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has just been said by Mr. Alfonso regarding Chili. The service on the Mexican coast of the Pacific is perfectly well done. The Government has established there three lines, among them an American line, which meet all the demands as far as can be desired. My acceptance, then, of the plan of the committee on behalf of Mexico had a sentimental motive, so to speak; we have no other object than to bring us closer to the Republics of the South with whom we have no trade.

Therefore, I repeat, with the desire solely to make those relations closer and bring ourselves into communication with our neighbors, we are going to pay an amount larger than any other Republic except the United States.

The SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT. Does any other of the honorable delegates desire the floor? The vote will be taken on the plan of the honorable delegate from Peru, accepted by the committee.


(The secretaries read the same in Spanish and English.)

The vote resulted as follows:

[blocks in formation]

The SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT. By the unanimous vote of the delegations present the plan has been approved.


Mr. GUZMAN. I had to leave the Conference yesterday before the vote was taken on the resolution presented by Mr. Zegarra. I desire to have it stated that Nicaragua is in favor of it.

Mr. CRUZ. Mr. President, I ask the same with regard to Guatemala.

The PRESIDENT. It will be so entered.

Mr. ZEGARRA, a Delegate from Peru, said that he wished to put on record the reasons for which he had voted on his proposition, and for that purpose sent to the Chair, to be read by the Secretaries, the following document:

The undersigned Delegate in voting on the project which he had the honor to submit deems it advisable to set forth that the purposes of the modification therein suggested is not by any means to reject the ideas formulated by the Committee on Communication on the Pacific, or declare thereby that the system of subsidies recommended as the only means of promoting maritime, telegraphic, and postal communication is in all cases unadvisable. Without detaining himself in examining that system, it seems to him beyond doubt that the measure of granting subsidies is not the only one capable of accomplishing the desired end, nor is it the most necessary or advantageous for his country under the present circumstances of its foreign commerce. It has been stated by several Delegates that the maritime service on the Pacific leaves nothing to be desired. As far as the necessities of commerce are concerned, this fact, which is a matter of notoriety, embraces all the Republics bordering on that Ocean, and for the same reason it seems to be best that the Government of Peru should be in full liberty to decide either to grant the subsidy or to resort to some other means for promoting maritime communication. between the American Republics, with which purpose the

said Government heartily desires to co-operate in such manner as may be consistent with its own interests.

There is another remark to be made in support of the ' project. The ideas formulated by the committee, although many in number and well presented in their form, are not complete. One omission to be introduced among others refers to the service which the subsidized companies shall render to the respective Governments. Another omission is to establish a limit in the rates of freight and passengers. It is evident, therefore, that the most natural plan is to accept a form as that which the undersigned, together with several of his honorable colleagues, has had the honor to present for the consideration of the honorable Conference by which each interested Government remains in full and absolute liberty to decide whether the system of subsidies is or is not advisable, and in case it is accepted, to amplify or restrict the subsidy suggested by the committee.

Washington, March 24, 1890.

Delegate from Peru.


The International American Conference resolves: To recommend to the Governments of the countries bordering on the Pacific Ocean to promote among themselves maritime, telegraphic, and postal communications, taking into consideration, as far as is compatible with their own interests, the propositions formulated in the report of the Committee on Communications on the Pacific.




[As submitted to the Conference January 27, 1890.]

The President of the International American Conference: The committee appointed to consider and report upon the best means of extending and improving the facilities for commercial, postal, and telegraph communication between the several countries represented in this Conference that border upon the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, has the honor to submit to the Conference the following report:


Telegraphic communication is carried on between the different countries by means of lines which connect the principal cities of the several countries. It seems that the service meets all requirements, and is to be considered satisfactory.

Cable communication is carried on by means of two lines between the United States and the republics of the South. One of them connects Galveston, Tex., with Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and the countries on the west coast of South America. The other goes from Tampa, Fla., to Havana, round the south coast of Cuba to Kingston, Jamaica, and from there to Ponce de Leon, Porto Rico; thence by way of the Windward Islands to Trinidad, and across to the coast of Venezuela. The rates charged by both of these companies

make it impracticable to do much business over their lines, and all but the most imperative messages are reserved for the mails.

We recommend that steps be taken to secure a moderate scale of charges over the present cable lines, and in the event that this can not be accomplished, would suggest the necessity of granting charters to one or more independent cable companies under the auspices of the several Governments representing the countries at interest; the said companies to be incorporated with the provision that cable tolls shall in no case exceed reasonable maximum rates to be fixed in their charters. We further recommend that large systems may be used as far as possible. Short single sections between two isolated points can never pay. It is nearly as expensive to maintain a short as a long circuit, and with a system of several cables the only additional expense is the salaries of the staff of operators at the stations.


Postal communication between the United States and the countries bordering on the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea is governed by the provisions of the Universal Postal Union, and is carried on by several lines of steam-ships, which sail more or less frequently, and carry the mails under the direction of the post-office authorities of the respective Governments.

A statement from the Post-Office Department, hereto attached, will show the number and character of these lines, the amount of mail transported, and the compensation paid by the United States Government during the fiscal year ending June 30 1889.


The facilities for commercial and postal communication. between the United States and Hayti are fair, being furnished by the Clyde Steam-ship Company, whose steamers sail under the United States flag.

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