Imágenes de páginas

officially recognized, other than that in ordinary use in the halls of the inns of court, the cloth or stuff gown of the utter barrister, and the one with black velvet and tufts of silk which was worn by the readers and benchers. The silk gown costume, therefore, which came into use at the funeral of the daughter of James II., afforded to the leaders of the bar a convenient opportunity of establishing a uniform specially belonging to themselves. By general consent they adopted the black court dress and silk gown introduced two centuries ago as mourning, and have kept to it for their forensic

costume ever since.

in scarlet; and upon the 5th day of November, being gunpowder-day, unless it be Sunday, the Judges go to Westminster Abbey in Scarlet to hear the sermon, and after go to sit in Court; and the two Lords Chief Justices and the Lord Chief Baron have their collars of SS above their mantles for those two days. When the Judges go to St. Paul's to the sermon, upon any Sunday in the term time, or to any public church, they ought to go in Scarlet gowns, the two Lords Chief Justices and the Lord Chief Baron in their velvet and satin tippets, and the other Judges in taffeta tippets; and then the scarlet casting-hood is worn on the right side above the tippets, and the hood is to be pinned abroad towards the left shoulder; and if it be upon any grand days, as upon Ascension-day, Midsummer-day, All Hallow-day, or Candlemass-day, then the two Lords Chief Justices, and the Lord Chief Baron wear their collars of SS with long Utter barristers wear a stuff or bombazine scarlet casting hoods, and velvet and satin tippets. At gown, and the puckered material between the all times, when the Judges go to the council-table, or to shoulders of the gown is all that is now left of the any assembly of the Lords, in the afternoon in termtime, they ought to go in their robes of violet, or black purse into which, in early days, the successful faced with taffeta, according as the time of wearing litigant is said to have unobtrusively dropped them doth require; and with tippets and scarlet casting his pecuniary tribute of appreciation for services hoods pinned near the left shoulder, unless it be Sunday rendered, for in the old days the feelings of the or holy day, and then in scarlet. In the Circuit the Judges barrister were far too fine to allow of his seeking go to the Church upon Sundays in the fore-noon in scarlet payment for his services, and he was content to gowns, hoods and mantles, and sit in their caps; and in the afternoons to the Church in scarlet gowns, tippet accept whatever fortune thus considerately sent him and scarlet hood, and sit in their cornered caps. And in the way of a modest honorarium. In our days the first morning at the reading of the Commissions they the barrister has overcome his scruples with regard sit in scarlet gowns, with hoods and mantles, and in their to receiving payment, and is now content to accept coifs and cornered caps; and he that gives the charge as large a fee as possible, without any more indirect and delivers the gaol doth, or ought for the most part, to intervention than that of his clerk. continue all that assizes the same robes, scarlet gown, hood and mantle: but the other Judge, who sits upon the nisi prius, doth commonly (if he will) sit only in his Scarlet robe, with tippet and casting-hood: or if it be cold, he may sit in gown, and hood, and mantle. And when the judges in circuit go to dine with the shireeve, or to a public feast, then in scarlet gowns, tippets, and scarlet hoods; or casting off their mantle, they keep on their other hood. The scarlet casting-hood is to be put above the tippet on the right side: for Justice Walmesley and Justice Warburton, and all the judges before, did wear them in that manner, and did declare, that by wearing the hood on the right side, and above the tippet, was signified more temporal dignity; and by the-This word has been several times discussed. I tippet on the left side only, the Judges did resemble priests. Whensoever the Judges or any of them are appointed to attend the King's Majesty, they go in scarlet gowns, tippets, and scarlet casting hoods, either to his own presence, or at the council-table. The Judges and Serjeants, when they ride circuits, are to wear a serjeant's coat of good broad-cloth with sleeves, and faced with velvet: they have used of late to lace the sleeves of the serjeant's coat thick with lace; and they are to have a sumpter, and ought to ride with six men at least. Also the first Sunday of every term, and when the Judges and Serjeants dine at my Lord Mayor's or the shireeves, they are to wear their ecarlets, and to sit at Paul's with their caps at the sermon. When the Judges go to any reader's feast, they go upon the Sunday or holy day in scarlet; upon other days in violet, with scarlet casting hoods, and the Serjeants go in violet, with scarlet hoods. When the Judges sit upon nisi prius in Westminster or in London, they go in violet gowns and scarlet casting hoods and tippets, upon holy days in Scarlet."

