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Ar these words the Roman people remained us if petrified with sorrow. Apollonius was silent': his tears flowed; he fell upon the corse o Marcus Aurelius, pressed it to his breast: then rising suddenly, he exclaimed—“ But thou, who art about to succeed" this great man, O! son of Marcus Aurelius, O! my son! permit an old man, who saw thee when first born, to call thee so; reflect upon the burthen the gods have compelled thee to bears. Reflect upon the duty of him who commands, upon the rights of those who obey. By destiny called to reign, thou wilt be the most just or the most guilty of men. Will the son of Marcus Aurelius hesitate in choosing? Thou wilt be told that thou art great, that thou art adored by thy people. Listen! when Nero had poisoned his brother, he was tolds that he had saved Rome; when he caused his wife to be assassinated, he was praised for his justice; after he had murdered his mother, they kissed his parricidal hand, and flew to the temples to return thanks to the gods. Be not dazzled by the respect which will be paid thee; thou wilt receive homager, although thou art not virtuous; but remember, that thou wilt be hated. Believe me, the people are not easily imposed upon; insulted justice is alive in every heart*. Master of the

morne et immobile; se taire; Il se laisser tomber;le serrer dans ses bras; et se relever tout à coup;-" vas succéder à ;- permettre à;-y qui t'a voir naître ;Bonger au; que t'ont imposé les dieux;-b Destiné à;-c tu vas être ou; Le fils de Marc Aurèle hésiter-t-il à; On te dire; adoré de; on lui dire; quand il eut faire égorger sa femme; on louer ;-k on baiser; et l'on courir ;m pour remercier; éblouir ; qu'on te rendre;-P des hommages;- quand même tu ne être pas;- on n'abuser pas aisément les peuples; outragée ;- veiller dans tous les cœurs.

world, thou canst compel me to die, but not to esteem thee". O! Son of Marcus Aurelius, forgive me*, for I speak to thee in the name of the gods, in the name of the universe confided to thy carey; I speak for the happiness of mankind, and for thine own: no, thou wilt not be insensible to so pure a glory. I have not long to live; soon shall I join thy father. If thou art to beb just, may Ic live to seed thy virtues! If one day thou shouldst


On a sudden, Commodus, who was dressed as a warrior, brandished his lance in a movement of anger, and knit his brows. The Romans, who surrounded him, turned paleh; and Apollonius, struck with the idea of the ills that awaited Rome, could not conclude'. The venerable sagem covered his face", and the funeral procession which had stopped, continued its way. The people followed in a profound silence: they had just discovered that Marcus Aurelius left nothing on earth to console them for his loss.-THOMAS.


▾ m'ordonner de ;- mais non de t'estimer ;- -au- tes soins; je te parler pour ; j'aller rejoindre;-b Si tu dois être pouvoir je; pour contempler;-e si tu devais être un jour; habillé en;- fronçer le sourcil; pâlir;i frappé de; menaçer;- ne put achever;-m vieillard;se voiler le visage; la pompe funèbre qui avait être sus pendue ;-P reprendre sa marche;- il venir d'apprendre ;i de sa perte.



How will you be able to confide in each other", if violate your sincerity, which is the only bandt of society and confidence. When you have laid it down as a maxim, that the laws of probity and

pouvoir-vous vous confier les uns aux autres ;-t l'unique lien;- Après que vous avoir posé pour.

fidelity may be disregarded" for the sake of✶ a signal advantage*; which of you will trusty another, since another may find it very advantageous2 to break his word and deceive you? Where will you be then"? Who will not endeavour to prevent the artifices of his neighbour by his own? What will be the fate of a confederacy of so many nations, when they have agreed among themselves, after a general discussion of the matter, that it is lawful to deceives one's neighbourh? What will not be your inutual distrust, your dissention, your zeal to destroy each other! Adrastus will have no occasion to attack you; you will sufficiently distress one anotherl and justify his perfidies. Yem sage and magnanimous princes! ye, who so wisely govern innume rable multitudes, disdain not to hearken to the

