TABLE 11.-Number and per cent of employees of each race for whom information was secured, by sex-Industry as a whole. COMPARATIVE SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION. The extent of the information received is shown by the data presented in the following statement: a Compiled from U. S. Census, Special Reports, "Manufactures," 1905. In 1905, the year of the most recent general census of the employees of the industry, there were in the States studied 56,167 glass workers. Original information was secured, in the course of the individual study, for 12,276 employees, or 21.9 per cent of the total number of employees. In the branches of the glass manufacturing industry dealt with in the original investigation, the proportion of employees studied was, in reality, somewhat larger than is indicated by the figures of the table. The census returns, from which the figure showing the total number of employees is taken, are for all departments of the industry. On the other hand, the investigation, as already stated, was confined to workers engaged in the manufacture of glass bottles and jars, tableware, chimneys, window glass, and plate glass. The number of individuals for whom original data were secured therefore represents a higher percentage of the employees in the branches of the industry specified than of the employees in all the branches of the industry. It should be noted further that information concerning glass workers was secured by means of the household study. A total of 3,650 employees were studied in this way. In the course of the two investigations there was unavoidably some duplication. Employees for whom information was secured through the household investigation were doubtless studied a second time as individuals. But it is quite certain that all employees included in the household investigation were not studied twice. For this reason the total number of employees studied is probably considerably in excess of the figure of 12,276 appearing in the table. In view of the facts stated it seems probable that, in the States in which the investigation was carried on, original information was secured concerning from one-fourth to one-third of all the employees in those branches of the industry to which the study was confined. PREPARATION OF THE REPORT. In preparing the data secured for publication two general divisions have been made, as follows: (a) The study of the industry as a whole in which the statistical data secured from the study of households and employees are presented; (b) the study of representative glass manufacturing communities, in which, in addition to the statistical material, a considerable amount of historical and descriptive matter have been introduced. The plan of presenting representative glass manufacturing communities has been adopted for the same reasons mentioned in the other industrial reports: (1) To secure a verification of the tendencies exhibited by the more extended tabulations; (2) to present material not covered by the statistical tabulations, but bearing directly upon American life and institutions, and (3) to attempt to reach more definite conclusions as to the economic effects of immigration. CHAPTER II. RACIAL DISPLACEMENT. History of immigration-Period of residence in the United States of foreign-born employees and members of their households-Racial classification of employees at the present time [Text Tables 12 to 25 and General Tables 8 to 13]. HISTORY OF IMMIGRATION. Statistical data showing in detail the history of the employment of immigrant workers in the glass-manufacturing industry are not available either for the country as a whole or for localities. The United States census returns, however, indicate in a general way the composition of the working force at different periods. A comparison of the figures of the different censuses will show the general tendency. The following tables show the composition of the operating forces for the country as a whole and for the principal glass-producing States in 1890 and in 1900, according to country of employees or their parents: TABLE 12.-Number of male glass workers in selected States, by general nativity and country of birth, 1890. [Census of 1890, "Occupations," Tables 82, 109, and 116. The small proportion of females employed were not of sufficient importance to include in table.] |