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I live in Baltimore, and have practiced admiralty and maritime law in the city for nearly thirty (30) years. My wife and I spend many pleasant hours, however, at a second home in Tolchester Estates on your side of the bay. Our law firm has been involved in maritime law since the turn of the century, and one of your colleagues in the House, Bob Ehrlich, is an alumnus.

I am a member of The Maritime Law Association of the United States, and currently serve on its Committee on Carriage of Goods and am a Director of the Association. I am aware of and have been involved with the study of Carriage of I have no hesitation in giving my Goods prior to introduction of Senate Bill No. hearty support to passage of the Bill, for which the Maritime Law Association has sought and obtained the support of both shippers and carriers, as well as others involved in the maritime industry.

I hope you will support this Bill, and that you will continue your able representation of our First District.

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April 1, 1998

Direct: (415) 393-2000

Honorable Wayne T. Gilchrest

Chairman, Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee
United States House of Representatives

The Capital

Washington, DC

Dear Honorable Gilchrest:

I am writing to you to express my support for the proposed amendments to the
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1998.

I am an attorney residing in California. I practice with the firm of McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Enersen in San Francisco. I have been engaged in the practice of admiralty and maritime law for the last 12 years. In this practice I become involved in various commercial transactions and litigation, including claims for and against various members of the maritime industry including shippers and carriers and related parties. I am a member of the Bar of the State of California. I am also a member of The Maritime Law Association of the United States and currently serve on its Board.

I am knowledgeable about the study of carriage of goods that took place prior to the introduction of these proposed amendments. I am aware that the MLA and a coalition of shippers, carriers, and others involved in the maritime industry and related industries are fully supportive of this proposal. I wish to join in this support.

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I am writing to express my support for the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1998.

I am a attorney in New York and have been engaged in the practice of admiralty and maritime law for seventeen years. A significant portion of my practice involves the representation of shippers, charterers, carriers and shipowners in claims, both Litigated and arbitrated, arising from the marine transportation of goods. I also draft and advise on contracts of carriage such as bills of lading for carriers in the United States and elsewhere.

My professional activities include membership in the Maritime Law Association of the United States. I am currently Secretary of that organization, and have been on its board of directors since 1992.

My vocation and avocations have provided me with substantial knowledge of ocean transportation of goods and of the interests involved in marine carriage. The proposed bill is in my view commendable and necessary legislation which achieves an admirable balancing of the needs of all maritime interests and its provision of uniform and workable rules. This balance no doubt explains the support garnered by the proposed legislation from the maritime and related industries. I therefore urge its passage.

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Letters of support from the Carriage of Goods Committee members of The Maritime Law Association throughout the nation.



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I am the Immediate Past President of The Maritime Law Association of the United States, and have been involved for several years in the project to draft The Maritime Law Association proposal to amend our current Carriage of Goods by Sea Act.

I have no hesitation in giving my complete support to the passage of the Bill. The Maritime Law Association has obtained the support of both shippers and carriers as well as many others involved in the maritime industry in our country.

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