Imágenes de páginas

Obituary-McGillivray, W., xv, 295; Man-||Organic bases. new, containing metals, Frank-

tell, G. A., xv, 147; Mauvais, Victor, xviii,
116; Melloni, Macedoine, xviii, 431, xix,
414, xx, 143; Meyer, C. A., xx, 135; Mir-
bel, B. de, xix, 103, 129; Molkenboer, xx,
135; Moricand, xviii, 429; Morton, S. G.,
xii, 144, xiii, 153.

Nicol, W., xii, 146; Norton, J. P., xiv,

Ersted, H. C., xii, 147; Oken, L., xii,
445; Olivier, Theodore, xvii, 264.

Petersen, A. C., xvii, 445; Pfaff, xv, 150;
Presl, xvi, 427.

Remy, J., xix, 415; Richard, Ach., xvi,
427, xvii, 414; Rogers, J. B., xiv, 290;
Roussin, A. R., xviii, 115; Roux, xviii, 114.

Saluzzo, A. de, xii, 446; Silvestre, Baron
de, xii, 446; St. Hilaire, A. de, xvii, 414;
Schauer, xiii, 45; Schumacher, H. C., xi,
295; Stanley, A. D., xv, 464; Stocks, (Bot-
anist,) xix, 129; Strickland, H. E., xvi.
447; Sturgeon, Wm., xi, 444; Sturm, xiii,


Taylor, R. C., xiii, 144; Teschemacher,
J. E., xvii, 150, 292; Thomson, T., xviii,
441 Thompson, Wm., xiii, 443.

Wahlenberg, xiii, 45; Walckenaer, C.
A. de, xiv, 449; Waldheim, Fischer de, xx,
334; Walker, S. C., xv, 293; Wallich, xviii,
133; Walpers, G. G, xvi, 427; Weaver, T.,'
xx, 297; Webb, P. Barker, xviii, 429; Win-
terbottom, xix, 129; Wulfsberg, Nilo, xiv,


Observatory of Altona, D. Petersen appoint-
ed to, xi, 442.

on an astronomical, J. Campbell, xvi, 62.
of Cambridge, Mass., xii, 295.

of Paris, xviii, 117, 293.

of Toronto, Canada, xv, 287.
Ocean, level of, affected by atmospheric pres-
sure, Ross, xix, 52.

temperature of, J. D. Dana, xvi, 153, 314.

effect on the continents of a sup-
posed change of, J. D. Duna, xvi, 391.
North Atlantic, temperature and currents
of, Scoresby, xvi, 433.
Oceanic currents, xvi, 318, 438.
Ersted, H. C., obituary notice of, xii, 147.
Oil of cinnamon, artificial, xviii, 414.
Olmsted, A. F., on whirlwinds, xi, 181.
Olmsted, D., auroras of Sept., 1851, xii, 442.
on the zodiacal light, xii, 309.
aurora of Feb. 19, 1352, xiii, 426.
eclipse of 1-54, xviii, 142.

coal and red sandstone of N. Carolina,
xix, 430.

Oloba, Uricoechea on, xix, 243.
Opium, alkaloids in, xv, 428.
Optical characters of Clinochlore, xii, 339.
of Micas, xii, 6, xiv, 268, xix, 364.
investigations connected with the eclipse
of the sun, xiii, 440.
purposes, preparation of large crystals of
iodo-quinine for, xvii, 423.
Optics, accidental colors from looking
white objects, Seguin, xiii, 441.

glass for objectives, xix, 105.
Oregon, Washington Territory of, xv, 462.
Organic acids, decomposition, xvi, 116.
bases, molecular structure, xii, 428.
new class of, Wurtz, xx, 409.


land, xx, 410.

containing palladium, xvi, 410.
containing tin, xiv, 421, xvi, 116.
containing metals, new, xvi, 118.
radicals, theory of, xi, 256.
structure, E. B. Hunt, xiii, 53.
Orr's Circle of the Sciences, part on Crystal-
lography, noticed, xix, 150.

