Imágenes de páginas


In the city of Dublin, one day, when out walking,
I with a person, who's my first to me;
And much pleased I was to discover when talking,
I was bound for the same Scottish county as he.
'Twas long after luncheon, so into my second

We got, and to my staying place safely rode;
When I told him that I on his company reckon'd,
To do my third with me in my new abode.
He did so, and finding him a congenial soul.
We travelled together to the county, my whole.

[blocks in formation]

My whole is a fish that's oft laid in a dish;
Transpose, and by many I'm worn;
Transpose me again, and by us are beasts slain,
Once more, and the mind we adorn.

From my whole do not fail to cut off my tail,
Transpose, and in ships I am found;

Then if backwards I'm read, we're bad for the head,

And if hard are productive of sound.

If now from my whole one letter you bowl,
A tool from the rest may be made.

Then strike off its its head and history has said,
An ancient queen died by its aid.

This last thing you'll see is found in a tree,
If the middle you put at its head;

Now two heads remove from my whole and I'll prove

A quadruped some people dread.

This latter reverse, and you must be perverse
If a sailor you cannot perceive;

These letters transpose, and as every one knows,
I may charm, I may cheat, or relleve.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

There's a kind of defence
Known to persons of sense,

Which transposed jumps exceedingly high;
And when transposed again

Sends its lively strain

Through the air, and ascends to the sky;
This transposed a third time
Will disclose that which crime
Causes many to look or become-
It is also the sign

By which doctors divine

The precise state of health, at least some. In conclusion I wish

To inform you of this :

Take the head from the word as it stood

First of all, and you'll see That which turns out to be Land enclosed by a railing of wood.


G. M. F. G.

I am a word of seven letters. My 3, 4, 2, is s part of the body, so is my 7, 6, 5, 3. My 5, 6, 7, is what every man has been. My 5, 3, 4, is an element; my 1, 6, 7, is a heavy weight; my 7,6, 1, is a negative; my 4, 2, 5, 6, 7, is a crime; behead my whole and you have that which dis tinguishes man from the beast; replace my head, and my whole is the highest offence of which a subject can be guilty.



The initials will give the name of a celebrated man who lived in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, and the finals will disclose his profession.

a. A part of the human body. b. A letter in the Greek alphabet. c. The ancient capital of Cabul, d. A river of England. e. A small animal. f. To receive or seize. g. A female's Christian

ALPHA. name,


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[blocks in formation]

The initials will give the name of a king who conquered the Saxons.

a. The introducer of the most useful art. b. A beautiful woman, who was the cause of a lengthened siege. c. A general much attached to a beautiful queen. d. A Roman who suffered much from the Carthagenians. e. A consul who brought his sons to justice. f. A favourite of one of our English queens. g. One whose patriotism consigned him to death. h. The divider of time, and a great encourager of literature. i. A comedian and an author of no mean importance. j. A naval commander to whom the English are much indebted. k. A good king that died at an early age.

[blocks in formation]

Not many,

I think, had they been at the brink Of destruction, would act as brave

As those sallors who tried to save their crew
And themselves from the angry wave.
No land was in sight,

And the storm at its height,

Still my first they tried to save.

Just then, with a shock, they struck on a rockAnd oh! how their shrieks rent the air!

And I think every soul had been lost, if my whole Had not happened, by chance, to be there; Both the sailors and crew

Were now saved, they well knew, And they offered a thankful prayer.

W. H. H.


The initials will give the name of a county in Ireland, and the finals its capital.

a. A town in Cumberland. b. A city in Portugal. c. A river in Scotland. d. An island of Russia. e. A town in Portugal.


My first is a preposition. My second is a letter. My third you'll find is myself. My fourth we all like to have. My whole is dear to us all.. LITTLE GIGGIE.


Before your door my first you'll find;
On my third you'll find my second;
My fourth is myself; now mind,
My fifth a hundred is reckoned.
My last a friend who is not always true;
And my whole I leave to be solved by you.


