Imágenes de páginas

Meili, F. u. namelok, A., Das internationale Privat- und Zivilprozessrecht auf Grund

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Minor, Raleigh C., Conflict of laws, Boston, 1901.

Nelson, Horace, Selected cases, statutes and orders illustrative of the principles of private international law, London, 1889.

Niemeyer, Theodor, Positives internationales Privatrecht . . . Leipzig, 1894. Niemeyer, Theodor, Vorschläge und Materialien zur Kodifikation des internationalen Privatrechts. . . Leipzig, 1895.

Pellerin, Pierre, A digest of cases decided in France relating to private international law, London, 1913.

Pérez Verdía, Luis, Tratado elemental de derecho internacional privado, Guadalajara, 1908.

Pillet, Antoine, Le droit international privé, considéré dans ses rapports avec le droit international public. . . Paris, 1892.

Pillet, Antoine, Principes de droit international privé, Paris, 1903.
Rattigan, Wm. H., Private international law, London, 1895.

Reuterskiöld, Carl L., Handbok i svensk privat internationell rätt (process-utlämmings, straff-och privaträtt). 2. upplagan, Uppsala and Stockholm, 1912. Savigny, F. C. von, Private international law. Trans., with notes, by Wm. Guthrie. 2nd ed., Edinburgh, 1880.

Story, Joseph, Commentaries on the conflict of laws, foreign and domestic. 8th ed. by M. M. Bigelow, Boston, 1883.

Surville, F. et Arthuys, F., Cours élémentaire de droit international privé. 5th ed., Paris, 1910.

Synnestvedt, Magnus, Le droit international privé de la Scandinavie, Paris, 1904. Torres Campos, Manuel, Elementos de derecho internacional privado. 4th ed., Madrid, 1913.

Trias, Juan de D., Estudios elementales de derecho internacional privado con aplicación especial al derecho español, Barcelona, 1910.

Valery, Jules, Manuel de droit international privé, Paris, 1914.

Vesque von Püttlingen, Johann E., Handbuch des in Österreich-Ungarn geltenden internationalen Privat-rechtes. . . . 2. verm. aufl., Wien, 1878.


Villela, Alvaro, Relações juridicas internacionaes de caracter privado, Coimbra, 19071908.

Vincent, René, Dictionnaire de droit international privé, Paris, 1888. Revue de . . . 1888, Paris, 1889. Same . . . 1889, Paris, 1890.

Weiss, André, Traité théorique et pratique de droit international privé.
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2. ed.,

Weiss, André, Manuel de droit international privé. 6th ed., Paris, 1909.
Westlake, John, A treatise on private international law. 5th ed., London, 1912.
Wharton, Francis, A treatise on the conflict of laws. 3rd ed. by George H. Parmele,
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Zavala, Francisco J., Compendio de derecho internacional privado. . . . 3d ed., Mexico, 1903.

Zeballos, E. S., Justicia internacional positivo, Valencia, 1911.

Zitelmann, Ernst, Internationales Privatrecht, Leipzig, 1897-1912. 2 v.








§ 1. State and Individual.

The diplomatic protection of citizens abroad is a comparatively modern phenomenon in the evolution of the state, in constitutional and in international law. Not until the legal position of the state toward individuals, both its own citizens and aliens, and of states among themselves, had become clearly defined in modern public law, did diplomatic protection become a factor in international intercourse.

The history of the legal relation between the state and individuals, its own citizens and aliens, is largely a history of the transition from the system of personal laws to the territoriality of law, accompanied both by a growing control of a central power over the individuals within its jurisdiction and by the appearance of certain characteristics, territorial independence and sovereignty, as essential qualifications for admission of a state into the society of states.1

§ 2. Growth of Territoriality of Law.

The territoriality of law, an accepted phenomenon of modern times, was a matter of slow development. The Roman law was not applicable to foreigners. Strictly speaking, the foreigner was an outlaw. Com

1 The growth of the state and of modern political society cannot be here discussed. The subject is ably treated by Edward Jenks in his History of politics, London, New York, 1900, and in his Law and politics in the Middle Ages, 2nd ed., London, 1913.

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