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1783 to


U. S. Dept. of State, The diplomatic correspondence of the United States from 1789, Washington, 1833-34. 7 v. and 1837 ed. in 3 v. U. S. Congress, American state papers. . . Class I. Foreign Relations, 1789–1828, Wash., 1832-1859. 6 v.

U. S. Dept. of State, Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, Wash., 1862-1914. 75 v. (from 1861 to 1869, entitled Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States; 1870, omitted; 1871-1910, entitled Foreign Relations, cited For. Rel.).

Treaties, conventions, international acts, protocols and agreements between the United States of America and other powers, 1776-1909. Compiled by William M. Malloy, Wash., 1910. 2 v. with supplement, 1913 (cited Malloy, Treaties). Also numbered Treaty Series, cited by number.

Compilation of reports of Committee on Foreign Relations. U. S. Senate, 1789-1901. Sen. Doc. 231, 56th Cong., 2nd sess., Wash., 1901. 8 v.

Great Britain, Foreign Office, British and foreign state papers, London, 1841 et seq. 102 v. to 1913. (Cited State Papers or St. Pap.)

Hertslet's commercial treaties, London, 1827 et seq. 26 v. to 1913.

Great Britain, Treaty series. Annual volume since 1892.

National collections of treaties under each country.

Latin-American countries, Reports of Minister of Foreign Affairs to President or Congress, in Boletin, Memoria or Relatorio de Relaciones Exteriores.

Martens, Georg F. de, Recueil des principaux traités d'alliance . . . 2 éd., Göttingen, 1817 et seq. 93 v. to 1913. (This series, with changing titles and editors, is the principal repository of international treaties and other international acts from 1761 to date.)


Descamps, E., and Renault, L., Recueil international des traités du xx siècle, Paris, 1902-1904 and cont. 3 v. and cont.

de Lapradelle, Albert, and Politis, Nicolas, Recueil des arbitrages internationaux. t. 1, 1798-1855, Paris, 1905.

La Fontaine, Henri, Pasicrisie internationale. Histoire documentaire des arbitrages internationaux, Berne, 1902.

Martens, G. F. de, Recueil des principaux traités d'alliance, de paix, etc., . . . conclus par les puissances de l'Europe. . . depuis 1761. 2nd ed., Göttingen, 1817 et seq.

Editors vary. 93 v. to 1913. (Contains treaties and protocols of arbitration and awards.)

Moore, John Bassett, History and digest of the international arbitrations to which the United States has been a party, Washington, 1898. 6 v. (Cited Moore's Arb.)

Ralston, J. H., International arbitral law and procedure, Boston, 1910. (A useful digest of the awards of arbitral tribunals.)

Report of French-Venezuelan Mixed Claims Commission of 1902, prepared by Jackson H. Ralston, assisted by W. T. Sherman Doyle. Sen. Doc. 533, 59th Cong., 1st sess., Washington, 1906.

Venezuelan arbitrations of 1903, Sen. Doc. 316, 58th Cong., 2nd sess., prepared by Jackson H. Ralston and W. T. Sherman Doyle, Washington, 1904 (cited Ralston).

Das Werk vom Haag, ed. by Walther Schücking, München, 1912 et seq. (Prints decisions and commentary upon awards of Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague.)

Awards are also to be found in Foreign Relations; British and Foreign State Papers; in the reports of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of various Latin-American countries; and in the special reports of each arbitration, prepared usually by the agent of one of the governments concerned.


American political science rev. (ed. by W. W. Willoughby), Baltimore, 1906 et seq. 8 v. to 1914.

American Political Science Association, Annual Proceedings, 1904-1913. 10 v. to 1913. (Proceedings will no longer be issued.)

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, 1890 et seq. 57 v. to 1915 (cited Annals).

Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts (ed. by Laband, Stoerk, Mayer, Jellinek and Piloty), 1886 et seq. 28 v. to 1914. Index, v. 1-25.

Archives diplomatiques; recueil mensuel international de diplomatie et d'histoire, ed. by Louis Renault, G. Fardis, etc., Paris, 1861 et seq. 190 v. to 1913 (cited Arch. dip.).

American journal of international law, and Supplement (ed. by J. B. Scott, ed. in chief), New York, 1907 et seq. 8 v. to 1914 (cited A. J. I. L.).

American Society of International Law, Proceedings . . . New York, 1908 et seq.

8 v. to 1914.

Blätter für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre (ed. by
Felix Meyer), Berlin, 1906 et seq. 9 v. to 1914.

Bulletin argentin de droit international privé, Buenos Aires, 1903-1910. 2 v.
Institut de droit international, Annuaire .

(cited Annuaire).

Bruxelles, 1877 et seq. 26 v. to 1913

International law association, Report, London, 1873 et seq. 28 v. to 1914. Jahrbuch der internationalen Vereinigung für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, etc. (ed. by F. Meyer), Berlin, 1895 et seq. 9 v. to 1914.

