Imágenes de páginas

into a room decorated with his plaster-casts. A at the same time impressible and delicate as the sunbeam shone just then into the room, and a tenderest female. The soul is the sovereign of her rainbow could be perceived after a passing show-whole being, it chains her fugitive fancy and moder. The science of colors, mineralogy, the pro- erates her artistic enthusiasm. Often it appeared ductions of art, all were mingled like a chaos to me that this artist, who now resides at Rome, in my mind. I confessed to myself that here was wedded to some invisible spirit. The pawas a world within the world, a mixture of the lette would fall sometimes from her hand and past and future, of antiquity and the present. she would lean back in her chair perfectly moWhat were to Goethe the movements, the aims tionless. At such times I, timid child, thought of the crowd, the astounding events of the his- of spirits, was terrified, and would make a noise tory of that epoch, (Napoleon's epoch,)-what to call her back to reality. Knowledge and art to him even his fatherland! He possessed that had opened to her their secret treasures, her in himself which creates and destroys; which led conversation might be compared to a sparkling him far away from the rolling stream of events stream flowing sometimes too rapidly along, but and furnished him with inexhaustible materials never exhausting itself. Art had taught her modfor reflection: he did not love, he looked down eration. The Countess occupied the atelier of upon, mankind, and created for himself other the late celebrated painter Tayemann; there she ties-those of philosophy, taste and knowledge. painted those sweet children from Rubens, and He introduced his own form of language into the the many scenes from her life in Italy, which world; his style was that of genius. He clung now ornament the palaces of the first sovereigns to that which he had acquired in those solitary of Europe. Goethe was the intimte friend of hours, when perhaps a sweet longing after some- her mother and the friend and preceptor of her thing elevated filled his mind, because he felt that childhood. Under his eyes this German Corinne, there was something yet to win. The train of (as she was generally called,) was educated. He his thoughts passed rapidly like storm-driven first perceived the genius of his little protegeè, clouds; he revealed them to himself and to others; he made them dearer and brighter, but never dispelled them.

and by him it was wakened and encouraged. With such native powers developed by such a taste, how could she be otherwise than superior? The Farnesian bull in his plaster-casts, the Usually she spent her evenings with Goethe, and noble ideal head of Van Dyck, were placed near I accompanied her there, where she arranged the skull of a common criminal, only to show the tableaux. One evening we had scenes from opposition of the noblest to the meanest objects. Goethe's Faust, in which the grandson of Goethe Such contrasts Goethe tried to render prominent. represented the demon Mephistophiles. The room What I now remember as most striking to me in which the spectators were assembled was dark, was the plain furniture of his study, consisting while the other apartments in which the tableaux only of a few chairs and tables. Was it to show were arranged were flooded with light. I can that he did not need outward magnificence, while still see the demon entering with Faust to the poor he valued his titles, or his princely friends, of deluded Margaret, who is admiring herself in the whom the highest had his preference? Goethe glass adorned with the jewels she has found. was a man in whom many contradictions met, he was a sovereign and slave, free and dependent, exhibiting a thousand different phases, sipping from a thousand different sources, poet and politician-demon and angel!

Margaret was represented by a young lady from the court, with golden ringlets and a charming, delicate figure-her costume most tastefully and charmingly arranged by Countess Julia. The demon looked like a real demon, so strikingly did Among my recollections of Weimar, two have the young Goethe express malice in his looks made a deep and pleasing impression on my and motions. After this and other scenes, we mind-one when I assisted in tableaux vivans went over to scriptural history. The sacrifices represented in Goethe's home, the others when I of Abraham was selected, and I was transformed drew and painted in the atelier of the high-gifted into little Isaac. But in the midst of this repcountess, Julia Eyloffstein, while she was seated resentation, when the resigned Abraham was before her easel absorbed in her creations. This about to consummate the sacrifice and I began interesting high-born and court-bred woman pos- to feel quite lamb-like, a terrible noise was heard sesses one of those natures which may be called among the spectators. Abraham and Isaac startpowerful. She has none of the bitterness of ed from their immoveable positions, lights were our sex-all in her is created in large outlines. called for. Goethe himself seemed uneasy in Her superior talent forms a marvellous accom- the darkness, and when the torches blazed again, paniment to the flight of her spirit, now enthroned it was found that a statue of Minerva had fallen in the skies, now descending to the depths of the from its pedestal and lay broken in pieces on foundation of things. Strong as a man, she is the floor. Every body looked at Goethe, who

valued highly this statue, one of his Italian treasures. We feared the pleasure of the evening was over for him, but presently he asked for music, and when he saw the company still lingering over the shattered Minerva, he exclaimed, "Let the dead rest!"

