Imágenes de páginas


S. 1305. A bill for the relief of Luigi Tanzi; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


S. 1306. A bill to adjust the salaries of officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force, the United States Park Police, the White House Police, and the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. By Mr. CAPEHART:

S. 1307. A bill to amend the act of December 23, 1944, authorizing certain transactions by disbursing officers of the United States, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Banking and Currency.

By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey: S. 1308. A bill for the relief of Leonard Hungerford; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mrs. SMITH of Maine (for Mr. SALTONSTALL) (by request): S. 1309. A bill to amend sections 203 and 403 of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950 (64 Stat. 1245), as amended, so as to authorize certain Government officers to assist in carrying out civil defense aid between the United States and neighboring countries; to modify the loyalty oath so as to allow nationals of neighboring countries or of countries that are parties to the North Atlantic Treaty to participate in State civil defense programs without impairing their citizenship; and for other purposes; to the Committee on Armed Services.

By Mr. IVES:

S. 1310. A bill to amend section 8 (d) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended;

S. 1311. A bill to amend section 8 (b) (4) (C) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended; and

S. 1312. A bill to amend section 10 (1) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended; to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.


S. 1313. A bill for the relief of Olga Balabanov and Nicola Balabanov; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. CASE:

S. 1314. A bill to encourage the development of a newsprint manufacturing industry in southeastern Alaska, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

By Mr. BUTLER of Maryland: S. 1315. A bill for the relief of Caroline L. Sterquelle; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. JOHNSON of Colorado: S. 1316. A bill relating to the release of water from the John Martin Reservoir, Colo.; to the Committee on Public Works.


S. 1317. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Chester A. Beaver; to the Committee on Finance.


S. 1318. A bill for the relief of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Fletcher; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 1319. A bill to change the name of the Boneville Power Administration to the Columbia Power Administration; to the Committee on Public Works.


S. J. Res. 57. Joint resolution to extend until July 1, 1953, the time limitation upon the effectiveness of certain statutory provisions which but for such time limitation would be in effect until 6 months after the termination of the national emergency proclaimed on December 16, 1950; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


Mr. TAFT submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 92); which was referred to the Committee on Public Works:

Resolved, That, on or before the 30th day after the date on which this resolution is agreed to, the Special Committee on the Reconstruction of the Senate Roof and Skylights and Remodeling of the Senate Chamber, established pursuant to the authority of the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution relating to the appropriation for the roofs and skylights over the Senate and House wings of the Capitol, and for other purposes," approved July 17, 1945 (59 Stat. 472; Public Law 155, 79th Cong.) shall transfer all of its records and files to the Committee on Rules and Administration. Effective upon the completion of such transfer, all of the duties, functions, and powers of such special committee are hereby transferred to the Committee on Rules and Administration, and such special committee is hereby abolished.



On motion by Mr. KENNEDY, and by unanimous consent,

The concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 9) expressing sympathy for the people of the Netherlands in their recent flood and storm disaster, was indefinitely postponed.


During legislative session certain executive business was transacted as in executive session by unanimous consent.


On motion by Mr. SCHOEPPEL, at 4 o'clock and 35 minutes p. m., The Senate adjourned until Monday next.

MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1953

The PRESIDENT pro tempore called the Senate to order and the Chaplain offered prayer.


On motion by Mr. TAFT, and by unanimous consent,

The Journal of the proceedings of Friday, March 13, 1953, was approved.


A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Maurer, one of its clerks:

Mr. President: The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed an enrolled bill, viz, S. 1188, I am directed to bring the same to the Senate for the signature of its President.


The Secretary reported that he had examined and found truly enrolled the bill (S. 1188) to amend the Dependents Assistance Act of 1950 to continue in effect certain of the provisions thereof.

The PRESIDENT pro tempore thereupon signed the same.

COMMITTEE AUTHORIZED TO SIT The Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments of the Committee on the Judiciary was authorized to sit during the session of the Senate today, on the request of Mr. BUTLER of Maryland.


The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following petitions, etc., which were referred as indicated:

A concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of New Hampshire, urgently requesting the Federal Government retire immediately from the field of motor-fuel taxation; and

A concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of Utah, favoring the enactment of legislation designed to provide a stabilized market for the products of western mines by the enactment of legislation providing for a sliding scale stabilization import tax; to the Committee on Finance.

