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of a silver pocket-knife, and draw out each fibre of the feather separately. They will be found to curl easily and effectually. Care must be taken to draw them gently, but firmly, or the fibres will break. Those I have done in this way are as good as new.-FATIMA S.

4. INVALID.-VALERIAN.-The root of the Valeriana Officinalis, of the natural order Valerianacea, is used medicinally on account of its antispasmodic properties; it has a strong and peculiar odour, to most persons extremely nnpleasant, but to cats very attractive, and even, it is said, intoxicating. Its action is chiefly upon

the nervous centres, and it is found useful in dyspnoea, dyspepsia, epilepsy, hysteria, and neuralgia; it also acts as a vermifuge. Its medicinal properties are due to a peculiar volatile oil, which contains Valerianic acid. Various Valerianates are formed by this acid, combining its peculiar antispasmodic properties with those of the bases with which it is united; thus we have Velerianate of Quinine, óf Iron, Zinc, &c.Family Doctor.

5. HELOISE. THE TURNPIKR originally meant what is called a Turnstile; that is, a post with a moveable cross fixed at the top, to turn as the passenger went through. Ben Johnson, in his Staple of News, has,

I move upon my axle, like a turnpike. This seems originally to have belonged to fortifications, the points being made sharp, to prevent the approach of horses: they were therefore pikes to turn back the assailants.-Nares's Glossary, new edit.

6. MANUFACTURING STATIONER. THE BEST WRITING-INK.-Dr. J. Stark, of Edinburgh, has manufactured upwards of 230 different inks, and tested the durability of writings made with these on all kinds of paper. His numerous experi

ments show that no salt of iron, and no preparation of iron, or green copperas, equals the common sulphate of iron or green copperas, for ink-making; and that even the addition of any persalt, such as the nitrate or chloride of iron, although it improves the colour, deteriorates the durability of ink. The ink Dr. Stark prefers for his own use is composed of 12 oz. of the best blue galls; 8 oz. sulphate of indigo; 8 oz. copperas; a few cloves, to prevent mouldiness; and 4 or 6 oz. of gum-arabic, for a gallon of ink. Dr. Stark recommends that all legal deeds or documents should be written with quill-pens, as the contact of steel invariably destroys more or less the durability of every ink. The author shows that a good copying-ink has yet to be sought for; and that indelible inks, which will resist the pencillings and washings of the chemist, need never be looked for. We appear to have lost the art of making writing-ink permanent. Manuscripts of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, now in our State-Paper Office, are apparently as bright as when first written; while those of the last two hundred years are more or less illegible, and some of them entirely obliterated.


7. ALFRED.-UNION JACK.-The term "union jack" is one which is partly of obvious signification, and in part somewhat perplexing. "union" between England and Scotland, to which the flag owed its origin, evidently supplied the first half of the compound title borne by the flag itself. But the expression "jack," involves some difficulty. Several solutions of this difficulty have been submitted, but, with a single exception only, they are by far too subtle to be considered satisfactory. A learned and judicions antiquary has recorded it as his opinion, that the flag of the union received the title of "unionjack" from the circumstance of the union between England and Scotland having taken place in the reign of King James, by whose command the new flag was introduced. The name of the King in French, "Jaques" would have been certainly used in heraldic documents: the union flag of King "Jaques" would very naturally be called after the name of its royal author, Jaques' union, or union Jaques, and so, by a simple process, we arrive at union-jack. This suggestion of the late Sir Harris Nicholson may be accepted, I think, without any hesitation. The term "jack" having once been recognised as the title of a flag, it is easy enough to trace its application to several flags. Thus, the old white flag with the red cross is now called the "St. George's jack;" and English seamen are in the habit of designating the national ensigns of other countries as the "jacks" of France, Russia, &c.

8. C. B.D.-GINGER BISCUITS.-Take 3 oz. fresh butter, 2 lb. flour, 3 oz. pounded sugar and 2 oz. ginger finely powdered; knead these ingredients into a stiff paste with new milk. Roll it thin, stamp out the biscuits with a cutter, and bake them in a slow oven until they are crisp through, but keep them of a pale colour. INDIGNUS.