[blocks in formation]


Permit me, kind friends, thus to introduce
To your notice five letters, and point out their


First, if you would be successful and thrive, Never attempt to one, two, three, four, five; While gray, blue, and slender I am, you'll agree, If my form you will make in one, five, four, two, three;

And there's none, you must own, that can truly tell who

Is more low in degree than five, three, four, one, two;

But the most interesting of all I've here penn'd
Is the two, four, five, three, one of the Family



I am a word of five letters: cut off my tail, and you will find me used to indicate wants; adjust my tail, and behead me, you will find me a French pronoun; then curtail me once more, and a measure you'll find. My whole is a fashionable young lady.


a. The French masculine for beautiful, and the opposite to slow.

b. Part of a tree which always floats.

c. A pure element, and a narrow pass over a river.

d. The opposite to old, and a harbour. e. A centre and a weight.

f. The French for a party, a metal, and a transparent glass.


My 11, 8, 9, 10 is used to fasten letters; my 8, 4, 5 is a small domestic animal; my 1, 7, 3 is to bind; my 2, 7, 11 is a possessive pronoun; my 2, 7, 10, 5 is part of a sword; my 2, 4, 5 is worn on the head; my 6, 7, 8, 3 is a grain; and my whole is a favourite Christmas amusement.


My 4, 5, 6 is a texture of sedges; my 8, 3, 6 a domestic animal; my 1, 2, 3, 4, a measure; my 8, 2, 3, 4 is to stuff; my 4, 3, 1 is a disorder of the mind; my 2, 3, 6 is a small mischievous animal; my 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is a play; my 2, 3, 4 is a horned animal; my whole is theatrical.

[blocks in formation]

Life will be far more enjoyed,
If his hours are well employed,
Nor by trifling things annoyed,
Will he be!

Be industrious, and you
Of earth's troubles will have few;
While your calling you pursue,
Time will fly!

Never can the idler know
Half the joys found here below,
Which his Maker doth bestow

From on high !
W. H. H.


a. Oxford. b. Caen. c. Thames. d. Ormskirk. e. Buxton. f. Earthquake. g. ReadingOctober.

14.-Dust-man. 15.-Stone, tone, ton, not. 16. Murmur, rum, rum. 17.-Disbelieving. 18.-The letter E. 19.-Up-set. 20.-Grape, rape, pear. 21.-Newspaper. 22.-Straw-berry. 23.—A river.



a. Hamilton. b. Buffalo. c. New York, d. Louisville. e. Baltimore. f. Brooklyn.

25.-Paper. 26.-a. Cart, car. b. Star, rats. c. Dice, ice. d. Chin inch. e. Name, mean. f. Cash, ash. g. Shoe, hoe. h. Sing, sin. i. Wine, wire. j. Cure, cur.


a. Calais. b. Heron. c. Antelope. d. Rock. e. Lunatic. f. Eiskoi. g. Sheffield.




a. Plato. 6. Elysium. c. Ramesis. d. Italy. e. Calliope. f. Lycurgus. g. Euripides. h. Solon -Pericles.

30.-Rush-light. 31.-Waterloo. 32.-Wasp, paws, was, saw. 33.-Fac-simile.


Telegram, message,


LADIES' NAMES ENIGMATICALLY DESCRIBED. a. Anna. 6. Catherine. c. Caroline. d. Mare. Frances. f. Charlotte. g. Lucretia. h. Ella. i. Elizabeth. j. Augusta.


36.-ACROSTIC CONUNDRUM.-A FLOWeb. a. PensioneR. b. Renegado. c. Idleness. d. MufflE.

37.-Cast-i-gate. 38.-Noon.



a. Alexander Pope. b. Robert Burns. c. Alexander Smith. d. Samuel Butler. e, Thomas Chatterton. f. William Wordsworth.

40.-Outline. 41.-Whitebait.

a gallon of water, with three pounds of double refined sugar, and boil it to a candy height; then take it off the fire, and add the pulp of the oranges and lemons; keep stirring it until it is almost cold, then put it into a vessel for use.

27. C. BELLEY.-A REMEDY FOR SLEEPLESSNESS.-How to get sleep is to many persons a matter of great importance. Nervous persons,

THE EDITOR TO HIS FRIENDS. ADDRESS: 122, FLEET STREET, E.C., LONDON. WB should feel grateful to our subscribers, new and old, if they would give a small attention to our "Please Inform Me?" on the wrapper. There are a great number of queries remaining unanswered, which we are sure need not be if our friends made a point of consulting this depart-who are troubled with wakefulness and excitabiment of our Magazine. Although the information is sought for by only one person, it should not be forgotten that thousands may be interested in it at some future time. We are anxious that there should subsist a literary companionship between our readers, mutually beneficial and interesting. We invite questions, and are ever grateful for answers; we will always find space for them.


