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admitted on trial in this Circuit, about two hundred and thirty penitent seekers of salvation. And we have most delightful and satisfactory evidence that the awakening-and, I am happy to add, the conversion of some of the awakened -is really the work of the Spirit of God, and not merely the effect of terror produced by the awful character and progress of the pestilential disease.

I have also married nine couples, all young people, and all, with the exception of one couple, previously living together in sin. The bans of eight or nine more couples were published yesterday with them I believe there is no exception, but that they were all fornicators. This will give you some idea, but by no means an adequate one, of the

revolting state of immorality and barbarism in our community. And if God be pleased to remove the scourge which has been brought down upon us by "the wickedness of the wicked," and our lukewarmness as professing Christians, may He in mercy grant a continuance of His Spirit's awakening and converting power, that we may be favoured with a general revival of pure and undefiled religion; and may the good wrought be permanent and lasting as eternity!

I desire also to record my devout acknowledgments of gratitude to Almighty God, for having, of His boundless mercy, hitherto preserved me and my dear family. May cur spared lives be more fully consecrated to His blessed service!


Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Mark B. Bird, dated Port-au-Prince,
January 4th, 1851.

NOTWITHSTANDING the dark clouds which have lately hung threateningly over the cause of God and truth in this land, and although they still are more or less dark and lowering, yet we are not cast down; nor is the cause which we love, and to which we are devoted, standing still. We are, indeed, not making the progress we could wish; for who would not wish to see thousands flocking to Him who alone is the hope of the world? Alas! we do not see either thousands or even hundreds rushing at once into the fold of Christ; yet there are who are turning from darkness to light; yea, there are those who are beginning to open their eyes upon the truth as it is in Jesus; and we are, in the midst of all our fears, sustained by a wellwarranted hope of better things than we have ever yet seen.

Since my last, it has been my lot to visit the city of Cayes, a part of the Hay tian empire which has long been remarkable for a restless and turbulent spirit, and which has lately been the theatre of dreadful strife. This important place is situated about one hundred and fifty miles from Port-au-Prince; and in Hayti we never think of travelling otherwise than on horseback, which, even to those who are most accustomed to it, is sufficiently fatiguing,-involv ing, as it necessarily does, a great exposure to a burning sun. We, however, arrived at our journey's end after three days and a half of laborious travelling, and were heartily welcomed by our kind friends of that place.

The Sabbath that I spent at Cayes was to me a truly heart-rejoicing day. I had been to Cayes some few years before, when there was neither sheep nor shepherd known to us; and my soul then yearned over a thickly-populated town lying in the arms of the wicked one, and for whom no one ever seemed to have cared: but on this occasion I found some sixteen souls united in the bonds of Christian fellowship, and living in the fear and love of God,—a little band which had been brought together by the instrumentality of our worthy brother Bauduy, whom God had thus rendered useful, in a comparatively short time, in a place remarkable for sin and unhappiness. The congregations, too, at this place are encouraging, being tolerably numerous and deeply attentive. It is also a great pleasure to be able to state, that, notwithstanding the difficulty we had in introducing the Gospel into that place, we here now preach in the open air in the streets,-a proof that toleration at Cayes is of a practical kind.

I left Cayes after a few days, and was truly grateful to God for what I had seen and felt with regard to what had been done, and for the decided hope there now is, at that place, of future and more extended good.

At sterile Gonaïves, also, we are now encouraged to hope for great good. The seed long sown there, and thought to be lost, is beginning to take root. Our Society, school, and congregations at that place now afford the hope of permanent

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WHILE the whole of the following communication from Mr. Brewster is interesting, we deem it right to invite a particular perusal of the concluding paragraph, which contains the emphatic answer of a beloved Missionary brother to the wicked and heartless cry of "Stop the supplies."-We have reason to know that Mr. Brewster truly and correctly expresses, on this point, the general and deep feeling of our Missionaries every where. The generous supporters of our Missionary Society may be quite satisfied, that among the actual labourers in this great field of evangelical duty, there is not, and will not be, any unworthy faint-heartedness or shrinking, or cowardly distrust of the continued care of God, and of our churches and friends at home, for their temporal well-being and comfort. Privations, if such were their lot, they would be willing to encounter, and to "labour on at God's command." But as they do not fear, so we are persuaded they have no need to fear. The cheerful and undaunted courage of the Missionaries abroad will stimulate a corresponding response on the part of the great body of our friends at home; and God, even our own God, shall continue to bless and to sustain them in their work.

