The Tribune Almanac and Political Register forGreeley & McElrath, 1882 |
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Resultados 1-3 de 22
Página 29
... Legislature of 1881 , which , if passed by the Legislature of 1883 , will be submitted to popular vote : Amend Section 2 of Article II thereof . so that it will read as follows : Sec . 2. In all elections , not otherwise pro vided for ...
... Legislature of 1881 , which , if passed by the Legislature of 1883 , will be submitted to popular vote : Amend Section 2 of Article II thereof . so that it will read as follows : Sec . 2. In all elections , not otherwise pro vided for ...
Página 30
... Legislature . All for the sale of swamp lands , the proceeds to contracts for work or materials on any ca- be applied to educational and charitable nal shall be made with the person who shall purposes ; for a general law defining the ...
... Legislature . All for the sale of swamp lands , the proceeds to contracts for work or materials on any ca- be applied to educational and charitable nal shall be made with the person who shall purposes ; for a general law defining the ...
Página 31
... Legislature to sit in regular session for and mileage , each way , at the rate of $ 5 for 100 days , the members to receive $ 5 a day most direct route . Under the present Con- every twenty - five miles , computed by the stitution , $ 5 ...
... Legislature to sit in regular session for and mileage , each way , at the rate of $ 5 for 100 days , the members to receive $ 5 a day most direct route . Under the present Con- every twenty - five miles , computed by the stitution , $ 5 ...
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Términos y frases comunes
24 morn Alabama Allegany amendment Blank and defective Blank and scattering bullion CALENDAR FOR Boston CALENDAR FOR Charleston CALENDAR for Washington Califor❜a Canal Caroli Carr Purcell Ch'ton Charles Chas Connecticut Constitution Counties DAY OF MONTH DAY OF WEEK debt Delaware delphia Democrats Dist District election Full Moon Garfield Geor George gold Government Herkimer Ho.JtBal Illinois Iowa and Oregon James Jefferson John JtBal Kentucky Legislature Lewis Louisiana Madison manufactures Michigan Missis Monroe Moon H. W. rises MOON'S PHASES National Necessary to choice New-York NOON MARK number office Ohio Oswego Penn Pennsyl Phila Plurality Republican party scat Schenectady Schoharie sets silver coin sippi and Louisiana souri & Califor'a SUN AT NOON Sun Moon H. W. Sun Moon rises Sun Sun Moon Tennessee Third Quarter tion Total city Total vote vania Virginia Ward Warren Washington mean Wayne Wisconsin York