Mr. BRIDGES presented a resolution adopted by the Lithuanian Americans of Manchester, N. H., relating to the observance of the 35th anniversary of the independence of the people of Lithuania, urging the adoption of a clear and firm foreign policy such as America's leading role in the world affairs necessitates, the liberation of Lithuania and other Sovietenslaved countries, and to speed ratification of the Genocide convention, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Mr. BARRETT presented the following memorials of the Legislature of the State of Wyoming, which were referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs:

A joint memorial favoring the enactment of legislation to modernize the 160acre limitation now imposed upon farm units in federally financed reclamation projects;

A joint memorial favoring the redefinement of the boundaries of Grand Teton National Park; and

A joint memorial favoring the proper action to quitclaim unto the State of Wyoming all right, title, and interest in and to all sections 16 and 36 within the State of Wyoming, which are surveyed or were surveyed as of the date of the enabling act of July 10, 1890, or lands selected in lieu thereof.

Mr. SCHOEPPEL presented a concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of Kansas, favoring the enactment of legislation providing for the withdrawal of the Federal Government from the field of gasoline taxes; which was referred to the Committee on Finance.

Mr. SCHOEPPEL presented a resolution of the Greenwood County Cattlemen's Association, Eureka, Kans., commending and supporting Secretary of Agriculture Ezra T. Benson in his efforts to expand and increase efficiency in the production of and marketing of agricultural products; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

Mr. WELKER presented the following resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Idaho, which were referred to the Committee on Public Works:

A joint resolution urging that sums be made available immediately for the fiscal years 1954 and 1955 for the construction of national forest highways situated within the State of Idaho.

A joint resolution urging reimbursement to the city of Sandpoint, Idaho, for the cost of certain public works necessary to be constructed because of the construction of a hydroelectric and storage dam at Albeni Falls on the Pend Oreille River downstream from the city.

Mr. WILEY presented resolutions of the Business and Professional Women's clubs of Burlington and Beloit, Wis., favoring the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence seaway and power project; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Mr. MCCARRAN presented the following joint resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Nevada, which were referred as indicated:

A joint resolution favoring the enactment of legislation to provide a stabilized market for the products of domestic mines by the enactment of legislation providing for a sliding scale stabilization import tax; to the Committee on Finance.

A joint resolution favoring the restoration of the gold standard and to increase the price of gold commensurate with the present value of the dollar; to the Committee on Banking and Currency.

A joint resolution urging the establishment of a mine rescue station at Reno, Nev., by the Bureau of Mines; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

Mr. GILLETTE presented a concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of Iowa, favoring the amendment of the Atomic Energy Act so as to eliminate therefrom any language which may be interpreted as providing for the extension of tax exemption to private contractors or to the vendors of such contractors; which was referred to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy.

Mr. MAGNUSON presented the following joint resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Washington, which were referred as indicated:

A joint resolution remonstrating against the flow of arms and materials

of warfare to the Arab states; to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

A joint resolution praying the enactment of legislation to readjust the boundaries of the Olympic National Park so as to restore the private land and road along the north shore of Quinalt Lake and River to the administration of the agency or agencies under whose jurisdiction it existed prior to the proclamation of January 4, 1940; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.


Mr. CARLSON, from the Joint Committee on the Disposition of Papers in the Executive Department, to whom were referred lists of various papers in various departments and agencies recommended for disposition by the Archivist, dated February 17 and March 5, 1953, submitted, pursuant to law, reports thereon.


Mr. LANGER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 1362) for the relief of Rose Martin, reported it without amendment and submitted a report (No. 88) thereon.


On motion by Mr. FULBRIGHT, and by unanimous consent,

Ordered, That the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs be discharged from the further consideration of the bill (S. 789) to extend the provisions of the act of August 28, 1937, relating to the conservation of water resources in the arid and semiarid areas of the United States, to the State of Arkansas, and that it be referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.


