Imágenes de páginas

Mr. Foster replied, that the policy of granting such a privilege to private banks, as that suggested by the hon. gent. required serious consideration; it would be competent, however, to the hon. gent. to

notice, made a motion respecting Irish was capable of effecting so desirable an Hospitals and Asylums for Lunatics, &c. object. He hoped, however, that the right but after some conversation on the subject hon. gent. would see the propriety of albetween Mr. Alexander, Dr. Duigenan, lowing private banks to issue small notes, Mr. Bastard, Mr. Rose, and lord Temple, on a plan similar to that recognized by parthe hon. baronet withdrew the motion for liament in England. Private banks in this the present. The Neutral and Foreign country had leave to issue small notes un-› Ships bills, the Customs Duty bill, and the der 5.; he trusted, therefore, that the Excise Duty bill, were read a second time. same indulgence would be granted to banks Mr. Johnson, from the secretary of state's of the same description in Ireland, not for office in Ireland, presented an account of the benefit of the banks, but for the acthe sums due by the commissioners of the commodation of the public. navy, on account of sums advanced by collectors in Ireland for seamen's wages, up to the 5th of Jan. 1805. Ordered to lie on the table.-Mr. Rose brought in the United States' Commercial Treaty bill, and the Spanish Merchandize bill; which bring forward the subject at some future were read a first time.-Sir H. Dalrymple presented a Petition from the Inhabitants of Androssan, in the County of Ayre, against the Corn bill. Ordered to lie on the table. -Mr. Calcraft presented a petition from the inhabitants of the parish of St. Pancras against the Poor Bill, which was ordered to le on the table till the second reading of the bill, when counsel should be heard in support of the petition.-The Secretary at War brought in a bill for augmenting the rates to be allowed innkeepers for noncommissioned officers and privates who shall be quartered on them; which was read a first time.-Adjourned.

period; he should not then trouble the house with any further observations, but confine himself to the object and substance of the bill for which he had the honor of moving.

Mr. Magens said, that as the right hon. gent. had mentioned an intention of the bank of Ireland to issue silver tokens, to relieve the necessity of silver notes, he would be glad to know the nature of them.

Mr. Foster answered, that, in addition to the Spanish dollars now in circulation in Ireland to a considerable amount, bank tokens of 10d. and 5d. each, in order to

The motion was then read from the chair, and leave given to bring in the bill.

[IRISH SMALL NOTES BILL.] Mr. Fos-answer Irish currency, would be issued.— ter, conformably to the notice which he gave on Monday last, moved for leave to bring in a bill to restrain the negotiation [IRISH POST ROADS BILL.] Mr. Foster of promissory notes and Ireland Bills of also moved for leave to bring in a bill to Exchange under a limited sum in Ireland. amend an act, for the repair of post roads, The right hon. gent. observed, that he passed in the parliament of Ireland, in the should have moved for this bill long since, 32d of the king. The object of the amendbut that he had waited for a silver cur- ment was, that postmasters may be enarency, now coining, to supply the place of bled to send the mails by mail coaches, those small, or silver notes, as they were or otherwise, with greater safety and extermed. Every person in the least ac-pedition than could be done at present, quainted with the state of Ireland must from the badness of many of the public acknowledge and lament the ill effects pro-roads, which, by the bill, should be reduced by the issue of notes under 51. in paired and altered, where the public conthat country: the object of the bill, there-venience and advantage made it necessary. fore, was to restrain the further issue of a Colonel Bagwell observed, that if the paper medium, which has inundated Ire-bill were not speedily passed, it must he land, and injured it most materially in every respect.

Mr. R. Martin said, he was inclined, at first, to oppose the intended restriction, but he had since changed his opinion, and now approved heartily of the measure. He could not but congratulate the country in Laving a chancellor of the exchequer who VOL. IV.

over till next year, because the money for the proposed inprovement was to be assessed by the grand juries at the assizes.

Mr. Foster said, he did not wish to precipitate public business; but, at all events, that delay was necessary for accomplishing the object of the present measure. In the first place, surveyors must be sent to exaK


