slips, 849.
Catalogues, Printing of.

Objections to the Printing of Catalogues,
ii, 851; Cost, 853; Discussion in 1849
before the Commissioners on the British
Museum, 854; abstract of, the evidence
pro and con, 856; the Report of the
Commissioners on this point, 859; Jew-
ett's plan for stereotyping Catalogues,
865; Report of a Committee of the Smith-
sonian Institute thereon, 866; the Bunau
and Casanate Catalogues, 870; the old
Catalogues of the Imperial Library at
Paris, 871; Taschereau's Catalogue de
l'Histoire de France, 872; its rules and
method, 873; Specimen of it, 875; Athe-


næum, plan of a Universal Catalogue,'
867; Specimens of a concise printed Ca-
talogue suitable for Town Libraries, 878;
-and of an Index of Authors thereto,
882;-and of an Index of Topics, 883;
Printers estimates for the same, 884,
or er of entries, 885; specimens of
printed Index-slips, 887.

Catania, Libraries of, ii, 378.
Cathedral Libraries of England, i, 686.
of Ireland, ii, 80.

of Scotland, ii, 41.
CHAMFORT, Librarianship of, at the Royal
Library of Paris, ii, 271.
CHANDOS (Richard), Bishop of Chichester,
bequeaths books in 1253, i, 372.
CHARLES the Bald, King of France, collects
a Library, i, 370.

CHARLES V., King of France, collects a Li-

brary, i, 389; its subsequent fortunes, Ib.
Charleston Library Society, ii, 191.
Chester, Cathedral Library of, i, 709.
CHETHAM (Humphrey), birth and education

of, i, 625; the prosperous trader an un-
willing courtier 626; his troubles about
ship-money, 627; the merchant and the
herald, 631; Correspondence with a Crom-
wellian Mayor-General, 632; other hard-
ships in disturbed times, 632; Quod tuum
tene, 633; Chetham's Will, 634; his
Trustees, 637; Appropriation of the Re-
sidue of his estate, 639; Account of his
extant papers, 661.

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Chetham Library at Manchester:-

The Old Baronial Hall of the La Warres,
623; its acquisition by Chetham's Trust-
ees, 636; early benefactions, 640; Pro-
gress of the Library during the last
century, 641; Prices of Black Letter Ra-
rities, then and now, Ib.; Contrast in the
fortunes of the Library and the School,
643; Visit of De Foe, 647; and of Psau-
manazar, 648; Purchases, 649; Radcliffe's
Catalogue, 650; classification of the Li-
brary, 651; its poverty in recent literat-

ure, 653; the means and opportunities
of improvements, 655; general character
of the Library, 659; account of the col-
lection of MSS, 661; and of the Halli-
well series of broadsides and ballads, 672.
Chetham Parochial or Church Libraries, i, 759.
Chichester, Cathedral Library of, i, 691.
CHOURSES (Antoine de), Seigneur de Maigne,

Library of, i, 410.

CHRISTIAN III, King of Denmark, founds the
Royal Library of Copenhagen, ii, 514.
CHRISTIAN IV., King of Denmark, continues

his Predecessor's work, ii, 520.
Christiania, University Library of, ii, 526.
CHRISTINA of Sweden, Library of now in the
Vatican (Bibliotheca Alexandrina), ii, 351.
Church Libraries, early, i, 752.

in England, commencement of, by the
proclamation directing the deposit of the
English Bible, 756; their subsequent his-
tory traced, 757, seqq. Church Libra-
ries of Humphrey Chetham at Turton,
Gorton, etc., in Lancashire, 759; Act of
Queen Anne for the preservation of
Church and Parochial Libraries, 767;
their neglect and decay, 779.
Churchmen, (of medieval and later ages),
prominent amongst the founders of Li-
braries, ii, 557.

CICERO'S Notices of his Library, i, 40.

nitz, 774; of Prosper Marchand, 775;
of Fontanini, 776; of Girard, 777; of
Middleton, 778; of Gabriel Martin, 779;
Division of these various Schemes into
groups, 781; Scheme of Ameilhon, 783;
of Camus, I.; of Butenschoen, 784; of
Daunou, 785; of Parent, 786; of Ersch
(Jena Repertorium), 787; of Denis, Ib.;
of Olenin, 788; of Girault, Ib.; of
Coleridge, 789; of Bentham, 790; of
Horne, 791; of Barbier, 794; of Achard,
Brunet, and others, Ib.; of Ampère, 795;
of Albert, 796; of Merlin, 799; of Lord
Lindsay, 802; of Mr. S. Eyre, 803; of
Schleiermacher, 804; of Dr. W. D. Wil-
son, 806; Suggestions for greater simpli-
fication of Classificatory Schemes, 808;
Tabular synoptical Views of the princi-
pal Schemes, 811; Suggested Outlines
of a Scheme for Town Libraries; $13.
CLEMENT'S (Claudius) Scheme of Classifica-
tion, ii, 768.