Bills were introduced, severally read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows:


S. 1320. A bill for the relief of Mordechay Dinewitz;

S. 1321. A bill for the relief of Michajlo Dzieczko;

S. 1322. A bill for the relief of George Papadopoulos; and

S. 1323. A bill for the relief of Lydia L. A. Samraney; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. CASE (by request):

S. 1324. A bill to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to fix certain licensing and registration fees; to the Committee on the District of Columbia.


S. 1325. A bill for the relief of Szjena Peison and David Peison; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


S. 1326. A bill for the relief of Montchen Thomas Tchou; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


S. 1327. A bill to require that collectors of customs, United States attorneys, and United States marshals be appointed in accordance with the civil-service laws, and provide for the appointment by the Postmaster General of postmas

ters at first, second-, and third-class post offices; to the Committee on Fl


S. 1328. A bill to establish a temporary National Commission on Intergovernmental Relations; to the Committee on Government Operations.


S. 1329. A bill to provide for the shipment of surplus food commodities to the people of the Republic of Korea; to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

S. 1330. A bill to amend the Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, as amended; to the Committee on Armed Services.

S. 1331. A bill for the relief of Dr. Byron Marcy UnKauf; and

S. 1332. A bill for the relief of Mary Goodyear Brown; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


S. 1333. A bill to amend the Social Security Act to permit States to enter into agreements with the Administrator to extend the Federal old-age and survivors insurance system to teachers in the public schools of such States who are covered by retirement systems; to the Committee on Finance.

S. 1334. A bill for the relief of the Reverend A. E. Smith;

S. 1335. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian Arab refugees;

S. 1336. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian refugees;

S. 1337. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian Arab refugees;

S. 1338. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian Arab refugees:

S. 1339. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian Arab refugees:

S. 1340. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian Arab refugees;

S. 1341. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian Arab refugees:

S. 1342. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian Arab refugees;

S. 1343. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian Arab refugees;

S. 1344. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian Arab refugees:

S. 1345. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian Arab refugees:

S. 1346. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian Arab refugees; and

S. 1347. A bill for the relief of certain Palestinian Arab refugees; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

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By Mr. BUTLER of Maryland:

S. 1351. A bill to confer jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment upon the claim of Oscar Ems de Huy; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


S. 1352. A bill for the relief of Siegfried Rosenzweig; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


S. 1353. A bill to amend section 3469 of the Internal Revenue Code to exempt from tax the transportation of persons to and from Mexico, and to and from Central America, and to and from the West Indies; and

S.1354. A bill to provide that service of cadets and midshipmen at the service academies during specified periods shall be considered active military or naval wartime service for the purposes of laws administered by the Veterans' Administration; to the Committee on Finance.

S. 1355. A bill to amend the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, as amended; to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.


Mr. MURRAY submitted the following concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 18); which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations:

Whereas the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921, as amended, provides for the transmission to the Congress at the beginning of every session of a complete budget, including a complete set of estimated appropriations and expenditures; and

Whereas this procedure has proved to be an indispensable factor in the orderly consideration by the Congress of budgetary and fiscal measures; and

Whereas the only budget thus far transmitted to the Congress is the budget transmitted by the former President on January 9, 1953; and

Whereas revisions in this budget have already been obtained from all departments and agencies by the Director of the Budget, on behalf of the President; and

Whereas the transmission of the revised estimates to the Congress is essential to proper congressional consideration of appropriation measures and of proposals for tax reductions and other revenue measures: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That the President is hereby requested, in accordance with the established procedures developed under the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921, as amended, to transmit to the Congress by April 20, 1953, such revisions in or amendments to, the budget transmitted on January 9, 1953, as he may deem appropriate.


Mr. TAFT raised the question as to the presence of a quorum;


The PRESIDENT pro tempore directed the roll to be called;


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The Senate proceeded to consider the following bills; and the reported amendments were agreed to:

S. 173. A bill for the relief of Socorro Gerona de Castro; and

S. 255. A bill for the relief of Sister Odilia, also known as Maria Hutter.

Ordered, That the bills be engrossed and read a third time.

The said bills were read the third time. Resolved, That they pass, and that the respective titles thereof be as aforesaid.

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein.

The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 2466) to amend the act of July 12, 1950 (ch. 460, 64 Stat. 336), as amended, which authorizes free postage for members of the Armed Forces of the United States in specified areas; and no amendment being made,

Ordered, That it pass to a third read


The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass.

Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof.

The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (S. 1229) to continue the effectiveness of the Missing Persons Act, as amended and extended, until July 1, 1954; and having been amended on the motion of Mr. GORE and the motion of Mr. HENDRICKSON,

Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.

The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein.

The Senate proceeded to consider the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 64) authorizing the Washington State Whitman Statue Committee to place temporarily in the rotunda of the Capitol a statue of the late Dr. Marcus Whitman,

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On motion by Mr. TAFT, and by unanimous consent,

The Journal of the proceedings of Monday, March 16, 1953, was approved.


A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Maurer, one of its clerks:

Mr. President: The House of Representatives has passed the following bills and joint resolution, in which it requests the concurrence of the Senate:

H. R. 663. An act for the relief of Dr. Alexander Fiala;

H. R. 673. An act for the relief of Dr. D. Moruzi;

H. R. 688. An act for the relief of Takako Niina;

H. R. 731. An act for the relief of James Rennick Moffett:

H. R. 746. An act for the relief of Tibor Kalman Jalsoviczky;

H. R. 748. An act for the relief of Anneliese Ware (nee Neumann);

H. R. 757. An act for the relief of Mrs. Ida Bifolchini;

H. R. 777. An act for the relief of Richard H. Backus;

H. R. 782. An act for the relief of Kurt J. Hain and Arthur Karge;

H. R. 870. An act for the relief of Harry Block;

H. R. 880. An act for the relief of Dr. Suzanne Van Amerongen;

H. R. 884. An act for the relief of Stephanie Mary Dorcey;

H. R. 946. An act for the relief of Mrs. Louise Blackstone;

H. R. 955. An act for the relief of Paula Akiyama;

H. R. 1101. An act for the relief of Daniel Robert Leary;

H. R. 1186. An act for the relief of Ingeborg Marqeuz;

H. R. 1192. An act for the relief of Steve Emery Sobanski;

H. R. 1514. An act for the relief of Clint Lewis;

HR. 1524. An act to facilitate the management of the national-park system and miscellaneous areas administered in connection with that system, and for other purposes;

H. R. 1532. An act to provide for the addition of certain Government lands to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area project, and for other purposes;

H. R. 1704. An act for the relief of Mrs. Suga Umezaki;

H. R. 1967. An act for the relief of the Stebbins Construction Co.;

H. R. 2011. An act to authorize the sale of certain public lands in Alaska to the Alaska Council of Boy Scouts of America for a campsite and other public purposes;

H. R. 2013. An act to authorize the sale of certain land in Alaska to the Calvary Baptist Church, of Anchorage, Alaska, for the use as a church site;

H. R. 2019. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to sell certain land to Ted B. Landoe and Roderic S. Carpenter;

H. R. 2353. An act for the relief of Ema Shelome Lawter;

H. R. 2363. An act for the relief of David H. Andrews and Joseph T. Fetsch;

H. R. 2561. An act to further amend the Military Personnel Claims Act of 1945 by extending the time for filing certain claims thereunder, and for other purposes;

H. R. 2567. An act to amend the act of July 26, 1947 (61 Stat. 493), relating to the relief of certain disbursing officers;

H. R. 2624. An act for the relief of Paola Boezi Langford;

H. R. 2667. An act for the relief of Mrs. Lennie P. Riggs, James A. Carson, and Vernon L. Ransom;

H. R. 2817. An act for the relief of George A. Ferris;

H. R. 2936. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain lands to the State of California for use as a fairground by the 10-A District Agricultural Association, California;

H. R. 3230. An act for the relief of Carroll O. Switzer;

H. R. 3231. An act for the relief of M. Sgt. Robert A. Espe;

H. R. 3385. An act conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear and determine the claim of Auf der Heide-Aragona, Inc., and certain of its subcontractors against the United States, and to enter judgment thereon;

H. R. 3389. An act for the relief of Pio Valensin;

H. R. 3458. An act conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment upon the claim of the Bolinross Chemical Co., Inc.; and

H. J. Res. 206. Joint resolution to authorize the Clerk of the House of Representatives to furnish certain electrical or mechanical office equipment for the use

of Members, officers, and committees of the House of Representatives.

