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Now ceased the poor clown,
And remain'd lying down,

And was idly preparing to doze,
When an acorn behind

Was blown off by the wind,

And down it fell, plump on his nose.

That his notions were wrong,
The proof was so strong,

That it startled the ignorant bumpkin;
And, rubbing the part,

He cried, "Bless my heart!

How lucky this was not a pumpkin."

From "Old Friends in a New Dress," or

"Select Fables from Æsop, in verse.”


(See page 246, Vol. III.)

IN what year did Henry the Fifth begin to reign? *.


What sort of company had this prince delighted

Did he encourage such people after he became king?

How did he treat them?

Can you relate the anecdote of Sir William Gascoyne; and do you remember how the king behaved to this upright judge?

What was the established religion in England at the time we are speaking of?

Was there any disposition, at that time, shewn to get rid of the Roman Catholic religion?

What nobleman endeavoured to bring about a reformation?

How was he treated?

Were those who opposed the Roman Catholic religion generally ill-treated?

* 1413.

Teething of Children.


By what means did the king try to put a stop to these religious disputes and persecutions?

Of what country did he declare that he was the rightful king?

Did he carry on war against the French in their own country?

Was he successful at first?

What great battle did he fight?

Who conquered?

What agreement was entered into, on peace being made between England and France?

Where did King Henry then keep his court?
To what age did he live?

Of what disease did he die?

In what year was this?

What was the king's chief pursuit, and what was his general character?


ALL children suffer more or less during the period of teething. But their sufferings are often increased, and even their lives endangered, by improper ma nagement. During that period they should not be fed with meat of a strong heating quality; neither should they be allowed to drink beer, wine, or spirits. For want of attention to these rules, many children die whilst cutting their teeth. The best general direction that can be given on behalf of teething children, is, that particular attention be paid to their general health; that they be properly managed in point of air, exercise, cleanliness, and food; that the bowels be kept regularly open, and that nothing of a heating or irritating nature be given them. Lancing the gums is often of very great service. It is a very short operation, and often gives instant relief.-Cottage Comforts.


PREPARE such pieces of ground as are vacant, either for seeds or for plants, for autumn or winter use.

Get ready, in particular, some good ground, to plant out a principal crop of savoys and winter cabbages, and brocoli. Let an open spot of ground be chosen for these plants, and let it be properly dug; then put in the plants. Let the rows be two feet asunder: the very large sort of cabbages may require still more room. Let them be watered as soon as planted, and at other times if the weather be dry. If showery weather happen at this time, be careful to take the opportunity of a moist state of the ground to plant the principal crops, which will be an advantage to the plants, and save much trouble in watering.

Now sow also some brocoli seed, to come in for a late spring crop. This is to be the last sowing, and should be done some time before the tenth of the month. The seed should be sown in a bed of rich mellow earth; and in dry weather should be now and then moderately watered. The plants raised from this sowing will be ready to be planted out for good in the middle and towards the end of August, and beginning of September, and will produce small heads in April, and in the beginning of May.

Kidney beans may still be planted early in this month, either of the scarlet-runners or dwarf kind. If the ground be dry, let the drills be watered, or let the beans be soaked in water for five or six hours. If you wish to have celery, now is the time for preparing trenches, and putting in the plants. Those who had done this last month, should now draw a little of the earth round the plants; this should be done neatly, and repeated about once a week. Now sow winter spinach. Take up your onions for drying, when they are full bulbed, and when the leaves have con

On the Works of Creation.


siderably decayed; the next month may, however, be probably early enough. They must be well cleaned, and kept in a dry room; they will want watching, and sometimes turning, and the decayed ones must be picked out. Herbs, when at full growth, should be cut for drying, to serve for winter use. Look well to such plants and trees as want watering. Clear away the dried stalks and leaves. of such plants as have done bearing, that the ground may look neat, and be ready for other crops.



WHO can look at the works of creation for a moment without seeing the hand of God in them? And the more we examine them, the more wonders we behold in them. No man of common understanding can, for a moment, believe that all these things could be continued and made without a Contriver and a Maker. King David declared truly that it was only the fool who said in his heart that there was no God; and, as an excellent divine* observes," he is represented as only having said this in his heart, not daring to utter with his lips so foolish a sentiment." On examining the works of creation we find that they contain the strongest proofs of the benevolence and kindness of their Maker, as well as of his wisdom and greatness. It signifies not which of these works we look at, whether great or small; in all there is the same wonderful care and contrivance, the same exertion of goodness and power. It signifies not whether we look at the planets rolling in their orbs, or at the smallest insect crawling at our feet. When we would judge of the power of a man's genius, we look at some curious pieces of

Bishop Horne. `

mechanism where this power is displayed; but, in the works of the great Creator, it matters not which we look at, every individual thing contains, in itself, a proof of the mighty hand that formed it. Some animals, indeed, appear perhaps to be formed (if we may so speak) with less contrivance and care than others; but, if we examine these carefully, we shall find that they are formed with the most wise and kind consideration of their different wants and habits.

We have, occasionally, quoted parts of Paley's Natural Theology, where the truth of this assertion is, in so many different cases, proved. The nature of the works of God is a beautiful study, and must at once remove from the mind of a thinking person every doubt of the existence of an allwise and all-powerful and all-good Being, who made all things, and who still governs the things which he made. But this study will do but little for us, if it teach us only to acknowledge that there is a God. It should teach us to love Him, to serve Him, to obey Him. Besides, can we suppose that such power and goodness should be exerted in forming and guarding the smallest animal that exists, and that the mind of man, the soul, the thinking part, should be passed over by the great Creator. Surely we cannot believe that this would be neglected. We must suppose that some communication would be made, some intelligence given to man, whereby he might become acquainted with the true end and purpose for which he was created, why he was made superior to other animals, why the gift of reason was bestowed upon him, what was the object of that reason, to what it is to be directed, and what it is to look forward to, and to aim at. It is natural to believe that some intelligence would be given on this subject, we feel that we want it: and God hath given this. His message to mankind is written in the holy Scriptures, and it is given for

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