Thieves, Senators, Poet, Painter, Jeweller, and Mer chant; with Servants and Attendants. SCENE, Athens; and the Woods not far from it. From Lucian's Dialogues. Of this Play there is no Edition known but that of the Players. ACT I. SCENE I. A Hall in TIMON'S House. Enter Poet, Painter, Jeweller, and Merchant, at Several doors. G OOD day, Sir. POET. Pain. I am glad y'are well. Poet. I have not seen you long. How goes the world? Pain. It wears, Sir, as it goes. * But what particular rarity? what so strange, But what particular rarity? &c.] Our author, it is obfervable, has made his poet in this play a knave. But that it might not reflect upon the profeffion, he has made him only a pretender to it, as appears from his having drawn him, all the way, with a false taste and judgOne infallible mark of which, is a fondness for every thing strange, surprizing and portentous; and a difregard for whatever is common, or in nature. Shakespear therefore has with great delicacy of judgment ment. M 4 Which put his poetaster upon this inquiry. WARBURTON. The learned commentator's note must shift for itself. I cannot but think that the passage is at present in confufion. The Poet asks a question, and stays not for an answer, nor has his question any apparent drift or confequence. I would range the paffage thus: Poet. Ay, that's well known. Paint. |