Up to the end of the seventeenth century there was not in Westminster Hall, except the prescribed dress of the judges and serjeants, any costume

Richmond, Surrey.


P. will find some information on this question in the Gentleman's Magazine for October, 1868, p. 657. See also Penny Post, 1874, p. 167; 'N. & Q.,' 7th S. i. 468; ii. 458.

JOHN CHURCHILL SIKES. 13, Wolverton Gardens, Hammersmith, W. HENCHMAN (7th S. iii. 31, 150, 211, 310, 482).

write further about it solely because I have found more evidence. In 'A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household,' London, 1790, I find several facts. The oldest spelling is henxmen. In the thirtythird year of Henry VI., we find "Henxmen 3." This means that their number was limited to three; see p. 17* of the above-named work.

In the time of Edward IV., their number was really five (p. 99), though the Ordinances ' say that their number was to be "six or more" (p. 44). But it is more important to observe that they were not mere servants, as is usually believed, but something very different. It is clear that their office was purely honorary, for nowhere are any wages assigned them. Doubtless they were a kind of pages, all quite young men or growing boys, who had a paid master assigned to teach them, and who had, moreover, servants of their oWD. Their place was one of some honour, and they served the king himself, and him only. They were specially as

signed "to the riding household" (p. 99); and everything points to the fact that they were far removed from being mere servants. I find the latest mention of them in the time of Henry VIII. (p. 198). I think all this affects the etymology, and renders all connexion with the word Hans (Jack) most unlikely-as I have always thought. The passages are too long for quotation. I can only give a few extracts:

"Maistyr of Gramer...... [is to teach] the King's Henxmen, the children of chapell......the clerkes of the awmery, and other men and children of courte;......which mayster......if he be a preeste," &c. (p. 51).

"Henxmen, vi Enfauntes, or more, as it shall please the kinge; all these etyng in the halle, and sitting at bourde togyder......and if these gentylmen, or any of them, be wardes, then after theyre byrthes and degrees......and everyche of theym an honest servaunt to kepe theyre chambre and harneys [i. e., armour], and to array him in this courte" (p. 44).


Aug. 27, 1822." This book does not contain 'The Bride of Lammermoor' nor 'Montrose,' but it does Kenilworth,' with Mr. Murray as Nicholas Blount and Mrs. H. Siddons as Amy Robsart; 'Peveril of the Peak,' Mr. Murray as Lance Outram; and 'Ivanhoe,' with Mr. Murray as Wamba the Jester and Mrs. H. Siddons as Rebecca. In the preface to this volume of 'Dramas' is the following:

"The success of these Plays has, in general, been beyond the common-and in certain cases, unprecedentedly so. The first adventurer in the track of compilation was in the person of Mr. Terry, recently a member of the Edinburgh Theatre. Guy Mannering' was the subject of his choice, which he made operatic-interlarded his own language-perverted the position of the original characters-and thus unblushingly and fami liarly attempted to improve on our great Author."

And so on. Now was not this Mr. Terry, Daniel Terry, a friend of Sir Walter Scott's? And did not Scott sanction Terry's dramatization of his novels, and assist him with money in his theatrical speculations? Who was the adapter of the plays in the volume I have referred to ?


"Maistyr of Henxmen, to shew the schooles of urbanitie and norture of Englond, to lerne them to ryde clenely and surelye; to drawe hem also to justes; to lerne them were theyre harneys; to have all curtesy, in wordes, dedes, and degrees, diligently to kepe them in rules of goynges and sittings [i. e., in rules of precedence]. after they be of honour [according to their rank]. MoreTHE QUEEN AND ROBERT OWEN (8th S. iii. 128). over to teche them sondry languages, and other lernynges-If this tale is true, it is curious that the incident vertuous, to harping, to pype, sing, daunce......and to kepe......with these children dew convenitz [sic], with corrections in theyre chambres, according to suche gentylmen...... This maistyr sittith in the halle, next unto these Henxmen, at the same bourde, to have his respect unto theyre demeanynges......and for the fees that he claymyth amonges the Henxmen of all theyre apparayle, the chamberlayn is Juge" (p. 45).

