1900, and but one State, Ohio, showing a decrease from the figures of 1890. Again, however, the most general increase is noted in the West, the only eastern State showing any considerable proportionate gain being Pennsylvania, and Ohio, in fact, showing a very great loss. From these figures it may be inferred that the manufacturers of agricultural implements are moving their factories westward, keeping themselves in touch with the farming districts and apparently trying to expedite shipments of their wares and minimize freight rates by proximity to their sales centers. HOUSEHOLDS STUDIED. A total of 501 households were investigated, the heads of which were employed in establishments in Indiana and Illinois. The following table shows households studied, by general nativity and race of head of household: TABLE 2.-Households studied, by general nativity and race of head of household. The foregoing table shows that out of 501 households studied. 71.1 per cent were foreign-born, 17.4 per cent were native-born of native father, and 11.6 per cent were native-born of foreign father. Of the foreign-born households studied the largest proportion of any race is the 22 per cent of Swedish, while the smallest number is shown by the Lithuanians, less than 5 per cent. MEMBERS OF HOUSEHOLDS FOR WHOM DETAILED INFORMATION WAS SECURED. The table following shows, by general nativity and race of head of household, persons in households studied and persons for whom detailed information was secured. TABLE 3.-Persons in households studied and persons for whom detailed information was secured, by general nativity and race of head of household. The foregoing table shows that in 501 households there is a total of 2,435 persons; of this total, 75.9 per cent are foreign-born, 14.4 per cent native-born of native father, white; 9.7 per cent native-born of foreign father. Of the total number the Swedes represent the largest individual race group, their proportion being 21.2 per cent of the whole, while the Lithuanians and the Hebrews each comprise less than 4 per cent of the total number. The table below sets forth the sex of persons for whom detailed information was secured: TABLE 4.-Sex of persons for whom detailed information was secured, by general nativity and race of head of household. From this table it is seen that 2,198 persons were studied, of whom 1,134 were males and 1,064 females. Of the total number 1,625 were foreign-born, 851 of whom were males, 774 females; 341 were native-born of native father, 168 being males and 173 females; 232 were native-born of foreign father, with about equal proportion of males and females. The following table shows, by sex and general nativity and race of individual, persons in the households studied for whom detailed information was secured: TABLE 5.-Persons for whom detailed information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race of individual. Of a grand total of 2,198 persons for whom detailed information was secured, 43.9 per cent were foreign-born, 35.7 per cent were native-born of foreign father, and 20.3 were native-born of native father, white. Approximately equal proportion of males and females were studied. EMPLOYEES FOR WHOM INFORMATION WAS SECURED. Data relating to individual employees was obtained in the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, New York, and Pennsylvania. The table next presented and accompanying chart show, by sex, the number and per cent of employees of each race for whom information was secured. |