Imágenes de páginas
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The New Tariff Bill...





The Red Mask

At first glimpse it looked like a man in a red mask and black cloak, crawling on his hands and knees. A moment later the red-masked figure straightened, spread great wings and flew into the blue above the Himalayas.

A carrion vulture! Coming out of the Englishman's cabin!

Pilsbury, of the Forest Reserve, stationed near Murree-whimsical, delicate, studious-a Iman who had a way with small creatures.

Beattie, his Chief-all man-plenty of chin, a bullock neck, a lot of appetites partially under control-said to be brave.

The deadly Karait, a creature of the blackest reputation of all India-thin as a lead pencil, black with the black of old leather, a dull gleam to her extra unlovely head-Pilsbury's one defense against the bullying of Beattie:

Around this triangle Will Levington Comfort and Zamin ki Dost interlace one of their remarkable Eastern stories a study in the psychology of fear between animals and men.


The American MAGAZINE on the Orient

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Contents of August ASIA

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The Dangerous Islands - By Frederick O'Brien
For more than 400 years these siren
islands, a bracelet of ivory and jade
set in the sapphire Pacific, have been
known to mariners as marking the
most parlous piece of sea in all the
round of the globe. They are the fairy
islands of childhood, the coral strand
of youth, the lotus lands of poesy. It
takes but Frederick O'Brien's inimitable
story-telling to put you on familiar
terms with every interesting character
on Niau, from the Mormon deacon who
peddles bread to Chocolate, a mongrel
pup of the Marquesas.

ASIA is on sale at all news-stands at 35c per
copy. If you do not know the magazine
this is your opportunity to become
friends. Send $1.00 with the coupon.
We will mail you the next five
issues for the special price of
$1.00-a small sum for an ex-
ceptionally large dollar's



Send the next five issues of ASIA, the American Magazine on th
Orient, beginning with the current number. I enclose $1
Outlook 7-13-21.



Business or Profession..



Canada, $1.20 Foreign, $1.40





An Evening with the "Damned" By K.K.Ardashir
"Oh, Allah! We are indeed lost!" ex-
claimed old Abdul Hamid, thirty-fifth
Sultan of Turkey, when an English
friend said to him that the Turks were
the only commercially honest people in
Europe. Chatty and historical anec-
dotes go to make up this more than
entertaining article about the old Sultan
who once claimed that, "The British
Sovereign and I are the two greatest
Mohammedan powers on the earth!"
Singing Craftsmen of Peking - - By Sam Dean
American captains of industry marvel
at the wonderful handicraft, skill of
the Chinese, an abiding heritage from
days when work was art and art gave
joy and joy meant song. These merry
artisans, members each of their power-
ful guilds, still specialize on beauty
while the rest of the world concentrates
on production

Hindu Stories in American Negro Folk Lore
By Norman Brown
There's nothing new-even under the
Asiatic sun! Now we find that some
of Uncle Remus' very best thrillers
have their counterparts in the softly
told stories that little Hindu children
listen to at night from their Ayahs.
Main Street in a Caucasian Village By Elizabeth Anderson
Molikans, Armenians, Russians, Turks,
crowd Main Street in Dilijan, where
even the mildest men looked ferocious
when they stared from under their
shaggy caps of tangled sheepskin at
this plucky American girl who made
the acquaintance of these swaggering
Caucasians while doling out the sup-
plies of a Relief Commission.

An American Bonaparte..

Baptists Defend Their Liberties...... 434

Happy Are They that Can Hear Their
Detractions and Can Put Them to


[blocks in formation]

Black Bull the Champion By Bernard Sexton
A legend of India which holds a world
of wisdom, philosophy and humor in
its short but stirring length.
The Great River
By L. Adams Beck
All the jewels of Burma seem mirrored
in the sparkling tales of life told in
the golden shadows of the Shwe Dagon
or voyaging along the silken river that
skirts the lazy city of Rangoon.
My Chinese Marriage . . -- By M. T. F.
Chapter III: First Daughter-in-law. The
great racial instinct of the Chinese-
obedience to parents-now confronts
this American girl as she accepts the
position of first daughter-in-law in her
Chinese mother's household.

Uncle Sam Saves......