Overman's Practical Mineralogy, noticed, xii,

Owen, D. D.. description of two new miner-
als and a new earth, xiii, 420

Geological Report on Wisconsin, Iowa
and Minnesota, xv, 296, xvi, 86.
Owen, R., on the Dinornis, noticed, xii, 452.
on the megatherium, xiv, 91.

on fossil serpents and the serpent of the
Bible, xi, 281.

on the principal forms of the Skeleton
and the Teeth, noticed, xviii, 448.
Oxygen, magnetism of, Plücker, xii, 427.
magnetic force of, xx, 103.

use of, in asphyxia, xviii, 122.
Ozone, note on, xvi, 119, xx, 108.

Schönbein's, Faroday, xiii, 261.
the odor from attrition of siliceous stones
not due to, R. Hare, xii, 434.

[blocks in formation]

the economical constant battery, xiii,257.
Paine, R. T., Solar eclipse, 1851, xii, 134.
Paget, J., Lectures, noticed, xvi, 428.
Palæontographical Society, xii, 444, xv, 154.
Paleontology of New York, by J. Hall, no-
ticed, xv, 466, xvi, 127.

Pale zoic corals, Edwards on, noticed, xii,

Fossils, by M'Coy, noticed, xiv, 291.
rocks, British, Sedgwick and M'Coy's
work on, noticed, xii, 449.

Palladium, new bases containing, xvi, 410.
Panama hats, xix, 439.

Paper, note on manufacture of, xv, 269.
safety, xiii, 139.
Parallax of a star, xv, 457.
Paramagnetic substances, law of induction
in, Plucker, xvii, 423.

Paris Observatory, xviii, 117, 293.

Universal Exposition, xx, 110, 402.
Parkinson's Organic Remains, noticed, xi,

Parthenope, new planet, xi, 129.

Pasteur, on a case of dimorphism, xviii, 433.

on a case of isomerism, xv, 109.

Patent Office Report for 1850, noticed, xi,||Photography, discovery in, xvii, 290,


Puterson, J., on the Calculus of Operations,
xi, 327

Payen parasites in sugar, xiii, 143.

Puyer, Traité d'Organogénie, etc., noticed,
Xix, 129,

Peat and its products, Brande, xi, 440.
gas from, xx, 261.

Peclet's Physics, noticed, xx, 264.
Peirce, B., on Saturn's rings, xii, 109.
Pelopium and niobium identical, xvii, 425.
Pendulum experiment, xii, 112.

ibid, J. D. Dana, xii, 200.

ibid, C. S. Lyman, xii, 251, 398.
ibid, D. P. Woodbury, xii, 212.
ibid, note on Marquis de Puleni, Secchi,
xiv, 237.

applied to Zoological studies, etc., xvii,


ibid, to astronomy, xx, 143.

ibid, to finding height of clouds, xx, 296.
gutta percha in, xiii, 300.
collodion for, xviii, 390.

new kind of collodion, xviii, 437.
engraving from, xviii, 390,

Photometry, industrial, xvii, 417.
Phycite, M. Lamy, xvi, 114.

Physical instruments at great exhibition in
London, xii, 440.

Physics, researches in terrestrial, Henessey,
xiii, 271, xv, 126.

Pickering, J., thoughts of telegraphic com-
munication twenty years ago, xiii, 431.
Pictorial Atlas, of fossil remains, by G. A.
Mantell, noticed, xi, 298.
Pine apple, xix, 440.

ibid, at Rome, Secchi, xiv, 287.
ibid, with gyroscope, Foucault, xix, 280.
ibid, demonstration, J. L. Dagg, xix, 280.|| Piperine, alcaloid from, xiv, 100.
ibid, J. G. Burnard, xx, 238.
Pennsylvania, geological survey, xi, 442.
Pensions, scientific, in England, xiv, 433.
People's Journal, noticed, xvii, 151.
Perforating animals, xix, 136.