counsels of a young man. Should you fall into

the most terrible extremities into which war sometimes precipitates men, you may rise again by your vigilance, and the struggle of your virtues, for true courage is never reduced to despair; but, if you have once broken down the barrier of honour and probity, such a loss is irreparable; you can never revivet the confidence which is necessary to the success of all important affairs; you cannot recall men to the principles of virtue, which you have taught them to despise. And what do you apprehend? Are you not courageous enough to conquer without treachery? Is not your valour,


pouvoir se violer;- grand intérêt ;-y pouvoir se fier à ;z pourra trouver un grand avantage à —a manquer à sa parole; bOù en être vous alors ;-Quel est celui d'entre vous qui ne chercher point;-d ligue ;-e ils être convenus;-f délibération commune;- permis de surprendre ;-h son voisin ;-1 à vous détruire les uns les autres ; n'avoir plus besoin de ;-1 vous vous déchirer assez vous-mêmes ;- O;—" d'écouter;-° Si vous tomber;-P où ;—9 pouvoir vous relever ;- les efforts; - vertu ; ne pourriez jamais rétablir;1▾ rappeler ;auriez appris;- pour vaincre ;- Etre ce que.


together with the forces of so many nations, sufficient? Let us fight, die, if it be necessary, rather than conquers by such vile means. Adrastus, the impious Adrastus, is in our power, provided we abhor imitating his baseness and perfidy.-FENELON.


jointe aux ;-a ne suffire pas;-b s'il le falloir ;- que de vaincre ;-d pourvu que nous ayons horreur d'imiter."


In the year 1647, an insurrection broke out in the kingdom of Naples, which, by its character and rapid progress, threatened the utter ruin of the state. The peculiar circumstances of the times having caused additional taxes to be laid on the people, already much burthened1, murmurs and menaces were heard on all sides, riotous assemblies of the mob were held in public places, and crowds repaired to the palace of the Viceroy, asking for redress", and threatening vengeance®.

The want of union among the people, who appeared to have noP leaders to guide and direct them, so far tranquillized the Duke of Arcos, who governed Naples in the name of the king of Spain, that he thoughts it* useless to take any measures to repress the insurrection in its infancy; but, in circumstances like these", men have always been found watching with anxiety the progress of discontent, in order to seize the favourable moment to appear with more eclat or security, and to forward their

éclater; particulières; de ce temps;-h ayant fait mettre de nouveaux impôts; qui en être déjà surchargé ;kil se faire des rassemblements tumultueux de la populace ;la foule se présenter devant ;-m demander;-n justice; de se venger ;--P n'avoir point de ;- tellement ;- au nom;⚫ croire; inutile de;-v commencement;- semblables ;1 s'est toujours trouver des hommes qui épient.

own interested views, under the cloak of patriotism.

Among the persons of this description", who were waiting forb events, were several priests, full of hypocrisy, and impatient to shake off the restraint of monastic humility. Unwillings to appear at the head of the faction, they sought amongst the mob for a man that might become the instrunent of their purpose1, and thought they had found him in the person of Massaniello. Although very young, he was firm, courageous, and enterprising: he entered into the sedition with great avidity, and waited with equal impatience for an occasion1 to act. It soon presented itself; on the 7th of July, of the same year, some excise-officers happening to have a quarrel with peasants in the market, Massaniello and his followersP took the part of the country-people; and, being armed with sticks they beat off the officers. This was no sooner done, than Massaniello, accompanied by a great crowd of people', directed his steps to the" palace, where he loudly asked for redress in the name of the nation. The Viceroy, a weak and irresolute man, perceiving that things were arrived at a dangerous crisis, was frightened at the sight of so many people, and granted immediately the abolition of the duty on fruity, which was considered the greatest grievance2. Such a measure, which might have prevented the evil a few days before, did not even stop its progress: the people began to feel their y et pour poursuivre leurs ;- voile ;-a espèce ;-b attendre les;- se trouver;-d pleins de ;-e impatients de;-f secouer le joug;- Ne voulant pas;-h qui devenir ;-1 desseins ;kune grande;-1l'occasion;-m douaniers ;-" ayant pris ;• au marché;-P compagnons;-9 gens;- armés de; douaniers; accompagné de; monde;—" vers le ;-* demander; les fruits; ce dont on se plaindre le plus ;• pu prévenir;— n'en arrêter pas même les.

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