9. EDMUND R. THE REASON WHY UNMARRIED WOMEN ARE CALLED SPINSTERS.Because formerly all unmarried women used to employ their time in spinning, and were not considered marriageable till they spun all the linen required for household use.-Y. H. Y.




"The carved and broken stone
Tells of glories overthrown;
Religions, empires, palaces, are-where ?"
L. E. L.

LEAVING our muleteers in charge of the luggage, and having ordered an early dinner, we set off for the bath.

The Turkish bath is one of the greatest luxuries enjoyed by the Easterns. The rich have baths in their own houses, but they go to the public ones occasionally,

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to chat or meet their friends; and the private baths being necessarily small, are incapable of accommodating more than six or eight persons at a time; so that on grand occasions, fasts, feasts, &c., the women are obliged to hire one of the public baths. Some large towns have a bath for the women, and another for the men; but the small ones admit the women on certain days, and the men on the intervening days; or the men from morning until noon, and the women from noon till sunset, which is the most usual arrangement.

We paid our fee-about eighteen pence -at the door, to an old Turk, who was regaling himself with a pipe, and sipping coffee; and then, passing through a narrow passage, we entered the outer apart. I ment or entrance chamber, which was spacious, and surrounded by a platform, on which reclined, supported by cushions, several persons who had undergone the process of parboiling-for the Turkish bath is certainly akin to it-and were now endeavouring to refresh themselves with sherbet, coffee, or smoking. In the

centre of the paved floor was a very large able, but at that time it was really

marble basin,

"Where a spring

Of living water from the centre rose, Whose bubbling did a genial freshness fling." Flowers were ranged round the fountain, and innumerable wooden clogs assisted to fill up the vacancy at the base. The whole apartment was paved with marble; it had a flat roof, with small, round, blue-glazed windows at the side, and the walls fantastically coloured, red and blue on a white ground. Above the platform were strings, on which towels were hung, some half dry, and others thoroughly wet, just as they had been taken from the bathers.

Our guide conducted us to the platform, which was carpeted and cushioned; and each one having undressed, and placed a towel round the waist, and another over the shoulder, the làwingee, or bath attendant, directed each of us to slip on a pair of wooden clogs, called cob-cobs, and follow him into the pre paratory warming apartment, as we

termed it.

anything but pleasant, for the attendants appeared to us, inexperienced in such matters, to be utterly regardless of European life, by the manner in which they twisted the head on each side, and sat upon the chest. We can assure you, gentle reader, that the operation looks very formidable; but custom prevails, and your fears speedily subside. Having sufficiently amused themselves by proving the quality of our flesh by its firmness, and the pliability of our joints, the attendants directed us to lay down flat upon low stages placed in various parts of the chamber. Kneeling with one knee upon the ground, my attendant put on a pair of horse-hair gloves, and seizing one of my arms, rubbed away in first-rate style, the effect of which was to bring long solid rolls from my skin, and make it as smooth as satin; every six or eight rubs the attendant removed his hands, rubbed them together, and slapped them down again with tolerable force. My head, chest, and legs were submitted to the operation, and then I was well soused with hot water dipped from the hanafeyeh, or tank, with small bowls. "Surely we are clean now," we exclaimed, and were preparing to depart, when our tormentors again approached, each with a bowl in his hand, rubbing away with a lump of raw silk at some almond soap, so furiously as to create a fine lather; and without any intimation of what was coming, dabbed it in our eyes and mouths, and then finThe khararah, or inner chamber, is ished their amusement by upsetting the very hot, and when we entered, it seemed remainder over our heads; another scaldalmost impossible to remain there; but ing or sousing completed the operation. the humid heat produced by the hot We were then supplied with clean towels water of the tanks, fountain, and boiler for the shoulders, loins, and head, à la (which ranges from 103° to 112° Fahr.) Turque, and conducted to the first, or soon produced a profuse perspiration. entrance chamber, where the towels were Almost before we could recover our sur again removed and fresh ones supplied. prise at the scene within this chamber Thus enveloped, we reclined upon the one in which we were soon to take an carpets, supported with musnuds, in the active part, or, to write more correctly, a manner we had seen the persons on our passive one-the attendants seized upon first entrance, and like them, sipped us, and commenced cracking our joints coffee or sherbet; while those that felt to render them supple, and kneading the inclined smoked the nârgélèh, or Persian flesh as if we really had not any feeling. water-pipe, called by our sailors hubbleWhen we afterwards became accustomed bubble, from the peculiar bubbling noise to such proceedings it was rather agree-it makes during the time it is being used.

