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" Cheapside shall my palfrey go to grass: and when I am king, as king I will be,— ALL God save your majesty! CADE I thank you, good people: there shall be no money; all shall eat and drink on my score; and I will apparel them all in one livery, that they... "
The works of Shakespear [ed. by H. Blair], in which the beauties observed by ... - Página 64
por William Shakespeare - 1769
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The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;: In Six Volumes. Adorn'd with ..., Volumen3

William Shakespeare - 1709 - 590 páginas
...Cade. I thank you, good People. There /hall be no Mony, all (hall eat and drink upon my Score, and I will apparel them all in one Livery, that they may...let's kill all the Lawyers. Cade. Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable thing, that the Skin of an innocent Lamb mould be made Parchment j that...
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King John ; King Richard II ; King Henry IV. Part 1 ; King Henry IV. Part 2 ...

William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 588 páginas
...Cade. I thank you, good People. There ft all be no Mony, all fhali eat and drink upon my Score, and I will apparel them all in one Livery, that they may...worfhip me their Lord. Dick- The firft thing we do, lets kill all the Lawyers. Cade. Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentablething, that the Skin...
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The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;: In Eight Volumes. Adorn'd ..., Volumen4

William Shakespeare - 1714 - 460 páginas
...Cade. I thank you, good People. There (hall be no Many, all (hall eat and drink upon my Score, and I will apparel them all in one Livery, that they may...The firft thing we do, let's kill all the Lawyers. Cstdt. Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable thing, that the Skin of an Innocent Lamb ftiould...
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The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;: In Eight Volumes. Adorn'd with Cutts

William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1714 - 262 páginas
...drink upon my Score, and I will apparel them all in one Livery, that they may agree like Bro. ihcrs, and worfhip me their Lord. Dick. The firft thing we do, let's kill all the Lawyers. CaJt. Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable thing, that the Skin of an Innocent Lamb fhould...
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The Works of Shakespeare in Seven Volumes, Volumen4

William Shakespeare - 1733 - 532 páginas
...Cade. I thank you, good people. There fhall be no mony ; all fhall eat and drink upon my fcore ; and I will apparel them all in one livery, that they may...let's kill all the lawyers. Cade. Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable thing, that the skin of an innocent lamb fhould be made parchment ; that...
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The Works of Shakespeare ...: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and ..., Volumen5

William Shakespeare - 1740 - 432 páginas
...Cade. I thank you, good people. There mail be no mony; all mail eat and drink upon my fcore; and I will apparel them all in one livery, that they may agree like brothers, and worftiip me their lord. Diet. The firft thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. Cade. Nay, that I...
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Historical plays: King Henry VI, pt. I-III. King Richard III. King Henry VIII

William Shakespeare - 1745 - 508 páginas, good people. There fhall be no mony, all fhall eat and drink upon my fcore, and I will appare! them all in one livery, that they may agree, like...let's kill all the lawyers. Cade. Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable thing, mat the skin of an innocent lamb mould be made parchment ; that...
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The works of Shakespear, with a glossary, pr. from the Oxford ed ..., Volumen6

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 372 páginas, good people. There fliall be no oooy, all wall eat and drink upon my fcore, and I will aparcl them all in one livery, that they may agree like (brothers, and worfliip me their Lord. Dick. The firft thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. Cade. Nay, th£t I...
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The Works of Shakespeare, Volumen5

William Shakespeare - 1752 - 434 páginas
...Cade. I thank you, good people. There (hall be no mony ; all (hall eat and drink upon my fcore ; and I will apparel them all in one livery, that they may agree like brothers, and wor(hip me their lord. Dick. The,firft thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. Cade. Nay-, that I...
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The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes : Collated with the ..., Volumen5

William Shakespeare - 1762 - 428 páginas
...Cade. I thank you, good people. There fhall be no money ; all fhall eat and drink upon my fcore ; and I will apparel them all in one livery, that they may...let's kill all the lawyers. Cade. Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable thing, that the fcin of an innocent lamb mould be made parchment ; that...
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