This shows that they were not menials at all, but young men of high rank, who rode in tourna


"The officers of the ridinge houshold......Item, five Henxmen, and one of the seid xii squiers to be maister of them......Item, a hackney for the henxmen's man" (p. 99).

"Item, the king [Henry VII., A.D. 1494] would...... suffer noe lord's servant to awaite there, but onely the henchmen" (p. 109).

"Master of the Henxmen, stabling for six horses" (p. 198).

WALTER W. SKEAT. CHARLES STEWART OF BRADFORD-ON-AVON (2nd S. vi. 327, 359; 8th S. iii. 154).-Could SIGMA do me the great favour to give me any clue to the parentage of Cloudesley Stewart, who died in 1718-his mother was an Eliott; or to that of Thomas Pym Stewart, living in 1739, nephew of Thomas Pym, of Nevis? I should be glad to give any information I could in return. VERNON.

W. H. MURRAY (8th S. ii. 427, 472, 510; iii. 135).—I have a volume of seven dramas founded on the plays of and dedicated to the "Unknown, but immortal Author of 'Waverley,' published in Edinburgh, 1823. According to this work Mr. Murray and Mrs. H. Siddons also played in 'Rob Roy' "before his Majesty, Tuesday,

was not referred to when Lord Melbourne's in-
judicious presentation of Owen to the Queen, in
1839, was the subject of such severe animadversion.
See Torrens's 'Memoirs of Lord Melbourne,' ii.
EDWARD H. Marshall, M.A.


IRISH CURRENCY: IRISH PLANTATION ACRE (8th S. iii. 110).—The English acre is 4,840 square yards, and the Irish or plantation acre 7,840. 196 square English are equal to 121 square Irish acres. EVERARD HOME COLEMAN.

71, Brecknock Road.

"TAKING THE WALL" (8th S. ii. 386, 536; iii. 113).-This custom is not alluded to in the lines quoted at the above references, nor are the translations given strictly correct.

"Latus alicui tegere dicitur, qui virum honoratum vel stipat ut satelles, vel comitatur ut assecla: atque ad ejus capessenda imperia est expeditus," says Desprez (ed. Lond., 1783), who gives the following explanatory notes :

"Comes exterior, inferiori parte incedens, honoris deferendi causâ. Interior comes, qui ad dextram, exterior qui ad laevam. Utne tegam, &c., Gall. Moy? je servirois à estafier à un coquin?



'THE CHRISTIAN YEAR' (8th S. iii. 109, 138).MR. MARSHALL would, I think, find that about the year 1876 or 1877 the facsimile edition was published and suppressed. I think one of the masters at Lancing had something to do with it. But the Rev. J. Keble, of Bisley, near Stroud, would give full information. The date 1822 is

obviously wrong, since 'The Christian Year' was first printed in 1827, though some of the poems had been written so early as 1819. C. MOOR.

BURNS IN ART (8th S. ii. 428, 451, 472; iii. 11). -It is worth noticing that Burns was not forgotten in sculpture, though scarcely executed in recent times. Dr. Dibdin, in his 'Literary Reminiscences' (p. 706), mentions the famous statues of Tam o' Shanter and Souter Johnny, "sculptured by Mr. Thom, the Teniers of the chisel." He quotes some Latin and English verses upon them, composed by the Rev. William Way, of Glympton Park, Oxon. These statues were popularized and multiplied in waxwork shows and in plaster casts innumerable. One wonders in what collection the original statues are at the present time. The other day, happening to be in London, I called on Messrs. Sotheran & Co., and held in my hand the copy of the Kilmarnock edition of Burns which had been stolen from them, and was valued at 751., published originally at half-a-crown in 1786. It was beautifully bound in morocco, with gilt edges, but the dress seemed to me much too fine for the wearer. This was the copy for stealing of which Sir Peter Edlin sentenced the thief to twelve months' imprisonment on January 4, 1892 (see ‘N. & Q.,' 8th S. ii._164).