Jahrbuch des Verwaltungsrechts (ed. by Fritz Stier-Somlo), Berlin, 1905 et seq. 8 v. to 1913.

Jahrbuch für den internationalen Rechtsverkehr (ed. by L. Wertheimer), München, 1912 (1 v. 1912/1913 pub.).

Jahrbuch des Völkerrechts (ed. by Th. Niemeyer and K. Strupp), München, 1913 et seq. 2 v. to 1914.

Journal du droit administratif (ed. by Adolphe, Poignant and others), Paris, 1853 et seq. 61 v. to 1913.

Journal du droit international privé (ed. by Clunet), Paris, 1874 et seq. 41 v. to 1914 (cited Clunet).

Tables générales, 1905-06. 4 v.

Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation (ed. by Sir John Macdonell and Edward Manson), London, 1896 et seq. 31 numbers to July, 1914.

Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration, Annual Reports since 1895.

Nouvelle revue pratique de droit international privé, (ed. by G. Horn), Paris, 1905 et seq. 9 v. to 1913.

Political science quarterly, New York, 1886 et seq. 28 v. to 1913 (cited Pol. Sc. Quar.).

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales; revue de politique extérieure (ed. by H. Pensa, de Thomasson, etc. .), Paris, 1897 et seq. 35 v. to 1914.

Revue de droit international et de législation comparée (ed. by T. M. C. Asser, John Westlake, G. Rolin-Jacquemyns, A. Rivier, Ed. Rolin and others), Bruxelles, 1869 et seq. 46 v. to 1914 (cited R. D. I.).

Revue de droit international privé et de droit pénal international (ed. by A. Darras and G. de Lapradelle), Paris, 1905 et seq. 9 v. to 1913 (cited R. D. I. privé). Revue d'histoire diplomatique . . . (ed. by René de Maulde La Clavière and G.

Baguenault de Puchesse), Paris, 1887 et seq. 27 v. to 1913 (cited Rev. hist. dip.). Revue de l'Institut de Droit Comparé, (ed. by E. Stocquart, A. de Busschère and others), 1908 et seq. 6 v. to 1913.

Revue diplomatique; politique, littérature, finances, commerce international, Paris, 1904 et seq. 10 v. to 1913 (cited Rev. dip.).

Revue du droit public et de la science politique, (ed. by Larnaude; now by G. Jèze), Paris, 1894 et seq. 30 v. to 1913 (cited Rev. dr. pub.).

Revue générale d'administration (ed. by M. Block), Paris, 1878 et seq. 98 v. to 1910. Revue générale de droit international public (ed. by A. Pillet (to 1903); Paul Fauchille), Paris, 1894 et seq. 21 v. to 1914 (cited R. G. D. I. P.).

Revue internationale du droit maritime (ed. by F. C. Autran), Paris, 1885 et seq. 29 v. to 1914.

Revue politique et parlementaire (first ed. by Marcel Fournier), Paris, 1894 et seq. 78 v. to 1913.

Rivista di diritto internazionale e di legislazione comparata . . . Napoli, 1898–1902. 5 v. [No more published.]

Rivista di diritto internazionale (ed. by Anzilotti, Ricci-Bussati, etc.), Roma, 1906 et seq. 7 v. to 1913 (cited Riv. dir. int.).

Rivista di diritto pubblico, etc. (ed. by L. Luzzati, A. Salandra, C. Calisse and others), Milano, 1909 et seq. 6 v. to 1914.

Société de Législation Comparée, Annuaire de législation étrangère, Paris, 1872 et seq. 41 v. to 1911.

Zeitschrift für das privat- und öffentliche Recht der Gegenwart (ed. by Grünhut), Vienna, 1874 et seq. 39 v. to 1913.

Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft (ed. by Mohl, Knaus and others; now ed. by K. Bücher), Tübingen, 1844 et seq. 69 v. to 1913.

Zeitschrift für internationales Recht (ed. by Böhm and Niemeyer), Erlangen, 1890 et seq. 24 v. to 1913.

Zeitschrift für Politik (ed. by R. Schmidt and A. Grabowsky), Berlin, 1908 et seq. 6 v. to 1913.

Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft (ed. by Bernhöft, Cohn and Kohler), Stuttgart, 1878 et seq. 32 v. to 1914.

Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht (ed. by Kohler and Oppenheim), Breslau, 1907 et seq. 8 v. to 1914 (cited Ztschr. f. Völkerr.).


Alcorta, Amancio, Cours de droit international public, Paris, 1887.
Alvarez, A., Le droit international americain, Paris, 1910.

Amos, Sheldon, Lectures on international law, London, 1874.

Anzilotti, Dionisio, Teoria generale della responsabilità dello stato nel diritto internazionale, Firenze, 1902.