Goethe's daughter-in-law was a pretty, delicate looking blonde, who, besides a highly cultivated mind and great suavity of manners, with the most unbounded admiration for Goethe, had the merit of having presented him with blooming grandsons. How did the poet love these young inheritors of a name invested by him with glory, which they should transmit to their descendants! Among those children the loving side of his soul was to

They walked not under the lindens,

They played not in the hall,
But shadow and silence and sadness
Were hanging over all.

The birds sang in the branches
With sweet, familiar tone,
But the voices of the children

Will be heard in dreams alone.

And the boy, who walked beside me,
He could not understand
Why closer in mine, ah! closer,

1 pressed his soft, warm hand.

be seen. In them were consecrated his bright- FROM OUR PARIS CORRESPONDENT. est hopes for a promising future. They were to him the embodiment of his dearest wishes, the originals personified by him.

PARIS, September, 1849.

Within the house of Goethe, the court at Wei- At no period since the opening of the revolumar formed a temple for literature, in which the tion, has France enjoyed so complete a calm as memory of the great departed was kept sacred, that which now reigns not in Paris only, but and where the last who remained of them on throughout the departments. The storm is hushearth was deeply idolized. Never has there ex- ed. Political elements are almost still. The isted a German court which could boast of so sea is heaving sullenly from the violence of the many celebrities, or which manifested so ardent late commotion; and the vessel of state rolls sluga zeal for knowledge and truth. Conversation gishly on the billows, with hardly wind enough there was brilliant and far from all egotism-lib- to keep her on her course. Angry waves, white erty had become united to trust and confidence. with foam, no more beat against its sides, and The true mission of literature-advancement in bursting over the bow sweep the decks. But the cultivation of nations-was here acknow- is the storm really over, and the danger past? ledged and raised to that noble standing which Does the blue sky appear through the breaking belongs to the development of the human mind. clouds? May the weary crew retire, and the Speculative ideas here found responses, and what anxious passengers dismiss their fears, in the was attempted was appreciated, as well as what hope that henceforth they will pursue their voywas effected. Charming recollections! I feel age with favoring winds, and a bright sun, to the again the young breath of spring over the freshly destined port? Not yet! We are now in the centre turned soil; how it plays with the blossoms, how of the storm! Many a gallant vessel on the broad cheerfully ripple the waves of the Ilm. Such is Atlantic has dearly expiated, by total wreck, the the power of memory! fatal error which mistook this deceitful momentary calm for the end of the tempest. Yet a little while, and the elemental war will recommence more furiously than ever. Seize the moment, mariners, to nerve body and heart for the coming strife! Repair the broken ropes, keep your sails close reefed, and be every man at his post! But let us drop metaphor.



The old house by the lindens
Stood silent in the shade,
And on the gravel pathway
The light and shadow played.

I saw the nursery windows
Wide open to the air,
But the faces of the children
They were no longer there.

The large Newfoundland house-dog
Was standing by the door,
He looked for his little playmates
Who would return no more.

The prompt repression of 13th June,-the numerous arrests which followed-the proscription of nearly forty of the most able and violent Montagnards-the state of seige-the severe laws lately enacted against the liberty of the press and the right of political meeting, have temporarily disarmed and almost silenced the democratic socialist party, the only party, which proposed, and was ready, to seize power by immediate violence. Government has its foot upon this party; it is cast down, but not extinct. On the contrary, the few organs of the

