Imágenes de páginas

of a flate.

ftanding to the stock ftanding to the credit of certain the credit ftates," paffed the fecond day of January, in this prefent year, after the laft day of December next, the fame fhall be upon condition, that it fhall be lawful to reimburfe, at a fubfequent period of reimbursement, fo much of the principal of the ftock fo transferred, as will make the reimbursement thereof, equal in proportion and degree, to that of the fame ftock transferred previous to the said day.

to be carri ed to the


Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That Sum of mo- in regard to any fum which fhall have remainpriated, but ed unexpended upon any appropriation other remaining than for the payment of interest on the fununexpended for a cer- ded debt; for the payment of interest upon, tain time, and reimbursement, according to contract, of any loan or loans made on account of the "furplus United States; for the purposes of the finking fund; or for a purpofe, in respect to which, a longer duration is specially affigned by law, for more than two years after the expiration of the calendar year in which the act of appropriation fhall have been paffed, fuch appropriation fhall be deemed to have ceafed and been determined; and the fum fo unexpended fhall be carried to an account on the books of the treafury, to be denominated "THE SURPLUS FUND." But no appropriation fhall be deemed to have fo ceafed and been determined, until after the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-five, unless it fhall appear to the Secretary of the Treasury, that the object thereof hath been fully fatisfied, in which cafe, it fhall be lawful for him to caufe to be carried the unexpended refidue thereof to the faid account of "the furplus fund."

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Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That the department of the treafury, according to the the treafu. Duty of refpective duties of the feveral officers thereof, rer with refhall establish fuch forms and rules of pro- execution ceeding, for and touching the execution of of this act. this act, as fhall be conformable with the pro

visions thereof.

gard to the

fioners of


to be regu

Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That Commifall the restrictions and regulations heretofore the finking established by law for regulating the execu- fund, in the tion of the duties enjoined upon the commif- of this act, fioners of the finking fund, fhall apply to, lated by and be in as full force for the execution of analogous the analogous duties enjoined by this act, as other provifions if they were herein particularly repeated and acte. re-enacted And a particular account of all They hall fales of stock, or of loans by them made, fhall Congrefs be laid before Congrefs, within fourteen days fales of after their meeting next after the making of stock or any fuch loan or fale of stock.

lay before

accounts of

loans made.

may be

Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That in Loans unevery cafe in which power is given by this act der this act to make a loan, it fhall be lawful for fuch made of the loan to be made of the bank of the United bank of U. States, although the fame may exceed the fum of fifty thousand dollars.


The limi


Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That so much of the act laying duties upon carriages tations of for the conveyance of perfons; and of the certain acts act laying duties on licenses for felling wines and foreign diftilled fpirituous liquors by retail; and of the act laying certain duties upon fnuff and refined fugar, and of the act laying duties on property fold at auc

tion, as limits the duration of the faid feveral acts, be, and the fame is hereby repealed; VOL. III.

E 2


and that all the faid feveral acts be, and the
fame are hereby continued in force until the
first day of March, one thoufand eight hun-
dred and one.

Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives.
HENRY TAZEWELL, Prefident of the
Senate pro tempore.

APPROVED, March the third, 1795:


Prefident of the United States.


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An Act making further Appropriations for the military and naval Establishments, and for the Support of Government.

Sec. 1.


E it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That including the appropriation of five hundred thousand dollars, made for the military establishment for the year one thousand feven hundred and ninety-five, by an act of the Additional prefent feffion, there be appropriated for the tions for faid military establishment, a fum not exceed the milita- ing one million four hundred and fixty-nine thoufand four hundred and thirty-nine dollars, and twenty-nine cents; that is to fay: For the pay of the legion of the United States, three hundred and four thousand five hundred and forty-eight dollars: For the pay of the corps of artillery, fifty-fix thousand

ty cftab

eight hundred and fixty-eight dollars: For fubfiftence of the legion and artillery, three hundred and fixty-one thousand seven hundred and nineteen dollars and thirty cents: For forage and cavalry, thirty-three thousand feven hundred and twenty dollars: For cloathing, one hundred and twenty thousand four hundred and forty dollars: For equip ments for the cavalry, feven thousand three hundred and fourteen dollars: For horfes for the cavalry, twenty-four thousand dollars: For bounty, five thousand dollars: For the hospital department, twenty thousand dollars : For the ordnance department, eleven thoufand three hundred and fixty-five dollars and ninety-nine cents: For the Indian department, eighty thousand dollars: For the quartermafter's department, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars: For contingencies of the war department, thirty thousand dollars: For the defenfive protection of the frontiers, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars: For the completion of the fortifications, fifty thousand dollars: For additional pay and bounty to the legion and artillery, pursuant to an act of the present feffion, feventy-seven thousand four hundred and fixty-four dollars.

militia un

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That for Detach defraying the expense of fix months pay and ment of fubfiftence of a detachment of militia under der general the command of major-general Morgan, purMorgan. suant to an act of the prefent feffion, there be appropriated the fum of one hundred thoufand fix hundred and eighty-two dollars; that is to fay For the general staff, four thousand one hundred and thirty-four dollars For major Brooke's battalion, nineteen thou fand eight hundred and forty-eight dollars;

For major Lynn's battalion, twenty-one thoufand three hundred dollars: For cavalry, twenty-three thousand four hundred dollars: For fubfiftence, twenty-four thousand dollars: For forage for officers and cavalry, eight thousand dollars.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the furplus which may remain unexpended of the fum of fix hundred and eighty-eight thoufand, eight hundred and eighty-eight dollars Naval de- and eighty-two cents, which was appropri partment. ated for the use of the naval department, in the year one thousand feven hundred and ninety-four, by an act paffed the ninth day of June laft, fhall be, and the fame is hereby appropriated to the use of the faid naval department, for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five.

purposes of

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That there Military be appropriated the several fums following, penfions, & to wit: For the payment of military penfions, contingent for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, eighty-five thoufand three hundred and fifty-feven dollars and four cents; and a fum not exceeding ten thousand dollars for the contingent purposes of government, fubject to the difpofition of the Prefident of the United States.


Out of

these ap


tions are

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the what funds feveral appropriations herein before made, fhall be paid and discharged out of the funds payable. following, to wit: Firft, the furplus of the fum of fix hundred thousand dollars, referved by the act "making provifion for the debt of the United States," and which will accrue during the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five: Secondly, the fur

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