Imágenes de páginas

Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1887, BY WEEKS, JORDAN & Co.

In the Clerk's Office of the District of Massachusetts.

Tuttle, Dennett & Chisholm..... Printers... 17 School Street.... Boston. ADVERTISEMENT.

A FEW words will be sufficient to explain the character of the following little work, - prepared for the Sunday School and families. Its principal aim is to present, in a cheap and simple form, a connected account of the Saviour's mission, printed after the usual manner of other narratives. The first volume is a selection and arrangement, (Carpenter's Harmony being followed, in general, as a guide,) from the four gospels, of the history of the Ministry of Christ. A very few passages have been entirely omitted, - some because their insertion would interrupt the natural course of the story, and others for an obvious reason. The marginal references show what portions of each of the Evangelists are employed in this compilation, and the Index points out their parallel passages. The second volume contains a selection of Poetical Illustrations and the Notes. The Illustrations, it is believed, may serve to impress more deeply on the minds and hearts of the young, the beauty and meaning of the incidents and passages in the gospels to which they allude. The notes are few, and consist of explanations of the manners and customs of the Jews, notices of those emendations of the common version required by Griesbach's edition of the Greek, which materially affect the sense, and references to passages in the Old Testament quoted in the Gospels. No questions have been prepared for this work, since those already in print may be easily used in connection with it. With this explanation of their design, these volumes are commended to the attention of those engaged in the religious instruction of the young, and to heads of families, with the hope that they may aid their efforts to reveal the beauty and perfection of the character of Jesus.


PUBLISHERS' NOTE. The first volume will be sold separately, to such as may desire to use it as a Class Book in the Sunday School.

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