mine and measure the ground wherever | John Duke of Athol, on the Isle of Man. improvement was to be made; the returns Ordered.-Mr. Crevey rose to make his of the surveys would be, of course, a te-motion respecting the claims of the Duke dious work; hence it was obvious, that of Athol upon the Isle of Man. He obhurry would not answer the purpose on the served, that during the last administration, present occasion.-Leave was granted to an order had been made adverse to the bring in the bill.-The right hon. gent. claims of that peer, bearing date in Aug. Jikewise moved, for leave to bring in a bill 1802. He was desirous of knowing what to amend the Irish Spirit Licence bill, as gave rise to the sudden change of sentifar as it regarded distillers. The right hon. ment with regard to the claims of the noble gent. observed, that it might be necessary duke, and produced a contrary order in to inform the house, that the law in Ire-March last. He would therefore move, land did not allow more than four gallons" that an humble address be presented to of spirits to be carried from any distillery his majesty, praying that he would direct without a permit; the consequence of that there be laid before the house, a copy which was, that Liverpool jars, containing of the order of council, of the 31st March a quantity somewhat smaller than the law last, in favour of the claims of John Duke specified, had been employed for the pur- of Athol." Agreed to.-Col. Stanley movpose of taking advantage of the act. Ited for a copy of the memorial presented was not unusual to have 20 or 30 men to the privy council by John Duke of running from one establishment with liquor Athol. Mr. Curwen rose to move for sethus conveyed. The object of the bill veral additional papers relative to the which he meant to bring in was to remedy Duke of Athol, and wished for the prothis detriment to the revenue. Leave was duction of copies of all the papers of the granted. Adjourned. proceedings relative to the compensation granted at the time of the sale to Government, in 1766. Mr. Rose observed, that the most regular way of proceeding would have been for the hon. gent. to have given [MINUTES.] Counsel were farther heard previous notice of his motions. The on the Scotch Appeal, sir A. Cathcart, speaker having acquainted the hon. member bart. v. the earl of Cassilis, namely, Mr. that this would have been more conformaClarke, in continuation, as second counsel ble to the rules observed by the house, for the appellant. The farther considera- Mr. Curwen named to-morrow.-Mr. tion of the case was postponed till to-mor- Foster brought up the Irish Spirit Permit row. The bills upon the table were for-Duty bill. and the Irish Small Note Rewarded in their several stages; among striction bill. Read a first time.-The Innthese the Aaditional Legacy Duty bill keeper Rates bill, the Spanish Trade Liwent through a committee, and was after-cence bill, and the American Treaty bill, wards reported.-Some private business were severally read a second time.-The was disposed of; after which the house ad- Alien Prize Ships bill, the American Goods journed till to-morrow.


Thursday, March 28.


Thursday, March 28.

bill, the Irish Customs and Excise Duty bills, and the Spanish Wine bill, went through a committee. In the committee on the Spanish Wine bill a clause was inserted, for imposing the same duties on [MINUTES.] Col. Stanley presented a Spanish red wines as on French wines, on petition from the manufacturers, trades-the ground that the present cheapness of men, and the inhabitants of Manchester, Spanish red wines was the occasion of their praying for the repeal or amendment of being made use of to adulterate port. the Corn bill, passed last Sessions. Or- [BENGAL JUDICATURE BILL.] Lord dered to lie on the table.-Sir John New-Castlereagh pursuant to notice, moved for port brought up a bill for establishing a leave to bring in a bill to amend the act of provisionary Asylum for Lunatics in Ire- the 33d of the king, which prescribes the land; which was read a first time Mr. powers to be given to the India company Curwen moved, that there be laid before in the appointment of a commander in the house copies of the opinion delivered chief of the forces in India, and regulates by the Attorney and Solicitor-General be- the duties of the governor general in counfore the Privy-Council, upon the claims of cil at Bengal. In making this motion,

however, he must inform the house, that tions: that lord Cornwallis, on his arrival it was not his intention either to make any in Bengal, which cannot be computed at material alteration in the forms or add less than six months from this period, will considerably to the expence of the esta- find India still involved in war, and that blishment. But, in the event of an exalted he may be obliged to take the field in permilitary character taking the chief com- son. If that be well founded, it gives us mand of the forces in the field, he thought but a melancholy prospect of the state of that it would be of essential benefit to the our affairs in that quarter. I do not perservice, and would tend to the further se-ceive that the bill gives lord Cornwallis curity of our possessions in that quarter, any new or extraordinary powers; and, if if the person who was to have the chief di- it did, I should not be inclined to oppose rection and management of our armies in it, for two reasons; first, because I should the field should have an opportunity of think it not at all unlikely that the exigensitting in the council and giving his advice cy of the case might require such powers; or communicating his information on mat- and then, because I know of no person ters that were intimately connected with among those who have acted in great statheir welfare. He should therefore pro- tions in my time, whom I should be more pose, that the commander in chief should ready to trust with great power, than my have a place in the council at Fort William. lord Cornwallis. Judging of him by all When that illustrious personage, that noble his public conduct, I am convinced that and gallant officer, the marquis Cornwallis, power may be safely trusted in his hands, was formerly in India, as the office of go- and that he will never use it but for the vernor general and that of commander in benefit of the public service. If my voice chief are both united, and as he was a could contribute to his honour, he should military man of great experience, and pos- have it without reserve, for the spirit that sessing the utmost ability, he had the di- prompts him to undertake such a task, as I rection of the councils and the management know it to be, and at such a time; and if of the armies in the field at the same time, it were possible to give him support in the but for the latter duty he had no emolu-execution of it by any effort of mine, he ment, notwithstanding his bravery and might be sure of it. I am convinced that success are known so well to have deserved the utmost compensation. By his exploits, and from circumstances which have since happened, our territories in the East have considerably increased since the time of that noble and gallant officer having first taken the field, and gentlemen need not [MILITIA ENLISTING BILL.] On the be told that the duties of the civil govt. of motion being put for the house resolving our possessions in the East must conse-itself into a committee of the whole house, quently have become more numerous, and on the Militia Enlisting bill, that it must require more time and a greater degree of attention to direct the civil affairs of the company in the East than it did at the distant period to which he alluded. And, in the event of the person whom he had already mentioned going to India, it would be of the utmost importance that the council at Fort William should have his experience and ability added to that of which it is already possessed. He therefore moved, that leave be given to amend the act which he had mentioned on introducing the subject to the house.