Perfumery, substances used in, xiii, 413.
Perley, boulders transported by ice, xi, 425.
Perrey, A., Report on researches on Earth-
quakes by, xix, 55.

works by, noticed, xix, 452.
titles of Memoirs of, xv, 155.
Person, latent heat of ice, xi, 251.
Personal equation in observations, xvii, 422.
Peter, R., où Blue Lick Spring, xi, 284.
Petermann, A., on Australia, xvi, 442.
Peters, W. C. H, on Mosambique, xvi, 285.|
Petersen, appointed to Altona observatory,
xi, 442.

comet of May, 1850, xi, 130.
first comet of 1852, xiv, 130.
obituary, xvii, 445.

Philosophical Society, see American.
Pholades, perforation of rocks by, xiii, 287.
Phosphatic nodules in Silurian rocks, T. S.
Hunt, xv, 129.

Phosphorescence of the sea, A. de Quatre-
fuges, xv, 193, xvi, 69.

Phosphoric acid in human economy, D.
Breed, xv, 275.

in urine, xiii, 221.

on determination of, by molybdate
of ammonia, W. J. Craw, xiii, 353.

separation of, Reynoso, xii, 114
volatility of, in acid solutions, xi,403.
Phosphorus, equivalent of, Schrötter, xiii, 260.
allotropic condition of, xi, 255.

and iodine, compounds of, xi, 109, 253.
action of iodid, on glycerine, xix, 270.
Photogenic glasses, albuminizing, xi, 279.
Photographic pictures, positive, xv, 119.

pictures. vitrification of, xvii, 120.
portraits on linen cloth. xvii, 120.
Photographs, on painting, xviii, 437.
microscopic, xiv, 238.

Photography, xvi, 273, 407, xviii, 122, 390,
xix, 413, xx. 111.

forms produced in, by lenses and mir-
rors of different sizes, xv, 121.

on application of, to representing micro-
scopical objects, xvi, 142.

Piria, action of sulphate of ammonia, xi, 111.
researches on populine, xiii, 412.

Pisa, science of, xii, 300.

Pisciculture, xvi, 104, 270, 410, xv, 425, xvi,
104, xx, 104.

method of ascertaining the maturity of
eggs, xix, 412.

Fry on, noticed, xix, 452.

Planaria, C. Girard on, xi, 41.

related to intestinal worms, L. Agassiz,
xiii, 425.

Planets, on analogies among, D. Kirkwood,
xi, 334, xiv, 210.

ibid, E. Loomis, xi, 217.

ibid, J. B. Cherriman, xiv, 9.

on the small, Le Verrier, xviii, 80.
symbolical notation of the Asteroidal,
xiii, 287.

(new) Amphitrite (29), xviii, 137, 290,
xix, 446; Bellona (28), xviii, 137, 290;
Calliope (22), xv, 283; Circe, xx, 137;
Clio, (12), xi, 129; Egeria, (13), xi, 129,
276; Eunomia (15), xiii, 127; Euphrosyne
(31), xviii, 430, xix, 272; Euterpe (27), xvii,
236; Fortuna (19), xiv, 430, xv, 2-3, 457;
Irene (14), xii, 233; Leucothea, xx, 137;
Lutetia, (21), xv, 283; Massalia (20), xv,
135, 283; Melpomene (18), xiv, 283, 430;
Parthenope (11), xi, 129; Phocæa (25), xvi,
136, 289; Polymnia (33), xix, 137, 446;
Pomona (32), xix, 137; Proserpine (26),
xvi, 137, 289, 430; Psyche (16), xiv, 129;
Thalia (23), xv, 284, 457; Themis (24),
xvi, 136, 289; Thetis (17), xiv, 130; Ura-
nia (30), xviii, 430, xix, 137; Victoria, xi,129.
supposed new, discovered on the 8th of
December, by Gasparis, xiii, 287.
ibid, of Gasparis, denied, xiii, 426.
Saturn, rings of, G. P. Bond, xii, 97.
W. C. Bond, xii, 133.

