Imágenes de páginas

dear money, my dear money, my dear friend, they' have deprived me of thee; and, since thou art tuken from mes, I have lost my support, my consolation, my joy; all is over with me; I have nothing more to do in this" world. Without thee I cannot live. Alas! I am exhausted, I am dying, I am dead, I feel myself already buried. Is there no one that will recall me to life, by restoring my money, or informing me who has taken it? (he fancies he hears a voice.) What?.... What do you say?. . . .'tis nobody.- Whoever has done the deed, he must have carefully watched the moment, and chosen the time whend I was talking to that treacherous son of mine. Let me departs: I'll fetchs the magistrate, and put every one in the house to the rack-servant-maids', valets, son, daughter, and myself also. But, what do I see? How many people assembled yonder! I cast my eyes upon no one without being suspicious of him, and every thing appears to me a thief. What are they talking about therem? of him who has robbed me, no doubt. What noise are they making above? Is the thiet there? Pray, my friends, if you have any news of the thief, I beseech you to tell it me. Is he not concealed amongst you?.... What! they all look at me, and laugh: no doubt they have a share in the theft. Now for the police', the sheriffs, the

ron- tu m'es enlevé ;- fini pour;-" je n'ai plus que faire au ;-- je n'en puis plus ;— je me meurs ;-- N'y a-t-il personne qui veuille me ressusciter en ;--a en m'apprenant; qui que ce soit qui ait fait le coup; il faut qu'il ait épié le moment avec beaucoup de soin ;- le temps où;-e à mon traître de fils ;f Sortons ;-- aller quérir;-h faire donner la question à toute la maison; à servante ;- k que de gens; Je ne jette mes regards sur personne qui ne me donne des soupçons ;- De quoi est ce qu'on parle là ;--n De grâce ;— savez des ;--P me regardent tous ; 4-part à; Allons des commissaires de police des prévôts.

judges, irons, gibbets, and executioners. I'll have every one hanged, and if I don't find my money I'll hang myself at last".

Je veux faire pendre tout le monde ;

-" à la fin.


THE lyric poet of France. He wrote comedies and operas, which did not succeed, but he became famous by his odes, and all the French writers who have courted the lyric muse have remained below him; he is fertile in new and bold thoughts, and his style is sublime, harmonious, and full of energy, but void of sensibility". His intimacy with Voltaire having ended in a quarrel, the two poets lampooned each other without mercy ever afterwards.

I encensé ;- au-dessous de lui; il manque de sensibilité; L'amitié qui le liait à;-b ayant été rompue ;-c se firent une guerre d'épigrammes;-d depuis ce temps-là.


At a period when England was torn by civil wars, and a prey to the cruelty of the Danes, a man appeared, destined by Providence to avenge his country, to defend its rights, to enlighten the age in which he lived, and to adorn humanity. Alfred the Great was the fourth son of Ethewolf, king of England; he succeeded to the throne on the death of his brother Ethelred, in the year 871. After several actions with the Danes, the unfortunate Alfred was obliged tom seek his safety by flight", and to retire to° the cottage of one of his peasants,

parut plusieurs combats de se retirer dans.

• Dans un temps où; et était en proie ;- Danois;
un homme; à venger; à la mort;
contre ;- obligé de; dans la fuite;

where he remained several months as a* servant. He afterwards withdrew to the Isle of Athelney, in Somersetshire, where, having heard that the Earl of Devonshire had obtaineds a great victory over the Danes, and had takent their magical standard, he disguised himself as a harper", entered the enemy's camp, and was admitted to the principal generals, who praised his talents for music. Having acquired an exact knowledge of the situation of his enemies, and findinga that they were divided among themselves, he seized the favourable moment, joined the Earl, headed his troops, surprised the Danes at Eddington, in Wiltshire, and obtained a complete victory.