CLEMENT (David), on the causes and de-
grees of Rarity in Books, ii, 647.
Clinton MSS. at Albany, ii, 208.
Clugni, Library of the Benedictine Abbey
of, i, 291; its course of Studies and Dis-
cipline, 295.

CODRINGTON (Christopher), his Life, and Be-
quest to All Souls College, i, 584.

Clairvaux, Portion of the MSS. of, now at Codex Leicestrensis, i, 750.

Troyes, ii, 347.

CLASSEN'S Library at Copenhagen, ii, 524.
Classification of MSS., ii, 921; of Prints,

923; of Maps, 927.
Classificatory Schemes:-of Aldus, Etienne,

and other early printers, 759; of Gesner,
760; of Florian Trefler, 761; of Chris-
tofle de Savigny, 762; of Bacon, 763; D'A-
lembert's elaboration of Bacon's Scheme,
765; Other modifications of it by Re-
gnault-Warin, Laire, and others, 767;
Scheme of John Rhodius, 16.; of Clau-
dius Clement, 786; of Naudé, 769; of
Scheme of 71; of Garnier, 772; of Leib

COLBERT'S zealous labours for the Royal

Library of France, ii, 248.
COLERIDGE's Essay on Method, ii, 790.
Collectors, Usual Reluctance of, to contem-

plate the dispersion of their treasures ii,605.
COLLIER (John Payne), on Printed Catalo-
gues, ii, 858.

Columbia College (New York),Library of,ii,175.
COLUMBIAN Library at Seville, ii, 553.
Columbus, State Library of Ohio, at, ii, 205.
Commons, House of Library of the, ii, 103.
Concord, State Library of New Hampshire
at, ii, 205.

Congress Library at Washington, ii, 203.


CONRING (Hermann), his Account of the
Ducal Library of Wolfenbüttel, ii, 425.
Constantinople, Ancient Libraries of, i, 30.

Researches for Ancient MSS. at, i, 74;
Mission of J. D. Carlyle 75; Enquiries
of Toderini, 77; Mission of Lebarbier, 78.
Alleged destruction by Leo III. of a
Library at, i, 72.



Corporations, Management of Public Libraries
by English: at Norwich, i, 739; at Bris-
tol, 741; at Leicester, 747; at Manches-
ter, i, 809; ii, 1030; at Liverpool, i, 816;
General remarks on, ii, 560.

Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Library
of, i, 612; Archbishop Parker's Bequest
and Regulations, 603.

COOPER (Charles Purton), Liberal Gifts of, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Library of,

to Lincoln's Inn Library, i, 729.
Copenhagen, Royal Library at; its foundation
and early history, ii, 514; its collection
of the Old Literature of the Northmen,
516; its Astronomical MSS., 517; the
Reitzer Collection, 518; Rapid growth
of the Royal Library uuder Christian
IV.. 520; Absorption of the Gottorp Col-
lection, 521; Visits of Kennicott and of
Sir William Jones, 522.

[ocr errors]

University Library of, ii, 523.
Copy-Tax usually sprang from a Censor-
ship, ii, 577; extent of the exaction in
France and Italy, 578; in Spain, 579;
in Germany, 580; in Switzerland and
Denmark, 582; in Sweden, Russia, and
America, 583; in England, 584: Provi-
sions of the Sedition Acts, and of the
8 Queen Anne, 585; Bentley's Account
of the evasions of the Act, 586; Subse-
quent Amendments, 587; Cases decided,
588; The Commons' Committee of 1813,
589; and that of 1818, Ib.; Present Law,
590; Recent evasions, 591; and measures
adopted by Mr. Panizzi for its better en-
forcement, 592; Operation of the enact-
ment as respects the British Museum,
592; the Bodleian Library, 593; at Cam-,|
bridge, 594; i, 600; and at Dublin, ii,
54, 597; General Deductions, 599; the
Grants from the Consolidated Fund, 600;
Want of an Official printed Register of
all publications received by Copy-Tax, 601.
Cork, Cathedral Library, ii, 80.

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COSMO DE' MEDICI as a Collector of Books,
i, 39.

COSTA (Solomon da), his Gift to the Bri-

tish Museum and Letter to the Trustees, i,
452; Thomas Hollis's Account of him, 454.
COTTON (Sir Robert Bruce), his Life and
Character, i, 426; his Death, hastened by
the sealing up of his Library, 428; his
Library acquired by Act .of Parliament
for the Public, 429.
COTTON (Sir John) augments his Grand-
father's Library, i, 427; Churlishly ex-

cludes Bishop Burnet from access to it, 428.
Cottonian Library, Foundation and rapid
growth of the, i, 426; is acquired by Par-
liament for the Public, 429; early projects
for its combination with other collec-
tions, 430; its removal to Essex House,
and thence to Ashburnham House, 431; its
partial destruction by fire, 432; subse-
quent restoration of many of the burnt
MSS., 433; its character and extent, 513;.
Bequest of Arthur Edwards for its aug-
mentation, 434; its transfer to the Bri-
tish Museum, Ib.

CORNEY (Bolton), On Printed Catalogues, ii, COURTEN (William), Life, Parentage, and Col-


léctions of, i, 440.

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