The House has agreed to the following concurrent resolutions, in which it requests the concurrence of the Senate:

HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 29 Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That the Congress favors the granting of the status of permanent residence in the case of each alien hereinafter named, in which case the Attorney General has determined that such alien is qualified under the provisions of section 4 of the Displaced Persons Act of 1948, as amended (62 Stat. 1011; 64 Stat. 219; 50 App. U. S. C. 1953):

A-6963020, Amsel, Andor.
A-7898535, Avilo, Rudolf.

A-6592016, Balberiski, Miron or Bell. A-6756307, Baqai, Mohamad Amir or Mohamad Amir Boukai.

A-6552873, Brotleit, Zofia Kusewicka.
A-9825254, Bussani, Andrew.
A-7099697, Chang. Peter Yun-Pao.
A-6431861, Chang, Jean M. Y. (nee

A-6623722, Chang. Shau Hoa.
A-6623721, Chang, Tsaing Wa.
A-6625811, Chang, Yuan Lo.

A-6851532, Chao, Tsei-Yu or T. Y. Chao or Chao Tsei Yu.

A-7073396, Chechik, Luba (nee Luba Russak).

A-6848439, Chen, Min.

A-6830501, Dischka, Zsuzsanna.
A-6917990, Domb, Mozes.
A-7828138, Domb, Cyla.
A-7828139, Domb, Fryda.
A-7131176, Esop, Verner.

A-6740258, Fanaberia, Calel Morika.
A-6713644, Fanaberia, Masia (nee Ru-


A-6886818, Feldblum, Meyer.

A-6536984, Fleischman, David.

[blocks in formation]

A-6841247, Fleischman, Ilona Sara (nee Eizikovitz).

A-7134269, Wisniewski, Roxalia.

A-7197533, Woo, Kok Liang.

A-6769948, Frankel, Nechemie. A-6758622, Frankel, Chana Wachs).

[blocks in formation]

A-7056845, Furer, Menashe or Menasze or Menasche or Menash Furer.

A-7210070, Gawronski, Antonina (nee Rittigstein).

A-6769935, Gedeon, Elie Jabra. A-6860145, Gedrovics, Alberts.

A-6903711, Grunwald, Alexander.

A-6448004, How, Julie Lien-Yng or Julie How.

PR901282, How, Bang.

PR901281, How, Rose May Ng or Rose Howe.

A-6737212, Huany, Yao Sien or Eva Yai-Sien Huang.

A-6576346, Jacobowitz, Bela (Jakobo


A-6848236, Jacobowitz, Eva. A-7197382, Jaszkowski, Tadeusz or Ted Jaszkowski or T. Jaszkowski. A-7427989, Karm, Meinhard. A-6772233, Khalidi, Suleiman Faud


A-7491361, Kirilloff, Boris Ephim. A-6887572, Kopelowitz, Ester (nee Tessler).

A-7178548, Laurik, Evald.

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[blocks in formation]

A-6659388, Zak, Irene Anna (nee Segal).

A-6663293, Zak, Daniel.
A-6663244, Zak, Michael.

A-6779061, Abdul-Nabi, Sion Moshi.

A-6907333, Abramczyk, Abram.
A-7074032, Blumenstein, Jerta.

A-6509235, Brecher, Samuel.

A-6703334, Chang, Joyce Loretta.
A-6848604, Chien, James Tai Tze.
A-7975994, Chiu, Leung.

A-9836671, Cymer, Alfred or Alfred Ziemer or Alfred K. Cymer or Cymer Alfred or A. Cymer.

A-7934149, D'Antoni, Giuseppe Gio


A-6949998, Dresdner, Desider.

A-6983006, Felkay, Miklos.

A-6983007, Felkay, Magdalena.

A-7445428, Felkay, Julia Agnes.
A-6496385, Fischman, Moses.
A-6472344, Fischman, Piri (nee Jere-


A-9765956, Fook, Lum or Lam. A-6390069, Gerencser, Frank.

A-6390070, Gerencser, Anne.

A-7132030, Goldberger, Ernest.

A-6929650, Gorodecki, Aba.

A-6480449, Gorof, Frigyes or Frederic Gorog.

A-7125154, Gorog, Margit.