B. Peirce, xii, 106.

D. Kirkwood, xii, 109.
Uranus, on satellites of, E. Loomis, xiv,

perturbations of, xiii, 300.
Plante Junghuhnianæ, noticed, xviii, 428.
Plants, assimilation of nitrogen by, xix, 128,

coloring materials of flowers of, xviii,

Plants, on the vegetable cell in, von Mohl,||Price, A. P., sulphid of calcium for destroy.
XV, 145.

diseases of, xviii, 433.

freezing of J. LeConte, xiii, 84, 195.
ibid, A. DeCandolle, xiv, 445.
influence of light, heat, &c., on chemi-
cal changes in, xi, 286.

influence of light on, Gladstone, xix,

on growth of, in glazed cases, xvi, 132.
and animal life, on preserving the bal-
ance between in seawater, R. Warrington,
xvi, 444.

and animals, limit between, E. Lankes-
ter, xix, 282.

fossil, in amber, xviii, 287.

of tertiary in Silesia, xiv, 281.
Catalogue of U. S. medicinal, by A.
Clapp, noticed, xv, 466.

See further, Bolany.

Platinum. note on discovery of, xviii, 447.
on crystallizing from fusion, xx, 340.
in California, xx, 79.

Playfair, L, on the nitro-prussids, xi, 113.
lecture on the Great Exhibition, xiv, 19.
Pleochroism, artificially produced, Senar-
mont, xvii, 414, 421.

Plücker. on the magnetic relations of gases,
xiii, 110.

magnetism of oxygen, xii, 427.

on magnetic and paramagnetic substan-
ces, xvii, 423.

Plumagery, on Chinese and Aztec, D. J.
Macgowan, xviii, 57, 156.

Poppig, appointed to chair of Prof. Kunze,

xili, 45.

Poisons, use of bromine in examining for,
xi, 405.

Polar basin, Scoresby on, xvi, 446.
Polarization of the atmosphere, xix, 105.

of chlorite, W. P. Blake, xiii, 116.
of clinochlore, W. P. Blake, xii, 339.
colored figures of objects with, xi, 89.
of light, xv, 175.

of light by refraction through a metal,
xvii, 121.

of light, connection of chemical forces
with, N. S. Muskelyne, xii, 64.

plane of, rotated by galvanism, Wiede-
mann, xii, 111.

Polychroism, artificially produced, xvii, 414,


Polytechnic College, Philad., xvi, 298.
Polythalamia, xi, 86, 114, xii, 132, xvii, 176.
Popocatepetl, ascent of, xi, 266.
Populine, researches on, Piria, xiii, 412.
Potash, on making bi-chromate, xvii, 269.
preparation of caustic, xvii, 123.
Potassium, cyanid of, Rieken, xiii, 260.
Potter, aërometric balance, xi, 114.
Pottsville Scientific Association, xx, 296.
Pourtales on the Foraminiferæ, xi, 121.
Powder, manufacture of, xviii, 436.

charcoal for, xvi, 271.
Precipitate, white, Wagner, xiii, 113.
Preparations in zoology, on making, H.
Goudby, xii, 15, 227.

Prescott, W., fishes of the Winnipisseogee,
xi, 340.

Preservation of animal substances, H. Goad-
by, xii, 378.

ing Oidium, xvi, 441.

Principles of Zoology by Agassiz and Gould,
noticed, xi, 447.

Printing Ferns, &c., on engraving plates for,
xi, 280, 441.

Prichard's Natural History of Man, noticed,
xx, 131.

Pritchard's History of Animalcules, noticed,
by J. W. Bailey, xv. 299.
Pritzel's Thesaurus Lit. Bot., noticed, xiii,


Iconum, etc., noticed, xx, 131.
Prize, from the Berlin Academy, xii, 445.
Prizes of Acad. Sci. at Paris, XIV, 289, xvii,
412, 417.

proposed by the Société d'Encourage-
ment, xvi, 410.