Staff Correspondence from Washington by
Elbert F. Baldwin

One of America's Highest Mountains 442
One of Switzerland's Noblest Peaks. 443
Is the Church Losing the People?
Opposing Views:

I-Why Don't They Come to Church? 444
By Andrew Ten Eyck

II-A Little Clinic on the Status of

By Howard A. Bridgman
Fewer, and Better, Men

By Kingsley Moses


..... 447

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Many of the best private schools, colleges, correspondence schools, and camps are advertised in these columns. Each one issues descriptive literature which will be sent to Outlook readers upon application

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The Pratt Teachers Agency New-Church Theological School Quincy Street,

70 Fifth Avenue, New York

Recommends teachers to colleges, public and private schools.
Advises parents about schools. Win. O. Pratt, Mgr.


The Curtis School for Young Boys

Has grown forty-six years and is still under the active direction of its founder. Entering age nine to thirteen. $1,000. FREDERICK S. CURTIS, Principal GERALD B. CURTIS, Assistant Principal BROOKFIELD CENTER, CONNECTICUT.


A school for boys under 15
Yearly rate $1200

L. R. SANFORD, Principal


LOUIS H. SCHUTTE, M.A., Headmaster


[blocks in formation]

Sea Pines

Rev. Thomas Bickford, A.M. Founder

Cambridge, Mass. Est. 1866. Three years' course. College preparation desired. The curriculum includes systematic study of the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg and spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures. Correspondence courses. Catalog. WILLIAM L. WORCESTER, President.



Lowell, Massachusetts. 38 minutes from Boston, Country sports. Gymnasium and swimming pool. For catalogue and views address Miss OLIVE SEWALL PARSONS, B.A., Principal


18 miles from Springfield. 117th year. An up-to-date college preparatory school. Aim: to develop manly boys by the practical personal touch. Athletics carefully supervised. Fund for boys of proven worth. $500. Booklet. JOSEPH M. SANDERSON, A.B. (Harvard), Prin., 20 Main St., Monson, Mass.



23 Highland St., Natick, Mass. A College Preparatory School for Girls. 17 miles from Boston.

Miss Conant, Miss Bigelow, Principals.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

WALTHAM SCHOOL for GIRLS Yonkers Homeopathic Hospital

Boarding and Day School

From primary grades through college preparatory. School building. Gymnasium. Three residences. Ample opportunity for outdoor life. 62d year. Address

Miss MARTHA MASON, Principal, Waltham, Mass.

THE MISSES ALLEN SCHOOL Life in the open. Athletics. Household Arts. College and general courses.

Each girl's personality observed and developed. Write for booklet. Telephone W. N. 131. WEST NEWTON, Mass.

[blocks in formation]



A School in the Country for Boys Tutoring for leading secondary schools, college and scientific schools. Stimulating air, outdoor sports, modern homelike buildings. ARTHUR F. STEARNS, Mt. Vernon, N. H.


OUTDOOR happiness offering exceptional opportunities for training in self-discovery and self-direction. Inspiring ideals of health, responsi bility and Christian usefulness. School for Grammar and High School Students three terms, fall, spring, and summer. Mid-winter vacation. Two hundred acres; pine groves, 3,000 feet seashore. Swimming. Athletics. Esthe ic dancing. Gymnastics. College preparatory subjects. Art, Music. Domestic Science. Handicrafts. Business Courses. Foreign Languages. Personality Methods. Diplomas introductory to definite service. Summer Course in Personality Theory for High School Graduates MISS FAITH BICKFORD, MISS ADDIE BICKFORD, Directors. Box D, Brewster. Mass.

Distinctively devoted to and recognized as the Pioneer

School of Personality

and Maternity

YONKERS, NEW YORK Registered School-2 years' course in general nursing, with special training at Bellevue Hospital, for young women of good standing who have had 1 year of High School or its equivalent. Address SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES.

St. John's Riverside Hospital Training School for Nurses

YONKERS, NEW YORK Registered in New York State, offers a 2 years' courseas general training to refined, educated women. Requirements one year high school or its equivalent. Apply to the Directress of Nurses Yonkers, New York.

