Imágenes de páginas

LITERATURE, continued.

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Her Recollections," 52. Ricketts, C.
S., "The Prado," 37. Roberts, W.,
Romney," 37. Robinson, Sir J.,
Fifty Years of Fleet Street," 51.
Roby, H. J., "Roman Private Law,'
68. Rodd, Sir R., "Sir Walter
Raleigh," 42
SAINTSBURY, Prof., "History of Criti
cism and Literary Taste in Europe,'
38. Sichel, W., "Disraeli, 43.
Sidgwick, H., "The Development of
European Polity," 67. Spencer, B.,

The Northern Tribes of Central

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

de Vere," 45. Watson, W. P.,

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Japan: Aspects and Destinies," 60.
Weale, B. L. P., "Manchuria and
Muscovite," 59. "Westminster Com-
mentaries,' 65. Wheatley, H. B.,
"The Story of London,' 69. Wil-
cocks, Gen. Sir J., "From Kabul to
Kumassi," 53. Williamson, Dr. G.,
"George Morland: His Life and
Works," 37. Wright, T., "The Life
of Edward Fitzgerald," 45
LONDON Bridge, widened footways, opened,

County Council, triennial election,
[64]; result of elections, 6; chairman
elected, 6; cost of housing schemes,
8; Education Committee, new scholar-
ship scheme, [234]

Lord Mayor of, elected, 26
Mart, result of land and property
sales, 34

School Board, final meeting, [115]
Water Arbitration, award, 5
LONG, W., his conference on the unem-
ployed, [208]; schemes, 27, 28; at
Islington, 28

LUNACY, report of the Commissioners on,

MACGREGOR, Sir W., appointed Governor
of Newfoundland, 19
MALTA.-CONSTITUTION, petition for the
grant of a, [426]

MARRIAGE, Albany, Princess Alice of, to
Prince Alexander of Teck, 4
MARSHALL, G., robbery of bank notes, 3
MAURITIUS.-BOYLE, Sir C., appointed
Governor, 7, 19

MCNEILL, Lady H., drowned, 22

MERCANTILE Marine Company, [249]


CURRENCY reform, [458].
DIAZ, President, re-elected, [457].
TRADE, [457]

MILITIA and Volunteer Forces, Royal
Commission, report, [136], [151], 13
MINERS' Wages, reduction of, 8

MITCHELL, W., his gift of books to the
British Museum, 4

MONSON, Sir E., his retirement, 22
MOTOR-CARS, number of, registered, 23
MUSIC, destruction of pirated, 1
MUSIC.-Retrospect of :-
CHAMBER Concerts, 102
CHORAL Societies, 100
COVENT Garden Festival, 99
HANDEL Society, 100
INDIVIDUAL Performers, 103
JOACHIM Quartet, 102
LEEDS Festival, 104

ORCHESTRAL Concerts, 101
PROMENADE Concerts, 101
PROVINCIAL Festivals, 103

NATIONAL Gallery, portrait by Titian,
bought for the, 22
NAVAL reforms, [227]

NELSON, Lord, sale of a letter from, 11


in, [330]. BUDGET, [331]. CHAMBER,
dissolution of the First, [329].
MARK, arbitration treaty with, [331].
EDUCATION Bill, [329]. Elections,
provincial, [330]. HEUTSZ, Lieut. -Gen.
Van, appointed Governor-General of
the Dutch Indies, [331]. PARLIAMENT,
opened, [330]

reforms, [474]. Arbitration Act, [474].
BIRTH rate, decline, [474]. CAR-
RUTHERS, J. H., Premier, [473].
Closer Settlement Bill, [474]. FEDERA-
TION, result of, [473]. MINISTRY,
change of, [473]. RAINFALL, 23
anthracite, discovery of at Greymouth,
[479]. LAND for Settlement Acts,
[479]. Licensing Act, [478]. PARLIA
MENT, opened, [478]. Plunket, Lord,
Governor, [478], 5. SHOPS and Offices
Act, [478]

agreement, [455]. BOYLE, Sir C., on
the settlement of the "French Shore
question, [455]. ELECTION, general,
[455]. FISHERIES, [456]. IRON and
steel, bounties on, [457]. MACGREGOR,
Sir W., Governor, [455], 19. NAVAL
Reserves, [457]. REVENUE, [456].
TELEGRAPHS, Act for, [457]. Trade,

NORTH Sea incident, [210], [316], 28, 32;
commission of inquiry, [218], [221],
30; Board of Trade inquiry, 31; ad-
journed, 31; members of the commis-
sion, 33, 34; first meeting, 34
NORWAY.-Budget, [351], [352]. COM-

MERCIAL treaties, question of, [352].
Consular service question, [349]-[351].
ELECTIONS, municipal, [353]. LEGISLA

NORWAY, continued.