Lizzie E. R.-W. Garbutt, jun.-Agnese.— Fanny (you are entitled to a first class; but we intend doing something different from the old certificates; do not despair, we see improvement in the writing).-Anna Grey (like yourself, we do not generally approve lotteries; but there are exceptional cases, and we will consider whether the one you propose is amongst them; in the mean time, accept our best thanks for your generous offer).-Captain J. R.-Edouard.-Eliza.-Wellto-do (may you continue so).-Little Giggie (you have again omitted the solution).-Rosa F. (the expression of your unabated interest is encouraging). Ada and Eva (we like the sentiment of "Be not Idle," but not the execution).- Edwin and Lotty.-G. Coley.-Nellie (we hope your confession to a bad temper is exaggerated; certainly we cannot find it in the writing).-T. B. Dover.D. M. R.-Rolando (a certificate shall at once be prepared).-Narcissa (we have mislaid name and address; favour us again).-Estelle (it may be found in Croly's Life of Luther).-W. H. H. (we always endeavour to respect your wishes).


Georgina A. Lacy (do pardon the omission; we assure you that it was quite accidental).-A. W. Vg-Jane Anne (Torquay, and not Torbay, is the favourite English watering-place of the Russian princes).-Mischief (how has this nom de plume arisen?)-Ethol (the reason that your enigma has only just been published is that our Pastime was much in advance of our current requirements).-L. L. (see Wrapper).-Marie and Elise (all in good time).-Mary Anne.-Rosemary. "Poor Richard."-Marguerite.-Tiny Tim (fair for one so young; but we did not like to see in one of your observations a little jesting with truth). The Comet.-Aline.-Annie Linton (the word you suggest has but one meaning, and that is "folly," we were pleased to find that it has no charms for you).-Juanita (it shall meet with attention).-F. S. Mills.-Verus Amicus.-Daisy



26. G. W.-TO MAKE SHERBET.-Take nine Seville oranges and three lemons; grate off the yellow from the rinds, and put the raspings into

lity, usually have a strong tendency of blood on the brain, with cold extremities. The pressure of the blood on the brain keeps it in a stimulated or wakeful state, and the pulsations in the head are often painful. Let such rise and chafe the body and extremities with a brush or towel, or rub smartly with the hands, to promote circulation, and withdraw the excessive amount of blood from the brain, and they will fall asleep in a few moments. A cold bath, or a sponge bath and rubbing, or a good run, or a rapid walk in the open air, or going up or down stairs a few times just before retiring, will aid in equalizing circu lation and promoting sleep. These rules are simple, and easy of application in castle or cabin, mansion or cottage, and may minister to the comfort of thousands, who would freely expend money for an anodyne to promote "Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep."-G. M. F. G.

28. GILBERT ASHTON.-TO REMOVE FRECKLES FROM THE FACE.-Dissolve, in half an ounce of lemon-juice, one ounce of Venice soap, and add a quarter of an ounce each of oil of bitter almonds and delignated oil of Tartar. Place this mixture in the sun till it acquires the consistency of ointment; when in this state, add three drops of the oil of rhodium, and keep it for use. Apply it to the face in the following manner: Wash the parts at night with elder-flower water; then anoint with the ointment. In the morning cleanse the skin from its oily adhesion by washing it copiously in rose-water.-G. M. F. G.

29. GILBERT ASHTON.-TO REMOVE THE SMELL OF PAINT FROM A ROOM.-Place a vessel full of lighted charcoal in the middle of the room, and throw on it two or three handfuls of juniper berries; shut the windows, the chimney, and the door close. Twenty-four hours afterwards the room may be opened, when it will be found that the sickly, unwholesome smell will be entirely gone. The smoke of the juniper berry possesses this advantage, that should anything be left in the room, such as tapestry, &c., none of it will be injured. Having seen this tried, I can guarantee its efficacy.-G. M. F. G.

30. ELOISE.-Al in Arabic is an inseparable prefix. Its use is to render nouns definite, like the English "the." For instance, the Alkoran is the Koran, or book by way of eminence.

31. MARIA. TANNIN is an astringent substance, existing in many plants, particularly in the bark of the oak, chestnut, and in gall-nuts. It is composed principally of gallic acid, and has the property of rendering the skins of animals incorruptible.