press which have survived the late repressive not co-operate with them upon any occasion measures, declare and prove too that it is full of except for common defence of life, family and life and even of hope. It is engaged in active property against the insurgents of June, armed but secret agitation and propagand. Its cause and in the streets. Another portion is in intihas succumbed all over Europe. Unhappy Lom-mate communion with the Orleanists or Bonabardy, Piedmont, Tuscany, Baden, Rome, gal-partists. It is even said that they are plotting lant Hungary, and ever-glorious Venice are all and likely to compass the fusion of the parties now beneath the feet of their former masters. of the elder and younger branches. Henry V. The despotic principle represented by Russia, it is almost certain will never have an immediate Austria, Prussia, France, (aye, France in spite heir to his rights, or pretensions. It is proposed of its nominal republicanism) is every where that he shall reign, declaring the Count of Paris triumphant. There is not throughout the con- to be his heir, and uniting the whole power and tinent of Europe a republican band armed, or influence of the two parties to insure his peacethat dares to arm! Yet the party in France de-able succession. This is plausible, and if all the clares that the future, and the near future be-adherents of these two families would cordially longs to it. This party is unquestionably formi- and earnestly unite for its accomplishment, it dable here. It is strong in Paris, in many of the would perhaps be a feasible plan. But a portion departments, in the assembly, and stronger, I of the Legitimists, to say nothing of the Phillipfear, in the army, than it is safe to admit. It pists are quite impracticable. The family hate believes to be necessary, it contemplates, it is is embittered by eighteen years of deadly strife. preparing, yet another appeal to arms. It will They would have to conquer the republicans in certainly not witness quietly the accomplishment a bloody civil war, before the newly erected of the designs of the monarchical parties. It throne could acquire any stability. They would cannot however enjoy even a temporary triumph meet, too, and must gain, or conquer the Bonain France, unless the cause is powerfully served partists. The imperial pretender is now in powby the irreconcilable dissensions of the other er, and wields all the influence of government. parties. The National Assembly, that great focus While few believe him a sincere republicanof political strifes, is now in the midst of its six none, absolutely none, believe that knowingly weeks' recess, which will last till 1st October. and willingly he would lend himself to the restoIt is to its absence we must ascribe the momen- ration of any but the imperial throne, to be octary calm which prevails. The fires of party, cupied by himself. This consummation he is still however, are not extinct: they are only diffused. dreaming of, still working for, I have no doubt. The members are dispersed throughout all the He calls all parties into his councils hoping that departments, each an earnest apostle of his own they will neutralize each other, and that in the end, political creed, striving to gain converts and in- they will by the force of events, and his own fluence the General Councils, (popular represen- good management, all become subservient to the tative assemblies, which meet periodically in all accomplishment of his own purposes. Unless the departments,) to an expression of opinion the force of events most efficiently serves him, which will tell in his favor upon the action of unless he calls to his aid a well timed coup d'etat, the Assembly at its meeting in October. The backed by a goodly number of Bonapartist regiultra Legitimists declare that the republic was ments, let him beware lest he who would play imposed upon France by an infamous coup de with others be himself played with. Cau Louis main, that the people have never sanctioned it, Napoleon Bonaparte expect to win in a game of and they demand an immediate appeal to the address in which he has Thiers and Molé for oppeople, proposing to be decided by universal ponents? These men may form, as means, not suffrage this question, "Shall France adopt for as an end, the establishment of the consulate, or its government the Democratic Republic, or the even of an Empire. The efforts of the NapoRepresentative Monarchy ?" They believe that leonists proper are at the present moment directhe latter would prevail; and they hope that of ted to the effecting an immediate revision of the the three monarchical parties their own would constitution, not waiting till the three years preprove the strongest. The Count of Chambord scribed by the constitution itself for the trial of (Henry V.) with his wife has recently visited that instrument as it is, shall have elapsed. Their the fashionable watering place of Ems, in Ger- avowed object is to give “stability" to the govmany, near the French frontier. They received ernment. They would declare first the immedithere some fifteen hundred of their most devoted ate reëligibility of the President, which is now French partisans, among them several of their forbidden. Without this, M. Bonaparte must infalmost distinguished adherents. The Legitimist libly, after his term has expired, become less than party is dividing. A portion of it will hold no an ordinary man. He will have lost the prestige political communion with the other parties: will of his name, and proved his own substantive

Complete insignificancy will necessities.