Arenal de García, Concepción, Ensayo sobre el derecho de gentes, Madrid, 1879. Baker, Sherston, First steps in international law, London, 1899.

Baty, Thomas, International law, London, 1909.

Bello, Andres, Principios de derecho internacional, Madrid, 1883. 2 v.
Bentham, J., Principles of international law (in his Works, VIII, 1838).

Bevilaqua, Clovis, Direito publico internacional, Rio de Janeiro, 1911. 2 v.
Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar, Le droit international codifié. 5. ed. rev., Paris, 1895.
Bonfils, Henri, Manuel de droit international. 7th ed. rev. (by Fauchille), Paris,

Bry, Georges, Précis élémentaire de droit international public. 6th ed. rev., Paris, 1910.

Bulmerincq, A., Praxis, Theorie und Codification des Völkerrechts, Leipzig, 1874. Bulmerincq, A., Das Völkerrecht, oder das internationale Recht, systematisch dargestellt, Freiburg, i. B., 1889.

Burlamaqui, J. J., Principes du droit de la nature et des gens. . . Nouv. ed. Paris, 1821. 2 v. English trans. by Nugent, 7th ed., Boston, 1830.

Bynkershoek, C. von, Quaestionum juris publici, libri II, Lugduni, 1737.
Bynkershoek, C. von, Opera omnia, Lugduni, 1710-1752. 7 v.

Calvo, Carlos, Le droit international théorique et pratique. 5. ed., Paris, 1896. 6 v.
Carnazza-Amari, G., Trattato sul diritto internazionale pubblico di pace, Milano,
1875. French translation by Montanari-Revest, Paris, 1880–1882. 2 v.
Carnazza-Amari, G., Elementi di diritto internazionale, Catania, 1866-1874.

1 These works are cited by the names of their authors or by short title.

Casalis, Bern., Principi fondamentali di un codice internazionale del diritto delle genti, Brescia, 1873.

Casanova, Ludovico, Del diritto internazionale, lezioni. 3. ed., Firenze, 1876. 2 v. Cavaglieri, Arrigo, I diritti fondamentali degli stati nella società internazionale, Padova, 1906.

Chrétien, Alfred, Principes de droit international public, Paris, 1893.

Contuzzi, Francesco P., Diritto internazionale pubblico. 2. ed., Milano, 1905.
Creasy, Edward S., First platform of international law, London, 1876.

Cruchaga Tocornal, Miguel, Nociones de derecho internacional. 2. ed., Santiago de
Chile, 1902.

Cybichowski, S., Studien zum internationalen Recht, Berlin, 1912.

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Davis, Cushman K., A treatise on international law including diplomacy introduction by Henry Cabot Lodge . . . annotated and revised by Peter J. Healy . . . St. Paul, Minn., 1901.

Davis, George B., The elements of international law. 3d ed. rev. to date. New York, 1908.

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Del Bon, Antonio, Instituzioni del diritto pubblico internazionale, Padova, 1868. Despagnet, Frantz, Cours de droit international public. 4. ed., Paris, 1910. Diena, Giulio, Principi di diritto internazionale, Napoli, 1908-10. 2 v.

Díez de Medina, F., Nociones de derecho internacional moderno. 4. ed. aum. u. . . modificada Paris, 1899.

Duplessix, E., La loi des nations. Projet de code de droit international public, Paris, 1906.

Elliot, Jonathan, The American diplomatic code, Washington, 1834. 2 v.

Fabius, D. P. D., Volkenrecht, Amsterdam, 1907.

Felice, Fortune B. de, Leçons de droit de la nature et des gens, Paris, 1830. 2 v.
Feltner, H., Manual de derecho internacional, Madrid, 1894. 2 v.
Ferguson, J. H., Manual of international law, The Hague, 1884. 2 v.

Fernández Prida, J., Estudios de derecho internacional público y privado, Madrid, 1901.

Ferrater, E. de, Codigo de derecho internacional, Barcelona, 1846. 2 v.

Field, David Dudley, Outlines of an international code. 2nd ed., New York, 1876.

Fiore, Pasquale, Il diritto internazionale codificato e la sua sanzione giuridica. 4. ed., Torino, 1909. (5th ed., 1915. English translation from 5th ed. now in preparation.)

Fiore, Pasquale, Le droit international codifié et sa sanction juridique .

Ch. Antoine, Paris, 1911.

tr. par

Fiore, Pasquale, Nouveau droit international public. 2. ed., Paris, 1885–1886. 3 v. Fiore, Pasquale, Trattato di diritto internazionale pubblico. 3. ed., Torino, 18871891. 3 v.

Funck-Brentano, Theophile, and Sorel, A., Précis du droit des gens. 3. ed., Paris, 1900.

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García Álvarez, Manuel y A. García Perez, Derecho internacional público, Toledo,


Gardner, Daniel, Institutes of international law, public and private, New York,

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