JOHN PICKFORD, M.A. Newbourne Rectory, Woodbridge.

Accurate LanguaGE (8th S. iii. 104).—PROF. TOMLINSON'S paper on accurate language is calculated to do great good among thoughtful people; but then they are far less in need of instruction than the unthinking folk with whom they are necessarily brought in almost daily contact. The difficulties which surround those who strive after accuracy in expression are manifold, and come from various quarters. Some errors of expression which we have inherited from our forefathers have become so much a part of the language that we must use them, although we are aware that they do not represent the truth. Any one would be a pedant who did not speak of sunrise and sunset, because those who first used these and the like terms thought that the sun and the starry heavens went round the earth once in every twenty-four hours; but, while these and similar terms must be accepted as part of the language, it becomes more and more necessary every day that a line should be drawn somewhere, so that our tongue should not suffer deterioration, and lapse into the vulgarity in

which certain so-called humorous writers seem to find so much pleasure. I do not know where the line should run; but the more exclusive we are the better.

The late Prof. Freeman did much good in directing attention to certain terms which are constantly misused. Paraphernalia was a word for which he had a great aversion, holding, rightly

as I think, that it should never be employed out of its true meaning. Within the last few months I have come across, in my reading, mention of the paraphernalia of a horse-race, of oaths, of the devil, of ecclesiastical vestments, of architecture, of asceticism, of meditation, and of the tea-table. Had I had time or inclination to pursue the search, I could have made this list many times as long. EDWARD PEACOCK.

PROF. TOMLINSON's remarks, and I hope the I have read with a great deal of pleasure writer will continue to favour us with more on the same subject at an early period. In the interests of precision too much care cannot be taken to clothe thoughts in pure diction. The slipshod methods in vogue cannot fail to have disastrous effects upon the present and the future generation of hearers and readers. Moreover it is a noble task for N. & Q' to add its valuable aid in pointing out such errors, and a fit corollary to its main work of presenting to English-speaking peoples the origin of the words and phrases that meet us at every turn. C. H. COLLIS.

DRESS IN 1784 (8th S. iii. 129).—Contemporary portraiture seems to show that the colour of a gentleman's coat depended on the taste and fancy of the wearer; that members of the legal and medical professions appeared professionally in coats of a "subfuse hue"; that a soldier wore scarlet, I may remark that if Keppel's pattern had been and a naval man blue. Touching naval uniform, waistcoat-the colour of the breeches being left to approved, and not Saumarez's, the first coat and the wearer would have been " gray, faced with W. F. WALLER.


[blocks in formation]

on sale, Mr. Bohn would, if communicated with,
enable your correspondent to trace it. I remem-
ber remarking at the time what a pity it was that
such a precious record could not be secured for the
British Museum, especially as I found, on referring
to the MS., that monumental inscriptions then
existing are by no means in all cases still in

Garter May 12, 1446. Beltz calls him Vicompte of Chatillon. Can he mean Castelbon, which was a fief of the De Foix family?

This De Foix family, in whom the captalate of Buch was vested, had borne the name of De Greilly, and only assumed the name of Foix on the marriage of Archimbault, the third (?) captal of this family, with the heiress of Foix. Archimbault was uncle of the Captal de Buch who was one of the first founders of the Garter, if I remember rightly, the one who with his cousin Gaston Phoebus, Count de Foix of the old line, rescued the Countess of Normandy from the Jacquerie of Meaux. This captal was not named Foix, though his mother was of that family. The captals of Buch were here

A "CRANK" (8th S. ii. 408, 473; iii. 53, 132). -If it is my fault that my reference to Shak- | speare's use of this word appears as a citation from 1 Corinthians, I must apologize. The reference is, of course, to Coriolanus,' I. i. There is a good instance of the use of this word in the sense of "merry, brisk, lively, jolly," in Greene's 'Groats-ditary partisans of the English. Four were Knights worth of Wit':