Problem by Bupu Deva Shastri, xi, 194.
Propion, Morley on, xii, 432.
Propionyl series, xx, 266
Propylamine in plants, xiii, 114.

Proteus anguinus, J. C. Dalton, xv, 387.
Prout, H. A, new graptolite, xi, 187.
Psorospermia, W. I. Burnett, xviii, 104.
Purification of coal gas, xi, 291.
Purpurin, xi, 111,

Pyro-electric currents, Becquerel, xviii, 384.
Pyroxyline, reproduction of cotton from,
xvi, 406.

[blocks in formation]

Radicals, organic, see Organic.

Railroad to Pacific, notice of Reports on, ex-
plorations for, xx, 297.

Railroads, on magnetic attraction for aiding
on heavy grades in, J. Nicklès, xvi, 337.
Rain, rapidity of tall of, xiii, 298.

in the Khassyn Hills, xiv, 447.
of Temperate Zone, Dove, xx, 399.
Rainbow by light reflected from water, E.
S. Snell, xviii, 18.

tertiary, C. Hartwell, xvii, 56.
Raindrops on clay, Hitchcock, xix, 395.
Rainwater, ammonia in, xvi, 407, xvii, 265.
Rainey's Abacus, noticed, xi, 448.

Rammelsberg, C., on Petalite, Spodumene,||Reiss's Reibungselektricität, xvii, 273.
Humite, etc., xv, 277, 279.

Pyrosene and Hornblende, xii, 388.
Randall, report in favor of a geological sur-
vey of California, noticed, xii, 452,
Rankine, W. J. M., mechanical action of
heat, xviii, 64.

on the absolute zero of the perfect gas
therm meter, xvii, 274.

on the air-engine, xix, 137.
expansion by cold, xx, 113.

Rath v., alteration of scapolite, xviii, 372.
Ravenel, H. W., on Fungi, noticed, xiv 114,
xvi, 129, xvii, 285, xx, 284.
Ray Society, publications of, xiii, 303.
Records of School of Mines and of Sciences,
noticed, xiv, 148.

Red River region, Geology, &c., of, from Re-
port of R. B. Marcy, xix, 433.

Sea and Mediterranean, relative level
of, xi, 142.

Redfie W. C., Hurricane of Sept. 1853,
andtices of other storms, xviii, 1, 176.
Reefs, see Coral.

Refraction, astronomical, Faye, xix, 104.

double, temporarily produced, Wertheim,
xviii, 124.

double in tesseral crystals, by pressure,
XV, 111.

Regents of the University of New York,
Report by, noticed, xiv, 293, xv, 303,
xviii, 449, xix, 452.

Regnault, elastic forces of vapors and gases,
&c., xix, 264.

Reich, mean density of earth, xiv, 98.

Rigg's Dacota Grammar, xix, 450.
Rive, A. de la, on the Aurora, xviii, 353.
Electricity noticed, xvii, 420.

Life of DeCandolle, noticed, xiii, 150.
Rivers, descent, etc., of Ohio, Mississippi,
etc., xvi, 123, 124.

on Mississippi, xviii, 158.
ibid, inundations of, xvi, 120.
ibid, infusoria of, xiv, 428.

of China, Eagre on, xx, 305.

Rivot, use of hydrogen in analysis, xi, 253.
Rochus, on a means of preserving limestone
or marble monuments, xiii, 298.

Rocks, action of alkalies on, xvii, 440.

foliation of metamorphic, E. Forbes, xix,

coral reefs, xi, 363, xii, 31.

of Spain, xi, 259.

Rocky Mountains, geology and paleontology
of, J. Hall, xv, 126.

ice springs in, xv, 146.