his great object will be to compose the disorders of India, and to restore peace and tranquillity to the unfortunate inhabitants of that country.-Leave was then given to bring in the bill, which was brought up and read a first time.

General Fitzpatrick said, it was his intention to propose in the committee a clause for limiting the time of the enlistment of these volunteers. It was now 14 years since he first endeavoured to impress the propriety of enlisting for the army for a term of years, The enlistment for life, however, still continued, though he was convinced his proposition would be ultimately adopted, as the only certain mode of permanently recruiting the army. His plan was partially adopted in the volunteering from the militia in 1799, in which Mr. Francis then rose and said; sir, 1 case the enlistment was for a definite term am not aware of any objection to the pro- of 5 years, and during the war. There visions of this bill, The cases stated, was no provision to that effect in the prethough I hope not likely to happen, ought sent bill, and that was his principal reason to be provided for. The supposition can- for voting against it on the second readagt be made without some painful reflec-ing. He would propose in the commitee

a limitation similar to that of 1799, with understand. But, most certainly, he signthe exception of that part of it which re-ed no resolution or resolutions whatever, stricted the service to Europe. The limi- and he cautioned gentlemen how they went tation he meant to propose was, merely to meetings in future, the resolutions of for the term of 5 years, without any limi- which might be inserted in the public tation of place. journals, with their names, without their authorities.

Mr, Frankland thought what might be the conduct of any gent. at a private meeting immaterial in the discussion of this bill. It was stated to be one of imperious necessity; but if so, that necessity should be proved, and then every objection, though even of a much stronger nature, would give way before it. He did not suppose

Mr. Ellison said, the bill was neither unconstitutional nor unjust: and if it was the motto of the constitution neither to bend or bow, yet as the militia was but one branch of the great tree of the constitution, the militia might be constitutionally made both to bow and bend, to receive alterations, not only without violating the constitution, but so as at once to maintain it, to guard it from the incroachment of that it would abate the ardour of the real violations, and by extending the sphere militia officers in the defence of their counof its conservative power, to keep off the try, but some great necessity should be blights of time from the sacred body of shewn for the adoption of a measure, by the constitution. He would not admit which, without that, their feelings must that the bill would be a tax on the landed be wounded. Under the present circuminterest. The militia was originally, how-stances he must oppose it, as impolitic and ever, more a taxation on the landed interest unjust, although, if otherwise, he should than on any other. It was a wrong idea take pride in turning over to the regulars to suppose that the militia was raised for such men as appeared most likely to obtain its own defence merely; for what would most distinctions in the field of battle. He be our situation, if. on the call of danger, could not approve the policy of this change, the York or Lincoln militia were to refuse which could not give us an offensive force, to serve any where but in its own county? while the threatened danger of the country For these reasons, he thought the bill nei-required that the men should be kept at ther unconstitutional, unjust, nor oppres-home. He was indeed sure, that the whole sive. As to what was said of its being a force and talents of the country should breach of faith, it was not that, but a com- be concentered for its protection, but that mutation. Still he admitted that nothing should always be done with a proper recould justify the measure but the neces-ference to our mild constitution. In the sity of the case. With respect to men's year 1799, there existed a great political feelings, he could only say, that he neither necessity, as we had then a gallant army, felt himself insulted or degraded by the critically circumstanced in an enemy's bill, and should say to his men, at the country, and for the purpose of rescuing head of his regiment, "Here, my lads, is and preserving that brave army, he should a better way of serving your country, and not oppose any practicable method, if such I know you will choose the better way." could be found, of transporting not only He took notice of the remarks on the paper the militia, but the whole population of signed by the 32 militia officers, mentioned the country, for its relief. This plan, thereon a former night, and said, that although fore, did not bring an accession of 17,000 he was present at the meeting of these men to our offensive force, but transferred officers, he had never understood that any them from one branch of defensive force resolution was passed, and had never sign-to another; and that in a manner calculated ed his name to any, although it did appear to produce dissatisfaction and disunion in at the published resolutions of that meeting. the service. It should not be lost sight of, Earl Temple said, that the hon. member that in its present state, the militia was a was certainly present at the meeting, and great defensive force, created by the parliaexpressed no sort of dissent from the re-ment, and so formed, as to be a check against solutions.