"The Master Salesman'

A clear, practical, fascinating work, explaining the Real Secrets of Personality, Magnetism, Persuasion and Salesmanship Price $3.00 Postpaid

[blocks in formation]

Any Boy or Girl

Can Earn Money in Spare Time

If there are boys or girls in your family, why not encourage them to become Outlook salesmen in your neighborhood? This outdoor work is good fun and is excellent training for a business career. We supply all necessary materials to start this work, and furnish complete suggestions as to how to proceed. No investment or experience is required. If a youngster is old enough to play marbles or spin a top, he is old enough to earn his own spending money selling The Outlook. Address applications to Carrier Departmen THE OUTLOOK COMP

381 Fourth Avenue New '


[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

The Red Mask

At first glimpse it looked like a man in a red mask and black cloak, crawling on his hands and knees. A moment later the red-masked figure straightened, spread great wings and flew into the blue above the Himalayas.

A carrion vulture! Coming out of the Englishman's cabin!

Pilsbury, of the Forest Reserve, stationed near Murree-whimsical, delicate, studious-a Iman who had a way with small creatures.

Beattie, his Chief-all man-plenty of chin, a bullock neck, a lot of appetites partially under control-said to be brave.

The deadly Karait, a creature of the blackest reputation of all India-thin as a lead pencil, black with the black of old leather, a dull gleam to her extra unlovely head-Pilsbury's one defense against the bullying of Beattie:

Around this triangle Will Levington Comfort and Zamin ki Dost interlace one of their remarkable Eastern stories-a study in the psychology of fear between animals and men.


The American MAGAZINE on the Orient

More than 60 Illustrations-Art Insert of 8 pages Within the pages of ASIA one meets and knows the romance and fascination of the old-the East. startling possibilities of the new The Orient is restless, determined and inspiring. Each month, through this magazine, its drama and mystery are translated for the Western mind through intensely interesting stories and articles.

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Contents of August ASIA

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The Dangerous Islands By Frederick O'Brien
For more than 400 years these siren
islands, a bracelet of ivory and Jade
set in the sapphire Pacific, have been
known to mariners as marking the
most parlous piece of sea in all the
round of the globe. They are the fairy
islands of childhood, the coral strand
of youth, the lotus lands of poesy.
takes but Frederick O'Brien's inimitable
story-telling to put you on familiar
terms with every interesting character
on Niau, from the Mormon deacon who
peddles bread to Chocolate, a mongrel
pup of the Marquesas.


An Evening with the "Damned" By K.K.Ardashir
"Oh, Allah! We are indeed lost!" ex-
claimed old Abdul Hamid, thirty-fifth
Sultan of Turkey, when an English
friend said to him that the Turks were
the only commercially honest people in
Europe. Chatty and historical anec-
dotes go to make up this more than
entertaining article about the old Sultan
who once claimed that, "The British
Sovereign and I are the two greatest
Mohammedan powers on the earth!"
Singing Craftsmen of Peking - - By Sam Dean
American captains of industry marvel
at the wonderful handicraft skill of
the Chinese, an abiding heritage from
days when work was art and art gave
joy and joy meant song. These merry
artisans, members each of their power-
ful guilds, still specialize on beauty
while the rest of the world concentrates
on production.

Hindu Stories in American Negro Folk Lore

By Norman Brown There's nothing new-even under the Asiatic sun! Now we find that some of Uncle Remus' very best thrillers have their counterparts in the softly told stories that little Hindu children listen to at night from their Ayahs. Main Street in a Caucasian Village By Elizabeth Anderson Molikans, Armenians, Russians, Turks, crowd Main Street in Dilijan, where even the mildest men looked ferocious when they stared from under their shaggy caps of tangled sheepskin at this plucky American girl who made the acquaintance of these swaggering Caucasians while doling out the supplies of a Relief Commission.

[ocr errors]

Black Bull the Champion By Bernard Sexton
A legend of India which holds a world
of wisdom, philosophy and humor in
its short but stirring length.

The Great River
By L. Adams Beck
All the jewels of Burma seem mirrored
in the sparkling tales of life told in
the golden shadows of the Shwe Dagon
or voyaging along the silken river that
skirts the lazy city of Rangoon.
My Chinese Marriage . . . By M. T. F.
Chapter III: First Daughter-in-law. The
great racial instinct of the Chinese-
obedience to parents-now confronts
this American girl as she accepts the
position of first daughter-in-law in her
Chinese mother's household.