"After this Diomedis and Glauci permutatio, my young master waxed cranke, and the music continuing, was very forward in dancing, to show his cunning."

of the Garter. Buch lies just below the oysterfamed basin of Arcachon, not far from Bordeaux, while Foix is below Toulouse, three hundred and more miles away. That an English earldom should have been given to the captals is not surprising. Whether Gaston was really a peer of England I the Garter in 1462, and probably the earldom was know not. His father, John de Foix, surrendered simply a bare title.

C. C. B. Writing of American hotels, Max O'Rell says: "You will have to be hungry from 7 to 9 A.M., from 1 to 3 P.M., from 6 to 8 P.M. The slightest infringement of the routine would stop the wheel, so don't ask if you could have a meal at four o'clock; you would be taken for a lunatic, or a crank (as they call it in America)." -A Frenchman in America,' pp. 25, 26. "Lunatic," with us, is more freely applied to those who are of sound mind than to those who are not, and I presume that crank is employed in the same irresponsible manner. The history of our own times, in the chapter belonging to this very day (February 28) contains the telegram by which Mr. Mackay, the Silver King, assures his wife that he is not much the worse for Rippi's attempt to mur-d'Angleterre." der him. It runs :

"The old crank that shot me to-day is seventy-three years old. I don't know him; never saw him before. The doctors cut out the ball; the wound is slight. No reason for the least uneasiness. (Signed) "JOHN,"


"SALZBERY" AND "SOMBRESET" IN 1502 (8th S. iii. 101).—I think that the French authority quoted for the parentage of Anne, wife of King Wladislaus of Hungary, is right in saying she was a daughter of Gaston de Foix, Earl of Kendal. Of course Candale is a corrupt form; but I fail to see confusion. Is there any Candale; or was there then? Anne's mother was Caterina, daughter of Gaston de Foix, Prince of Bearn, by Leonora, Queen of Navarre. The French writer is wrong in making Gaston's mother a daughter of Duke Richard de la Pole; but she was, I have always believed, a daughter of Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk. According to the information accessible to me, this lady was named Margaret, and she married John Gaston de Foix. He was, as I believe, the same person as John de Foix, Earl of Kendal and Captal de Buch, who was elected a Knight of the

The "doyen de Salzbery" ought to be Dean of Salisbury; but if the marriage took place on Sept. 29, 1502, the difficulty is that there was no dean. Edward Cheyne, the late dean, died July 25 in that year, and his successor was not elected until Oct. 10. If, as the quotation from the ambassador's letter written February, 1503, seems to say, the marriage did not take place in 1502, but in 1503, then the Dean Thomas Rowthall might easily have been the "Ambassadeur du Roy THOMAS WILLIAMS.

Aston Clinton.

L. L. K. surely puzzles himself very unnecessarily about the identity of this personage. "Le doyen de Salzbery" can be no other than the Dean of Salisbury. This agrees with Sanuto's description the ambassador should have been an ecclesiastic of the ambassador as a doctor and priest. That ought not to surprise L. L. K., who has noted the mission of Warham on another occasion.

S. G. H.

MOUNT ALVERNUS (8th S. iii. 110).-This is the mountain alluded to by Dante ('Paradiso,' xi. 106) in the words

crudo sasso intra Tevere ed Arnothe mountain on which St. Francis of Assisi Da Cristo prese l' ultimo sigillo,

Che le sue membra due anni portarno.
The saint's habitation is thus described by the
Bollandist ('Acta Sanctorum,' Oct. ii. p. 647):-

Celanensis] dicitur a loco, in quo positum est, Aumna
"Eremitorium illud ibidem infra [i. e., in the life by
nominatum, solo, nisi fallor, apographi nostri vitio: nam
et Tres Socii, et S. Bonaventura, et Anonymus, qui Cela-


been at Cambridge, as Arden was called to the bar before Zouch went to Wycliffe. In another unpublished letter of the doctor's, written in May, 1814, he laments that during