TIVE measures, [352]. Loan, authorisa-
tion for, [353]. SWEDEN, negotiations
with, [349]-[351]. TARIFF proposal,
the new, [352]. Thorne, M., elected
President of the Storthing, [352]
NURSES, certificates presented to, 20

113; Abbott, Major A. K., 119; Ab-
bott, Rev. W., 164; Adams, W. D.,
139; Aga Akbar Shah, 126; Ainger,
Rev. A., 112; Alington, Baron, 114;
Allen, C. H., 164; Allen, Col. D. M.,
147; Allingham, H. W., 158; Anderton,
A., 164; Anhalt, Duke of, 108; Anson,
Major the Hon. H. J., 115; Archer, J.,
145; Armitage, Rev. A., 147; Arnold,
Sir E., 117; Arnold, W. T., 129;
Asturias, The Infanta M. de las M.,
Princess of the, 154; Ayerst, Rev. W.,

BABNIGG, Mme. E., 127; Bacon, Rev.

J. M., 164; Baldwin, Rt. Rev. M. S.,
154; Banks, Sir W. M., 144; Bardsley,
Rt. Rev. J. W., 145; Bartholdi, A.,
152; Bateman, Sir F., 141; Bayly,
Capt. E. H., 140; Beath, Lieut.-Col.
J. H., 147; Beaton, Rev. P., 153;
Beckett, Sir A. à, 145; Beith, G.,
Bell, Sir L., 161; Bell, W. C., 147;
Bernard, Rev. T. D., 162; Berry, Sir
G., 109; Bethune, Capt. H., 127; Bick-
nell, Capt. P. B., 131; Biddulph, Sir
M. A. S., 138; Biggs, R., 132; Birch,
G. H., 128; Bishop, I. L., 150; Bis-
marck, Prince H., 146; Blackett, Col.
C. E., 128; Blanc, Baron, 129; Boeht-
lingk, O., 121; Bonaparte, Princess
M. L. W., 106; Bourchier, Staff-Com.
W. S., 131; Bourke, Lieut-Gen. the
Hon. J. J., 147; Bowles, Lieut.-Gen.
V. H., 107; Braddon, Sir E. N. C.,
109; Brady, Sir T. F., 146; Bray-
brooke, Lord, 107; Bremridge, E.,
132; Bretherton, Major G. H., 138;
Bridport, Viscount, 130; Brook, E.,
109; Bromby, C. H., 138; Brown, J.
T., 158; Brown, Col. P. A., 128;
Browne, R. G. M., 132; Buick, Rev.
Dr., 124; Burns, Rev. R., 124; Burn-
side, Canon F., 131; Burton, Gen. Sir
F., 121; Butler, Quartermaster F., 124;
Butler, Major R., 163; Byrne, Mr.
Justice, 120

CADOGAN, Hon. F. W., 160; Cambridge,
Duke of, 116; Campbell, Capt. C. D.,
113; Campbell, J., 139; Candamo,
Señor, 127; Capper, S. J., 122; Car-
dale, Admiral C. S., 130; Carpenter,
Admiral the Hon. W. C., 128; Car-
rick-Buchanan, Sir D. C. R., 113;
Cassagnac, P. G. de, 158; Castle,
Capt. J. S., 164; Catty, Major-Gen
C. P., 119; Cayley, Deputy-Surgeon-
General H., 119; Chapman, Dr. E. J.,
109; Chappell, A., 164; Charley, Sir
W. T., 137; Charrington, S., 163;
Chessnaye, Surgeon-Col. G. C., 122;
Cholmeley, Sir H. A. H., 113; Churton,
Rt. Rev. H. N., 108; Clarke, Col. R.
F. N., 153; Cleave, Rev. W. O., 140;
Clifford, F., 165; Clinton, Lord, 119;

OBITUARY, continued.

