the heir-elect ceases to have any claim: this not being the case, he succeeds to the throne, and no other election is valid so long as he adheres to the Constitution. In case of minority, insanity, &c., the two Houses can appoint a Regency, which is strictly provisional. The State allows no income to any part of the royal family, except the sovereign. The yearly grant to the crown not to be subject to annual discussion; it is an essential part of the Constitution. It ought also to be so liberal as to place the sovereign far above the competition of any nobleman in respect to revenue: the amount to be fixed by law will depend on the resources of the kingdom; but in a large community we suggest one million sterling per annum. The Personal Guards in such a state to consist of ten thousand; paid and provided for from the income of the crown; their term of service at the Sovereign's pleasure, but it must expire at his demise; he selects them with this single restriction, that no one can be chosen or retained, who is not on the electoral rolls entitled to the franchise, The regulation of the Court and Household, with the privilege of audience, is left to the actual sovereign; but the permanent residence of royalty is to be within fifty miles of the Capital; and the sovereign cannot remain longer than six months beyond such distance, or out of the realm, unless by a consent of parliament, limited to the current year. The Crown, only and by itself, appoints the Ministers of State, who are to comprise an equal number of peers and commoners; they are removable at the will of the sovereign-they receive salaries from the revenue of the country whilst in office, and a sum of money upon their retirement. The Crown can only act by advice of the ministers of state; and they are responsible to parliament for the counsel they give the sovereign. The Crown only can summons, prorogue, and formally dissolve the parliament. A new parliament must be convened within three months, and they must be assembled every six months for despatch of business. The Crown forms alliances with Foreign Powers, proclaims war, makes treaties of peace, and ap points agents at other courts; these agents to be paid from the public coffers, though their salary like that of the ministers, is to be fixed and not subject to annual debate in parliament. The Crown appoints the superior officers of the army and navy, and the receivers of the revenue, The crown appoints the judges of the land; and has power to remit entirely or mitigate all punishments awarded in criminal cases; unless for the crime of murder clearly proved-here no exercise of the royal clemency is allowed. Colonial Policy. The Colonies have the same constitution as the parent state. A Viceroy to be appointed by the crown, and to discharge the functions of royalty in the name of his sovereign at home, who can supersede him at pleasure; whilst in office he receives a yearly income from the colony. The colonists and the natives of the mother country, become electors in each other's territories, by a residence of five years, subject to the law of the franchise. The Parent state and the colony are identical in relation to foreign powers, and furnish mutual aid in war; but the internal peace of the latter is maintained by the colonists-except in extraordinary cases. Foreign Policy. Non-interference with Foreign countries in their internal management is acknowledged the law of the state; and the same right of regulating its own affairs without the control of other powers, to be demanded for itself. The State can offer its mediation between belligerent princes, and can espouse that side which it considers just. The Crown is the guardian of its subjects in foreign states, through the medium of its agents at their courts. Foreigners are bound to the laws of the country whilst residing in it, whether general in their intention, or expressly enacted for strangers in the realm. Foreigners if they desire it become naturalized by a residence of ten years in the kingdom; the last five under the cognizance of the censor ; after which they are entitled to the franchise, according to the statutes on the subject, The Public Revenue, Arises from an income tax; in times of peace of two and a half per cent; and during war increased according to the exigencies of the nation. : Also from a duty of two per cent. on all Foreign or Colonial produce and manufacture introduced into the country, whether by sea or land that is let the article be what it may, if to the value of 100%. it is charged forty shillings on its entrance; if to a less amount is imported, it pays in proportion. These to be the only direct taxes allowed by the Constitution; parliament increases or lessens the rate per cent.; and all indirect taxation is forbidden. Government appoints the receivers of the revenue, who collect it by commission, say at two and a half per cent. The Ministry is not to contract any loan upon |