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specified amount is greater in every instance than the corresponding proportion of native-born of native father.

Excepting the Germans, the greater proportion of the heads of each race earn under $600. The greater part of the Germans earn under $800. The latter race seems to have the highest level of earnings.

Relatively low earnings are most prevalent among the Magyars.


In addition to the heads of the households studied, information as to annual earnings was secured for all male members of the households who were working for wages. The following table, which embodies this information, shows by general nativity and race of individual the range in yearly earnings of males 18 years of age or over in the households studied.

TABLE 48.- Yearly earnings (approximate) of males 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual.

General nativity and race of individual.




Number earning

Per cent earning

for wages Average

and re- earnings. Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under



$200. $400. $600. $1,000. $200. $400. $600. $1,000.

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Of the 768 males reporting, the yearly earnings of less than 5.3 per cent are over $1,000, leaving 94.7 per cent whose earnings are less than that amount. There are 57.9 per cent who earn under $600, while only 6.1 per cent earn under $200 per year. The native-born of foreign father show a greater proportion earning over $1,000 than do the foreign-born, with a corresponding difference in the proportions earning under $400. Of those earning under $200, however,

the native-born of foreign father show the larger proportion. The average earnings for the total are $574.

Among the foreign-born persons reporting, none of the North or South Italians, Magyars, or Poles earn under $1,000 per annum, while only about 2 per cent of the Flemish and Poles earn above that amount. The Germans, who show the highest rate of earnings, report 10.3 per cent of the males as earning in excess of $1,000 yearly. Only 47.7 per cent of the Germans earn under $600, as compared with 86.2 per cent of the Magyars and 90.5 per cent of the South Italians. Slightly more than 50 per cent of the Flemish and Polish males earn under $600.

Of the races reporting males who earn under $400 yearly, the South Italians show the largest proportion, which is 66.7 per cent. The North Italians, of whom 33.3 per cent earn under that amount, are second. The Magyars and Slovaks show proportions almost as large, while the Germans, with 10.3 per cent, report the smallest proportion. Less than 10 per cent each of the Germans, Magyars, Poles, and Slovaks earn under $200 per annum, as compared with 19 per cent of the South Italians and 13.3 per cent of the Flemish who earn under that amount.


The series of tables next presented sets forth the amount of annual family income of the households of the glass workers, as well as the different sources of the annual family income and their relative importance. The table, in this connection, which immediately follows, shows by general nativity and race of head of family the proportion of families having a total yearly income of each specified


TABLE 49.-Per cent of families having a total yearly income of each specified amount, by general nativity and race of head of family.


[This table includes only races with 20 or more families reporting. The totals, however, are for all races. One family is included which reports income as "none."]

[blocks in formation]

For a total of 613 families that were selected for the study of family income, the average yearly income per family is $755. Less than 5 per cent of the total number of families have a yearly income of under $300; almost 25 per cent have an income of less than $500 and only 4.9 per cent have an income that is in excess of $1,500 per year. The native-born show a higher average rate of income than do the foreign-born. Of the families whose heads are foreign-born, those whose heads are North Italian show the largest proportion having an income of less than $300 per year. Each of the other races shows a proportion of less than 10 per cent. The Germans show the smallest proportion of families that have an income of less than $500 per year. Excepting the native whites born of native father, the Flemish and Germans are the only races that show less than 50 per cent of the total number of families as having an income of less than $750 per year. All of the families the heads of which are foreign-born Magyars have incomes of less than $1,000 per year. None of the families the heads of which are North Italians have incomes equal to $1,500 per year.


The very small extent to which the wives of the households studied engage in regular employment for wages outside the home in order to supplement the earnings of their husbands is shown in the following table according to general nativity and race of head of family:

TABLE 50.-Wives at work, by general nativity and race of head of family.

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Information was obtained concerning 611 wives in this industry, of which number 1.5 per cent are at work-the foreign-born reporting 1 per cent as compared with 3.8 per cent of those native-born of native father. Among the foreign-born no North Italian, Magyar, or Polish and only a very small proportion of Slovak, German, and Flemish wives are at work-the last named reporting the largest proportion, or 5.9 per cent.


Although a negligible number of wives seek work outside the home, a large proportion, especially among the foreign-born, take boarders or lodgers into the home in order to supplement the earnings of their husbands. This condition of affairs is set forth in the following tables which show by yearly earnings of husband and general nativity and race of head of family the number and per cent of families in which wife had employment or kept boarders or lodgers

TABLE 51.-Number of families in which wife has employment or keeps boarders or lodgers, by yearly earnings of husband and by general nativity and race of head of family.

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a For selection of families, see p. 243. Of the selected families only those which have both husband and wife present appear in this table.

This column includes 2 families in which husbands' earnings are reported as "None."

TABLE 52.-Per cent of families in which wife has employment or keeps boarders or lodgers, by yearly earnings of husband and by general nativity and race of head of family.


[This table includes only races with 20 or more selected familes reporting. The totals, however, are for all For selection of families, see p. 243. Of the selected families only those which have both husband and wife present appears in this table.]


[blocks in formation]

a This column includes 2 families in which husbands' earnings are reported as "None."
b Not computed, owing to small number involved.

Of the total number of selected families, 36.2 per cent of the wives either have employment or keep boarders or lodgers. The greatest proportion is found among the wives whose husbands have an income of less than $400 per year. The proportion is almost 50 per cent. Approximately 40 per cent of the wives whose husbands have an income of from $400 to $600 either keep boarders or lodgers or have employment, while of those whose income is $600 or over per year the proportion is 27.9 per cent. Of the foreign-born races where the husband's income is less than $400 per year, the Magyars show the largest proportion of wives who either have employment or keep boarders or lodgers. It is 100 per cent. The next largest proportion is 62.5 per cent and is shown by the North Italians. The native-born of native father, whites, show the smallest proportion of wives, in this specified rate of earnings, who keep boarders or lodgers or have employment. Where the husband's income is between $400 and $600 per year, the North Italians and Magyars show the highest proportion of wives who keep boarders or lodgers or have employment. The next largest is shown by the Poles and the smallest by the Flemish. Where the husband's income is $600 or over per year, no race shows a proportion as high as 65 per cent of wives who keep boarders or lodgers or have employment. The highest proportion, 62.3 per cent, is shown by the Poles. The Flemish show the smallest proportion, 5.6 per cent, while only 11.1 per cent of the wives of the native-born of native father heads of families have employment or keep boarders or lodgers.

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