Roemer on the Chalk of Texas, noticed, xvii,

Rogers, H. D., probable depth of the ocean
of the European Chalk Deposits, xvii, 131.
Report on the salt and gypsum of Vir-
ginia, noticed, xviji, 273.
Rogers, W. B., on binocular vision, xx, 86,
204, 318.

on age of New Red Sandstone, xix, 123.
Rogers, W. B., and R. E., use of hydrogen
and carbonic acid in analysis, xviii, 213.
Röhrs, J. H., on oscillation of suspension
bridges, xiv, 447.

Reichenbach de Pollinis Orchidearum, xix, Rondelet, on building stones, xi, 10.


Remy, J., death of, xix, 415.

Renal organs, Burnett on, xvii, 374.
Rennie, strength of building stones, xi, 8.
Reports of the Secretary of War, by Lt. J.
E. Johnston and others, on routes from
San Antonio to El Paso, noticed, xii, 302.
Reptile fossil of Nova Scotia, xv, 279, xvi,
33, 233.

ibid, J. Leidy, xix, 444.

of Connecticut R. Sandstone, Wyman,
xx, 395.

lower Silurian in Canada, xii, 120.
remains and fossil ova in Old Red Sand-
stone, England, xiii, 278.

of Stansbury's Report, noticed, xv, 134.
work on American, by Baird and Gi-
rard, noticed, xv, 465.

of N. Y., Baird on, xix, 453.

foot-tracks, supposed, of Silurian rocks
of Canada, admitted to be Crustacean,
xiv, 454.
Reynoso, determination of phosphorus in
analysis, xiii, 114.
Rice, H., effect of lightning, xii, 239.

meteorological observations at Attle-
boro', Mass., for 1851, xiv, 139.
Richard's Dictionaire raisonné d'Agriculture,
&c., noticed, xix, 414.
Riddell, J. L., binocular microscope, xv, 68,


illuminating opake objects, xv, 69.
achromatic condenser, xv, 69.
Riddell, W. P., on Soleil's saccharimeter,
xv, 175.

Rood, O. N, fixed lines of Solar Spectrum
seen with flint glass prisms, xvii, 429.
on the Paramecium aurelia, xv, 70.
method of showing diffraction with the
microscope, xv, 327.

Root, O, on a locality of carbonate of stron-
tia, xiii, 264.

meteoric iron of Seneca River, xiv, 439.
Rose, G, on origin of serpentine, xii, 215.
crystalline form of the rhombohedral
metals, xii, 279.

meteorite of Schwetz, xiii, 142.

on dimorphism of zine, xiv, 424.
Rose, H., artificial forination of Malachite,
xiv, 424.

biography of Berzelius, xvi, 1, 173, 305,
xvii, 103.

Analytical Chemistry, noticed, xii, 303.
Rosse, mode of making speculums, xii, 416.
telescopes, revelations of, xvii, 58.

Royle, on the arts and manufactures of India,
xiv, 160.

Rozet, on rapidity of fall of rain, xiii, 298.

on temperature of earth and air near it,
xiii, 442.

Ruhmkorff's apparatus for transforming dy-
namical into statical electricity, xv, 114.
Ruspini, preservation from oxydation of
proto-sulphate of iron, xi, 115.

Russia, climate of Nischne Tagilsk, xiii, 143.
cold of Yakutsk in, xii, 201.
Russian meteorological observations, noticed,
xiv, 292.

Ryland, A., assay of gold and silver by, no-
ticed, xiv, 150.


Sabine, E., on variations of Temperature in
Canada, xvii, 143.

on the Kew magnetographs, xii, 271.
on terrestrial magnetism, xiv, 434, xix,

address in 1852 before British Associa-
tion, xiv, 431.
Saccharimeter, Soleil's, W. P. Riddell on,
XV, 175.

Sæmann's establishment at Paris for the sale,
of minerals, xvii, 150.

Safford, J. M., geology of Middle Tennessee,
xii, 352.

tooth of Getalodus, xvi, 142.

St. John, S., Elements of Geology by, no-
ticed, xii, 451.