Cobb, G. F., 120; Cobbe, F. P., 122;
Cochrane, Sir H., 145; Coillard, Rev.
F., 129; Cooper, J. D., 115; Copeland,
Hon. H., 131; Cork and Orrery, Earl
of, 131; Cowen, Dr. W., 162; Cox,
Major-Gen. F E., 129; Coyne, W. P.,
106; Craig, Very Rev. G., 153; Craig,
Capt. S. E., 160; Cr'aster, Capt. J. C.
P., 132; Crosland, Sir J., 143 ; Crowe,
Capt. F. H. E., 141

DANIEL, Canon E., 129; Davidson, Dr
J. T., 158; Day, Rt. Rev. M., 163;
Devon, Earl of, 108; Dibbs, the Hon.
Sir G. R., 144; Dickens, Major R. V.,
140; Dickson, Gen. Sir C., 160;
Dilke, Lady, 154; Dillon, V. B., 120;
Dobbing, F. C., 154; Domville, Vice-
Admiral Sir W. C. H., 124; Donegall,
Marquess of, 128; Douglas, Hon. J.,
138; Douglas, J., 140; Dryhurst, A.
G., 119; Duclaux, E., 127; Dudgeon,
Dr. R. E., 145; Duff-Assheton-Smith,
G. W., 159; Dvorak, A., 125
ELLISON, T., 129; Ellison-Macartney, J.
W., 113; Elrington, Gen. F. R., 114;
Elverson, Major H. J., 158; Esher,
E., Viscountess, 130; Evans, Canon
C., 142; Evans, S. T. G., 158; Everett,
Dr. J. D., 141; Ewart, Gen. Sir J. F.,
131; Ewing, Brevet-Major A. W. S,
119; Eyre, Col. H., 132
FAUTIN-LATOUR, J. H. J. T., 143; Faw-
cett, C. J. F., 155; Fawcett, E., 127;
Ferguson, C. J., 162; Ferguson, W.,
147; Ferrar, M. L., 124; Fielding,
Gen. the Hon. Sir P. R. B., 107;
Finch-Hatton, Hon. H. H., 128; Fin-
sen, Prof., 146; Fischer, Dr. F., 130;
Fitzwygram, Lieut.-Gen. Sir F. W. J.,
162; Fleming, C. J., 164; Forbes, J.,
119 Forbes, J. S., 121; Ford, W.
J., 121; Foster, Sir C. Le N., 124;
Fowler, Dr., 157; Fraser, Rev. A. G.,
127; Fraser, Col. E. L., 165; Free-
man, Dr. A. J., 160; Furse, C. W.,
153; Furst, H. J., 139; Fyfe, H. C.,
119; Fyler, Col. A. E., 119

GALE, F., 124; Galloway, C. J., 118;
Gérôme, J. L., 107; Glyn, Hon. P.
C., 158; Goodall, F., 139; Grant,
Lieut.-Gen. Sir R., 107; Gresson,
Major W. H., 124; Guedalla, H.,
152; Gurney, Rev. H. P., 141
HADFIELD, Rt. Rev. O., 163; Hall, J.,
165; Hammacher, Dr. F., 163; Hanna,
Senator, M.A., 113; Hanover, Princess
M. of, 130; Harcourt, Sir W.,
Hardwicke, Earl of, 157; Harlech,
Baron, 132; Harris, Sir J. C., 160;
Hastings, Baron, 146; Hawtrey, Capt.
M., 146; Hayes, E., 158; Hayes, Rt.
Rev. J. T., 109; Hayman, Rev. H.,
137; Hearn, L., 146; Helm, E., 165;
Henderson, R., 154; Henderson, Sir
W., 131; Herzl, T., 136; Higginson,
J., 155; Hiles, Dr. H, 154; Hill, H
W., 159; Hinchley, G., 165; Hoar,
G. F., 147; Hobhouse, Lord, 160;
Hodson, Preb. G. H., 138; Hohen-
zollom von Sigmaringen, Prince F.,
162; Hole, Very Rev. S. R., 142;
Hollingshead, J., 153; Holmes, Rt.

OBITUARY, continued.

