Are for their good. As if he should say, Are they weak? I am strength. Are they sick? I am health. they in trouble? I am comfort. Are they poor? I am riches. Are they dying? I am life. Have they nothing? I am all things: I am justice and mercy; I am grace and goodness: I am glory, beauty, holiness, eminency, supremacy, perfection, all-sufficiency, eternity, Jehovah. I am whatever is suitable to their nature, or convenient for them in their several conditions. I am whatever is amiable in itself, or desirable to their souls ; whatever is great and pleasant; whatever is good and needful to make them happy, that I am: so that, in short, God here represents himself unto us as our universal good, and leaves us to make the application to ourselves, according to our several wants, capacities, and desires; he saying only in the general, I am.-Bishop Beveridge. THE CHURCH MISSIONARY DEPUTATION. (Contiued from page 185.) d. Our Our next public Meeting was at Cnumbers were few; a case partly accounted for by the fact that a fire, by which three houses (we believe) were burnt down, was still burning whilst we were assembled. The local report too told of a smaller amount of subscriptions than usual. It needs faith more than ordinary to stand up to advocate a cause when things seem against us; and the cause need be a good one whose naked principles can bear one up when the tide sets against us. Such a cause we have ever found the Church Missionary to be; nor do we hesitate to look upon the strength given us from above, which we have ever experienced in such circumstances, as one of the many evidences that the blessing of the great Head of the Church rests upon it and its labours-and that is enough to strengthen our hands in its service. It was argued well by our brother, who accompanied us, that without the Church Missionary Society the Church of England could not carry out her objects as a Missionary Church-even to carry the "saving health" of the gospel unto all nations; satisfied as she ought to be, not merely with providing for the spiritual wants of our plantations, colonies, and factories beyond the seas,'-the allimportant object for which the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts' was chartered; but ever desirous to plant the gospel in the regions beyond the reach even of British influence, amidst the heathen that are known to us by no other tie than that they are shut up in the same awful condemnation, and to be reached by the same method of salvation as ourselves. We concluded our detail of the various operations of the Society thus,-Thus far we are come by the help of our God, and his blessing upon that Christian charity which has been the sinews of our spiritual warfare-Our theatre of war is the world--the heathen world. The great enemy of our work is Satan,-his special instruments the deeprooted abominations of heathen idolatry-the sensual prospects of Mohamedanism. When these chains are burst, when the gospel has made a practicable breach in the mind of the idolater, then the no-creed of iufidelity, and the monstrous delusions of popery are ever at hand to rush in and take possession-we desire to be beforehand, and so to fill the mind of the idolater, delivered from the trammels of gross idolatry, with the saving knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, according to the doctrine of our own apostolical branch of the 'holy Catholic Church;' that there may be no gap left open for 'false doctrine, heresy, or schism,' to enter in at. Need I say more to interest you in this cause, to convince you that you have well bestowed the time, the prayers, the influence, the money, you have given have been well bestowed-have answered every expectation that any man acquainted with human nature the effects produced by the machinery of the gospel at home had any right to anticipate. Need I say more to strengthen your determination whereto you have already attained to walk by the same rule. Need I remind you, as God may enable you, of the importance of forgetting the steps already trod in this work and labour of love. Need I set before you our want of means, to enter upon the doors opened to us in the heathen world. The liberation of slaves has added to our Missionary field at Sierra Leone in three years 13, 000 registered there, besides thousands from the West Indies. Krishnagur lies before you with 100,000 Kirtabhojas, of whom the out-pouring of the Holy Ghost has already introduced 4000, (perhaps by this time thousands more) and we there have but three Missionaries for that interesting field. New Zealand lies before you, and one of our long-lived and indefatigable Missionaries tells you of a new part which he is trying to occupy, with 36,000 souls upon his hand. The Red Indian from North West Africa appeals to you in his own thrilling stile.' I send a letter to the Mis sionary men in England. Tell them not to forget me. I want the word of life to be always spoken in my land. Tell them to make haste, time is short, and death is snatching away our friends and relations very fast; tell them to make haste!' And Mr. Cockran pleads from the land where the breath of the congregation freezes on the roof of the Church, and the hoar-frost gathers on his Bible and Prayer-Book ; that now, that the long reign of hatred and prejudice which has worn out his strength has passed away, and the night of gloom has ended in the joy of the morning; now that Churches have been built and gathered, will you allow them to lift their spires to heaven witnesses of your want of zeal to publish in them the name of Christ ?-A world of 600,000,000 of souls in heathen and Mohammedan darkness lies before you; and we ask a measure of your help for this Society, which for forty years has been seeking to do its part to turn that darkness into light. To be continued. THE HOUSE BUILT ON THE SAND. The following lines were composed on seeing groups of children busily engaged in raising works of sand on the sea-shore. "The floods came, ...... and it fell." CHASE little lab'rers from your useless toil, Fast flows the coming tide, and one by one, And Ocean reigns in full possession here! Will ye resume your useless toils again? Will see your labour yet bestrew the plain; The lofty shrines built up to wealth and fame, But turn ye foolish builders; see yon Rock, Dig deep and there your sure foundation lay; Yes build you there: and let the floods arise; Yet on that Rock undaunted ye shall stand, And view with joy redemption drawing nigh: Then, under escort of an angel band, Rise through the wreck of worlds to thrones on high, A. B. REV. H. A. SIMCOE, NEAR LAUNCESTON, CORNWALL. |