This chamber was surrounded with seats, paved with marble, and coloured like the one we had just left; but the roof had domes, with small, blue-glazed apertures, instead of being flat; and the temperature was about 90° Fahr., and humid.

After remaining a short time in this chamber, we were conducted into the inner one,

The effect of the Turkish bath is to restore vigour to the weary and jaded traveller, and give a feeling of elasticity that it is difficult to describe. It must be felt to be appreciated; and those who have enjoyed its luxury after a fatiguing journey will probably dwell with pleasurable remembrance on the foregoing passages, descriptive of its varied stages. When we had rested long enough, sipped a due and proper quantum of coffee and sherbet, and smoked more tchibouques and nargélèhs, than were quite necessary, we dressed, gave a present to the làwingee, and departed to pay our respects to Mr. Wood, the British consul.

Following the guide through several narrow streets, we arrived at Mr. Wood's house, which is situated in a dull street. The cavass led us through some passages of rather mean appearance, partially occupied by lazy Janizaries, and other consular servants. Passing through a small court, we entered the grand court of the house and were allowed a few minutes to observe its beauties, while the cavass announced our arrival to the consul.

the walls were stained blue, and ornamented with white flowers and arabesques, whilst the windows of an adjoining saloon, and the three sides of the alcove, were furnished with a handsome divan.

Soon after we were seated, our host astonished us by clapping his hands twice or thrice, for we were then unacquainted with this Eastern method of summoning domestics. It is a very comfortable and lazy way of procuring the assistance of a servant, for there is very little exertion required, and each servant can understand as well who is desired by this method, as if the name had been called.

A well-fed youth appeared to answer the summons, and after giving him some directions, the consul resumed his tchibouque and the conversation, which naturally turned upon European affairs. This was soon interrupted by the domestic announcing breakfast, which our kind host had ordered in one of the adjoining apartments.

After partaking of a most sumptuous repast, the consul conducted us to the room adjoining the alcove, a gem of beauty that forcibly brought the following words of Moore, so descriptive of its appearance, to my mind

In the centre of the court was a long marble tank, filled with pure crystal-like water, whose surface reflected the luxurious trees that surrounded it. The sweet-" And here at once the glittering saloon smelling mimosa, with its golden blossoms; the weeping willow, hanging gracefully, yet melancholy; the laurel,


"The garden's queen-the rose;" commingled with the myrtle, the orange, the lemon, and other trees, afforded a delightful shade for those that were inclined to linger around the crystal lake, and gaze upon the surrounding beauties. Three sides of the spacious court were occupied by various apartments, the fourth was a lofty alcove, where our host reelined upon a handsome divan, smoking the tchibouque, or long pipe of the country. Here and there well-arranged parterres of delicate flowers relieved the mosaic pavement, and made the scene more beautiful.

The cavass returned, and conducted us to Mr. Wood, who received us most kindly in the alcove. The ceiling was richly carved, and inlaid with gold and crimson;

Bursts on his sight, boundless and bright as


Where, in the midst, reflecting back the rays
In broken rainbows, a fresh fountain plays
High as the enamell'd cupola, which towers
All rich with arabesque of gold and flowers;
And the mosaic floor beneath shines through
The sparkling of that fountain's silvery dew;
Like the wet, glistening shells, of every die,
That on the margin of the Red Sea lie."

