Imágenes de páginas

"His people, as of yore, before he past

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de la ville et parla a Attila. Mais ne l'ayant pu flechir, il se mit en prieres, fit faire des processions, et porter par les rues les reliques des Saints. Un Prestre s'estant mocqué, disant, que cela n'avoit de rien profité aux autres villes, tomba roide mort sur la place, portant par ce moyen la peine de son insolente temerité. Apres toutes ces choses, il commanda aux habitans de voir si le secours n' arrivoit point; ayant été repondu que non, il se remet en prieres, et puis leur fait mesme commandement: mais n'appercevant point encore de secours, pour la troisieme fois il se prosterna a terre, les yeux et l' esprit vers le Ciel. Se sentant exaucé, il fait monter a la guerite et luy rapporte-t-on que l'on ne voyoit rien si non une grosse nuée de poussiere, il assuere que c'etoit le secours d' Ætius et de Teudo Roy des Goths, lesquels tardans a se montrer a l' armee d'Attilla, S Aignan fut divinement transporte en leur camp, et les advertit que tout estoit perdu, s'ils attendoient au lendemain. Ils parurent aussi-tost, et forcerent Attila de lever si hâtivement le siege, que plusieurs des siens se noyerent dans la Loire, d'autres s' entretuerent avec regret d'avoir perdu la ville. Et non contens de cette victoire, le poursuivirent si vivement avec le Roy Merouee, qui se vint joindre a eux, qu'ils le defirent en battaille rangée pres de Châlons, jonchant la campagne de 180,000 cadavres."

Le nouveau Parterre des fleurs des vies des Saints. Par P. Ribadeneira, Andre du Val et Jean Baudoin. Lyons 1666.

« Of Ætius borne, he brought the timely aid,

"And Attila with all his multitudes

"Far off retreated to their field of shame.

And now Dunois, for he had seen the camp "Well-order'd, enter'd. "One night more in peace "England shall rest," he cried, "ere yet the storm "Bursts on her guilty head! then their proud vaunts "Forgotten, or remember'd to their shame,

"Vainly her chiefs shall curse the hour, when first

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The Maid of Arc replied, "gladly I hear "The detail. Isabel proceed! for soon

"Destin'd to rescue that devoted town,

"All that has chanced, the ills she has endur'd,

"I litsen, sorrowing for the past, and feel

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High satisfaction at the saviour power

"To me commission'd."

Thus the virgin spake,

Nor Isabel delayed. "And now more near

"The hostile host advancing pitch their tents. "Unnumber'd streamers wave, and clamorous shouts,

"Anticipating conquest, rend the air

"With universal uproar. From their camp “A Herald comes; his garb emblazon'd o'er

"With leopards and the lillies of our realm

"Foul shame to France! The summons of the foe "He brought."

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The Bastard interrupting cried,

I was with Gaucour and the assembled chiefs, "When by his office privileged and proud

"That Herald spake, as certain of success

"As he had made a league with Victory."
"Nobles of France rebellious! from the chief
"Of yon victorious host, the mighty Earl
"Of Salisbury, now there in place of him

"Your Regent John of Bedford: in his name


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I come, and in our sovereign Lord the King's,

'Henry. Ye know full well our master's claim, "Incontrovertible to this good realm,

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By right descent, and solemnly confirm'd

By your great Monarch and our mighty King "Fifth Henry, in the treaty ratified


"At Troyes, wherein your monarch did disclaim

"All future right and title to this crown,

"His own exempted, for his son and heirs

"Down to the end of time. This sign'd and seal'd "At the holy altar, and by nuptial knot

"Of Henry and your Princess, yields the realm, "Charles dead and Henry, to his infant son

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Henry of Windsor. Who then dares oppose

My master's title, in the face of God

"Of wilful perjury, most atrocious crime, "Stands guilty, and of flat rebellion 'gainst

"By the treaty of Troyes, Charles was to remain in quiet possession of the royal dignity and revenues. After his death the crown, with all its rights and dominions, devolved to Henry and his heirs. The imbecillity of Charles was so great that he could not appear in public, so that the Queen and Burgundy swore for him."


The Lord's anointed.

He at Paris crown'd,

"With loud acclaim from the duteous multitude

"Thus speaks by me. Deliver up your town

"To Salisbury, and yield yourselves and arms, "So shall your lives be safe: and-mark his grace! "If of your free accord, to him you pay

"Due homage as your sovereign Lord and King, "Your rich estates, your houses shall be safe, "And you in favour stand, as is the Duke, "Philip of Burgundy. But-mark me well! "If obstinately wilful, you persist

"To scorn his proffer'd mercy; not one stone "Upon another of this wretched town

"Shall then be left: and when the English host "Triumphant in the dust have trod the towers "Of Orleans, who survive the dreadful war "Shall die like traitors by the hangman's hand. "Ye men of France, remember Caen and Roan!"

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"He ceased: nor Gaucour for a moment pause

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