Leon Faucher the predecessor of

want of value. await him. The President being declared re- Dufaure, and one of the most thorough-going reeligible, his partisans would next lengthen the actionists in France, is almost universally looked term to ten years or for life, with a change of to as his successor. It is believed that De Toestyle from President to Consul, and an increase queville, Passy and Odilon Barrot himself, will of salary from twenty thousand dollars per month, accompany Dufaure in his retreat, as being too which it actually is, to forty thousand. These liberal for a government which has such crying changes in the constitution being effected, exec- need of "stability." The Dix Decembre a jourutive influence is to be trusted to insure the pres-nal devoted personally to the President, believed ident's reëlection. It is understood, however, to be his echo, and known as the organ of the that the title of consul, with residence at the imperialists, daily utters philippics against DuElyseé Bourbon, and the bagatelle of $40,000 faure, and eulogies on Faucher, daily advocates per month, is only provisional, and accepted en the revision of the constitution, and cries for passant. The desired “stability” to government "stability." Nous verrons. will not be reached in the opinion of this party until their consul installed as Emperor, shall occupy the Tuileries, and have an imperial civil list at his command. I am partly of this opinion government has just taken in the interest of commyself. That, or something equivalent, must take place, or France will be continually agitated, and revolution become its normal condition.

But while reaction is the order of the day in politics, let me signalize one laudable step forward, which, guided by the light of science, this

merce and international communication. I allude to the onerous and annoying quarantine laws which have so long shackled the intercourse Since I last touched upon politics, the Reac- of Europe with the East. These laws have tion has made immense strides. Nearly all the long been believed to be unnecessarily severe : republicans throughout France, placed in office and under the last reign several attempts were under the administrations which preceded the made to liberally modify them. The southern accession to power of M. Bonaparte, have been ports of France had suffered so severely from removed. Attachment to republicanism is a suf- the plague, that for many years no precautions ficient cause. Hardly a day passes but we have were considered excessive: and rules dictated notice of removals of men, who have perilled by fear were persisted in long after experience their lives on the side of order in all the crises and science had demonstrated their inefficiency through which the republic has passed, and who in addition to their severity. In 1845, the Royal are ever ready to do so. It is impossible not to Academy of Medicine of Paris was charged by see in those removals and the appointments which government to inquire whether, without danger follow, the settled purpose, now become a system, to the public health, these laws might not be conto put all official influence in the hands of monar-siderably relaxed, and to what extent. The chists. The early republican government placed Academy appointed a committee of eleven, in on the retired list some twenty or thirty general which figure the names of Adelon, Dubois, Paofficers, suspected of sympathy with one or the risot, Royer Collard, and Prus. The committee other of the ex-royal families. These officers addressed itself earnestly to the investigation of have just been restored and republican officers the questions involved. It was made the subject are kept out of employ, or sent to Africa or Cor- of fifty sittings, in which volumes of written tessica. The names of several of the colleges in timony were read, and the oral testimony taken Paris, the names of many of the streets, and of of many physicians who had seen and treated several of the theatres, were republicanized eigh- the plague. M. Prus proceeded himself to Marteen months ago. The former have been, the seilles to conduct examinations there: in short, latter are about to be rebaptized with their old no means were left unemployed which would names. M. Bonaparte yet has in his cabinet a enable the committee to arrive at satisfactory, republican element. This is represented now practical and scientific conclusions. Their reespecially by M. Dufaure. This gentleman, there port was made in March, 1846. It declared the is little doubt, will be eliminated next month, plague to be endemic in Egypt, Syria and Tursoon after the meeting. There has never been key-that the disease was spontaneously develany cordial good feeling between him and the oped under the influence of local and atmospheric President. The latter owes him a deep grudge causes-that the plague usually appears under for his conduct in January and December last, the form of epidemic diseases and observes simiwhen, during the presidential canvass he was Ca-lar rules of progress-that clothing and bedding vaignac's obedient minister of the interior. It used by the infected, have not communicated the is matter of surprise that he has remained so long in the cabinet, where he was received and has been retained only in obedience to stern political

plague to persons who have afterwards made use of the same, even without previous purification— that no rigid system of observation has demon