It was fitted up in the most elegant and luxurious Oriental style, the mosaicwork and panels being of the most elaborate kind used, and the fountain in the centre refreshing and playful in the extreme.

The Orientals, on account of the heat and dryness of the climate, are obliged to employ mosaic work for their panels, cupboards, &c., for if made otherwise, the wood warps and shrinks so much that the articles appear as if they had been placed in an oven.

Our stay being limited, and the duties of our host pressing, we thanked him for

his courtesy, and wandered forth to view | confess the truth, I rather blew down the the city.

Our first essay at sight-seeing was in the bazaars. Let not the untravelled reader imagine that an Eastern bazaar is similar to one in England, with its neat stalls, pretty attendants teeming with civility, and frequently too attentive, and its comfortable interior; on the contrary, an Eastern bazaar is divided into numerous departments, every trade has its own class of bazaars, and they are nothing more than a covered street or streets of shops containing the same articles, some displayed more attractively than others. They are enclosed and roofed with arches, so as to afford shelter from the sun in summer, and rain in winter; and on either side are rows of very gloomy-looklooking recesses, in which may be seen the lazy merchant smoking the bubbling nirgélèh or blowing luxuriantly curled smoke from the tchibouque, surrounded with his articles of merchandise invitingly displayed, to tempt the traveller or strolling citizen. In front of the merchant is a small platform covered with a carpet, and furnished with a cushion for the purchaser to sit or recline upon; at night this platform is turned up, and the doors of the recess, on which the goods are displayed during the day, are shut, and each bazaar is closed with iron gates, some watchmen only remaining within, to guard the shops from plunder and fire.

Wishing to purchase trifles for some of my fair friends in dear old England, I paid a visit to the silk bazaar, with the intent to commence with a silk dress, for the Eastern dresses are much prized by some persons.

Seating myself upon the platform, by the direction of our guide, I requested to view some of the dresses, and had several handed down; at the same time, the merchant filled a pipe, drew it up, and wiping the mouth-piece, handed it over to me with a profound salaam. Not accustomed to smoke, the odour of the tobacco was not too agreeable-although excellent-but to have refused would have brought a terrible shower of abuse upon the party, so for their sake I had to do the penance of smoking; though to

pipe stick, than inhaled the nauseous fumes. A kavedgi soon appeared with hot coffee, and cold water for the merchant and myself- both very acceptable, for the tobacco had heated my throat and tongue, and turned me sick.

The purchase being concluded satisfactorily to all parties, we strolled on to the Arms bazaar, through such varied group. ings of costume, that even Baron Nathan would have been puzzled, amazed, and most probably gratified. Now jostling a haughty cavass, bearing the silver headed staff, denoting his consular authority; then dodging an impetuous Albanian, with lofty mien, and hand upon his pistols, swaggering through the crowd as if master of all; anon coming in contact with some veiled lady upon a donkey, whose gingling accoutrements warned his approach, and whose owner led or urged him on; saluted on this side by the rattling brass basins of the watercarriers, and their shrill cries; on the other side, by confectioners bawling the delights of their compounds-we got into a throng whose costumes, gesticulations, cries, and odours of musk, garlic, violet, &c., was too confused to admit of distinction.

Swept on by the mass, we entered the Arms bazaar, and wandering amid its curiosities and beauties, did not observe that the day was fast merging into eve. Promising ourselves, therefore, another visit, we returned to our hotel and dined.

It being the time of Ramazan, every minaret and dome was brilliantly illuminated; and towards midnight shrill cries issued from all quarters, which, on inquiry, proved to be the chaunting of the inhabitants of the harems, answered by the Muezeen from the adjoining minarets.

The peculiar cry is a joyous chorus, sang, or rather screeched, by the women, at their fasts, and is alluded to by Moore, in his Lalla Rookh, where he writes

"The minaret-cryer's chaunt of glee,
Sung from his highest gallery,
And answer'd, by a Ziraleet,

From neighbouring harem, wild and sweet."

(To be continued.)

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