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acknowledged that they had broken their Covenants and had thereby not onely endamaged Uncas but had brought much charg and trouble upon all the English Colonies which they confest were just they should satisfy.

3. It was agreed betwixt the Comissioners of the United Colonies and the foremenconed Sagamores and Nyantick Deputie That the said Narrohigganset and Nyantick Sagamores should pay or cause to be payd at Boston to the Massachusetts Comissioners the full sum of two thousand

fathome of good white wampum or a third part of good black wampum peage in four payments namely five hundred fathome within twenty dayes, five hundred fathome within foure months, five hundred fathome at or before next planting tyme and five hundred within two years next after the date of these presents which two thousand fathome the Comissioners accept for satisfaccon of former charges expended.

4. The foresaid Sagamores and Deputie on the behalf of the Narrohigganset and Nyantick Indians hereby promise and covenant that they will upon demaund and proofe satisfy and restore unto Uncas the Mohegan Sagamore all such Captives whether men weomen or children and all such Canoues [canoes] as they or any of their men have taken, or as many of their own Canoues in the roome of them full as good as they were with full satisfaccon for all such Corne as they or any of their men have spoiled or destroyed of his or his mens since last planting tyme And the English Comissioners hereby promise that Uncas shall do the like to them.

5. Whereas there are sondry differrences and greevances betwixt Narrohigganset and Nyantick Indians and Uncas and his men (which in Uncas his absence cannot now be determyned) It is hereby agreed that Narrohigganset and Nyantick Sagamores either come themselves or send their deputies to the next meeting of the Comissioners for the

Colonies either at New Haven in September 1646 or sooner (oopon convenyent warneing if the Comissioners do meete sooner) fully instructed to declare and make due proofe of their injuries and to submit to the Judgment of the Comissioners for the United Colonies in giveing or receiveing satisfaccon, and the said Comissioners (not doubting but Uncas will either come himself or send his Deputies in like manner furnished) promise to give a full hearing to both parties with equall justice without any partial respect according to their allegacons [allegations] and promises.

6. The said Narrohigganset and Nyantick Sagamores and deputies do hereby promise and covenant to keepe and maintayne a firm and perpetuall peace both with all the English United Colonies and their Successors and with Uncas the Mohegan Sachim and his men with Ussamequin, Pomham, Sokaknooco, Cutchamakin, Shoanan, Passaconaway, and their companies, who are in friendship with or subject to any of the English hereby engaging themselves that they will not at any tyme hereafter, disturbe the peace of the Countrey, by any assaults, hostile attempts, invasions or other injuries, to any of the United Colonies or their Successors or to the aforesaid Indians either in their persons building cattell or goods directly or indirectly, nor will they confederate with any other against them, and if they know of any Indians or others that conspire or intend hurt either against the said English or any Indian subject to or in friendship with them, they will without delay acquaint and give notice thereof to the English Comissioners or some of them.

And if any questions or differences shall at any time hereafter arise or grow between them, and Uncas or any Indians before menconed, [mentioned] they will according to former engagements (which they hereby confirm and ratify) first acquaint the English and crave their judg

ments and advice therein, and will not attempt or begin any warr or hostile invasion till they have liberty and allowance from the Comissioners of the United Colonies so to doe.

7. The said Narrohigganset and Nyantick Sagamores and Deputie do hereby promise that they will forthwith deliver and restore all such Indian fugitives or captives which have at any time fled from any of the English, and are now liveing or abiding with or amongst them, or give due satisfaccon for them to the Comissioners for the Massachusets, And further that they will (without more delayes) pay or cause to be payd an yearely tribute a month before Indian harvest every yeare after this at Bostone to the English Colonies for all such Peacotts [Pequots] as live amongst them according to the former treatie and agreement made at Hartford 1638 namely one fathome of white wampum for every Peacott man, and half a fathome for eich Peacott youth and one hand length of wampum for eich Peacott man child And if Weekwash Cake refuse to pay this tribute for any Peacotts with him the Narrohigganset Sagamores promise to assist the English against him. And they further covenant that they will resigne and yielde up the whole Peacott countrey and every part of it to the English Colonies, as due to them by Conquest.

8. The said Narrohigganset and Nyantick Sagamores and deputy do hereby promise and covenant that within fourteene dayes they will bring and deliver to the Massachusets Comissioners on behalf of all the Colonies foue [four] of their children vizt. Pissacus his eldest sonn, the sonn of Tassaquanawitt brother to Pissacus Awashanoe his sonn and Ewangesos sonn a Nyantick to be kept (as pledges or hostages) by the English till both the foremenconed two thousand fathome of wampum be payd at the tymes above expressed and the differences betwixt themselves and Uncas be heard and ordered, and till these articles of agreement

be underwritten at Boston by Jannemo and Wypetock. And further they hereby promise and covenant that if at any tyme hereafter any of the said Children shall make escape or be conveyed away from the English before the premisses be fully accomplished, they will either bring back and deliver to the Massachusets Comissioners the same children, or if they be not to be found, such and so many other children to be chosen by the Comissioners for the United Colonies or their assignes, and that within twenty dayes after demaund, and in the mean tyme until the said foure children be delivered as hostages the Narrohigganset and Nyantick Sagamores and Deputie do freely and of their owne accord leave with the Massachusets Comissioners as pledges for present securitie foure Indians namely Wito wash Pomamse Jawassoe Waugwamino, who also freely consent and offer themselves to stay as pledges, till the said Children be brought and delivered as abovesaid.

9. The Comissioners for the United Colonies do hereby promise and agree That at the charg of the United Colonies the foure Indians now left as pledges shalbe provided for, and that the foure children to be brought and delivered as hostages, shalbe kept and mayntained at the same charg, that they will require Uncas and his men with all the other Indian Sagamores beforenamed to forbeare all acts of hostility against the Narrohigganset and Nyantick Indians for the future. And further all the premisses being duly observed and kept by the Narrohigganset and Nyantick Indians and their company; they will at the end of two years restore the said children delivered as hostages and retayne a firme peace with the Narrohigganset and Nyantick Indians and their Successors.

10. It is fully agreed by and betwixt the said parties that if any hostile attempt be made while this treaty is in hand or before notice of this agreement (to stay former

preparacons and Direcons) can be given, such attempts and the consequents thereof shall on neither part be accounted a vyolacon [violation] of this treaty nor a breach of the peace here made and concluded.

11. The Narrohigganset and Nyantick Sagamores and Deputie hereby agree and covenant to and with the Comissioners of the United Colonies that henceforward they will neither give graunt sell nor in any manner alienate any part of their Countrey, nor any parcell of land therein either to any of the English or others without consent or allowance of the said Comissioners.

12. Lastly they promise that if any Peacott or other be found and discovered amongst them who hath in tyme of peace murthered any of the English, he or they shalbe delivered to just punishment. In witnes whereof the parties abovenamed have interchaungably subscribed these presents the day and yeare above written.

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The marke of - Aumsaaquen the Nyantick Deputy

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