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If Christ were now to suffer, in a place near at hand, Should we not choose to attend the scene, sad and mournful as it would be ?-Should we not wish to be near him, in his last hours, that we might testify our regard to him, obtain a blessing from him, hear his departing counsels, receive new confirmation of our faith, and feel fresh motives to obedience ?—If we would attend his sufferings, Why not attend an ordinance instituted to represent his sufferings?-If it would have been useful to see him on the cross, Why may it not be useful to behold him in this solemnity?—Here he is set forth crucified before our eyes.-Do we turn away from this ordinance? We have little reason to think we should have attended the crucifixion on any higher motive than mere curiosity. If a real regard to him would have invited us to follow him to the cross, the same regard will invite us to come and see him at his table.

This table some of us are now approaching. Let us come with the same seriousness and collection of thought, as if we were coming to the cross itself. Let us attend to the design of this institution, that our minds may be duly affected, and that proper convictions, desires and resolutions, may be awakened.

1. Have any of you entertained indifferent notions of Christ and his religion ?-Come here, and reflect on those characters of divinity, which he exhibited.

When you consider the purity of his life—the variety of his miracles-the beneficence of his works -his patience under sufferings-his meekness under injuries-what wonders attended his deathhow gloriously he was raised from the dead, and exalted to heaven-and what plentiful effusions of the Divine Spirit soon followed his ascension-you must confess, that he proceeded and came forth from God.

When farther you consider how excellent are the precepts which he gave-how sublime the doctrines which he taught how perfect the whole system of religion which he left to his disciples-how full of benevolence this religion is-how adapted to enlarge the understanding, exalt the thoughts, elevate the affections, give peace to the conscience, and inspire with cheerful hopes-and how happy mankind will be in a conformity to his example, in a subjection to his commands, and under the influence of his doctrines, you cannot doubt, but his religion is all divine, and infinitely important. If you have before indulged different thoughts, smite your breasts with conviction, and return with juster sentiments, and better resolutions.

2. Here meditate on the worth of your souls.

Have you, in the eager pursuit of earthly designs, forgotten your eternal interest, and neglected the salvation of your souls ?-Here see what salvation is, what it cost, and how it ought to be valued. You are not redeemed with corruptible things, but with the precious blood of Christ. Think how the Son of God came down from heaven, assumed human flesh, dwelt among men, laboured, suffered and died. For what end was all this? To procure salvation for such as you. How precious is the soul, which could be redeemed by a price no less than this! How criminal to neglect your own souls, for the redemption of which Jesus was willing to die! How just, how aggravated the condemnation of those, who despise a salvation so dearly purchased! You censure the Jews, who, when Pilate offered to release to them Jesus, prefered a murderer before him. How then will you excuse yourselves, in prefering the pleasures of sin, before that salvation which he has bought with his blood?

Does not their sin become yours?-Does not your censure upon them fall upon yourselves?

Look upon your suffering Saviour. Smite your breasts with conviction of the worth of your souls -return with new resolutions-work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

3. Here behold the great evil of sin.

Have you been disposed to excuse it-to make light of it-to flatter yourselves that God will not remember it-that he will admit you to happiness without repentance ?-Look here, and learn another sentiment. Jesus, the Son of God, once suffered and died. Why?-It was for sin-not his own, but ours. He was wounded for our transgressions, that by his wounds we might be healed. He was made sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Could not sin be forgiven without so vast a sacrifice? It is then exceeding sinful-odious to God, and dangerous to


It must be forsaken, or we cannot be accepted. The death of Christ has opened a way for our pardon, but it has not changed the nature of sin. We can no more be happy in the love and indulgence of it, than if Christ had not died. He bare our sins, that we being dead to sin, should live to righteousness. If Jesus thus suffered, when our iniquities were laid upon him; What must they suffer, who, continuing impenitent, finally bear their own iniquities ?-If these things were done in a green tree, What will be done in the dry? Look on a dying Saviour; consider how, and why, he suffered; smite your breasts under a sense of guilt; implore forgiving mercy; return with penitent hearts, and resolutions of new obedience.

4. Here meditate on the wonderful mercy of God.

You see the goodness of God in his daily providence. You feel his kindness in supplying your wants, healing your infirmities, rescuing you from dangers, and relieving your pains. Great are these

mercies in themselves, but small in comparison with this which you now see.

Here you behold his own Son given to be your Saviour. Here you see this Saviour crucified for you, suffering in your stead, dying for your sins, that you might obtain pardon, life and glory. God sent his Son to be a propitiation for your sins, that you might live through him.

Here then is a sure foundation for your faith and hope. He who spared, not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, How shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Go to God with deep repentance, and be assured, he will not cast you away. The blood, which has been shed, is sufficient to expiate, and the mercy which has been displayed, is sufficient to pardon the most accumulated guilt. Look unto Christ, and be ye saved. Behold him suffering for sinners like you, smite your breasts in deep contrition, and say, God be merciful to us sinners. Thus may you return justified, while they, who trust in their own righteousness, and commit iniquity, will be surprised with aggravated condemnation.

5. Look here, and behold an instructive example of patience and resignation.

We live in a world full of adversity. Do we censure the ways of God, and think our lot undeservedly severe ? Let us turn our eyes to the suffering Saviour.-How calm, how patient was he, under trials far greater than ours? He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter; as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth. Yet he suffered, not for his own sins, or for his own benefit, but for ours. We are corrected for our own profit. It is only, if need be, that we are in heaviness through manifold temptations. Let us learn of him, who was meek and lowly. When we consider the patience of our Redeemer, let us

rebuke our own complaints, and chide our fretful spirits; let us smite our breasts in shame, and learn to be like him."



6. Look to Christ and learn to despise the world. Are your affections set on things below? Are you anxious for future supplies ?-Do you distrust the care of Providence under your worldly straits and embarrassments?-Consider him, who gave himself for you, that he might deliver you from this present evil world. Think how he lived above it; how contented he was in the most humble condition; how he shewed the vanity of the world, by dying on the cross; what blessings his death has purchased for believers; and whither he is gone to prepare for them a place with himself. Consider these things, and smite on your breasts, and say, We are crucified to the world, and the world is crucified to us, by the cross of Christ.

7. Look to Christ, and learn meekness and for giveness.

When you meet with injuries, Do your passions rise?-Do malice, and revenge kindle and glow in your breasts? Think how different was the mind that was in Christ. How calm and gentle was he under the greatest provocations! Far from the thoughts of revenge, he prayed for those who shed his blood. In fervent intercessions for them he employed his dying breath. Can you, with this example before you, suffer anger to rest in your bosoms ?-Come here, behold the most wonderful pattern of goodness and philanthropy, that ever was exhibited on earth, and then bid every resentful passion be still.-Come here, and forgive your enemies, and pray for them, who despitefully use you. Come here, with a spirit of peace and love. Be like minded one toward another according to Christ Jesus.


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