From the data presented in the preceding table it appears that the proportion of foreign-born persons 6 years of age or over for whom information was secured who are able to speak English is largest in the case of those who have been here for the longest period of time. The Hebrews and the Germans, in the order mentioned, have the largest and the Poles the smallest proportion of persons who have been here under five years and from five to nine years, who can speak English, while the Germans have the largest and the Magyars the smallest proportion of persons who have been here ten years or over who can speak English. IMMIGRANT CHURCHES. Fifty-one churches are reported as being located in the city-15 of them are supported by congregations entirely foreign. These 15 foreign churches are divided among the races as follows: (a) Polish 3-all Roman Catholic; (b) Magyar 2-1 Roman Catholic, 1 Reform Protestant; (c) German 5-1 Catholic, 4 Lutheran; (d) Belgian 1Roman Catholic; (e) Hebrew 1-Reformed; (f) Norwegian-Danish 1-Lutheran; (g) Swedish 2-1 Evangelistic, 1 Lutheran. PART III-THE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND VEHICLE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY IN THE EAST. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Explanation of study-Employees for whom information was secured [Text Table 156 and General Table 107]. EXPLANATION OF STUDY. No study was made in the East of households the heads of which were employed in agricultural implement and vehicle manufacturing establishments. The investigation was limited to employees, principally in the State of New York, and those for whom detailed information was secured constitute the statistical basis of the following general survey of the operating forces in the territory east of the Ohio and north of the Potomac rivers. EMPLOYEES FOR WHOM INFORMATION WAS SECURED. The extent of the study in the East may be readily seen from the table next presented. It shows, by sex, the number and percentage of employees of each race for whom information was secured. TABLE 156.-Employees of each race for whom information was secured, by sex. |