Rev. J. G., 147; Hook, Col. L., 153;
Hopkins, E., 142; Hopwood, C. H.,
153; Horton, Capt. P. T., 123; How-
lett, Gen. Sir A., 139; Hughes, Col.
Sir E., 145; Hughes-Games, Rev. J.,
119; Hull, Com. T. A., 119; Hum-
phreys, Rev. R. M., 160; Hunt, Canon
R. S., 137; Hunter, C., 146
IMPEY, Col. É. C., 159; Inderwick, F. A.,
142; Inglis, Hon. Lady, 111; Ingram,
Hon. Mrs. M., 164; Ivanoff, Lieut.-
Gen., 129

JACKSON, S. P., 109; Jeune, G. F. Le,
130; Jeune, H. Le, 152; Johnstone,
J. H., 153; Jokai, M., 127; Jones,
Col. G. T., 113

KABRAJI, K. N., 124; Kapnist, Count
P., 162; Keatinge, Gen. R. H., 129;
Keppel, Sir H., 105; Khory, Dr. R. N.,
165; King, H., 128; Kitton, F. G., 145;
Knollys, W. W., 141; Kruger, P., 134
LASSEN, Dr. E., 108; Laurie, J. S., 137;
Lawson, G. A., 147; Leamy, E., 163;
Lee, H., 164; Lee, J. P., 115; Lee,
Capt. W. F., 145; Legh, Lieut.-Col.
H. M. C., 155; Leiningen, Prince of,
120; Leiter, L, 131; Lenbach, Prof.
F. von, 127; Leno, Dan, 155; Levi,
L. N., 108; Lewis, Gen. C. A., 109;
Lipscombe, W., 146; Lister, Capt. the
Hon. T., 107; Lloyd, E., 155; Lloyd,
J. M., 153; Lloyd, T., 131; Loftus,
Lord A. W. F. S., 118; Longhurst,
Dr. W. H., 131; Longstreet, Gen., 109;
Longueville, Lieut.-Col. C. M. de, 129;
Lovett, Rev. R., 165; Low, Gen. Sir A.,
137; Lowe, C. M. S., 127; Lowther,
Rt. Hon. J., 144; Lynch, H., 109
MACCOLL, N., 160; Macdermot, The Rt.
Hon. The, 111; Maceachan, Señor E.,
115; Macfarlane, Sir D. H., 130; Mac-
kennal, Rev. Dr. A., 131; Mackie, Col.
E. A., 154; Mackray, Most Rev. R.,
118; Macleod, W., 114; MacNeill,
Major-Gen. J. G. R. D., 107; Mac-
rory, E., 124; Madden, F. W., 131;
Marey, Prof. E. J., 130; Maguire,
Lieut. Col. J. T., 107; Maitland, Rear-
Adm. H. L. A. L., 119; Makaroff, Vice-
Adm. S. O., 123; Markham, É. P.,
108; Mauleverer, Col. B. B., 108; May,
Rear-Adm. H. J., 124; May, J., 122;
McCann, J., 114; McClean, F., 159;
M'Coan, J. C., 108; McDonald, J. A.,
163; McLaren, D., 142; McLean, M.,
145; McLennan, W., 139; McMahon,
Lieut.-Gen. C. A., 114; McNeill,
Major-Gen. J. C., 128; Mecklenburg-
Strelitz, Grand Duke F. W. of, 129;
Meiggs, J. A., 131; Meldon, Dr. A.,
124; Melvill, Com. F. W., 152; Mel-
ville, Rev. D., 118; Meredyth, Capt.
Sir E. H. J., 153; M'Govern, T.,
121; Michaelis, Mme., 165; Mignon,
Major-Gen. F. P., 129; M'Innes, Hon.
T. R., 118; Mitchell, Rev. Dr. J. M.,
165; Moir, Rev. A. P., 136; Moly.
neux, Sir R. H. M., 115; Mouch,
Lieut.-Gen. the Hon. R., 152; Moore,
A. J., 107; Moore, J., 137; Moore,
Sir J. V., 113; Morice, Capt. Sir G.,
112; Morris, His Honour W. O'C.,

OBITUARY, continued.

140; Morton, C., 154; Müller, J. V.
S., 163; Murdoch, J., 141; Murray,
A. S., 118
NICOLSON, Lieut.-Gen. M. H., 141; Nor-
man, Sir H., 151; Norris, J. F., 128;
Northbrook, Earl of, 156; Northcote,
J., 145; Norton, J., 159
OGILVIE, Rev. A., 140; O'Gorman, W. A.,
111; Ommanney, Adm. Sir E., 164
PALGRAVE, Sir R. F. D., 137; Palmer,
Gen. Sir A. P., 115; Paterson, J. W.
J., 165; Paton, Quartermaster and
Hon. Major W., 128; Patteson, J. H.,
137; Paul, W. H., 158; Payne, E. J.,
164; Pearce, S., 109; Percival, E. H.,
130; Perowne, Rt. Rev. J. J. S., 155;
Pickard, B., 111; Platts, J. T., 147;
Plehve, W. K., 135; Poore, G. V.,
159; Porcher, W. R., 114; Portal,
M., 108; Powell, F. Y., 127; Powers-
court, Viscount, 130; Prinsep, V. C.,
159; Pryor, A., 147

