Imágenes de páginas

Charles S. Gingrich, of the Cincinnati Milling Machine Company, representing the manufacturers of Cincinnati. The papers were discussed by Professors W. Kent, Emory, D. C. Jackson, Jacoby, Franklin, W. G. Raymond, Williston, J. D. Hoffman, Wessling, Magruder, Brackett, C. S. Howe and F. C. Caldwell. Dean Schneider answered their questions.

The Nominating Committee, consisting of PastPresidents Eddy, Woodward and Crandall, and Councilors Caldwell, Ford and Williston, through its Chairman, Professor Eddy, presented the following nominations for the officers for the ensuing year: For President: Charles S. Howe, President of the Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio.

For Vice-Presidents: Clarence A. Waldo, Head Professor of Mathematics, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., and William G. Raymond, Dean of the College of Applied Science, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.

For Secretary: Arthur L. Williston, Director of the Department of Science and Technology, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y.

For Treasurer: William O. Wiley, Secretary of John Wiley & Sons, 43 East 19th St., New York, N. Y.

For Members of the Council whose terms expire in 1910: Fred W. Atkinson, President of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mortimer E. Cooley, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Dean of the Department of Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Wm. S. Franklin, Professor of Physics, Lehigh University, South Beth

lehem, Pa.; William Kent, Dean of the College of Applied Science, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y.; Walter B. Russell, Assistant Superintendent of Apprentices, New York Central Lines, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Charles F. Scott, Consulting Engineer, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, Pa.; Harold B. Smith, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass.

On motion, the Secretary of the Society was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the members present for the list of officers as proposed by the Nominating Committee. He did so, and the Chairman declared them elected.

The committee appointed to audit the books of the Treasurer reported as follows:


Your committee, appointed to audit the accounts of the treasurer for the year 1906-7, respectfully report that they have examined the accounts and vouchers of the treasurer and have found them correct as reported.



On motion, the report of the committee was accepted and the committee discharged.

On motion, the report of the Treasurer was accepted with an expression of the appreciation of the Society for his services.

The Chair announced that the Committee on the Revision of the Constitution would consist of the in

coming Secretary, and Professors C. M. Woodward, Francis C. Caldwell, George F. Swain and Charles F. Scott.

The next number on the program was the report of the Committee on Industrial Education. It was read by Calvin M. Woodward, Chairman, Dean of the School of Engineering and Architecture, Washington University, and by Arthur L. Williston, Director, Department of Science and Technology, Pratt Institute.

On motion, the report was accepted and ordered to be printed in the Proceedings of the Society. On motion, the committee was continued for another year and requested to furnish a statistical report.

On motion, the Committee on Requirements for Graduation was discharged.


The first paper read was entitled "The Student Apprenticeship System from a Manufacturer's Standpoint," by Albert G. Wessling, Assistant Engineer, Allis-Chalmers Company. It was followed by one on "The Special Apprenticeship Course," by Charles E. Downton, Foreman of Apprentices, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company; and another entitled "The Engineering College and the Electrical Manufacturing Company," by Charles F. Scott, Consulting Engineer, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. In the absence of Mr. Scott, his paper was read by the Secretary.

The three papers were discussed by Messrs. Bump

and Russell, Professors Magruder, W. Kent, Emory, Wood, Maurer, F. C. Caldwell, C. M. Woodward, Williston and D. C. Jackson. The discussion was closed by Messrs. Wessling and Downton.

In the absence of the authors, the paper by Mr. Arthur D. Dean, Special Supervisor, Department of Industrial Education, Young Men's Christian Associations of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, on "Education for Industrial Workers," and the paper by Mr. Hugo Diemer, Consulting Engineer, Goodman Manufacturing Company, on "Courses in Industrial Engineering," were read by title.

The President, Dugald C. Jackson, presented the following resolutions, the Secretary being in the Chair:

WHEREAS, It is desirable to make a comprehensive study of the objects and the utilities and the correct ideals of engineering education; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education hereby invites the respective governing boards of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Institute of Mining Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the American Chemical Society each to appoint two members to become delegates composing part of a Joint Committee on Engineering Education, which committee shall consist of the said two members appointed from each of the aforesaid societies, or the delegates of such societies as accept this invitation and appoint their respective delegates, and three

members appointed as delegates by the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education; and in pursuance hereof, be it further

Resolved, That the Council of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education is hereby directed to appoint three members as delegates to the membership of the said Joint Committee on Engineering Education; and further

Resolved, That the duty of said Joint Committee on Engineering Education shall be to examine into all branches of engineering education, including engineering research, graduate professional courses, undergraduate engineering instruction, and the proper relations of engineering schools to the secondary industrial schools or foremen's schools, and to formulate a report or reports upon the appropriate scope of engineering education and the degree of cooperation and unity that may be advantageously arranged between the various engineering schools; and that the said joint committee be requested to make a report of progress to this Society within a year, and to make its final report to this Society within two years.

On motion, the resolutions were adopted and the Council authorized to take action.

The Committee on Resolutions made its report through its chairman, Dean Woodward. On motion, the report was adopted.


It is a pleasure to place on record our feeling of gratitude for the kind offices which have tended to make this meeting of our Society doubly successful. Our numbers in attendance

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