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Mr. Ellison, in explanation, did not deny having been present, but as to the resolutions, there were, in fact, none proposed while he was present, or none which, from the confusion and uproar, he could

any such improvident or ruinous enterprise, or expeditions of the ministers, if any such were meditated. To deprive the people of such a force, raised from themselves, and for their own defence, was as unjust as it was impolitic. Such varying systems, from day

to day were inconsistent with the stable On the re-admission of strangers into maxims and principles of any country, and the gallery, rendered it impossible to depend upon any expectations which might afterwards be conceived of them; whereas, by adhering to some steady and permanent military system, this country, considering the spirit that now actuated it, would be enabled to keep up an army of transcendent excellence.

Mr. Giles was speaking on the necessity that there appeared to him to be of the bill expressing more clearly whether the Supplementary Militia bill was or was not repealed. The present measure was a partial repeal of the Additional Force act, which was itself a repeal of the act for calling out the Supplementary Militia.

gether with the ordinary recruiting, would make them unnecessary. On the reading of the first clause of the bill,

General Tarleton thought it was rather The Chancellor of the Exchequer said, an inconsistency to call upon all the ta- the most regular way for the hon. gent. lents of the country to put the army on a to have proceeded, would be either to inproper footing, and at the same time to troduce any additional clauses he might deny that there was any necessity for the think necessary, or else to move an altepresent measure. In the third year of a ration in the preamble of the bill. He, war, like the present, of the most formi- however, had no hesitation in admiting, dable descriptiou ever known, it was rather that the act of the last sessi on had put an extraordinary to hear gentlemen speak end to the Supplementary Militia, and as if it were a mere guerre de pots de cham- that his majesty had not now the power bre, as an illustrious character had deno- of calling them out If the whole number minated one of the petty civil wars of that were now expected to volunteer should France. The effect of having a large dis-join the regulars, such an accession, to→ poseable force would be to change the nature of the war from defensive to offensive, to free the country from the apprehension of becoming itself the scene of war, a calamity which every man who was acquainted with war and the scenes that accompanied it, would wish to remove far from any place he had an affection for. This measure, if it was disagreeable to the militia colonels, was brought upon them by themselves. If they had agreed to the interchange of the services of the militia between the different kingdoms of the empire, the services of the English militia in Ireland would have set free 20,000 regular troops, hitherto locked up in that country. The militia-men, as he had convinced himself by a very close inspection, were highly disciplined, and wanted but to be accustomed a little to the regular service, to make them as good soldiers as any in it.

Mr. Yorke felt it necessary to repeat the observations he had thrown out on a former evening. He wished that a proportion of those who should volunteer from the militia, might be added to the royal marines, and he did not wish that any of them should be allowed to volunteer for either the foot guards or the cavalry. The principle of the bill was to increase our dis posable army, and he could not consider either the cavalry or the foot guards as equally disposable with the regiments of the line. He allowed that the guards were a very fine body of men, but it had not been the custom to employ them in colonial service, like the marching regiments; besides, their number was now nearly complete. He also thought that a proportion of them would be well employed in Sir W. Elford made a few observations, the royal artillery. He therefore moved in answer to what fell from the hon. gent. as an amendment to the clause, that, inwho spoke last but one. When a measure stead of the words" his majesty's regular of this sort was originally proposed in forces," should be inserted the following, 1779, the army had not gone to Holland." the regiments of the line, royal artillery, A second application had been made to and marines." parliament for relief to that army, and it had been granted. The hon. gent.'s argument then, so far as it depended upon the expedition to Holland, fell to the ground. The house then divided on the speaker's leaving the chair,



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The Chancellor of the Exchequer did not at all object to a proportion of the volunteers going into the royal marines, but he thought it would be better to leave a discre tionary power in his majesty to settle what that proportion should be. He also agreed with the right hon. gent. respecting the cavalry, and admitted that the power of

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