Thou preparedst room before it, And didst cause it to take deep root, And it filled the land. The hills were covered with the shadow of it, And the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedars. She sent out her boughs unto the sea, And her branches unto... Sermons on the Parables - Página 166por John Farrer - 1801 - 371 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Francis Atterbury - 1708 - 582 páginas
...was fet. The HiUs (/'. e. the Hill-Country of "Judah, the fartheft Point of Paleftine , Southward) were covered with the Shadow of it, and the Boughs thereof were like the Cedars of God, on Mount Lebanon, in the Extremity of its Northern Borders. She fent out her Boughs... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 páginas
...taken From you, and given to a Nation bringing yuu« I II\- i.-fc.tiijj»»« ii • -.-•• 10. The Hills were covered with the Shadow of it, and the Boughs thereof were like the goodly Ctdars. the Sea, and her Branches unto the River. 1 I < UIIW 1 VIl<- «M»- • "* ' ' O down her HEUGES,... | |
 | United Brethren in Christ - 1754 - 828 páginas
...their fin. Selah. Wilt thou not then, and planted it Thou preparedft room before it : and didft caufe it to take deep root, and it filled the land. The hills were covered with the ihadow of it : and the boughs thereof were like the cedars of God. Da r rople revive us again : that... | |
 | Cheyney Hart - 1761 - 274 páginas
...Thou haft caft out the Heathen and planted it; 9. Thou madeft Room for it; and when it had taken Root, it filled the Land: the Hills were covered with the Shadow of it, and the Boughs thereof weie like the goodly .Cedar-trees : 10. She ftretched out hex Branches unto the Sea, and her Boughs... | |
 | Lord Henry Home Kames - 1765 - 576 páginas
...haft brought a vine out of Egypt : thou haft caft out the heathen, and planted it. Thou didft caufe it to take deep root, and it filled the land. The hills were covered with its fhadow, and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedars. Why hiift thou then broken down her... | |
 | 1765 - 512 páginas
...when it had taken root, it filled the land. . ..-. ' * . ." 10 The hills were covered with the fhadow of it: and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedar- trees. 11 She ftretched out her branches unto the fea: and her boughs unto the river. * 1 2 Why haft thou... | |
 | David Durell - 1772 - 326 páginas
...preparedji Room before it ; rTJaV nw] Rather THOU DIDST REMOVE INCUMBRANCES FROM IT. See Taylor. V. 10. The Hills 'were covered with the Shadow of it, and the Boughs thereof were like the goodly Cedars. J Stf 'Hi* iTOJjn — nSv DHH 1DD] I would render the latter Hemiftic thus — AND THE GOODLY... | |
 | Lord Henry Home Kames - 1772 - 404 páginas
...haft brought a vine out of Egypt: thou haft Caft out the heathen, and planted it. Thou didft caufe it to take deep root, and it filled the land. The hills were covered with its fhadow, and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedar. Why haft thou then broken down her hedges,... | |
 | Theophilus Lindsey - 1774 - 256 páginas for it, and when it had taken root, it filled the land. 10 The hills were covered with the fhadow of it, and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedar trees. 11 She ftretched out her branches unto the fea, and her boughs unto the river. 12 Why haft thou then... | |
 | George Croft - 1786 - 240 páginas
...hypocrify. * James 3. xvii. SERMON SERMON IV. PSA L. Ixxx. V. 9. THOU PREPAREDST ROOM BEFORE IT, THOU DIDST CAUSE IT TO TAKE DEEP ROOT, AND IT FILLED THE LAND. HE genuine fimplicity of Chriftian JL Faith and Chriftian Worfhip was but of fhort duration. After... | |
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