QUAY, Senator M. S., 130
RADZIWILL, Prince A., 163; Railton,
A. B., 145; Randles, Rev. M., 137;
Rattigan, Sir W. H., 136; Reeves,
Col. J., 138; Reid, Hon. R., 128;
Richards, Rev. Dr. W. J. B., 143;
Richardson, Rev. G., 108; Richard-
son, Ven. J., 119; Ridding, G., 143;
Ridley, Viscount, 157; Robarts, C.
H., 140; Roberts, Col. E., 142;
Roberts, I., 138; Robinson, Rev.
F., 112; Ross, Sir D. P., 129; Roth,
Dr., 122; Russell, Gen. Sir E. L., 109;
Russell, T., 145

SABBEN, Staff Commander H. H., 129;
Sadler, T., 145; Salmon, Rev. G., 106;
Salmoné, Prof. H. A., 154; Salt, Sir
T., 122; Salvin, Capt., F. H., 152;
Sandys, Lord, 138; Sandys, F., 132;
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Duchess A. of,
164; Saxe-Weimar, Princess E. of,
121; Saxony, King of, 150; Scherm-
brucher, Col., 124; Scott, C., 132;
Scott, Sir J., 117; Sendall, Sir W. J.,
118; Sergeant, A., 162; Serpette, G.,
158; Severn, W., 146; Sheringham,
Ven. J. W., 112; Sherston-Baker,
Lieut. Col. R. H., 142; Shute, Gen.
Sir C. C., 124; Siemens, F., 130;
Sieveking, Sir E., 115; Silcock, A. Q.,
164; Simon, Sir J., 138; Simpson,
Col. G. G., 153; Sinclair-Lockhart,
Major-Gen. Sir G. A., 119; Sisley,
Dr. R., 127; Slater, Rev. S., 142;
Smiles, S., 123; Smith, Capt. and
Brevet-Major G. de H., 153; Smith,
Dr. T. G., 140; Smyly, Sir P. C.,
122; Snell, H. S., 107; Snow, Gen.
T. R., 159; Soutar, Mrs. R., 124;
Souter, Major T., 123; Spain, Queen
Isabella of, 121; Stacey, G. B., 152;
Stanhope, J. B., 108; Stanley, Sir
H. M., 125; Stanton, J. E., 143;
Starey, S. R., 159; Stephen, Sir L.,
110; Stephenson, Sir A. F. W. K.,
147; Stephenson, Sir H., 142; Sterling,
Mme. A., 107; Stevens, Gen. H. B.,
145; Stevenson, D. W., 119; Steward,
Lieut.-Gen. C. S., 126; Stewart, Gen.
Sir R. C., 163; Stock, Canon E. P.,

OBITUARY, continued.

153; Strangways, Gen. G., 162;
Strathmore and Kinghorne, Earl of,
114; Strong, S. A., 108; Stuart, Col.
C. E., 164; Sturgis, J. R., 122; Suli-
van, Adm. G. L., 136; Swinton, Capt.
R. B., 127

TATA, J. N., 128; Taylor, Gen. Sir R.
C. H., 162; Tennant, Major J. T.,
165; Thellusson, Lieut.-Col. A. D.,
152; Thomasson, J. P., 128; Thomp-
son, Sir H., 123; Thomson, Col. J. A.,
152; Thorne, J. L., 152; Thornton,
E., 143; Thornton, J. K., 106; Thurs-
by, Capt. P., 128; Tighe, Lieut. -Col.
J. S., 136; Tigrane Pasha, 139; Tolle-
mache, Lord, 163; Tomson, A. S.,
152; Trafford, Second Lieut. A. F. de,
130; Turner, J. S., 115; Tweedmouth,
Lady, 141

USHER, Sir J., 119

VAIL, W. B., 123; Vansittart, Vice-Adm.