"the last twelve months, seven gentlemen who were once my pupils have sunk into the grave. Sir Levett Hanson will probably make the eighth, as the last account from Denmark represented him very dangerously


nensis Opusculo maxime usus fuit in Vita secunda, the last of an ancient family of Normanton, Yorklocum montem Alvernæ appellant, isque alias etiam shire, of whom a very good account is given in the Alvernus, Italis il monte Alverno dictus......Est autem mons hic in arduis Apennini jugis altitudine procerus, Dictionary of National Biography.' Pepper ab aliis montibus separatus, super quos caput extulit Arden, afterwards Master of the Rolls and Lord omnes......Fagi amplæ sunt in cacumine." Alvanley, is also claimed by Dr. Zouch, in a letter Besides the Italian name given in this quota-I have seen, as a pupil of his, but this must have tion the mountain is also called "il monte d'Alvernia" or "della Verna";* and Miss Starke, who computes its distance east of Florence at about fifty miles, writes the name in her well-known 'Guide' (ed. 1829, p. 87) "Lavernia (mons Alvernus)." The Latin name occurs in the Roman Breviary in the sixth lection at matins for the feast of St. Francis, where it is said that the saint se in solitudinem montis Alverni contulit." There is a local fitness in Macaulay's comparison of the big Tuscan's fall to that of a thundersmitten oak on the lordliest of his native mountains—“ il più glorioso tra gli Apennini di Toscana, anzi di tutta l'Italia," as it is described by Venturi, a commentator of Dante. But the simile is apparently British rather than Italian, for we see that the Bollandist writer notes only beeches as grow ing on the summit of the "Monte salvatico.' borrow this appellation from the Fioretti,' where, too, we are told that the saint had a little oratory (celluzza povera) erected for himself "a piede d' un faggio bellissimo," which is afterwards referred to as the "cella del faggio." F. ADAMS.

105, Albany Road, Camberwell, S.E.



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Is not this intended for the Mons Alburnus in Lucania? Smith's 'Dict. of Geography' says that, according to Cluverius, it is still covered with forests of holm-oaks and infested with gadflies. See Virgil, Georg.,' iii. 146. C. DEEDES. Brighton.

THOMAS ZOUCH, D.D., AND HENRY ZOUCH (8th S. iii. 125).-The following particulars of these divines, in addition to those supplied by MR. HIPWELL, may prove interesting; some of them have not, I believe, previously appeared in print. Thomas Zouch was of Trinity College, Cambridge, and took his degree as third wrangler in 1761. He became a fellow of his college, and in 1770 was presented to the living of Wycliffe on Tees. Here for ten years he took private pupils, three at a time; among them were his nephew, William Lowther, afterwards Pitt's friend and first Earl of Lonsdale, and the eccentric Sir" Levett Hanson,

"Si chiama il monte della Vernia" (Fioretti di S. Francesco,' Florence, 1845, p. 176).

In 1793 he was presented to the living of Scrayingham, Yorkshire, and in 1796 took up his residence at Sandal, on inheriting property he was made a prebendary of Durham, and in 1807 there at the death of his brother Henry. In 1805 refused the bishopric of Carlisle, partly because it would be a pecuniary loss to him, the ecclesiastical greater value than the bishopric. Hunter, the revenues accruing to him at that time being of marriage in his diary (now among the MSS. in the Yorkshire antiquary, records the doctor's second British Museum), under August, 1806, with a few personal notes about him; he describes the bride, Miss Brooke, as a stiff, formal, old maid."

Of Henry Zouch, Hunter writes in another of his manuscript collections that he was an odd man, and chose to be buried in his own garden, which adjoined Sandal Churchyard, the minister who officiated standing in the churchyard to read the service; no stone or inscription was put up for him. He was a correspondent of Horace Walpole, and his letters are to be read in Cunningham's edition. Henry Zouch was a very active justice of the peace, and in a letter from him to the Earl of Dartmouth, in February, 1777, he says:

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