Fxtract of a Letter from the Rev. John Brewster, dated Twillingate, Green-Bay, September 4th, 1850.



I HAVE visited a number of out-posts the last fortnight, and have found, upon the whole, a lively and interesting people. Surely God has done great things for this part of Newfoundland. Seven years ago we had not seven members in Society. Darkness covered the land, and gross darkness the face of the people. Mr. Addy was requested, about eight years ago, to visit these shores, and report to the District the best opening for a Missionary. He wisely fixed upon Twillingate. The result of his visit was the appointment of Mr. Marshall, who was a workman indeed. After breaking up the fallow-ground, and sowing the seed, he fell upon the field, and was buried amid the tears of many who had been brought to God by his ministry. Mr. Peach succeeded him, and was very successful. God blessed his labours during his four years' sojourn among them; and now I am as one "sent to reap that whereon I bestowed no la

bour." "And herein is that saying
true, One soweth, and another reapeth."
I find the people very zealous in general.
I have been called to exercise discipline
in a few painful cases. But among two
hundred young converts, who have just
emerged out of darkness into light, how
much cause there is for gratitude to
God in His keeping "the ninety and nine
just persons" from straying! All glory
be to our great Shepherd, that the few
lost ones are restored!



I recently held a lovefeast in the chapel, and was confirmed in a conviction previously formed, when listening to the several relations of Christian experience, during the renewal of the Society's tickets, that the Spirit of God, by secret operations on the previously unenlightened mind, prepares the people for the reception of a Christian Missionary. How many testified that, long before Mr. Addy or Mr. Marshall visited them, they were con

I fell


vinced of sin, and their danger of eternal death, but knew not where to flee for refuge! To these awakened souls "how beautiful upon the mountains" were "the feet of" them that brought "glad tidings!" O that the friends of Missions in England could have heard their statements! Being struck with some observations uttered by one man, I asked him, yesterday, to relate to me the particulars of his conversion to Ged. The following is the substance :-"There was no Gospel in those days. I sometimes heard a sermon from a Clergyman who lived in these parts; and, though he rebuked us for our sins, he left us there. We saw not the Scripture plan of justification by faith. into the prevailing sin of the place, drunkenness, and lived in sinful ignorance until the death of my first-born child; for though I had a Bible given me by my sister Molly,' before I left England, I never read it until God took away my child. He was very young when he died; and if my love could have been weighed, his share was the heaviest. stood over his dying bed as one distracted; and, while watching him, he appeared to die. But while we were all weeping and wailing in suspense, he revived. I put my arm round him to kiss him, when he looked up so sweetly, and said, with a smile, 'O father! I have had a view of such a heavenly place; and it was full of such heavenly persons. And there was one in the midst of them all that was so glorious, that I could scarcely look upon Him. But He seemed to look at me and smile. But father,' said he, with such a solemn look, 'you are not fit to be there yet. O Sir, this cut me to the heart. I knew I was not ready to die. I felt the burden of my sins, and cried out for anguish. After the death of my child, I was enabled to abstain from intoxicating liquors, and was so far saved from the sin of drunkenness. My good resolutions were confirmed by an alarming dream I had then. I awoke in great fear. I had recourse immediately to Molly's Bible. But, Sir, when I opened it, you might have knocked me down with a feather. I felt such a trembling come over me, when the first words that met my eye were the eleventh verse of the fifth chapter of Isaiah: "Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!' But when I read the fourteenth verse: Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure,' I shut the

book, exclaiming, 'God be merciful to me!' These words in Isaiah were a means of keeping me from slighting my convictions. From that time I began to read my Bible more, hoping to get a little comfort. But the more I studied the word of God, the more my sorrow increased. For I saw new evils in me every day. Bad as drunkenness was, I saw many sins in my heart as bad as it; and there were times when my soul was so distressed, that I could scarcely eat or drink. How often did I wish, in those days, that the Lord would send into these parts some of 'Molly's' folks! She used to write to me such good letters, and did all she could to persuade me to turn to the Lord. In my distress I often wished to have instruction from her; but she died, and I wandered in darkness for years, no man caring for my soul. At length Mr. Addy came into these parts. 'Now,' said I, 'here is one of the men I have longed to see. I will go and hear him.' He preached about the doom of the careless, prayerless sinner. While I listened, the tears flowed thick and fast from my eyes. When Mr. Addy left, we seemed as a people abandoned to darkness. At length Mr. Marshall came. Now,' said I, 'is salvation come.' And I made haste to hear him. He preached about 'a sinner being justified by faith only.' I said to myself, This will do for little sinners; but it is too easy for such as I.' I went again: it was the same thing over again,