Having secured the peace of his dominions, after a great number of battles, which filled his enemies with terror, his next caref was to polish his kingdom. Although there remain but few of his laws, England owes to him many of those advantages which render her constitution so precious. The trial by jury is said to have beeni instituted by him. He caused learning to revivek and used his utmost endeavours to excite a love form letters among his subjects. He was himself a very learned prince, and all the hours he could take from busıness" were devoted to study. When we consider the great qualities of Alfred, and his many virtues we need not be surprised that his memory is still so dear to Englishmen.-BIOG. BRIT.


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P vécut ;- Il se retira ensuite dans; la province de Somerset; remporté ;-t qu'il avait pris;-" joueur de harpe ;- il entra dans; admis chez;- connaissance ;-a voyant ;mit à la tête de; assuré;-d Etats;-e de terreur; premier soin; de policer; Quoiqu'il ne reste que peu ;- On dit que le jugement par jurés fut; Il fit revivre les sciences;-fit tous ses efforts pour;- m l'amour des ; qu'il pouvait dérober aux affaires; il les vouait;-P Quand on;- ses nombreuses vertus; on ne s'étonne plus ;- soit encore.


This is the most extraordinary genius that France ever produced"; he has written both in verse and prose on almost every subject and generally with great success. From his earliest youth he shewed proofs of the acuteness of his wit and brilliant imagination; such was the precocity of his genius that at twelve years of ageb his poetical essays would have done honour to his riper age. His tragedies are masterpieces: although below Molière in the comic style, his comedies are replete with wit. His histories of Charles the XIIth, and Peter the Great, are models of historical composition. His Henriade is a fine epic poem, in which all the characters are well supported', the passions skilfully laid opens, the descriptions striking, and accompanied withh all the enthusiasm of fine poetry. His subject, however was ill chosen1, being too neark our age; it shackled+ his creative imagination, and destroyed the illusion we indulge in when reading Tasso", Ariostoo, Homer, and Virgil. The most perfect of his writings are his fugitive poetry", in which he has no rival. With so many means to bet, the brightest ornament of his age", it is painful to reflect that he obscured his glory by writings in which he sets at defiance decency and morals. He has often made use of his great talents to plead the cause of reason

C'est ;-" ait jamais produit;- tous les ;- Dès sa plus tendre jeunesse; il donna des preuves;- subtilité;-l'âge de douze ans ;âge mûr;-d quoique au-dessous de ;-e dans le genre comique; soutenus;- savamment développées ;accompagnées de ;- Cependant le sujet en est mal choisi; près de; enchaîna ; à laquelle on s'abandonne en ;a le Tasse ;-l'Arioste;-P Homère;-4Virgile; - ouvrages; -poésies; pour être ;-" siècle ; d'avouer; - où il brave; pour plaider.


and humanity; but too often he has spread the principles of irreligion. As a writer, he was sometimes superficial, but always witty; he possessed the most brilliant imagination, an astonishing facility, a most elegant taste, and a great versatility of talents and knowledge.

• mais il a trop souvent répandu;—b il avait;~c le goût le plus élégant;-d variété ;- connaissances.


ELIZABETH was tall and well made, but had a masculine shape; she possessed many accomplishments, and was extremely learned. Her conversation was agreeable and witty', her judgment solid, her ideas were clear, her application was unwearied, and her courage invincible. She was the bulwark of the Protestant religion. In the administration of justice she was just and impartial. She loved her people; and, by her strict economy, she took peculiar care of the public money". Although possessed of many virtues, her passions were too strong to admit of constant restraint", which caused her to commit somes injustice; but these faults were oppositet to her natural character. No woman everu reigned with more glory; and there are few kings whose reign can be compared with hers. It is the most glorious æra2 of the English history, and it produced a great number of celebrated statesmen and warriors.-BIOG. BRIT.

tournure;- talents; elle était très-savante; spirituelle ;infatigable. Dans ;- m elle ménageait avec soin;-n les deniers publics. Quoique avec;-Pelle avait les passions trop vives;-4 pour y mettre toujours un frein; ce qui lui fit;quelques contraires.- Jamais femme ne;-x dont le règne puisse être ;- au sien ;--7 plus belle époque.

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