TABLE 18.-Per cent of foreign-born employees in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race- -Tableware-Continued. The totals of the above table show that the highest percentage of employees in this industry have been in the United States under five years, the next highest percentage have had a residence in this country of from five to nine years, while only slightly smaller proportions have resided in the United States twenty years or over. A somewhat smaller proportion are included in the group having a residence of from fifteen to nineteen years, while only 7.4 per cent have been in this country from ten to fourteen years. Of the foreign-born races Germans are shown by the table to be the oldest immigrants, 32.5 per cent of this race having been in the United States twenty years or over as contrasted with only 1.1 per cent of South Italians. Šlovaks are shown to be the most recently arrived immigrants, 59.7 per cent having been in this country under five years, as contrasted with 27.3 per cent of Germans with an equal period of residence. Females show a considerably larger proportion than males who have been in the United States under five years, while males show a considerably higher percentage than females with a residence of twenty years or over. No South Italian females have been in the United States over fifteen years, and no female Slovaks have a residence in this country of over ten years. The table following and accompanying chart show, by sex and race, the percentage of foreign-born employees in all divisions of the industry studied who had been in the United States under one year, one year, two years, etc. TABLE 19.-Per cent of foreign-born employees in the United States under 1 year, 2 years, etc., by sex and race-Industry as a whole. (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES.) 1 year, [By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States. No deduction is made for time spent abroad. This table includes only races with 80 or more persons reporting. The total, however, is for all foreign-born.] Per cent of foreign-born employees in the United States each specified number of years, by race. [This chart shows only races with 100 or more reporting. The total, however, is for all foreign-born.] A larger proportion of the total number of foreign-born employees have been in the United States five to nine years than those of any other residence period. Moreover, relatively larger proportions have been here two years and twenty years or over as compared with the proportions reporting other periods of residence in this country. The majority of the employees have been here five years or over. The majority of each sex have been here five years or over and a larger proportion five to nine years than those of any other period. There is, however, a good deal of variation in the length of residence of the specified races. The immigrants of longest residence in this country are the English, the greater part of whom have been here twenty years or over. The greater part of the French, Germans, and Swedes have been here 15 years or over. On the other hand, the most recent arrivals are the Greeks and Roumanians, who have come in greater part within three years. The final table submitted in this connection sets forth, by race of individual, the percentage of foreign-born persons in the households studied who had been in the United States each specified number of years. The heads of these households were employed in the different branches of the industry studied. TABLE 20.-Per cent of foreign-born persons in the United States each specified number of years, by race of individual-Industry as a whole. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States. No deduction is made for time spent abroad. This table includes only races with 20 or more persons reporting. The total, however, is for all foreign-born.] Of 1,316 foreign-born persons shown in the above table 35.3 per cent have been in the United States under five years, 65.5 per cent have a residence of under ten years, and 84.9 per cent have been in this country under twenty years. The North Italians show slightly over 70 per cent and the Magyars slightly over 60 per cent who have been in the United States under five years, the South Italians show over 50 per cent and the Slovaks slightly over 40 per cent, the Poles somewhat under 40 per cent, and the Germans, Flemish, and French very small proportions who have been in the United States under five years. The Magyars and North Italians show over 95 per cent and the South Italians and the Slovaks over 80 per cent who have been in the United States under ten years. The Poles also show a considerable proportion of persons having this period of residence, while the percentage of the Flemish, the French, and the Germans who have been in this country under ten years is comparatively small. All of the North Italians and Magyars have been in the United States under twenty years and over 95 per cent of the Slovaks, Poles, and South Italians have been in this country under the above specified number of years. The French, the Germans, and the Flemish show the smallest percentage who have been in the United States under twenty years. RACIAL CLASSIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES AT THE PRESENT TIME. The racial composition of the operating forces is exhibited by the series of tables next presented. The first table submitted, which immediately follows, shows by race the number and per cent of male plate-glass workers for whom information was secured. TABLE 21.-Number and per cent of male employees of each race for whom information was secured-Plate glass. Of 3,646 male employees of each specified race from whom information was secured, 58.7 per cent are of foreign birth, 8.3 per cent are native-born of foreign father, 30.4 per cent are native whites, born of native father, and 2.6 per cent are native-born negroes of native father. Of the employees native-born of foreign father, those whose fathers were born in Germany show the highest percentage, followed by the employees whose fathers were born in England. No employees whose fathers were born in other specified countries show |