A-6887741, Gunsburg, Mendel.
A-6666944, Haberfeld, Eugene.
A-6922074, Halpert, Mendel.
A-7491705, Ho, Hao Jo.
A-7828496, Ho, Hsiang-Chiao Huang.
A-7828498, Ho, Lily Li-Lien.
A-7828495, Ho, Louise Li-Si.
A-7828597, Ho, William Wei-Yu.
A-7125390, Iritz, Magda.

A-7354858, Iritz, Andras Ferenc.
A-6438637, Jurisevic, Milo Tripe.
A-6438638, Jurisevic, Jelena Milo.
A-6438640, Jurisevic, Radmila Milo.
A-6438639, Jurisevic, Svetozar Milo.
A-6987919, Karastoyanova, Marguita

A-7056457, Karcz, Jerzy Feliks. A-7097876, Karcz, Irena. A-7134826, Karlik, Oldrich (Olda) Evse Spitihnev.

A-7095980, Kovacs, Ilona Marie (nee Tovolgyi).

A-7095981, Kovacs, Judith Ilona.

A-7095982, Kovacs, Katalin Piroska.

A-6847906, Keng, Hilda Hsi Ling.
A-9506160, Kingsepp, Alexander.
A-7210424, Kotas, Jindrich.

A-7197295, Kucera, Sonia or Sonia Kucerova.

A-7802992, Kun, Jozsef Lajos or Joseph


A-9290474, Lina, Choo Joon.
A-6709345, Kwong, Tin Yu.
A-6991771, Leidermann, Susan Ve-


A-6985787, Leidermann, Paul.
A-6848564, Lin, Ru-Kan or Ru Kong


A-8001257, Ljubcic, Maria Luca.

A-7210293, Madis, Voldemar.

A-7210288, Madas, Ilona.

A-7863133, Madis, Ilona, Jr.

A-7863134, Madis, Voldemar, Jr. A-7991037, Maram, Maria. A-7629040, Michalski, Stefan Antoni. A-6555835, Milikowski, Boruch or Milikowsky or Boruch Milikowskie or Milkowski or Bouch Milikowski or Borouch Milikowski.

A-7483287, Moy, Don Tsit.

A-7828393, Veres, George Stephen.
A-7828395, Veres, Catherine Renee.
A-7828394, Veres, Paul Stephen.
A-7095791, Vizer, Jozsef or Joseph.
A-7095792, Vizer, Erzsebet or Elizabeth
(nee Papa).

A-7264780, Pal, Peter or Paul Vizer.
A-7915647, Wang, King-Ching.
A-7354350, Wang, Shen Kuang.

A-7379754, Wang, Chao-Chih Shih.
A-6622376, Wang, Shih Jien.

A-7427597, Yang, Bernard Kenneth.

A-7248107, Yu, Fu Ching.

A-669842, Choye, James Hung or Tsai Hung.

A-6933906, Feder, Solomon.

A-7052513, Feher, Janos.

A-7052514, Feher, Klara (nee Vajda).

A-7052515, Feher, Agnes Julianna.

A-7053576, Friend, Jacob Lion.

A-6159672, Hudec, Ladislas Edward.
A-6159673, Hudec, Gisella Isabella.
A-6903729, Irany, Jalal Zend.
A-6704668, Jacob, Ellis Samuel.
A-9778010, Kaplur, Serge Michael.
A-9506849, Klak, Tadeusz Boleslaw.
A-7052354, Kremnitzer, Samuel.
A-7898806, Kremnitzer, Sala.
A-7298969, Ku, Ta Hai.

A-7350229, Kurzenbaum, Konstantin

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A-7809033, Schwarzenberg, Ludmila.

A-6982895, Sevcik, Jaromir.

A-7809012, Siao, Ruby Wang.

A-7809013, Siao, Lilly.

A-5206882, Silla, Johannes.

A-6992868, Sion, Caroline Eliahou (nee Caroline Eliahou Khazzam). A-6943745, Somogyi, John. A-6985795, Stransky, Frank. A-6985796, Stransky, Kamila. A-9716791, Strawinski, Adolf.

A-9825125, Szymankiewicz, Kazimierz. A-6844603, Wang, Kung-Lee.


A-6848123, Yen, Jen Hwa (Moore

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