strated the transmissibility of the plague by mere main. My property converted into cash is worth contact with the infected—that the transmissi- so much. This sum divided by 35 gives me so bility of the plague by means of merchandize in much per annum: a pretty little sum-one may countries where the plague already exists, or live upon that-one may enjoy life!" He sold where it does not exist, is by no means establish- his estates, turned them into gold, and having no ed-that persons infected form the only foci of faith in banks and bankers, he concealed his infection, and they alone infect the atmosphere- money in his own house, determined to spend that the period of incubation, or time during every year fully the sum agreed upon, and no which the seeds of the plague lie dormant, is more. "If," said he, "when my money is spent, from three to five days, and that it never fails to my life should not be, why there stands Pont declare itself within eight days. This report was Neuf-and the Seine flows below." He kept in the following year, 1847, made the foundation his resolution faithfully, so far as the spending of great ameliorations in the quarantine laws; and hoarding of his money was concerned: and but such was the force of prejudice against in- also in another particular-he went it strong. novation upon the time-honored system of restric- Nobody enjoyed life in the ordinary acceptation tion, and so powerful was the influence of the of the term more than Jules André Guéret. But multifarious official interests which had grown he miscalculated in one particular: and his resoup under the old system, that the ordonnance of lution failed him in another. The sixty-first year 1847, by the admission of all impartial intelligent found him without a sol, and with several misermen, left much to be desired. The step which able years to spare. He was not philosopher separates the provisions of the ordonnance of enough to take the promised leap, or rather he 1847 from complete liberty, limited only by such restrictions as an intelligent regard for the public health based upon the conclusions of the above mentioned report would dictate, has just been taken by the President, upon the advice of the minister of agriculture and commerce.

was too much of a philosopher to do so. Since 1843 a poor old beggar has been constantly seen, seated on a hard bench, occupying the same spot upon the quai des Celestins. Summer and winter, every day, rain or shine, the old man was there. A charity box rested on his knees; small bunches of phosphoric matches were in his hand. It was Jules André Guéret. He lived upon public charity. He had composed the following couplet, which was written upon a piece of pasteboard, and suspended from his neck, to attract the notice of the passer by.

The Cholera has not yet entirely left us. The number of deaths has slightly varied during the last month. About forty daily is the average. The total number of deaths in Paris from cholera since the commencement of its attack in March last is now considerably upward of 20,000. The "Ayez pitié, passants, du pauvre André Guéret, total number in 1832 was only 18,000, but the Dont la vie est plus longue, helas! qu'il ne croyait." visitation then was only of one month's duration. Nobody now seems to think of cholera The stroller along the quai des Celestins has often any more than if it did not exist and regular noticed a group of listeners in front of the old man's bench. He was amusing them with reports of the number of deaths have ceased to be made. But we still hear every now and then some racy souvenir of his youthful days. One of some distinguished victim. Among its last day last week Guéret had repaired, well as usual, and best known in Paris is Jules André Guéret, with his charity box, matches, and couplet, to his a denizen of la Cité. When the second volume accustomed seat. In May and June while hunof the "Lives of Curious and Odd Characters" dreds and thousands were dying about him, Guéis compiled, André Guéret must certainly find his page in it. At twenty-five years of age Guéret, a gay and dashing youth, saw himself in possession of his paternal inheritance, a handsome fortune. "I mean never to marry," said he, sequently, I shall have no family to support, either with me or after me; and I don't care to leave any portion of my fortune behind. A sober man, who, though no husband himself, husbands his the miniature painter, Mme. Mirbel, the wife of life, may calculate upon living to three score and Professor Mirbel of the Garden of Plants. For ten. But if he goes it a little, if he enjoys life, the last twenty years she has been one of the he will hardly pass fifty-five-to be liberal, say best known of her art in Europe, honored with sixty years. Now I mean to go it, and cannot pos- the patronage of several kings and all of the high sibly live, therefore, beyond sixty years of age. aristocracy. Mme. Mirbel died at the age of fifty. Take twenty-five from sixty, and thirty-five re- If the walk of art which she chose was not the

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ret was never missed from his bench. But his

time was at last come. He was seized in the cholera. Ready arms, for old André was a facourse of the day with violent symptoms of vorite with every inhabitant of the quarter, bore him to a neighboring hospital. And he died.

The Fine Arts have just lost in Paris one of their most distinguished and successful worshippers,

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