Peace and a Naval Holiday.......... 433
Bombs and Battleships.......

The New Tariff Bill.....

An American Bonaparte....




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Many of the best private schools, colleges, correspondence schools, and camps are advertised in these columns. Each one issues descriptive literature which will be sent to Outlook readers upon application



The Pratt Teachers Agency New-Church Theological School 48 Quincy Street,

70 Fifth Avenue, New York

Recommends teachers to colleges, public and private schools. Advises parents about schools. Wm. O. Pratt, Mgr.

[blocks in formation]

Cambridge, Mass. Est. 1866. Three years' course. College preparation desired. The curriculum fncludes systematic study of the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg and spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures. Correspondence courses. Catalog. WILLIAM L. WORCESTER, President.



Lowell, Massachusetts. 38 minutes from Boston. Country sports. Gymnasium and swimming pool. For catalogue and views address Miss OLIVE SEWALL PARSONS, B.A., Principal


18 miles from Springfield. 117th year. An up-to-date college preparatory school. Aim: to develop manly boys by the practical personal touch. Athletics carefully supervised. Fund for boys of proven worth. $500. Booklet. JOSEPH M. SANDERSON, A.B. (Harvard), Prin., 20 Main St.,Monson, Mass.

[blocks in formation]



An endowed school for boys and girls. In the New Hamp shire hills. 99% of graduates succeed in college. Self-reliance taught through student government and athletics. Boston office, Tremont Temple. Booklets.

G. H. BARRETT, Headmaster, New London, New Hampshire.

[blocks in formation]


Bureau of Personnel Administration Founded to further human relations in industry. Educational Division-One Year Co-operative Course, Eight Weeks Intensive Course, Evening Courses. Labor Analysis Division. Placement Division. Teachers' Summer Course. 17 West 47th St., New York City.


Gardening. Farming and Poultry Husbandry, the new profession

for women. School of Horticulture, Ambler, Pa.. sitnated in beautiful open country, 18 miles from Philadelphia. Two year Diploma Course entrance Sept. 13, 1921, and Jan. 17, 1922. Thorough training in theory and practice. Unusual positions obtainable upon graduation. August Course in Gardening. Circulars. Elizabeth Leighton Lee, Director.


WALTHAM SCHOOL for GIRLS Yonkers Homeopathic Hospital

Boarding and Day School

From primary grades through college preparatory. School building. Gymnasium. Three residences. Ample opportunity for outdoor life. 62d year. Address

Miss MARTHA MASON, Principal, Waltham, Mass.


Summer Term: July 11-Sept. 10 DEER ISLE, ME. A legitimate school of highly specialized instruction, located in ideal surroundings. A faculty of experts and a complete equipment. For information address The Directors-8. B. Knowlton, Lester D. Tyler, Haverford, Pa. N. Y. Representative: W. B. Wildman, The Trinity School.


Coeducational. Prepares for college.
91st year.
Courses in music, art, elocution, domestic science, business.
Experienced teachers. Separate dormitories. Gymnasium.
Athletic field. Terms $400 per year. Send for catalogue.
ORLANDO K. HOLLISTER, Litt.D., Pres.. Portland, Me,


[blocks in formation]

Methods, Influence, Graduates, Books have led for forty years. Co-ordinate training for all professions. Summer term in 6 States. Booklets free.

8. 8. CURRY, Ph.D., Litt.D., Copley Square, Boston.

DEAN ACADEMY, Franklin, Mass.

55th Year. Young men and young women find here a

Life in the open. Athletics. Household Arts. College and general courses.

Each girl's personality observed and developed. Write for booklet. Telephone W. N. 131. WEST NEWTON, Mass.

[blocks in formation]

53 homelike atmosphere, thorough and efficient training in STEARNS SCHOOL

every department of a broad culture, a loyal and helpful 4chool spirit. Liberal endowment permits liberal terms, $400 to $500 per year. Special course in domestic science. For catalogue and information address,

ARTHUR W. PEIRCE, Litt.D., Principal.

Sea Pines

Rev. Thomas Bickford, A.M. Founder

A School in the Country for Boys Tutoring for leading secondary schools, college and scientific schools. Stimulating air, outdoor sports, modern homelike buildings. ARTHUR F. STEARNS, Mt. Vernon, N. H.


