1 AND OTHER DEVOTIONS FOR BLIOTHE PENITENTS. COMPILED BY THE REV. JOHN LEY, B.D. OXFORD, JOHN HENRY PARKER; J. G. F. AND J. RIVINGTON, LONDON. 1845. CA·BOD NOTICE. THIS little Book has been compiled for the use of a particular Institution, to which also the profits of its Sale, if any, will belong. It is made public at the suggestion of several persons, who think that it may be useful in other Institutions of the same kind, as well as to private individuals. Most of the Prayers are taken from the Liturgy. The remainder are selected, or adapted with slight alterations, from approved works of Devotion. The Hymns are not altogether what the Compiler could have wished; but he must plead in excuse for this the lack of Hymns of a better character in our language. His object has been to assist Devotion by variety, and by directing attention to some important subjects on each occasion of Prayer. PRAYERS AND OTHER DEVOTIONS FOR PENITENTS. PREFACE. The Sinner's Lamentation. O LORD, turn not Thy face from me, A gate which opens wide to those Shut not that gate against me, Lord, And call me not to strict account, I need not to confess my life The circumstances of my crimes, B |