Salad for the Solitary, noticed, xvii, 132.
Sal-ammoniac, method of removing in analy-
sis, xv, 94.

from the residues of gas works, xvii,


Salt, reaction of, in formation of minerals,
xix, 429.

in California, xx, 83.

[blocks in formation]

Sea, on the phosphorescence of, A. de Qua-
trefages, xv, 193, xvi, 69.

Sea-level, changes in, A. Tylor, xviii, 21, 216.
Sea shores, degradation on, J. D. Dana, xii,

Seawater for the aquarium, xviii, 133, 293,
xix, 146.

on preserving balance of animals and
plants in, Warrington, xviii, 133.
carbonic acid in, xvi, 362.

sulphate of lime in, xiv, 417.
effect of, on seeds, xx, 282.

Seaweeds, work on, by W. H. Harvey, no-
ticed, xiv, 1, xvi, 422.

Seal, T. F., Hydrargillite of Pennsylvania,
xi, 267.

Seeds of Magnolia, xx, 279.

effect of seawater on, xx, 282.
Secchi, heat of solar disk, xiv, 286.

Salt Lake region, Stanbury's survey of, no- Sedgwick, A., Discourse by, noticed, xi, 144.
ticed, xiv, 291.

of Oroomiah, analysis, xx, 253.
Salvetat, hydrosilicates of alumina, xii, 218.
Sand-bath, new, with water-bath, xii, 52.
Sandstone of Conn. River valley, age of,
W. B. Rogers, xix, 123.
fossils in, xx, 22, 395.

work by, on British paleozoic rocks, re-
ferred to, xii. 448.

Seeman's Botany of the Herald, xv, 133,
xviii, 132, 429, xix, 439.

Seguin, D. M., on the accidental colors from
looking at white objects, xiii, 441.
Selenio-cyanogen, Crooker, xii, 432.

reptile remains and fossil ova in old red, Selenium, density of, xvii, 123.

xiii, 278.

San Salvador, earthquake, xviii, 277.
Sarsaparilla, plants affording, xix, 441.
Sartwell, H. P., Carices, noticed, xv, 129.
Satellites of Uranus, E. Loomis on, xiv,

Saturn, ring of, W. C. Bond, xii, 133.

rings of, G. P. Bond, xii, 97.

B. Peirce, xii, 106.

D. Kirkwood, xii, 109.

Saurian, see Reptile.

Scacchi, A., on Dimorphin, xv, 431.

on Humite, xiv, 175.

[blocks in formation]

Senarmont, on Micas, xiv, 268.

artificial production of pleochroism, xvii,
414, 421.

optical properties of isomorphous sub-
stances, xiii, 409.

Serpent of the Bible and fossil serpents, Owen
on, xi, 281.

Symbol, work on, by E. G. Squier, no-
ticed, xii, 453.

Serpents of New York, S. F. Baird on, re-
ferred to, xviii, 449.

Sestini, B, on Analytical Geometry, noticed,
xiv, 453.

Sheathing of ships, bronze for, xvi, 407, xvii,

Shells, catalogue of the collection of Dr. J.
C. Jay, noticed, xii, 447.

of New England, work on, by W. Stimp-
son, noticed, xiii, 150.

of Panama, work on, by C. B. Adams,
noticed, xiv, 452.

See further, Mollusca.

Shepard, C. U., new minerals and localities,
xii, 209, 219, 222.

on meteorites, xi, 36.

meteoric iron of S. Africa and presence
of potassium, xv, 1.

ibid, of Cayuga Co., N. Y., xv, 363,
on meteoric iron of Sonora, xviii, 369.
Xenotime of North Carolina, xiii, 143.
Dimagnetite and Jenkinsite, xiii, 392.
Nickeliferous Pyrites of Gouverneur,
and Triplite of Mass., xv, 444, 445.

crystal of gold from California, xv, 448.
Treatise on Mineralogy by, noticed, xiv,

SECOND SERIES, Vol. XX, No. 60.-Nov., 1855.


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