E. W., 154; Vere, Sir S. E. De, 159;
Verestchagin, V., 123; Vesey, Rear-
Adm. C., 114; Vierge, D., 130; Vintras,
Dr. A., 159; Voeux, Major-Gen. A.
A. des, 129

grave-Leslie, Hon. G., 137; Waldersee,
A. Count von, 117; Wallon, H., 159;
Walter, Capt., Sir E., 115; Walton,
Rev. J., 130; Ward, Capt. the Hon.
R., 118; Watson, Rev. A., 159; Wat-
son, G. L., 159; Watts, G. F., 132;
Watts, H. E., 158; Webber, Major-
Gen. C. E., 146: Webster, F. J., 143;
Wellington, E. Duchess of, 141; White,
J. F., 153; Whitfield, Rev. F., 145;
Whitley, Rt. Rev. J. C., 154; Whitney,
W. C., 111; Williams, C., 113;
Williams, Rt. Hon. J. P., 112;
Williams, Lieut. -Gen. O., 151; William-
son, Prof. A. W., 127; Willey, H. A.,
146; Wingfield-Digby, J. K., 164;
Wood, Col. C., 145; Wood, Gen. Sir
H. H. A., 141; Woods, Sir A., 107;
Woollcombe, Vice-Adm., H. B., 113;
Wright, Mr. Justice, 142

YOUL, Sir J. A., 130; Young, R., 163
OSLER, Dr. W., appointed Regius Professor
of Medicine in Oxford, 22

OXFORD, Classical Association, meeting,
14; University, anti-compulsory Greek
proposal rejected, 32

PARLIAMENT.-Opened, [18], 3; KING'S

SPEECH, [18]-[20], [199]; Ministers'
resignations, [51], [72], [97], [230];
adjourned, [97], [134]; Easter Recess,
[97]; reassembled, [101], [136]; Whit-
suntide Recess, [135]; all-night sitting,
[169]; prorogued, [199]

ADDRESS, debate in the House of Lords,
[20]; agreed to, [21]; in the House of
Commons, [21]; amendments, [24]-[49];
agreed to, [49]

BUDGET, [102]-[106], [113]; Indian, [198]
ESTIMATES, Army, [66], [81]; Civil Ser-

vice, [91]; Navy, [58]; Revenue, [91],
[102]; Supplementary, [54], [90]
SUPPLY, Committee of, [81], [142], [144],

WAYS and Means, Committee of, [102]

sioners, [121]. Aliens, [93], [112],
[141]; withdrawn, [157]. Anglo-
French Convention, [136], [199]. Ap-
propriation, [199]. BISHOPRICS of
Southwark and Birmingham, [118],
[197]. CONSOLIDATED Fund, [89].
Criminal Repatriation, [157]. Cunard
Agreement, [197]. EDUCATION (Local
Authorities Default), [114], [164], [192],
[198]. Education, Scottish, [92], [117],
144]. Education (Transferred Schools),
[121], [164]. Expiring Laws Continu-
ance, [197] FINANCE, [126]; in Com-
mittee, [147], [167]; report stage, [176];
in the Lords, [179]. LABOURERS (Ire-
land), [149], [240]; Land, Irish, [159],
[197]. Land Values (Assessment and
Rating), [81]. Licensing, [109], [121],
13; amendments in Committee, [138],
[141], [152], [157], [159]-[161]; report
stage, [176]; third reading, [177]; in
the Lords, [184]. London, Port of,
[144]. MERCHANT Shipping (Light-
houses), [124]. Metric System, [101].
Miners (Eight Hours), [57]. Musical
Copyright, [56]. PENAL Servitude,
[137]. Private Legislation Procedure
(Wales), [90]. REDISTRIBUTION, [120],
[230] Registration of Clubs (Ireland),
[117]. SHOP Hours, [136], [197]. Street
Betting, [117]. THAMES River Steam-
boat Service, [137]. Trade Unions and
Trade Disputes, [111]. VALUATION,
[138]. WEIGHTS and Measures, [57],
[1011 Whale Fisheries, [117]. Wire-
less Telegraphy, [197]

ADDRESS, Campbell-Bannerman, Sir H.,
[21]; Chamberlain, A., [22]; Lans-
downe, Lord, [20]; Spencer, Lord, [20]
AFRICA, South, War, Arnold-Forster, H.
O., [30]; Brodrick, W. St. J., [29]
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir H., [28];
Chamberlain, J., [26]-[28]; Dilke, Sir
C., [26]; Macnamara, J. T., [25]; Rob-
son, W. S., [24]; Wyndham, G., [25]
ALIENS Bill, Akers-Douglas, A., [93],
[113]; Asquith, H. H., [113]; Dilke,
Sir C., [94], [112]; Gordon, Major E.,
[113]; Long, W., [113]; Trevelyan,
C. P., [112]