OUTDOOR happiness offering exceptional opportunities for training in self-discovery and self-direction. Inspiring ideals of health, responsibility and Christian usefulness. School for Grammar and High School Students three terms, fall, spring, and summer. Mid-winter vacation. Two hundred acres; pine groves, 3,000 feet seashore. Swimming. Athletics. Esthe ic dancing. Gymnastics. College preparatory subjects. Art, Music. Domestic Science. Handicrafts. Business Courses. Foreign Languages. Personality Methods. Diplomas introductory to definite service. Summer Course in Personality Theory for High School Graduates MISS FAITH BICKFORD, MISS ADDIE BICKFORD, Directors. Box D, Brewster, Mass.

Distinctively devoted to


recognized as the Pioneer

School of Personality

and Maternity

YONKERS, NEW YORK Registered School-2 years' course in general nursing, with special training at Bellevue Hospital, for young women of good standing who have had 1 year of High School or its equivalent. Address SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES.

St. John's Riverside Hospital Training School for Nurses

YONKERS, NEW YORK Registered in New York State, offers a 2 years' courseas general training to refined, educated women. Require ments one year high school or its equivalent. Apply to the Directress of Nurses Yonkers, New York.

"The Master Salesman

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Any Boy or Girl

Can Earn Money in Spare Time

If there are boys or girls in your family, why not encourage them to become Outlook salesmen in your neighborhood? This outdoor work is good fun and is excellent training for a business career. We supply all necessary materials to start this work, and furnish complete suggestions as to how to proceed. No investment or experience is required. If a youngster is old enough to play marbles or spin a top, he is old enough to earn his own spending money selling The Outlook. Address applications to Carrier Department


381 Fourth Avenue. New Yo


Household Accidents

ON cleaning days, when the whole house undergoes searching

inspection-how those spots and splotches on the varnish do glare at you.

It is so needless to allow your house to become varnish-shabby. Valsparring your furniture and woodwork is absolute protection against the little accidents that mar or ruin the surface of ordinary varnish.

Water Can't Harm Valspar RAINY days never leave

ugly reminders in the shape of dull blots on a Valsparred floor. The whole family may come rushing in, frisking raindrops from coats and shoes, trailing little rivulets of water from their umbrellas, without

injuring the beautiful finish of a Valsparred floor.

[ocr errors]

Rain beating in at the window, snow water, soapy water, scalding hot water, cannot mar a Valsparred surface. Even biting acids have no effect upon it REAL incident is illustrated by this picture. Mrs. H. A. Kern of Vallejo, Cal., was carrying a dish. of cabbage in vinegar, boiling hot, from the range to the sink. The dish slipped out of her hands and its contents were strewn on the floor. She ended her account of the mishap by saying, "The floor, to my surprise, came out just the same as before the accident. I thought that this was rather a severe test with the boiling food and the acid of the vinegar." All through the house

[ocr errors]

WHY not list all the places in the house that can be

made accident - proof

by Valspar?

Begin with the hall. Here guests receive their first impression of your home. People tramp in dust and mud; the children run in and out. Surely the hall



The Varnish That Won't Turn White

The famous Valspar
Boiling Water Test

floor gets very severe wear. It demands a varnish the is waterproof and accident-proof, looks well and wear well-Valspar.

Then the living-room. A streaky or scarred flod will spoil its whole appearance. When the radiator spouts floods of scalding water or the youngsters water the floor instead of the fern, then you realize the necessity of an accident-proof, wearproof varnish-Valspar.

Dining-room next. Remember that disfiguring whit ring the hot dish left on the table? If the table ha only been Valsparred! For Valspar resists heat!

All the furniture needs Valspar for good looks an protection.

Now the kitchen-where accidents are always hap pening. Valspar the floor, whether it is bare or covere with linoleum, Congoleum or oil-cloth. Valspar pro tects any floor


makes it sanitary.
Valsparred surfaces
may be washed sweet
and clean with hot
water and soap.

And in bathroom
and laundry-Val-
spar is absolutely nec-


essary. Hot soapy water, steam, moist air-Valspa is proof against them all.

Accidents are common to every household. Yo can't prevent them-but you can protect woodworl and furniture with Valspar.

Anything that's worth Varnishing

is worth Valsparring.

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