The preceding table shows that considerably the highest proportion of employees are from 14 to 19 years of age, 44.7 per cent of the total number reporting being in this group, 18.2 per cent are from 20 to 24 years of age, and 11.1 per cent are from 35 to 44 years of age. A slightly smaller proportion, or 9.9 per cent, are from 25 to 29, 5.6 per cent are from 45 to 54, 2.7 per cent are 55 or over, while 0.1 per cent are under 14 years of age. The table thus shows that the greatest proportion of employees in this industry are comparatively young. In the group including persons under 14 years of age native-born of foreign father and native-born white of native father show insignificant proportion, while foreign-born show no persons in this group. Native-born of foreign father show the highest per cent of persons from 14 to 19 years of age, followed by native whites born of native father and foreign-born in the order named, the latter showing comparatively small proportions. In the group of persons from 20 to 24 years old native-born whites of native father show the highest per cent, closely followed by foreign-born, while native-born of native father show somewhat smaller proportions than the two nativity groups first named. In each of the following specified age groups foreign-born show a slightly higher per cent than native-born of native father, the latter in turn showing a higher per cent than native-born of foreign father in all groups except that including persons from 35 to 44 years of age; here native-born of foreign father shows a slightly higher percentage. Of the native-born of foreign father the Austro-Hungarians report a very much higher percentage of young persons than any of the other groups and no persons who are over 30 years of age. The Irish report the highest percentage of persons who are 35 years of age or over. Of the foreign-born races South Italians show the highest per cent and Germans the lowest per cent of persons from 14 to 19 years of age, while the Germans show the highest per cent of persons 30 years of age or over. Females report a greater proportion of young employees or persons who are from 14 to 24 years of age, while males show a considerably higher per cent than female of persons who are over 25 years of age. CHAPTER VII. GENERAL PROGRESS AND ASSIMILATION. Ownership of homes-Status of children in households studied-Citizenship-Ability to speak English-[Text Tables 100 to 123 and General Tables 77 to 94]. OWNERSHIP OF HOMES. The ownership of homes by persons of foreign birth may be considered an indication of permanent settlement as well as of a tendency to accumulate property. The following table shows the number and percentage of families among the glass workers who own homes and whose heads were employed in all branches of the industry, according to general nativity and race of head of family: TABLE 100.-Number and per cent of families owning home, by general nativity and race of head of family. In the above table, of 666 households studied, 30.6 per cent own their homes, or a total of 204 households. Of the foreign races studied, from 24.1 per cent to 49.1 per cent of the Slovaks, Poles, Germans, and Flemish, in the order given, own their homes, but, on the other hand, 6.7 per cent of the North Italians and a slightly higher proportion of the Magyars report ownership of their homes. Owing to the smallness of the number involved no mention will be made of the French, South Italians, or native-born of foreign father. It will be noted that of the native-born of native father 35 per cent own their homes. A summary of the table shows that large pro portions of the Germans, native-born of native father, and Flemish, slightly lower proportions of the Poles and Slovaks, and but very low per cents of the South Italians and Magyars own their homes. STATUS OF CHILDREN IN HOUSEHOLDS STUDIED. As regards the status of children in the households studied, the following table shows the per cent of children 6 and under 16 years of age at home, at school, and at work, by general nativity and race of individual: TABLE 101.-Per cent of children 6 and under 16 years of age at home, at school, and at work, by sex and general nativity and race of individual. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 40 or more children reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] Of 562 children 6 and under 16 years of age shown in the preceding table, 17.4 per cent are at home, 77 per cent are at school, and 5.5 per cent are at work. The children who are of foreign birth show the highest per cent at home, followed by those who are native-born of foreign father and those who are native-born whites of native father in considerably smaller proportions. The children who are native-born whites of native father show the highest per cent at school, followed by those who are native-born of foreign father and those of foreign birth, in the order named. The children who are of foreign birth and those who are native-born of foreign father show the highest per cent at work, followed by the children who are nativeborn whites of native father in slightly smaller proportions. The Slovak children show the highest per cent and the Flemish children the lowest per cent at home, the German children the highest per cent and the Slovak children the lowest per cent at school, and the Flemish children the highest per cent and the German children the lowest per cent at work. The female children show a higher per cent at home and at school than do the male children, while the latter show a higher per cent than the former who are at work. The following table shows, by general nativity and race of father and by birthplace of child, the number and per cent of children 6 and under 16 years of age who were at home, at school, and at work: TABLE 102.-Number and per cent of children 6 and under 16 years of age at home, at school, and at work, by general nativity and race of father and by birthplace of child. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more children born in the United States and also 20 or more born abroad. The native-born of native father are shown for comparative purposes.] Of the total number of children 6 and under 16 years of age, 77 per cent are at school; 17.4 per cent are at home; 5.5 per cent are at work. The native-born of native father have the largest proportion at school. The foreign-born show a smaller proportion at school and a larger proportion at home than any other class. There is only the slightest difference in the proportions of the three classes at work. In comparing the Poles and Slovaks born abroad and born in the United States it is seen that each race has a larger proportion at work of those born in the United States. In respect to the proportions at home and at school, however, the two races do not follow the same rule. For example, the Poles born in the United States have a greater proportion at school than the Poles born abroad. The reverse, however, is true of the Slovaks. CITIZENSHIP. The extent to which the employees in the different branches of the industry have attained to full citizenship or have manifested an interest in acquiring citizenship is set forth in the series of tabulations next submitted. The table which immediately follows shows, by race of individual, the present political condition of foreign-born males of all divisions of the industry in the households studied who had been in the United States five years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming. TABLE 103.-Present political condition of foreign-born males who have been in the United States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States.] Of the 271 foreign-born males for whom information was obtained, it will be seen that 32.5 per cent are fully naturalized and an additional 12.2 per cent have first papers only. The proportions of Poles and Slovaks who are fully naturalized, as compared with the Germans and Flemish, are extremely low-the Germans reporting the highest, or 73.1 per cent, while the Slovaks report the lowest proportion, or 11.6 per cent. An equal proportion of Slovaks have secured first papers. This is slightly smaller than the proportion of Poles who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States and slightly larger than the proportion of Germans or Flemish, in the order named. The table following shows by race the present political condition of foreign-born male employees of plate-glass factories who had been in the United States five years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming. |