ANDERSON, Constable, case of, Saunder-
son, Col., [188]; Wyndham, G.,

ARMY Estimates, Arnold-Forster, H. O.,
[68], [71], [81]; Balfour, A. J., [69]
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir H., [691
Dilke, Sir C., [71]; Grey, Sir E., [70];
McCrae, G., [81]

ARMY Reform, Arnold-Forster, H. O.,
[152], [161]-[163], [193], [194]; Beckett,
E. W., [151]; Campbell-Bannerman,
Sir H., [152], [163]; Donoughmore,
Earl of, [150]; Hamilton, Lord G.,
[193]; Lansdowne, Lord, [151]; New-
ton, Lord, [151]

"BLOCKING motions," Balfour, A. J.,
[141]; Pease, J. A., [141]
BUDGET, Campbell-Bannerman, Sir H.,
[106]; Chamberlain, A., [102]-[105],
[107], [113]; Fowler, Sir H., [107];


Hicks-Beach, Sir M., [106]; Lough,
T., [107]

BUDGET, Indian, Brodrick, W. St. J.,
[198]; Fowler, Sir H., [198]
CHINESE Labour question, Asquith, H.
H., [82], [88]; Balfour, A. J., [88];
Brodrick, W. St. J., [46]; Bryce, J.,
[87]; Burns, J., [46]; Campbell-
Bannerman, Sir H., [46], [85]; Canter-
bury, Archbishop of, [43], [82], [84];
Carrington, Lord, [43]; Chamberlain,
J., [170]: Coleridge, Lord, [83], [145];
Fowler, Sir H., [45], [170]; Goschen,
Lord, [84]; Grey, Lord, [43]; Harris,
Lord, [145]; Hereford, Bishop of, [84];
Lansdowne, Lord, [43], [85]; Lyttel-
ton, A., [44], [82], [86], [119], [133],
[147], [171]; Marlborough, Duke of,
[43], [83], [145]; Moulton, F., [87];
Onslow, Earl of, [43]; Portsmouth,
Lord, [42]; Ripon, Lord, [42]; Samuel,
H., [43]; Seely, Major, [44], [87],
[119]; Stanmore, Lord, [43], [83];
Tweedmouth, Lord, [84]

CONGO State, Dilke, Sir C., [142]; Fitz-
maurice, Lord E., [142]; Percy, Lord,

COTTON growing, Lyttelton, A., [116]
CRIMES Act of 1887, repeal, Boland,

J. P., [118]; Campbell-Bannerman,
Sir H., [118]; Wyndham, G., [118]
DEFENCE, Committee of, Balfour, A. J.,
[183]; Grey, Sir E., [184]
DUNDONALD, Lord, case of, Arnold-
Forster, H. O., [168]; Lloyd-George,
D., [168]

ECCLESIASTICAL Disorders, Commission
on, Balfour, A. J., [109]; Taylor, A.,

EDUCATION Act in Wales, Anson, Sir W.,
[79]; St. Asaph, Bishop of, [79]; Bal-
four, A. J., [80]; Bryce, J., [80];
Cecil, Lord H., [80]; Grey, Sir E.,
[79]; Lloyd-George, D., [79]; Thomas,
Sir A., [78]

EDUCATION (Local Authorities Default)
Bill, Anson, Sir W., [115], [164];
Balfour, A. J., [164]; Lloyd-George,
D., [115]; Morgan, L., [164]
EDUCATION (Scotland) Bill, Murray, G.,

EDUCATION (Transferred Schools) Bill,
St. Asaph, Bishop of, [121], [164]
EDUCATION Vote, Anson, Sir W., [196];
Bryce, J., [196]; Cripps, C. A., [195]
ELIOT, Sir C., his resignation, Percy,
Lord, [146]; Wason, Č., [146]
EXPENDITURE, national, Asquith, H. H.,
[128]; Balfour, A. J., [128]; Campbell-
Bannerman, Sir H., [126]; Chamber-
lain, A., [127]; Churchill, W., [127];
Fowler, Sir H., [127]; Harcourt,
Sir W., [127]