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justified by faith.' I felt rather angry this time, because I was sure faith only would not save me. So I determined not to hear him, but that I would set myself to the task of reading the Bible through, from Genesis to Revelation. I did it, except those very hard chapters in the middle of the Bible; and, as I knew God knew I was but a poor scholar, I thought He would excuse me slipping by them. I now fancied I was a good man,-very few better; and, during Mr. Marshall's visit, I rested in this confidence. But soon after his death my convictions returned with double force. My vain confidence broke down under me, and I felt as a man sinking into the sea. In this state of soul I went to hear Mr. Peach preach. He preached about the day of small and feeble things, how God would not despise it. From despair I rose to hope that God might not despise me. And while the congregation was singing the 365th hymn,

O God of my salvation, hear,
And help a sinner to draw near,

With boldness, to the throne of grace,'

I do


suddenly my heart was lightened of its load; the Spirit of God filled me with joy and gladness. I felt it next to an impossibility to withhold myself from declaring, 'I do believe in Jesus! believe His blood cleanses me!' Sir, that light and joy of the Spirit were as the morning-star to my soul ! I have been exposed to death in stormy nights at sea; I have known the sorrows of men expecting to see their vessel founder in the dead of night; I have lashed up my helm, lain-to with reefed sail, and cast myself on deck, anxiously waiting the morning-light to shine; and I have sprung up with joy the moment I saw the morning-star, confident that we should soon make the harbour. But the joy of pardoning grace was unspeakably greater, when the light of the Spirit of God was as the morning-star to my soul."



I must conclude my present communication by stating the opening which presents itself in Green-Bay for a second Missionary. Had I a brother with me, I could pay some attention to Labrador, on the coast of which hundreds of our people are engaged in the summer fishery. Here, also, we have access to the few remaining Indians. In Newfoundland, as elsewhere, the red man's place is taken by the white man: the only remnant of the Indian tribe resides within forty miles of my house. placed in a most interesting position to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ; but to visit the thousands scattered on the thousand islands of this beautiful bay,the Bay of Notre Dame,-is impossible without a fellow-labourer. And I think the Wesleyan friends in St. John's and other parts of the District would furnish

I am

the means, providing you can send the man. I have heard of the appointment of Mr. Wells for our District, and hope to have the pleasure of his company with me next spring. But what if the District should require his services elsewhere? Cannot you send me a companion for this Circuit?


True, a great cry from England is heard by us," Stop the supplies!" Yes, the roar of this mutinous cry falls heavily on our shores. But, my dear fathers and brethren, it is not for you to be alarmed at this cry, except that you are alarmed for the sons and brothers you have equipped for the work, and sent into the field. If any party be alarmed, it is we-the Missionarieswho ought to be startled. But are we frightened? No! Take, at least, the testimony of a single Missionary,— I am not frightened. When God "counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry," all I asked of the church was, "Send me to the Heathen." They committed me to "faithful men," who were set apart to "teach others." And you are witnesses I never asked for supplies. You fulfilled my joy in sending me to labour on the field of Missions, and you have kindly attended to my wants. Nor am I afraid that you will be unable to assist me: for the true and literal interpretation of the cry, "Stop the supplies," is "MISSIONARIES, COME HOME! LEAVE YOUR WORK, AND ABANDON THE FIELD!" My answer is, "I will not leave my work. God employs me, and God will supply me." Courage, my dear fathers and brethren! your Missionaries are not alarmed, and why should you fear?


Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Enoch Wood, dated Toronto, Canada West, December 10th, 1850.

