over 1 per cent of the total number for whom information was secured. Of the employees of foreign birth the Slovaks show 15.1 per cent, the Poles 11.5 per cent, the Germans 6.8 per cent, and the Magyars 4.1 per cent, no other races showing over 3 per cent of the total number of the male employees for whom information was secured. The following table shows the number and percentage of male employees of each race in window-glass plants for whom information was secured: TABLE 22.-Number and per cent of male employees of each race for whom information was secured-Window glass. Of 1,548 male employees for whom information was secured, 43.1 per cent are foreign-born, 12.6 per cent are native-born of foreign father, 43.2 per cent are whites native-born of native father, and 1.1 per cent are negroes native-born of native father. Of the nativeborn of foreign father, employees whose fathers were born in Germany show the largest proportion, which is 4.8 per cent. Employees whose fathers were born in England, Ireland, and Belgium follow in the order named. No employees whose fathers were born in other specified countries show over 1 per cent of the total male employees for whom information was secured. Of employees of foreign birth the South Italian show 10.5 per cent, the Belgians (race not specified) report 9 per cent, the North Italians 6.3 per cent, the Swedes 3.9 per cent, and the English 3.1 per cent of the total number of male employees for whom information was secured. No other specified races show over 3 per cent, the majority showing less than 1 per cent of the total number for whom information was secured. The table below shows the racial make-up of male employees of manufacturing glass-bottle plants: TABLE 23.-Number and per cent of male employees of each race for whom information was secured-Glass bottles. Of 3,519 male employees for whom information was secured, 28.2 per cent were of foreign birth, 16.8 per cent were native-born of foreign father, 51.2 per cent were native whites born of native father, and 3.8 per cent were negroes native-born of native father. Of the native-born of foreign father, employees whose fathers were born in Germany show the highest percentage, followed by those whose fathers were born in Ireland, England, and Austria-Hungary. No employees whose fathers were born in other specified countries show over 1 per cent of the total number for whom information was secured. Of the foreign-born, the South Italian employees show 10.1 per cent, followed by the German employees with 3.2 per cent, no employees. of the other specified races showing over 3 per cent of the total number for whom information was secured. The table following shows by sex the number and percentage of each race employed in the manufacture of tableware for whom information was secured. TABLE 24.-Number and per cent of employees of each race for whom information was secured, by sex- -Tableware. Of 3,563 employees for whom information was secured, the above table shows that 38.1 per cent are native-born whites of native father, 32.8 per cent are native-born of foreign father, 28.8 per cent are of foreign birth, and 0.3 per cent are negroes who are native-born of native father. The employees who are native-born of foreign father show a considerably higher per cent of females than of males, for whom information was secured, in this industry. In each of the other nativity groups the proportion of males is larger than that of females. Of the employees who are native-born of foreign father, those whose fathers were born in Germany show 17.5 per cent and the employees whose fathers were born in Ireland show 3.5 per cent, while no employees whose fathers were of other specified races show over 3 per cent of the total number of employees in the tableware industry, for whom information was secured. In this group of employees, those whose fathers were born in Ireland and those whose fathers were born in Switzerland alone show a higher per cent of males than of females. Of the employees of foreign birth, the Germans show 8.9 per cent, the Slovaks 3.4 per cent, and the Poles 3.2 per cent, while none of the other specified races show over 3 per cent of the total number for whom information was secured. In this group the English, the French, the Scotch, the Slovaks, the Welsh, the Belgians (race not specified), and the Swiss (race not specified) show a higher per cent of females than of males for whom information was secured. The following table and accompanying chart show the number and per cent of employees in each race for whom information was secured, by sex: TABLE 25.-Number and per cent of employees of each race for whom information was secured, by sex-Industry as a whole. |