Imágenes de páginas

gratitude as our nurses. In our youth, our love and respectful attentions; and, soon after, our lively tenderness as wives, and protection as weaker beings. In our old age, our veneration as the mothers of our posterity; and our regard", as our faithful companions in good and bad fortune.BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE.

[blocks in formation]


ONE day in summery, whilst I was busy in2 puttinga in order some observations upon the harmonies of this globe, I perceived upon a strawberryplant, which had been accidentally placed on my window, some small flies, which appeared to me so beautiful, that I took a fancy to describe thema. The next day, I saw a different sort upon the plant, and described them likewise. In the coursef of three weeks, during which I continued my observations, I wrote descriptions of thirty-seven species of insects which resorted toh my strawberry-plant. At length, they came in such crowdsi that I was obliged to relinquish my study, though very amusing, because I had neither leisure, nor, to confess the truth, expression to* describe* them*.-BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE.

* FRAISIER ;— d'été ;- pendant que je m'occupais à ;—a mettre;-bqu'on avait placé par hasard;- l'envie me prendre de; dles décrire ;-e j'en vis d'une ;- Dans l'espace ;-s la description;- visiter;-i Il y en vint à la fin un si grand nombre; d'abandonner ;-1 je manquais de loisir ;—TM et pour dire la vérité de.



PLUTO was seated on a throne of ebony; his countenance was pale and severe, his eyes hollow,

but sparkling, his brow wrinkled and threatening. The sight of a living man was hateful to him", as the light is offensive to the eyes of animals that are used to go out of their retreats only by night. By his side appeared Proserpine, who alone attracted his looks, and seemed a little to soften his heart. She enjoyed an ever-blooming beauty', but she seemed to have joined to her divine charms, I know not what of the obduracy" and cruelty of her husband.

At the foot of the throne was pale and devouring Death, with his keen scythe* which he was continually whetting. Around him hovered gloomy Care, cruel Jealousy, Revenge all dropping with blood, and covered with wounds; groundless Hatred; Avarice, gnawing her own flesh; Despair, rending herself with her own handsd; Ambition, overthrowing every thing; Treason, thirsting for blood, and unables to enjoy the evils she had occasionedh; Envy, pouring her deadly venom around her; Impiety, digging a bottomless pit'; ghastly spectres; phantoms which assumem the form of the dead to terrify the living; frightful dreams; and want of sleep" as tormenting° as they. All these fatal images environed the haughty Pluto, and crowded his palace.-FENELON.


■ lui être odieuse ;- offense ;-P de ne sortir ;-a que pendant; A; adoucir ;-t jouir d'une beauté toujours nouvelle ;je ne sais quoi ;-u dureté ;- sa faux tranchante; qu' elle; Autour d'elle voler les noirs soucis; les vengeances toutes dégouttantes de sang;-b les haines injustes ; qui se ronge elle-même ;-d de ses propres mains; qui renverse; faltérée de ; qui ne peut faits; qui verse ; se creuse; un abfme sans fond; prendre l'insomnie; • cruelle;-P remplir.



His father, whose name was Peretti, was a vinedresser: not being ables to bring upt his son, he placed him with a farmer, who employed him in keeping" his swine. A Franciscan friarx, having met with him, took him for his guide in an unfrequented place, and, pleased with the vivacity of his conversation, induced him to accompany him toa his convent, where he was admitted. He soon manifested a love for learning, and afterwards acquired great reputation by his sermons. When raised to the Cardinalship, he took the name of Montalto, and retired from public affairs, appearing entirely devoted to study. From that time, Montalto, gradually assumed the appearance of a man bendingi under the weight of years; he walked with his head resting on one shoulder, leaning on a staff, and incessantly coughed, as if about to expire. The parties that divided the Roman States, thought him the fittest of all men" to be Pope, his easy tempero giving them hopes that he would be Pope only by name, and that all the authority would devolve upon themselves: he was therefore elected in 1585.

As soon as the Tiara was placed upon his head, he threw away his staff, walked erect, and chanted Te Deum with a voice so strong, that the roofs of the chapel re-echoed with the soundt.

4 SIXTE; dont le ; ne pouvoir;-t élever ;- le mettre en service chez;-u à garder; moine franciscain ;-y endroit peu fréquenté ;- charmer de ;-a s'en fit accompagner jusqu'à ;

-m comme

montrer bientôt ;-c de l'amour;-d l'étude ;-e dans la suite; Après avoir été ;-, se retirer des affaires publiques; prendre courbé ;- penchée ;—s'appuyant ;s'il avait été sur le point de; le plus propre de tous les hommes; caractère ;-P l'espérance; de nom ;--r tomber entre leurs mains; voûte i en retentir.

He governed with extreme severity, but was, however, the benefactor of his States, by purifying them" from the licence and disorder which prevailed before him.-AIKIN'S BIOG.

▾ avec une ;—" en les purger; qui y prévaloir.


BUFFON supposes a man, such as the first man created must have been at the moment of his creation, with organs perfectly formed, but unknown to himself, and ignorant of* every thing that surrounded him; and causes him to describe his feelings in the following manner:

I remember the moment, replete withd joy and amazement, when I felt for the first time my asta nishing existence; I neither knew what I was where I was, nor whence I came. I opened my eyess; what an increase of sensation! The light, the celestial vault, the verdure of the earth, the transparency of the waters, every thing, in a word, animated my spirits', and gave me an inexpressible feeling of pleasure.

I at first believed that all these objects existed within me, and formed a part of myself. I was totally absorbed in this idea, when I turned towards the sun. His splendour overpowered me: I involuntarily shut my eyes, and felt a slight pain. During that moment of darkness, I imagined that I had lost the greatest part of my being.

Whilst I reflected, with grief and astonishment, upon this great change, I heard a variety of sounds;

y représenter;- tout ce qui ;- alui faire décrire ;- sensations de; Je me souvenir de ce ;- plein de ;- où; singulière, - les yeux; surcroît; sensations; cristal; m'animer;- Je croire d'abord; quand je me tourner ;- bles ser ;- les yeux ; - je croire avoir perdu.

the singing of birds, and the murmuring of the breezest, formed a concert which excited within me the sweetest emotions.

Totally occupied with" this new species of existence, I had already forgotten the light, though it was the first part of my being I had recognized. I again opened my eyes, and was delighted to find myself in possession of so many brilliant objects. This pleasure surpassed every former sensation, and suspended for a time the charming melody of sounds.

I fixed my eyes on a* thousand objects. I soon perceived that I could lose and recover them, and that I had the power of destroying and renewing at pleasure this beautiful part of my existence.

I began to see without astonishment, and hear without anxiety, when a gentle breeze wafted perfumes which agitated me strongly, and gave me a feeling of self-love.

When totally occupied by all these sensations, and penetrated with pleasures so delicate and so extensive, I suddenly arose and felt myself transported by the perception of an unknown power.


chant; murmure;-t airs ;- Entièrement ;de; genre; quoique ;- que j'eusse reconnue ;- Je rouvrir les ;-b je fus charmé de me retrouver;-c mes premières sensations;-d Je m'apercevoir bientôt ;- retrouver;-f renouveler à mon gré;-8 à voir;- émotion; air léger ;— exhaler; pénétré de ;—m je me lever tout à coup.


I HAD made but a single* step, when the novelty of my situation rendered me immoveable. My surprise was extreme, and I thought that my ex

a croire.

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