As our modes of travelling are various, sometimes by steam-boats and canoes, sometimes by stage, cutter, and waggon, so are our companions of varied hues of character. In my northern tour, among other travellers were several British officers. I found them most pleasant and intelligent associates. portage between Lake-Simcoe and Sturgeon-Bay is about eighteen miles long. Although we started a short time after we landed from the steamer at Orillia, in a light waggon, drawn by four horses,


it was three o'clock on the following morning before we reached the steamer

Gore," " which was waiting for the mails. It was a dismal ride; and except the night Dr. Alder and I spent in the canal-boat, between Fort-William and White-Hall, in the spring of 1847, I know not when I had a more unpleasant journey. The principal way is through a wilderness; and at times we were pitched about as a boat is played with in a short cross-sea. I was not many minutes in adjusting myself on the

cushions of the steamer's cabin, and secured two hours of refreshing sleep. The waggon freighted with the luggage did not arrive until half-past six o'clock, one of the horses being thoroughly overdone. At Penetangueshene we took on board a large number of Indians and half-breeds, who were on their way to the great gathering of the tribes at the Manitoulin Islands. An additional interest pervaded this people at this time, in consequence of a contemplated arrangement with the Government about their claims to the mineral resources of the north side of Lake-Huron, and the compensation they were to receive. Besides the pleasures of the voyage, and the meeting with old acquaintances and the making of new ones, -the enjoyment of which none enter more heartily into than these children of the forest, they expected to share in the sun paid by the Government for their legal title. We had quite a party from Beausoliel-Island, headed by the Missionary, who were going to Nawash, Owen's-Sound, to attend the campmeeting. The majority of these being Indian women, the Missionary inquired of Solomon, the interpreter, how this was. "O," said Solomon, "the women are always the best." Although I have travelled much, I think I never met with such a diversity of colour, nationality, and languages together, as were on board of this steamer. The day was brilliant, and the run to Owen's-Sound, where we arrived about six o'clock, very pleasant; though, with a north-wester raking the whole extent of the GeorgianBay, the passage is often extremely rough.

I attended and assisted at the campmeeting, where we had about three hundred Indians, collected from Colpoy's Bay, Saugeeng, Beausoliel-Island, and Nawash. A blessed religious influence crowned the services, which terminated on Tuesday morning by the administration of the Lord's Supper, after a warm and animating lovefeast. These extra means are beneficial to our white brethren, who, on the Sabbath-day particularly, gather in great numbers from the surrounding townships. During my stay, I made arrangements for the domestic Mission at Sydenham being separated from the Indian work. The river divides the two places, which are not always easy of access in the spring and fall; then, there being several appointments beyond Sydenham, the Indian work was liable to interruption. I met the Chiefs in council, who peti


tioned the Government to give a Deed of five acres of land to the Missionary Society, on which stand the church and the house now occupied by the MissionOn condition of this being accomplished, I agreed to recommend to the Missionary Society the granting of some £50 to assist in building a house for David Sawyer, a Native Missionary_and Interpreter, who receives a salary, from the Indians' own funds, for attending to their interests. He has been of much service to the Mission for several years, receiving no other compensation than the payment of his expenses to and from Conference. After attending the closing services on Tuesday morning amongst the Indians, I preached at Sydenham at night, and at ten o'clock was on my way to Beausoliel-Island. My intention was to cross the peninsula to the Saugeeng settlement; but so large a number were with us at Nawash, accompanied by their Missionary, that I deferred my visit to some future period.

From Penetangueshene to BeausolielIsland, a distance of seven miles, we crossed in canoes. This people are more inclined to habits of industry than some other bands; but their position is singularly unfit for agriculture, the whole island being little more than sand and rock. The School-Teacher here goes to Saugeeng, and an Assistant Indian Teacher and Interpreter from Snake-Island takes his place. Solomon James I have engaged for French-River, at the head of the Georgian-Bay, who is to be visited occasionally by the Missionary from Beausoliel. I preached to the community, and met the Chiefs, whom I addressed particularly on the subject of concentrating with other bands on the peninsula: they have still unsurrendered, between Owen's-Sound and Lake-Huron, a distance of eighty miles long, and averaging twenty-five miles wide. As an inducement for them to fall in with my suggestion, I held out the hope of building a Manual-Labour School at the Sound, providing the Rama and SnakeIsland bands would join in the enterprise, move away from their present unsuitable locations, and form one large community.

Having prepared to ascend the waters of the Severn, which connect SturgeonBay with Lake-Simcoe, we were moving early on Friday morning, expecting to reach Rama by Saturday evening at the latest. It is a difficult thing to quicken the steps of an Indian, if he be a little weary, or not fully decided about his course. You have to learn something

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