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Shortly after the fatal catastrophe I have described, I became the unexpected heiress of great wealth. In every way, this circumstance alone was wanting to perfect my burden of affliction; for, I could not refrain from incessantly reflecting, that had it occurred but a few months sooner, my son might never have experienced those temptations which incited him to the perpetration of the crimes for which his life atoned. Besides, it entirely withdrew from me that chance of an occasional diversion from the consciousness of my wretchedness, which, in obedience to the animal instinct, the necessity of protecting myself from starvation, might have obtained for me.

But now, my misery is utterly devoid of every feature of alleviation; and, with nought to occupy me save my remorse, and the memory of my crimes, I lie, through the livelong day, regretting the past, loathing the present, and apprehending the future. How often, in those moments of anguish, has the retrospect of my life forced upon me, with an unequalled bitterness of self-condemnation, the acknowledgment of this useful truth;-A bad daughter will never make either a good wife, or a good mother.

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