32. MATILDA. THE TELESCOPE is said to have been invented by Juan Baptiste Porta, a Neapolitan nobleman. The earliest telescopes were no more than a foot and a-half long. Simon Marius in Germany, and Galileo in Italy, were the first who made telescopes of a length suitable for astronomical observations.

33. COUNTRY RAMBLER.-LARCH.-The Larix Europea of botanists, a species of pine found in most of the mountainous districts of Europe: its bark yields a resinous juice, from which we obtain the substance called Venice Turpentine; it also

secretes a kind of glue, called Oremburg Gum, and in the spring the buds are said to be covered with a resin analogous to the much-prized Balm of Mecca. In some parts an exudation appears on the leaves of the tree, which concretes into what is called the Manna of Briançon.

34. OPTIMIST.-MELANCHOLY.-We know of no better antidote against melancholy than constant occupation, and we earnestly recommend that every hour should be filled up with a succession of labours of one kind or another. Reading is also good, but it must be that sort of reading which interests the mind-never the mere holding of the book before the eyes, while the thoughts are either stagnant or wildly wandering. If it should be found impossible to fix the attention, lay the book aside, and take a brisk walk, not a languid saunter. Above all things, avoid that miserable resource of shutting yourself up in your own room, withdrawing from the family circle, supposing that all these are uncongenial in spirit.

35. GLOVE.-S. G.-This word is derived from the Anglo-Saxon Glof, a cover for the hand. The etymology of the English word shows an early use of gloves in this country. In the middle ages they formed a rich and costly article of the dress of important personages.

36. MANCHESTER.-The name of Croesus has become a bye-word for wealth. He was the last king of Lydia, and was conquered by Cyrus. His offerings to the temple of Delphi consisted of one

hundred and seventeen large tiles of gold, a large cistern of gold, and another of silver; together with a female statue in gold, four feet and a-half high. Such gifts as these, added to the luxuries by which he lived surrounded, have acquired for his memory a sort of proverbial celebrity.

37. T. W.-Doomsday-book is believed to be the oldest record of England. It is the survey of the kingdom, begun by William the Conqueror. From that survey, it was intended that.judgment might be given upon the value, tenure, and services of all the lands in the kingdom. The precise date at which this survey was undertaken is not positively fixed by historians; but it is supposed to have been commenced in 1080, and completed in 1086. According to some authorities, the appellation of "doomsday-book" was given to the Conqueror's survey, because its decision upon questions of land tenure and the like was as irreVocable as the sentence on the Day of Judgment.

38. WOOLWICH.—The peculiar circles in meadows called "fairy rings" are caused by a species of fungi, which so completely absorbs all the nutriment of the soil where it grows as to prevent any other herb from growing on the same spot for some time afterwards.

39. FLORETTA.-The plant to which you allude is the pimpernel, commonly called the " Shepherd's Weather Glass." The flowers are very sensitive, and the corallas never expand in rainy weather, or even when the air is moist. On the contrary, when the atmosphere is dry, and the sun shining, the flowers open. Pimpernel is a native weed well meriting a place in our gardens. The flowers of the common pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) are small, and of a yellowish scarlet, with a purple circle in the centre. It continues to give out a succession of blossoms from June to September.

most important, and the most indispensable item 40. SUFFERER.-DIARRHOEA.-The first, the in the arrest and cure of looseness of the bowels is absolute quietude on a bed. Nature herself always prompts this by disinclining us to locomotion. The next thing is to eat nothing but common rice, parched like coffee, and then boiled, and taken with a little salt and butter. Drink little or no liquid of any kind. Bits of ice may be eaten and swallowed at will. Every step taken in diarrhoea, every spoonful of liquid only aggra vates the disease. If locomotion is compulsory, the misfortune of the necessity may be lessened by having a stout piece of woollen flannel bound tightly round the abdomen, so as to be doubled in front, and kept well in its place. In the prac tice of many years we have never failed to notice a gratifying result to follow these observances. Family Cyclopædia.

41. FIRST INTRODUCTION OF BELLS INTO ENGLISH CHURCHES.-Bells were first introduced by Paulinus, bishop of Nola, in Campania, A.D. 400; first known in France in 550. Egbert commanded every priest, at the proper hours, to sound the bells of his church, in 750. In 900, bells were used in churches by order of Pope John IX., as a defence, by ringing them, against thunder and lightning. The first tuneable set were put up in Croyland Abbey in 960.

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