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agency than any human interposition; in such sort, that she contemned all those dangers which make others turn pale, as if she believed not only that the Parisians would unite their forces to hers, but also that God visibly favoured her by his assistance. Nevertheless this hope, however conceived with temerity, would not have been deceitful, if, upon the point of executing her bold enterprise of so arduous a feat, the French had forwarded forces equal to the courage which was manifested on this occasion."-Dubreton, pages 308, &c.

Grafton, at page 542, relates this affair in the following


"While the duke of Bedford was thus enterteinyng and encouragyng the Normans, Charles the newe French king, beyng of his departure advertised, longyng and thirstyng for to obteyne Paris, the chiefe citie and principall place of resort within the whole realme of Fraunce, departed from the towne of Senlis wel accompanied, and came to the towne of Saint Denise, which he found desolate, and abandoned of all garrison and good governance. Wherefore, without force and small damage, he entered into the voyd towne and lodged his armie at Mountmartir, and Abbervilliers, nere adioinyng and liyng to the citie of Parys. And from thence sent John duke of Alanson and his sorceresse Joan (called the Mayde sent from God), in whom his whole affiaunce then consisted, with three thousand light horsemen, to get againe the citie of Paris, eyther by force, or by fayre flatteryng, or reasonable treatie; and after them, he without delay or deferryng of tyme, with all hys power, came betwene

Mountmartir and Parys, and sodeinly approched the gate of Saint Honore, settyng up ladders to the walles, and castyng faggots into the ditches, as though he would with a French brag, sodeinly have gotten the fayre citie. But the Englishe capteynes, every one keppyng his warde and place assigned, so manfully and fiercely, with a noble courage, defended themselves, their walles and towers, with the assistence of the Parisiens, that they rebutted and drave away the Frenchmen, and threw downe Jone, their great goddesse, into the botome of the towne ditche, where shee lay behinde the backe of an asse, sore hurt, till the tyme that she, all filthie with mire and durt, was drawen out by Guyschard of Thienbrone, servaunt to the duke of Alaunson."

Page 117. For several notable personages being then within Paris, the which recognised king Charles to be their sovereign lord, &c.

As the Parisians uniformly proved themselves a treacherous race, the duke of Bedford was well aware that nothing but vigorous measures could keep them under subjection, and upon this account a very numerous garrison was maintained in the city of Paris. At other times, however, a different line of conduct became necessary, as will appear in the following extract taken from Grafton, page 543: the regent being compelled to have recourse to flattery, as, in consequence of the defection of so many places in favour of Charles VII., every expedient became necessary to prevent a commotion against the English in

the capital of the kingdom, and more particularly so, as the victorious claimant had marched to its very gates.

"The duke of Bedford, beyng in Normandie, and heryng of this sodain attempt, lost no time, nor spared no travaile, till he came to Parys. Where he not onely thanked the capteynes, and praysed the citizens for their assured fidelitie and good will towarde their king and sovereigne lorde, but also extolled their hardinesse and manly doynges above the starres and highe elementes; promisyng to them honour, fame, and great advauncementes. Which gentle exhortacion so incoraged and inflamed the heartes of the Parisians, that they sware, promised, and concluded, to be friendes ever to the king of England and his friendes, and enemies always to his foes and adversaryes, makyng proclamation by this stile: Friendes to king Henrie, friendes to the Parisians, enemyes to England, enemies to Parys. But if they spake it with their hearts, eyther for feare, that Charles, the French king, should not punishe them, if he once obteyned the superioritie over their citie and towne, or that they flattered the Englishemen, to put themselves in credite with the chiefe capteines, you shall plainely perceive, by the sequele of their actes."

Page 118. And this concluded, he departed the twelfth day of September, and proceeded to Laigny on the Marne, &c.

As mention is made of the town of Laigny in our Diary, the editor cannot refrain from inserting the following extract from Holinshed, page 603, who, when speaking of

the siege of that town by the English, in 1430, relates an anecdote of Jeanne d'Arc, which, if correct, not only belies the French historians, who pretend that the Pucelle never used her sword in battle, but displays her in a point of view not very favourable to her character as a magnanimous and noble-minded woman.

"In the moneth of Maie, 1430, with a valiant man in feats of armes on the duke of Burgognions side, one Franquet and his band of three hundred souldiers, making all towards the maintenance of the siege, the Pucell Jone and a foure hundred with hir did meet. In great courage and force did she and hir people sundrie times assaile him, but he with his, (though much under in number) by meanes of his archers in good order set, did so hardilie withstand them, that for the first and second push she rather lost than wan. Whereat this captinesse, stricken into a fretting chafe, called out in all hast the garrison of Laignie, and from other the forts thereabout, who thicke and threefold came downe with might and maine, in armour and number so far exceeding Franquet's, that though they had done hir much hurt in hir horsemen, yet by the verie multitude were they oppressed, most in hir furie put to the sword; and as for to Franquet that worthie capteine himselfe, hir rage not appeased, till out of hand she had his head stroken off: contrarie to all manhood (but she was a woman, if she were that) and contrarie to common right and law of armes. The man for his merits was verie much lamented, and she by hir malice then found of what spirit she was."

Page 119.

So that when he had arrived in Paris, the said duke abided by nothing which he had promised.

Grafton, speaking of the duke of Burgundy's visit to Paris, at page 543, states as under:

"Sone after these doynges, came to Parys with a great companie Philip, duke of Burgoyn, which was of the regent, and the ladie his wife, honourably receyved, and highly feasted. And after long consultation had, for the recoveryng of the townes, lately by the French king stollen and taken, it was agreed, that the duke of Bedford should raise an armie, for the recoverie of the sayde fortresses, and that the duke of Burgoyn should be his deputie, and tary at Parys, for the defence of the same."

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