FINANCE Bill, Buxton, S., [147];
Chamberlain, A., [148]; Fowler, Sir
H., [148]

FISCAL question, Akers-Douglas, A.,
[41]; Asquith, H. H., [40], [76], [132],
[182]; Avebury, Lord, [50]; Balfour,
Lord, of Burleigh, [50], [173]; Balfour,
A. J., [76], [132], [182]; Balfour, G.,
[34]; Beauchamp, Lord, [71]; Black,


A., [130]; Bryce, J., [38]; Campbell-
Bannerman, Sir H., [40], [180]; Cecil,
Lord H., [36], [131], [181]; Chamber-
lain, J., [132], [181]; Churchill, W.,
[38]; Crewe, Lord, [50]; Cripps, C. A.,
[76]; Devonshire, Duke of, [51], [172];
Dilke, Sir C., [37]; Elliot, A., [180];
Ellis, J. E., [72]; Fowler, Sir H.,
[35]; Gorst, Sir J., [38]; Goschen,
Lord, [174]; Goschen, G. J., [131];
Grey, Sir E., [37]; Haldane, R. B.,
[35]; Halsbury, Lord, [52]; Hamilton,
Lord G., [36], [132]; Hicks-Beach,
Sir M., [35], [131]; James, Lord, of
Hereford, [52]; Kennaway, Sir J.,
[76]; Kitson, Sir J., [36]; Lansdowne,
Lord, [53], [173]; Law, B., [36];
Lloyd-George, D., [38]; Long, W.,
[37]; Lyttelton, A., [38], [180]; Marl-
borough, Duke of, [71]; Morley, J.,
[32], [34]; Parker, Sir G., [38]; Pirie,
D. V., [72], [75]; Redmond, J., [40];
Ritchie, C. T., [37]; Robertson, Lord,
[53]; Rosebery, Lord, [71], [173];
Salisbury, Marquess of, [50]; Selborne,
Lord, [51], [173]; Spencer, Lord, [53],
[174]; Wharton, Rt. Hon. J., [72],
[75]; Wrightson, Sir T., [37]; Wynd
ham, G., [40], [131]

GOVERNMENT, policy of the, Balfour,
A. J., [95]; Campbell-Bannerman,
Sir H., [94]; Lloyd-George, D., [96]
HOME Rule for Ireland, Redmond, J.,
[23]; Wyndham, G., [23]

LAND Bill, Irish, Redmond, J., [159];
Wyndham, G., [159]

LAND Purchase Act, Irish, Grey, Sir E.,
[48]; M'Hugh, P., [47]; Redmond, J.,
[47]; Russell, T. W., [47]; Wyndham,
G., [47]

LICENSING Bill, Akers-Douglas, A., [109],
[123]; Asquith, H. H., [123], [154],
[177]; Balfour, A. J., [110], [124],
[139], [140], [153], [155], [178]; Camp-
bell-Bannerman, Sir H., [110], [123],
[156], [178]; Canterbury, Archbishop
of, [185], [186]; Carson, Sir E., [123],
[140]; Chamberlain, J., [155]; Church-
hill, W., [156]; Coleridge, Lord, [187];
Gorst, Sir J., [139]; Grey, Lord [121],
[187]; Grey, Sir E., [139]; Griffith, E.,
[139] Hutchinson, Dr., [186]; Law-
son, Sir W., [110]; Lloyd-George, D.,
[111]; London, Bishop of, [185]; Mor-
ley, J., [154]; Morpeth, Lord, [122];
Peel, Lord, [184]; Redmond, J., [155];
Rosebery, Lord, [187]; Spencer, Lord,
[185]; Taylor, W., [139]; Whittaker,
T. P., [138], [139]; Worsley-Taylor,
H. W., [123]

MACEDONIAN question, Lansdowne, Lord,
[49], [119]; Newton, Lord, [49]; Percy,
Earl, [24]; Spencer, Lord, [50], [119]
MEMBERS, payment of, Grey, Sir E.,
[124]; Murray, G., [124]
MINISTERS, resignation, Balfour, A. J.,
[73]; Ellis, J. E., [72]; Hamilton,
Lord G., [74]; Ritchie, C. T., [78]
NAVAL shipbuilding, Brassey, Lord,
[194]; Pretyman, E. G., [189]; Robert-
son, E., [189]; Selborne, Lord, [194]
NAVY Estimates, Balfour, A. J., [62];

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