Imágenes de páginas

the dying, to spread destruction further. I was in the midst of the fraym, when a horseman overturned me in his flight, and his horse broke my0 leg. A warrior who fought by my side, perceiving my situation, took me in his arms, and bore me from the field of battle. He laid me down beside a holy father, who, prostrated on a rock was imploring Heaven for us....."Take caret of him, my father," said my deliverer: "he has fought like a free man," he said; and ran back" into the battle. Victory was ours! my child;-it was ours!

pour répandre; mêlée; me fracassa; à mes côtés; m'emporta loin du ;-- Il me déposa ;— à côté d'un religieux; en notre faveur ;- Ayez soin ;-" revola;— au combat ;La victoire fut à nous.


"MANY of our friends lay stretched on heaps" of enemies: thus, weary labourers repose on the sheaves which their hands have mowed! I was taken care of, and was cured; but I never saw againd my deliverer; in vain I have sought him every-where. Alas! all my efforts have been useless; I shall not be able to shew him my gratitude in this world!"

The young shepherd had listened to the old man, with tears in his eyes: "No, my father," said he to him, "thou wilt not be able to shew him thy gratitude in this worlds."―The old man exclaimed with surprise, "What dost thou say? Dost thou knowh my benefactor?"

▾ frères ;-2 étaient étendus ; des monceaux ;-b fus soigné, c je guéris ;-d n'ai jamais revu ;-e je ne pourrai lui montrer; écouté le:- ici-bash Connaftrais-tu.


The Shepherd. I believe he was my father. Often he has related to me the history of the battle. Often I have heard him say-I should be very glad to heark if the man who fought so valiantly by my side, and whom I carried from the field of battle, is still alive1.

The Old Man. O! angels of heaven! was that generous man really thy father?

The Shepherd. He had a scar here... (pointing to his left cheek); he had been wounded by a spear: perhaps, he was so before he bore thees from the battle.

The Old Man. His cheek was bleeding, when he carried me off. O, my child! O, my son!

The Shepherd. He died two years ago; he was poor, and I am obliged to feed this flocks to gain a livelihoodt.

The Old Man. God be thanked"! I can, in some degree", requite his benevolence. Come, my leave to another the care of that flock.


They descended together into the valley, and they soon arrived at the dwelling of the old man. He was rich in fields and herds; one amiable daughter was his only heir.

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My child," said he to "her, he who has saved my life was the father of that young shepherd; if thou couldst love him, I should be happy to2 see you united." The youth was handsome, his golden haira fell in ringlets on his rosy cheeks, candor and modesty beamed in his fine dark eyes.-The young

1 que ce fut.-k Que j'aurais de plaisir d'apprendre ;- vit encore; cet homme généreux était-il ;-n en portant la main sur la;— d'un coup de lance ;- l'était-il déjà ;—q qu'il t'emportât; il y a deux ans ; de garder ce troupeau ;- pour gagner ma vie ;- Le ciel soit béni;- quelque façon ;reconnaître son bienfait ;-y m'a sauvé la vie; heureux de ; cheveux d'un blond doré ;-b joues vermeilles ;- brillaient; veux noirs.

girl, with bashful timidity, required* three days to consider her father's proposal: but the third day appeared to her very long. She gave her hand to the young man.-The old man shed tears of joy. My blessing resth upon you, my children," said he to them; 66 now I am the happiest of men!"

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• une réserve ingénue;- demanda;- en versa des larmes ;— repose.



He has distinguished himself by his 'Idyls',' which are full of sensibility and sweetness. This amiable author should be particularly recommended to youth: in his 'Ami des enfants, he offers the most important lessons under the most attractive form.

His works have been translated into most languages.

i idylles;—k sous la forme la plus attrayante;— la plupart des langues.


Every man who possesses great virtues or great talents has a* right to expect our homage, although he may not have influenced our happiness. The basis of this sort of homager is the glory which great men shed upon humanity which they adorn", and our want of this superior class of beings, in order to make amends for our weakness. But, if such a man is born among us, or if by chance he has fixed his residence in our country”, has served the state by his talents, enlightened it with his

m DU MARÉCHAL DE SAXE;- Tout;-o a;-P de prétendre à ; - n'ait jamais influé sur ;- culte ;- c'est ;- répandent ;" honorent ;- le besoin que nous avons; suppléer à;▾ demeure ;- patrie ;—a il l'a éclairé par.

knowledgeb, ornamented it by his vi tues, then gra titude compels us to pay him a tr bute of veneration and love.

Our interest requires this homage. A great man is a rare production of nature, and it is but after a slow and profound consideration that she produces one. Could we not assist herh in so sublime a production? The respect and admiration of mankind may develope the seeds of greatness in some minds; ingratitude often chills them; they are stifled for want of encouragement. Glory, says an eminent" writer, is the last passion of the wise mano. Let us honour great men, and great men will arise among us.


The Swedish monarch, celebrated for his victories, and still more so by the singularity of his virtues, braving danger, disdaining pleasures, as lavish of his blood as his treasures, proud of having conquered and given away* kingdoms, equal in prosperity,inflexible in adversity, always magnanimous, and always superior tot fate", vanquished, though yet formidable to four powerful kings-Charles the XIIth, whose name alone was equal to an army, had sallied forth from2 his retreat ata Bender, and the northern nations, alarmed, were uniting to crush© this lion, nearly overwhelmedd, before he could recover his strength. Maurice solicitede the honour of marching against him. He felt himself worthy of so great an adversary. At the approach of

b lumières ; c alors ;-4 nous fait un devoir ;-e lui rendre ; ouvrage qu'elle le produit; l'aider ;- germes;dans certaines âmes; les glace; faute de ; célèbre; -sage;-P naîtront;-4 célèbre par; plus encore; plaisirs; au-dessus de ;- fortune;- mais;- redoutable; — valait;—z était sorti de ;-a de; ré anissaient.;-e pour ccabler; à demi terrassé ;- brigua.

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Charles, his zeal received a new impulse of activity. The image of this hero, the remembrance of his trophies, the lively impression of his glorious career, haunted every where the imagination of* young Maurice, broke his slumbers, animated him in battle, sustained him through his fatigues, guided him in the midst of danger. A mind like his was formed to admire Charles the XIIth. At the breach, in the field of battle, he seeks the hero; the hottest part of the fight points? where he is to find him; he flies thither, approaches him, and admires him! He saw not in Charles the pomp and majesty of at throne; but he saw his valour, his intrepidity, his greatness of mind", conquered states, and nine years of victory. This sublime visionTM inspired young Maurice with that profound veneration for the Swedish hero which he preserved till his death.-THOMAS.

nouveau degré d'activité;
dans le repos;-iles combats;
dangers; Une âme telle
mêlée lui apprend ; il doit ;
— âme ;— grand spectacle;

poursuivaient; le réveillaient

dans les fatigues ;— au ;— que ;- Sur ;- l'ardeur de la il y vole; auprès de ;— du; inspira au jeune Maurice.


NOBILITY is a fine institution. When a child of noble descent comes into the world, naked, weak, and helpless, like the child of a common peasant, I then imagine his country greeting him thus:Welcome, my child! you will hereafter be devoted to my service, intrepid, generous, magnanimous like your forefathers. They have transmitted to you their brilliant example, I confer upon youf their

DE; d'origine noble ;- vient au ;-b indigent ;-e simple : - je m'imagine alors que la patrie le reçoit ainsi ;-- Je vous salue; je vous confère.

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